I don't know what we're calling the memes like pic related. MSPAINTs? Paint-texts? Badly drawn rebuttals?
All I know is that they make shitlibs 2000% mad and I love them.
Working on my collection; please post them if you've got them.
I don't know what we're calling the memes like pic related. MSPAINTs? Paint-texts? Badly drawn rebuttals?
All I know is that they make shitlibs 2000% mad and I love them.
Working on my collection; please post them if you've got them.
Other urls found in this thread:
They're called smudgies or something like that. I used to have the link to an Imgur page with them. Does anyone have it?
You're close, it's Smuggies.
Thank you friend, much appreciated.
keep em coming though
I love the third pic.
This is where they originated from
I do believe they're called Sophisticated Political Opinions
gamergoy in a nutshell
No it isn't, retard.
lol sure thing chum
I think he means Sargon.
Here's some freshly made OC, just for you. Thank you for being such a fine inspiration.
i gave it the old college try
I don't know what they are called, but they are quick to make which helps to
Ghoul makes them
The internet needs more of these.
Those weren't made by him though, it's from a facebook page that posts OC
I just call them Ghoul's memes.
Requesting one to be made with the following dialogue.
sorry user
anti-weeb is a codeword for anti-white
False equivalency. Not an argument.
Keep telling yourself that, degenerate.
JIDF please
That show is such a stupid cocktease
Reported for shitposting.
*second one is OC
I fucking love these. I posted one as a rebuttal on kikebook and five "friends" un-friended me.
Feels_comfy_as_fuck (4).png
The great part about MS paint fashy memes is you don't need to request shit. It doesn't have to look good. Just fucking draw a shitty face in MS paint and slap some text.
Kill urself or generate OC
Anyone with a kikebook account please visit the link below for more.
That image is fake though
Stop dumping merchant.
they're resized to look better on board
being able to laugh at yourself is a valuable thing user
And that's the beauty of this meme - minimal drawing skills required, the message just needs to strike a direct blow into the shell of your opponent. It's more effective than trying to co-opt any of the existing cancerous "humorous" macros that circulate nowadays, though don't get me wrong, it can certainly provide a boost.
this is not mspaint
Tip top kek. Thanks for the nice memes.
control your erections
I love these things
this is so shitty it's funny
I actually go out of my way to make mine look shitty, this on the other hand is naturally shitty.
OC made with phone.
Kek, thanks.
I liked that so much that I fixed it for you.
Thanks. I wanted to have more elaborated text, but it's hard to write on touchscreen .
OC don't steal!
I could of swore that someone made one of these about Common Filth for some reason.
Does anyone here have it?
Fixed typo.
The killer was strong and black Muslim from subsaharan Territory ?
It's still your fault, check your privilege and my checkmate.
I made this for Common Filth relating to a shitty Twitter hashtag.
Requesting one that says:
"Be who you are ^_^
unless "' you are' is a racist bigot of course haha"
or something like that
"Strawman MS paint comics", they were pretty common on Holla Forums 7 or 8 years ago.
unless "who you are"*
It isn't nothing.
lol, reported for intl.
That guy on the right even flinch. What a badass.
the dragon is saying "we know and we don't care, all his other policies override Jew cucking (they have to pay btw)"
He didn't flinch*
The dragon is actually saying, "I'm so spineless and easily manipulated that I'll go back on everything I've ever believed because somebody famous is (kind of) saying things that I (kind of) used to say. Also I've projected all my hopes onto him and when you point out Trump's love of Jews it makes my feelings hurt, so please stop."
Nope we know what controlled opposition is, and we know who the real opposition is, i.e. jews. For example, you wouldn't classify as controlled opposition seeing as how you're a jew.
Ghoul from TRS has a facebook page called Counter-Signal Memes for Fashy Goys. A lot of these look like they're from there.
He's talking less about Israel than the opposition. The fact that the opposition is comprised entirely of lifelong politicians notwithstanding, I'll take the guy from outside politics over the current crop of assholes.
Reminder that Unser FĂĽhrer was a student, a manual laborer, a painter, a soldier who earned a pair of Iron Crosses, mind you, and then a politician, having solidified his views on matters before getting involved in the affairs of other men.
Where’s the “shit sandwich” image that explains voting for Trump? I want something that I can post that takes zero effort to blow the kikes the fuck out.
Never mind that it in terms of actual policy, Trump is the only choice. Assuming The Wall and deportation of 30,000,000, that undoes the damage liberals have done to voting policies. With their puppets out of the way, they can’t be elected and the nation naturally flows back right. As it flows back right, so does the Overton window. Even if it’s not possible to elect someone who doesn’t fellate kikes now, once the liberals are stripped of their power they won’t be able to stop the people who do speak out against them.
Reminder that the deportations = war with Mexico. There will be no stopping it. They will have to attack us and we will blow them the fuck out yet again. WE MUST BEGIN, NOW, TO SPREAD THE IDEA THAT TAKING LAND IN WAR IS NOT A BAD THING. We must have public support of the annexation of new lands by the time the war is over.
Yes, you’ve been outed as an intl shill. We know. You don’t need to keep telling us.
For those saying trump is unfit because of Jewish connections, look at Hitler. Probably did more for Zionism than any man in history. Was shipping yids to British mandate Palestine by the boatload. Was going to send the rest to Madagascar. If he was rising now I'm sure people here would bitch that he has Jewish connections
Wonderful, thanks.
This is the only non-shit image to come out of the sadfrog meme.
My opinion is that your opinion is 2/10
For instance, this is a very rare pepe - probably my favorite (don't steal it).
I aim to please>>6302718
how is Brexit going speaking of
fuck my ass old shit still in the box
Perhaps not directly Holla Forums but still somewhat relevant straight out of the oven.
Guaranteed replies
We can only hope.
I can't believe I just watched that. That unintelligible garbage accent makes me want to shoot someone.
I can't draw for shit but have some oc hot out of the microwave.
Looks fine to me.
Love those smuggies and tried my hand at some. Keep the OC flowing.
9/10 actually a good artist
These are good m80.
Can't unsee
neic mem
Get the fuck out of here.
wew lad
So I had a go, thoughts?
Some of these are too topical, thus dated but some are pretty good
bretty gud
When was that removed?
Anyway, here's my go at it.
Yeah but the horse shoe theory is 100% spot on.
so is this meme just strawman and ad hominem? doesn't really support anything you say.
Check'd but no. Strawman is where you misconstrue another's argument and then attack the bastardization. This only points out cognitive dissonance within libtards.
For this one I used a bit more sophisticated software for tracing over a pre-existing drawing and anti-aliasing
I practically know everything there is to know about that damned fucking show due to slowly osmosizing tiny details from various sources, to the extent that I know all of the main and recurring cast's names including the apparent villains (one actually tried using parasprite as an insult IRL lol), the plots and "memorable moments" of several episodes (nothing says love and tolerance more than breaking a bear's neck), all the way down to several song lyrics. All because y'all (yes, you) couldn't shut the fuck up about it on here, other boards, and other sites such as YT.
So this right here is dedicated to you.
The first reaction is to write out responses to these pictures. Then… you sort of feel bad. It feels like picking on a retard. Marxist indoctrination truly is the greatest barrier between man and humor ever invented.
The saddest thing isn't even how they don't hit their mark even once, or manage to rustle the slightest micro-jimmy. It's how they even manage to make themselves look bad in the process.
wew lad
does he even know how the board got that name?
If the Irish weren't around, we wouldn't have to put up with their Marxist indoctrination.
The Hibernian conspiracy was never, and will never be funny.
It lost all humorous value years ago.
I made some memes here, I didn't know how much effort to actually put into the drawings so they're inconsistent.
This is a real dumb meme that's a degree off of strawmanning and I'm happy to contribute.
It's not supposed to be funny, because it's true, you retarded cuck.
This is a meme that Holla Forums and Holla Forums picked up off of old Holla Forums.
I remember.
Around the micks, beware of tricks?
Nah, the Irish are ok by me.
Reported for not even trying. Fuck the worthless sack of shit mods for not banning your entire IP range.
Hibernian shills detected.
That's what they want you to believe. The Irish pull the strings of the Jews and scapegoat them so that blame for their actions won't be reflected back on themselves. They've been doing that to attack western, anglo-European values for centuries.
aimed at btw
That last one is a legitimate comeback.
r8 8/8 m8
Get the fuck out of here Holla Forums
You're probably a big fan of those pedophile gook toons I was talking about.
Here's Common Cuck
pbrush is heartbreaking
why you do this Holla Forums, why?
they seem to be posting it in all threads now. They out themselves too early and too easily. Always overplaying the hand. Must be kikes.
I love the show. I don't really hang around the fandom anymore though, cause I couldn't stand the sexualization of the characters, but I'm not sure why Holla Forums feels the need to speak negatively about it every so often. I mean, I guess they're not fans, but it's also almost never relevant to the discussion. I don't see it mentioned around here except for someone complaining about it.
Some parts of the fandom are pretty great.
A lot of it is fucking awful garbage that makes me ashamed to even be a human let alone watch the show.
OC fresh from Holla Forums, where multiple people are telling me trannies should be excepted because otherwise that would be the exact same censorship we left cuckchan over
Ya, that sort of sums it up. Although, I don't feel ashamed to watch the show just cause some degenerates also do. It'd be like being ashamed of coming to Holla Forums cause JIDF also does.
I hold the opinion that a lot of them aren't fans. They're simply exploiting the popularity of it, for various reasons. Sometimes just to make themselves more popular. These people are a cancer that ruins every fandom that gains any kind of popularity, unless that fandom can effectively keep them out, and there's usually not such a mechanism in place.
Watching the degradation of the MLP fandom made me realize that fandoms and places in general need a mechanism in place to keep people out, if they want to maintain whatever makes them decent. So, exclusivity. Communities and groups of people of any sort need some kind of exclusivity.
Holla Forums is getting raided by Holla Forums atm
it always amazes me how more people don't question why it is trans issues became a thing in the mainstream at the exact same moment the gay marriage issue was settled
Something for the Skyrim goys
I don't think so. We can point our fingers towards the Holla Forums and /leftpol/ shit all we like, but those boards are both dead as fuck. While they might have raided before or do it on a small scale still, the truth is I've been seeing this type of shit all over Holla Forums for months now
A complete embrace of faggots, trannies, druggies, general degenerates, and constant counter-signaling against Holla Forums. I think the autists over there have just gotten themselves so entrapped in their video game bubble that they've turned into lefties by sheer force of will. Show even a single sign of caring about an actual topic and you'll get 15 guys yelling that its not video games
same reason no one remembers that NAMBLA was a player in gay movement and had its own spot at pride parades. It gets obfuscated by the media and people get told that they're so oppressed that eventually even noticing a pattern is heresy and you need to be lynched for hate speech
I hope nobody posted this one yet. It's my favorite.
Hang yourself retard
tippity top kek
I'm 50% Irish, where can I get my HOG bucks
You know we're making some progress when the left starts to copy us.
Oh my god lmao
Why do you have animosity towards CF? You laugh at niggers for being niggers, but you hate it when people point out that some white people act like niggers as well.
Instead of being angry at those white people for destroying your culture, you're angered at the person who pointed it out. How does that make any sense?
Because he ONLY calls out white people. Not only that but he also tries to paint these fringe idiots as the norm, the average white person. Fuck him and anybody who likes him.
anyone have a copy of the trudeau one for reference?
That third pic is perfection itself. So simple and powerful.
Fictional media attracts and creates idealistic people who are unable to think from a pragmatic perspective.
Nah, he criticized other minorities like Jews and Indians in the past.
Besides, those people are the norm though. That's why a large amount of them (especially the younger generation) are left-wing. Look at these and count how many whites are there in comparison to minorities:
If you still aren't convinced, talk to a white university student about their perspective of gay rights.
That's definitely Bill Cosby lmao
also my captcha called you a nigger
Muh Fecal Matter, Piss and Cum - Jews
Ok fine, I'll find it later. For now sleep and a WIP
Spot the paraphrased Rabbi quote
But I swear to fucking god the next motherfucker that uses that video of a rest stop or whereever the fuck it is to justify their "muh wrong jenerayshun" grandiose delusions I'ma fucking scream
we may be hypocrites.
kek has willed an image duplicatation
.giffed it instead
I think these shitaly drawn comics may actually be a revolution in memetic warfare. They present retarded yet common opinions espoused by people with equally retarded cartoons.
He refers to genetics as "magic blood" and is all around a basic-bitch conservative.
Hang you're self
noice. It's the little details that matter IMO. (I'm a fucking sperg)
Use GIMP. It isn't cheating, and you'll not be tearing your hair out when making a simple image.
potential meme material for anyone that wants to use it
Feel free to change the words or add for example "(((they)))"
Because he's not funny. At all. And not informative, either.
His commentary is all basically, "ugh, me disapprove."
so much triggering ahead of me
Sure to rustle some russiaboo jimmies.
I thickened your line work and decided we needed one based on recent events.
Caption the second one.
Topic: Equality. Skin is just a color!
Get out.
Board specific option. It sucks anyway, no way to zoom in for better details and text wrapping is all retarded.
Say you have a line that is this long
and a line that is longer than that line that is this long
The "n" in the second "line" in the second line is the last letter of the line that will appear, all else will be removed. All because shitwheels is a terrible programmer.
Suicide yourself.
This is for you.
Are you actually retarded? She's gassing him because his fur is too dark.
Holla Forums have been more active on the board recently so Holla Forums joining in is to be expected
I love that second one so much and I haven't been able to find it. Thank you, user
Never post that again.
Christ dude :/
Never post that one again as well.
It's fapworthy material.
Well that's the most degenerate thing I've seen in a while
You do not want to test me. I'm tempted to post some more.
le epic spork of d0om~
fresh oc straight from the oven
Kill yourself.
Fuck, it cut off "stop" at the beginning of my caption.
Eh fuggit, someone else can think of a good one I suck at these.
I'unno if Ghoul reads these threads but these memes are by far some of the best argument winners I've ever seen on the internet, well done with them
It's dirty and underhanded strawmanning but it -works- and sends your opponent into a tizzy tantrum they can't get out of
k better caption
Come on, It's [current year]
That made me sad
Trying too hard.
This thread is goddamn amazing. Well done people. Time to save the entire thing for future generations.
I like his stuff, our race is generally better so we should come down hard on those who are degenerate within our own race, but he offers no solutions. Its just disgust reaction porn.
Actually, you could flip the words "western politician" and "Putin" and it'd be the same. Trying to convince anyone that a politician sucks up to Jews using anything but implemented/nonimplemented policies is a shill tactic.
l o l
8/10 well done
I lel'd
why is oekaki gone
The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via pastebin.com
Fuck you for advocating range bans for residentials.
You're upsetting people because you could do this with any race, just like you can with jews. jej/10
Some of these are golden but most of them are shit. Here is an example of a good one even though it is not really political. It's short, funny and not drawn too shitty. I know they are supposed to look kind of shitty and that's part of the appeal but the ones with the tons of text and extra shitty drawings are garbage. The ones that are just strawmans suck too.
false equivalence. Right-wing themes and concepts are common in anime. People who think that cartoons are only for children are idiots.
Most of the good ones come from the facebook page Counter Signalling Memes For Fashy Goys. The page is admin'd by Ghoul from TRS. I like to post them on Yik Yak to trigger college shitlibs.
This one doesn't come up much but I fucking loathe when it does.
Interestingly, this has been coming up with all the recent "we wuz germans" Battlefield 1 nonsense. Look at any conversation about it, as soon as somebody points out that it was a European war, and that any coloured units were segregated, people immediately start with this "hahaha it doesn't matter anyway it's just a game why are you so mad about it??"
a lot of those pics are actually fucking cringey
this one is gold
Maybe because it's a show for fucking children? Degenerates don't also happen to watch the show, watching it is degenerate. Get some real culture and take up a rewarding hobby, fucking autist.
These things are supposed to parody, while still maintaining the logic of, arguments that people make, and the type of people who make them. That was not making an argument, but parodying an argument that people make. You can't start questioning the logic behind the arguments, cause the logic isn't supposed to be accurate anyway.
I already have other hobbies. I do speedrunning. I'm one of those people that do routing and glitchfinding for games, and I also hold WR's, cause I'm really good at all of that junk. I like doing it. I'm not even autistic.
Explain how the show is degenerate. Also, explain how watching it is degenerate. And, since you're going to say the other hobby I mentioned is also degenerate, explain how.
That is a female
I thought I would never see that again. How can anyone think these people are fucking normal?
this is perfect
Reported. Kill yourself.
Pick one faggot. >>>/a/
Jesus christ, how many more checkboxes can you mark off
Pic related, buddy.
Grabbed a few I haven't seen here from KYM
(And yes, they've made a few unironic shit ones that I had to filter through to find this rare gold)
Last one
MSPaint Cenk Uygar I quickly drew up. Haven't had time to put any words on it yet.
Neither does Holla Forums, or any of the other fucking e-celebs that Holla Forums raves about. What's your point?
Does anyone have the one where it's the dude praying and saying pleasebeawhitemale over and over again?
well he's a dirty shitskin mudslime who denies the armenian genocide
that should give you some ideas
I tried
fighting fire with fire and failing miserably
Just got through reading the previous thread on why leftists can into memes and humor.
Why is Holla Forums always right?
I hope you didn't spend time on these.
These aren't terrible as propaganda but there are a few problems. The second set is better where you use multiple amateur art styles, the earlier sets your hipster art abilities bleed through and paints you as a fag. The most effective comic is the 1st one in the second set. The jew in the media comics are blunders.
Lefties really are horrible at memeing.
Please link to that thread. I don't see it in the list.
I think you're on the wrong board, buddy.
Americans are shit at banter, but probably the best at memeing. It's as if they've forgotten how to communicate with eachother in any form other than meme.
I worry about the toll the meme war will take on those nimble navigator meme warriors between now and November. Will Trump rehabilitate them and reintegrate them into society? Will the meme batallion be given preferential job placement on the deportation squads?
I hope so. Keep it up Americans.
Note how angry the leftist will make the face in these memes. Part of the humour is showing how smug your opponent is. Leftists can't even play the ball in their memes, they still smear the player by making him some unfunny even more angry caricature of themselves.
first one is good
i don't know what kind of tropes the 2nd one is making fun of.
third one is way too laboured, not specific enough
fourth one refers to phrenology, which i've only seen talked about once here
Here's some OC Drawing stuff, Holla Forums, for your entertainment.
Do with it what you will.
Looks like he got caught masturbating?
Thread related.
Every leftist who tries to insult me these days has fails miserably and has only ends up getting their jimmies rustled in the process.
The only humor they have is ironic pseudo-intellectual humor, and claiming intellectual superiority because they read Stirner and Das Kapital Both are absolute garbage
All of them I've met IRL are either incredibly over or underweight and completely out of shape. They try to be funny with their pack of hyena "friends" who feed off each other's intellectual insecurity, but fail miserably. Every one of these people I've met seems absolutely miserable, and thus attempt to be some kind of pseudo-intellectual to hide the pain.
They know their beliefs are completely irrational and will lead to their own destruction, yet they're too stubborn and pompous to ever admit it.
Long story short, we're used to being the underdogs and can take a hit, and our humor and memes actually have truth behind them, while their beliefs will lead to their destruction.
They will all perish horribly on the day of the rope, while we're having the time of our lives.
Trump will rid our host normies of their malignant social tumors.
Our golden age as a memetic superpower is right around the corner, fellow burgers.
It's whatever you want it to be, user.
See, this one is legitimately funny. It's simple, and the caption works well with the picture to lampoon the subject of the image.
These and especially
These reek of trying too hard. They're called smuggies, not ragies.
See now that's quality.
Holla Forums take notes.
Interesting how pro Holla Forums weebs and bronies seem to be. Makes sense as they're really the most let down by the decline of the west.
I grew up on anime rather than what was on TV, rendering me immune to the Jewish mind poison.
Oh look, some faggot actually posted the "unironic shit ones" I was referring to in
You didn't even post the best one
I know, hear me out for one second
Why don't we give the leftist smuggies the Ben Garrison treatment? "Fix" them, so to speak. Correct the communism-induced censorship. If they get done, make sure they're well distributed too, spam 'em on cuckchan if you must. Just to ensure some clueless fag uploads them to KYM and the original artist gets triggered as a result. Even better if you cut out the middleman and upload them yourself, but that sort of takes the fun out of it.
Notice how the second one basically boils down to: "You weren't "educated" on the topic so you can never be right on it."
Anime tends to immunize people on yid cancer, shows what could have been if the lessers were wiped out or at least forcefully kept on a small reserve.
This could be accomplished with fewer panels
Nice, you've almost got it. Just try putting a bit less effort in next time.
White guilt kike
What did the 7 year old do to make them hang him?
Are you fucking retarded, or did you only start listening?
He's spent like a good first 40-50 episodes talking about normally shit that we talk about in terms of nigs nigging, jews jewing, and shitskins being shitskins, he also would reply to mixed race listeners encouraging them not to race mix, mainly due to a lack of identity the child would have.
You can only talk about niggers so fucking much before it becomes like beating a dead horse.
Nothing he says about white people is invalid, and people who put race before spiritual health are fucking morons who would just end up putting their children's children into the same fucked up situation that we're in now.
an empire swallowed up by hedonism and toxic goods brought by the jew.
All you have to do is stop buying.
Not exactly what you guys are posting but I rediscovered a batshit joke deviantart account I made during a particularly low point in my life, thought you guys might be interested.
Uploaded a new pic I made to see if anyone would bite the bait this time, not successful yet though.
these are from Counter signal memes for fashy goys (ghoul from The Daily Shoah)
these aren't a Holla Forums invention (although I've seen some good ones posted here)
fuck you I invented like six or so
they're posted on a facebook group here facebook.com
Non penetrative sign sex
These are surely the last days.
Reported for intl.
I have a different religious belief. I must be a shill.
Again, reported.
virus-infested jew images
reported for being a general faggot.
You know how Holla Forums feels about furries…
Just heard they were flipping cars
Couldn't contain the laughter with this paint.
It's fine, she's not sexualized.
We use the ponies for our narratives, just like we use the memes. Friendship is magic. Friend-kek is maga.
Yeah. Ignore Rothschilds, Rockefeller, and GoldX Goy!
lmfao butthurt .png someone made because they were getting BTFO on Holla Forums.
lefty/pol/ memes are shit
-Japan was Imperialist
-Germany was National Socialist
-Spain was "Reactionary" (certainly not fascist)
Italy is the only fascist country there and between 1922 and 1940 the country was largely modernized. The entire purpose of Italian fascism was to industrialize the peninsular through national solidarity. It succeeded and, the allied offered an alliance with Mussolini before the war broke out.
There is a really simple explanation why cartoons are for children and it's the same reason cartoons are for autists.
Cartoons are attractive to children and autists, because nobody actually ACTS in a cartoon, there is almost no emotion, facial and body language and other subtle elements.
It's mostly like watching a puppet-show, another medium which is mostly for children.
In fact, cartoons in the West that appeal to adults are usually one of three things.
1. Comedic and clever, like The Simpsons.
2. A mix of action with drama, like Batman: The Animated series.
3. Family films with enjoyable songs and/or perhaps some dramatic elements, like Rats of NIHM.
Outside of that, anything more complex or deeper, usually get expressed in the form of a Life-Action Series, because Western culture inherently values both realism and psychological insight into the character, which is almost inpossible to achieve with a cartoon, which doesn't actually have people ACT.
You pulled so much shit out of your ass I can smell it through the internet.
You know, there is an image somewhere in this thread meant for you.
This is the type of cancer I expect to see on 4pol.
In fact I do see it there, every day.
Fuck you all.
This thread is great, but we have a golden opportunity RIGHT NOW to redpill a bunch of people on rapefugees!
Google just made a #worldrefugeeday video. Threads related here
#worldrefugeeday is also trending on twatter
Take advantage of this great opportunity.
couldn't even read the whole thing.
absolutely fucking degenerate