What are Holla Forumstards political alignment? Want to find out? Take my /poll/:
not data mining you I'm just curious
What are Holla Forumstards political alignment? Want to find out? Take my /poll/:
not data mining you I'm just curious
Done. Bumpin.
Revisionists. You're all revisionists.
when we first did one of these in 2014 most of b/ was pretty libertarian left/centeralist
Over time I drift around the "libertarian left" side. And for all the love of Hitler so have most other people on chans
Another huge fucking surprise sweeps everyone off their feet.
no need to be salty faggot
Lurk more kiddo, you're overusing and misusing words again.
Datamining Threads.
Best Threads.
Yeah, sure thing kiddo.
Shit man, you seem real angry, like completely furious. What's got you so absolutely posterior pulverized? There's no need to be positively poopdeck devastated, why so triggered? U mad bro? Take a chill pill famalam. Not my fault you can't handle the bantz.
Then why do it? I like to swear, doesn't mean I'm mad. There is no need for anyone here to be upset.
I hate the term "classical liberal". Just use "liberal", or "actual liberal," if you have to differentiate from those asshole progressives.
"Classical liberal" here, btw.
Heh, that's such a classic liberal thing to say.
God dammit OP you didn't make a left-libertarian option now the Bernouts are probably mixed in with the libertarians
Libertarianism is anarchy, op. The natural result of the former is Anarcho-capitalism
both of these charts are the most retarded things I have ever seen
Jim, please you back to fucking your ladyboys while eating icecream.
remember, the best way to respond to datamining threads is to give brutally wrong information
I have ended up intp or intj everytime. Hardcore rightwing ancap. So pretty close there.
I always thought the mbti was shit tho
not related
Jim is truly a hero.