Pro-gun arguments

In light of the recent shooting leftists have stormed twitter demanding for all guns to be banned

ITT post arguments, infographics, videos, and stats combating their rhetoric.

How would you argue with the moron in pic related?

Other urls found in this thread:

"shall not be infringed"

end of discussion, come and take it.

It's not hard, son't waste time arguing with a potatoe

England here lending a hand.

I don't have much, but I have this…

The 2nd protects you from tyranny.

Once the government disarms then we can talk about disarming the people.

I got one and that's it.

All of this.




"Armed girls don't get raped."

Triggered a purple-haired girl with that one. You could almost hear the gears slipping and grinding in her head as she cycled between "muh guns bad" and "muh women's safety".


I order thee to modify that image and add a racial component to it.

Though it would be like a x per y per z per a comparison at the end which is confusing.

To get the correlation between gun death and brown or black people.

On /k/ I found a webpage with a fuckhueg list of gun control arguments and rebuttals. Maybe someone can post it.

Did it happen in a gun free zone again?


doesnt work, that's common disinfo

guns per capita has the guns produced in the country in it, europeans dont even have a gun ownership rate of 1%, they arent allowed to carry them AT FUCKING ALL

Japan is isolated, guns are relatively difficult to bring in. their culture and general lack of violent crime, and niggers, makes needing guns for self defense a non-issue.
in all honesty japs would do well with legal guns crime wise, I'd worry about their current situation as many people would use them for suicide, but then again those people could use another method too so it wouldn't matter much in the end.

to tl;dr my thoughts on the issue this image fits the bill. also niggers.

also, what recent shooting? I haven't heard anything


Even if they banned gunpowder and knifes and sticks, people could still hit and kick and martial artists would have the advantage.

The fear fears the strong.




In fact, that's how a lot of martial arts originated in the first place. E.g. the development of Okinawan Karate was a consequence of farmers being forbidden of even owning small knives.

The Japanese homicide rate is comparable to the homicide rate for Japanese-Americans. Guns don't kill people, niggers do.

But the majority of mass shootings are cisgendered white males…



its in the constitution which says what our county is.

How am I doing on my arguments?

Right, I forgot about all of those crazy white males.

Mass shootings are rare events. Gangbanging and other thuggery related shootings are a constant daily occurrence.

That's a waste of time. Leftists don't care about facts. Just their feelings. That is their nature and it will never change.

I just ask leftists, are you willing to die to take away my guns? Because I am ready to give you my bullets. Catch. Declare war on Americans and we will declare war on you right back. And we will win.


Say that Japan has a very tight border control for safety purposes, and that their culture values Traditional values and Racial Homogeniety.

He will get triggered even more.


I think I've seen that more people are killed by knives each year than guns too. So try both of these.

yeah but user runs into people in his every day life willing to trade the 2nd amendment for the idea of safety.

People in my state Commexifornia don't even care that the state doesn't have the right to infringe on the 2nd amendment.

The people here are so afraid of crackers and hillbillies that they banned magazines above 10 rounds. Detachable magazines require a tool to reload in an attempt to guarantee that a shooter won't use one to mass kill people.

And then the pajeets did San Bernadino negating the entire argument.

The only thing driving the argument against guns is feels. The people who don't want guns but want to take yours are afraid of you BECAUSE of the 2nd amendment. They're afraid of white people actually doing what the constitution says.

They have to go back.

Pic related. It's legal in california, and sold online for 150 bucks.


If you don't want to watch the video, then I suggest looking at the sources for his graphs:

How dare you! They weren't Pajeets! They were mudshits.



I did OC

No more violence, guns, knives, stones, wood, stuffs don't kill, which kills is our hands.
Support the itinerant unarmation.

Simple. You don't argue with them and you do not feed them precious energy.
I am 34 now going on 35. Throughout my life I have evolved to what I am now and have learned a thing or two.
Useless to argue or discuss with these "progressive cretins". They are like a hamster on a wheel.
Let them ban whatever and endorse whatever degeneracy they wish as long as it is kept in such containment zones like California, Oregon, Washington State, Chicago, New York, etc.
They cannot help how they are at this point.
Only the crushing weight of reality that we see and acknowledge will sport a chance of changing their programming…. resetting the system if you will.
Do they even have a restore point?
Not sure. I am sure we are going to see alot more butthurt when and if Trump recalls all this Marxist shite.
The Military is completely cucked btw.
Got banned from my fake Farce-Berg account for arguing with literal faggots on the VA page because the VA/Military is celebrating LGBTABCXYZ month and giving awards to people just for being fags.
Nevermind actual military service or accomplishments, just being mentally ill garners you a trophy or a gold star sticker.

In short. The pendulum swings left and right.
Been stuck on the left swing for awhile now but… the Right swing is coming :)

Look up statistics about gun ownership and crime/homocide rates. Also look up murder rates in other countries that have stricter gun laws. Russia has strict gun control and 4x the US homocide rate.

Then again I enjoy fucking with their heads and causing "triggers". I OC everyday, big gun on the hip. Trolling them is quite entertaining :)
Blows their minds when someone refuses to follow the herd hive mind and live somewhat free.

There are no arguments, it's a natural right.

Kek, that's pretty good m8.


you can shoot a nigger when you have gun
without it, you can't

Make fun of them for not being American in spirit, for not understanding proportionality, and for behaving like a hysterical woman where such is totally unwarranted.


To understand why Americans including myself have no interest in gun control you must look at our self interest. 50% of all murder victims in the US have a felony conviction and 90% have a violent arrest record. 80% of all murderers are prior felons and 95% have a violent arrest record. Murder in the US is concentrated in urban areas, with 75% of all murders occurring in 1% of the counties, all invariably urban counties with large minority populations, gun control laws, and democratic mayors and city councils.

For a resident of the US living in a rural area or a city of less than 8,000 inhabitants, which is 72% of the entire population, the chances of getting murdered are equal to that of an average Western European living in a rural area. Those designated as white in the US racial classification system have the same murder rate as native born Western Europeans in their respective nations. And those designated non-Hispanic white account for 67% of the population. So for a white voter living in rural America what incentive is there to trade his low comparable murder rate and much lower crime victimization rate for a European system which has a lower murder rate for all but also a total crime victimization rate which is six times higher? It is not in his interest. Americans fundamentally do not care about urban criminals who are killed by other urban criminals.

As for the incidence rate of public mass murders(4+) or multi-victim public murders(2+). Western Europe has the exact same rate of multiple victim public shootings as the US per capita and the same victimization rate as noted here: And the incidence and victimization rate of multiple victim public shootings in the US is decreasing. The European nations in question have extensive gun control that requires stringent licensing for all firearms.

Let's think about this…

Depending on the source cited, there are between 70-80 million (NRA, 2013; tinyurlDOTcom/n9ujjfm) and 106.3 million (Injury Prevention [journal], 2015; tinyurlDOTcom/q8u25zg) firearm owners in the US.

And then consider…

~30,000 firearms-related deaths annually in the US.
2013: 33,636 (Remember this one!)
2012: 33,563
*2011: 32,351
2010: 31,672
2009: 31,347
2008: 31,593
2007: 31,224
2006: 30,896
2005: 30,694
2004: 29,569
2003: 30,136
2002: 30,242
2001: 29,573
2000: 28,663
1999: 28,874

(Center for Injury Prevention and Control - CDC, 2014; tinyurlDOTcom/ouwmayz)
*(US Dept. of Health and Human Services - CDC, 2012; tinyurlDOTcom/oakmtfh)
( Sydney School of Public Health, 2015; tinyurlDOTcom/7wrrqd4)

… and note that, approximately 60% of firearms-related deaths, are suicides…

"61% of gun-related deaths are suicides"
(The National Academies Press, 2013; tinyurlDOTcom/pcgngyk)

"The U.S. Department of Justice reports that approximately 60% of all adult firearm deaths are by suicide"
(Bureau of Justice, 2010; tinyurlDOTcom/ofm5c4n [wiki: tinyurlDOTcom/ouwu9by])

… So, if we look above, we see that in 2013, the year with the greatest firearms-related deaths since 1999, there were 33,636 firearms-related deaths in the US.

For our purposes… Ah, why not?
Let's increase that to 34,000.

And let's account for suicides while we're at it - remember, about 60% of firearms-related deaths are suicides…

34,000 - (34,000 * 0.6) = 13,600

… Giving us a total of 13,600 deaths annually in the US, in this (high-estimate) theoretical paradigm.
Note: Though suicides have been accounted for, accidental deaths (and other values potentially worthy of exclusion) are included.

… So, let's assume, each of those 13,600 people is killed by a different firearm owner - this is obviously not the case given many incidents involve a single person killing several people, and such assumption will inflate our number (potentially considerably), but let's assume such is the case.

If we make such an assumption, that means, of the between 70-80 million and 106.3 million, there were 13,600 people who used their firearm to kill another person.

Note again: This includes accidental deaths, and assumes each death was attributable to a different individual.

In that case…

(13,600 / 70-80,000,000) * 100 = 0.019% to 0.017%

(13,600 / 106,300,000) * 100 = 0.013%

… Granting us a theoretical range of 0.013% to 0.019% of firearms owners who will use their firearm to harm another human being with purposeful intent.

Not 1%.
Not half of 1% (0.5%).
Not one-tenth of 1% (0.1%).
Not half of one-tenth of 1% (0.05%).
Somewhere between one-tenth of one-tenth of 1% (0.01%) and one-fifth of one-tenth of 1% (0.02%).
Elevated relative to actual figures due to our analytical approach, of course.

The point being?
Remember these numbers when someone tries convince you that firearms need to go after some random nutjob goes on a shooting spree.

Because the notion of denying the Constitutional right - the Constitutional duty - of the American citizenry - all 318 million of us - due to the actions of criminals and the mentally deranged?

That's not very American.

… One last thing to consider:

"Black Americans are more than twice as likely to die from gun violence than whites, according to a new study that surveyed more than a decades' worth of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Between 2000 and 2010, the death rate due to firearm-related injuries was more than 18.5 per 100,000 among blacks, but only nine per 100,000 among whites. Hispanics, it was just over seven per 100,000, and for all other races it was just below 3.5 per 100,000…

… As The Washington Post noted last year, African-Americans who are killed by gun violence are significantly more likely to die as a result of a homicide.
Whites are much more likely to use a gun to commit suicide.
A white person is five times as likely to commit suicide with a gun as to be shot with a gun; for each African American who uses a gun to commit suicide, five are killed by other people with guns…

… A Washington Post-ABC News poll from last year found that more than three quarters of African Americans support stronger gun control, compared to fewer than half of whites."

- Washington Post, 2014 (tinyurlDOTcom/p5mk4ja)

Pro. Por. Tion. Al. Ity.

255+1258+144+1038= 2,695

2,695… Out of a population of 318 million.

Holding this up as demonstrable of something of concern is laughable.

> *9: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Alcohol and public health: Alcohol-related disease impact (ARDI). Available at:


You can shoot a leftist with a gun. That should be all the reason you need.






Top notch propaganda.

Dank you very much.

correlations and shieet. wont let me imbed so here the links:

I need it to kill the crooks in control of my country.

Argument enough.

Sorry posted same pic twice. first and last are the same.

And forgot another important thing to mention. First pic is homicide vs gun ownership and each point represents one US state. 2nd pic is the same for different countries. And 3rd is homicide rate in england.

guns are illegal in germany. where are those stats from? this is clearly bullshit.

That fourth one is brilliant.

No, you just need to jump 1000 hoops and be good goyim to get privilege of owning them.

Yeah the same way they stop the rest of the crimes: actually punish their criminals and not letting in blacks and other assorted brown scum in massive numbers nor treating them like they're more than equals with affirmative action and social justice.

In the US's marxist state, banning weapons would lead to the state of violence the UK has rather than what Japan has.

Except the Yakuza. Japan is hardcore traditionalist and being disarmed peasants is part of that tradition.

You should have ignored his claim of less shootings because A) it isn't true, and B) it deflects the issue when the real point is deaths/homicides. Don't let liberals lead you into their word traps where they can declare they're right. Always keep sight of the true issue. If they really care about the death rate there are more dangerous things than guns. If they care about the homicide rate it's easy to prove that it is not correlated with guns and that banning them will therefore do nothing. Throw in increased crime (like home invasions) when guns are banned as well. If you want to be really ballsy mention how crime is most strongly correlated with race, and how income and guns have basically nothing to do with it.

Ignore their word games about "purpose." It's a red herring designed to draw you in. It doesn't fucking matter that my knife was designed for cutting meat when I stab you. It doesn't matter that my car was designed for transport when I repeatedly run you over until you're nothing but a smear in the tarmac. Flatly tell him that a tool's "purpose" is irrelevant to its effect, and that it has literally no bearing upon the conversation. If he objects ask him if he would ban something that "caused" more deaths than guns even if it wasn't "designed for killing." If he says he wouldn't then ask him why he cares more about banning guns than protecting people; perhaps he's just a heartless control-freak looking to get rid of things that scare him instead of an honest, concerned citizen? If he says he would ask him how far this banning should go; should we ban swimming pools because of all the child death they cause? Anything electrical because of all the fires they start? Perhaps everyone should be wrapped in bubblewrap? I doubt he'll be able to provide a reason to logically stop at guns, and even then he'll have giving in to banning everything more dangerous than guns (cars, pools, etc.), making him a nutter already. At that point you can frankly tell him you don't care to live in a world of safety features and that you like your cars, your pools, and your guns.

You did good with his assertion of "there are other ways." Yeah, but what reason is there to go for a less effective method?

Guns are quite legal in most of Europe its just you need to basically suck 10000 dicks to even hold a rifle

How would you argue with the moron in pic related?
You don't, it is a complete and utter waste of time. Idiots like him are unsaveable.
But fyi pdf on final data (beneath gun deaths).
Basically, 32000 deaths in 2013 related to guns, 20000 of which were suicides.
America has a population of 340 million.

Hey speak for yourself fag. Wa's got some of the best fun laws in the nation.

for now. I want SF fags to go and stay go. Goddamn retards shitting Seattle up.

#not all gun owners

meme it

I've seen Ar15s for sale in Germany with pozzed feature and 10 round mags

not sure how to acquire one though.

Obama never misses an opportunity to talk about "common sense" gun control after a shooting. No one in the media has the balls to call him out on the Justice departments program 'Fast and furious' a program the Obama administration has obstructed investigations into.

Fast and furious:

"Fast and Furious was a Justice Department program that allowed assault weapons — including .50-caliber rifles powerful enough to take down a helicopter — to be sold to Mexican drug cartels allegedly as a way to track them. But internal documents later revealed the real goal was to gin up a crisis requiring a crackdown on guns in America. Fast and Furious was merely a pretext for imposing stricter gun laws."

Why would the Obama administration obstruct an investigation into a Justice Department program that armed known criminals who murdered a us boarder patrol agent?

Obama recently said at a town hall meeting that part of the problem with current gun laws is they cannot stop Americans who visit jihadist websites (potential terrorists) from buying firearms.

"Soofi had fudged some facts on the federal form he was required to fill out when he bought the gun, but his sale was still put on hold and then mysteriously lifted."

Given Obama's stated concern about terrorists purchasing firearms. Why did the Obama administration obstruct an investigation into a Justice Department program that armed a terrorist who attempted to kill Americans?

I'm sure others can make better arguments with the information provided.

In Summary:
Elements within the Federal Government armed known criminals who attacked/killed Americans. This was done as an effort to create a political landscape in which new gun control laws could be passed.

Bumbing because someone is shooting up a gay joint in Orlando.

Expect more push for gun control, even though the perpetrators seem to be musulmans.

Thats what (((they))) want you to think. You can get a gun by being a hunter (1 year course) or by being a sport shooter. I think Germany also allows it in rare cases for self defense unlike many other european countries like the Netherlands where self defense is illegal.



Old but good.

Fuck off you stupid cunt

Why are there some many homicides in greenland how can all 78 of them kill that much?



Any bets that gun control gets dropped, and gun ownership embraced, when whites become the minority?

Simple. Criminals breaks the laws. They don't care about guns being forbidden. So they will still have guns.


Who will protect 100 unarmed law-respecting citizens against 1 armed criminal?

A bit off topic, but Japan's gun laws don't stop the yakuza from killing the fuck out of eachother, and neither did it stop that lunatic in akihabara from stabbing like ten people.

This argument by the left that guns are designed to kill people is extremely hollow.

We all now cars are designed for transportation, but guns are actually designed to propell metal at every high velocity. That is the textbook definition of a gun.


a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force

Nowhere in that definition does it mention killing or people.

That lefty that you're arguing with is clueless as usual




Nobody is going to be willingly disarmed because some Mudslime shot 100 homosexuals

If anything it makes the argument that special snowflake groups need to embrace the 2A to protect themselves.

where are my cheap sks prices then?


3 Hours before SWAT went in


Online auction. Gun trade shows

must be good auctions I haggled and got one for 370.

imagine if this passed at a federal level.

What a faggot. Post some cool guns.

What the fuck.

last pic is a personal favorite.

ya what the fuck, Notice all the sponsors are democrats?


You counter with a pro-gun gay group that fucks up their narrative.


Police took hours to respond, guns were what prevented the terror attack from getting any worse, if the guards were armed the casualty count could've been lower.

the best thing to do would be to ban americans, russians and the chinese from the world.. eject them all into space along with the muslims and christians.

after that, the world would cease to have any further problems.

Never underestimate Snow Injuns, user. They may not know to do anything except hit seals with clubs, but they are incredibly bloodthirsty. They pull the same shit in Greenland as in Canada.

I don't get how the lack of gun control saved these gays in Orlando. The only dude with guns was the psycho.
Everyone who wants to do some damage will plan to ambush, and that's what he did.

US idiots are just irresponsible with their guns, and need them to be taken away just how you take away video games from a spoiled brat that doesn't do his homework.

We have gun control over here and there haven't been any mass shootings. If you want a gun, you just register and get screened for it. Why are you US-tards afraid of better checking of which crazy motherfucker owns a gun?

You are just killing yourselves with your own guns.

(nice trips)

Let's hope it's repealed when Trump gets in.

That user fucked up his reasoning at the first step. Core tenant of leftist thought is that the dysfuctional are victims of society who are more deserving than the functional so yes they do think non-innocent life is more valuable that's why leftists always try to shift the legal burden on the person defending themselves from a crime rather thanthe criminal

My dream weapon, a true AK-12 even if its just semi-automatic.

I was one of those cretins. It was only because people used energy to sway my mindset that I'm here now.

That assumes no effort, fuck off. If you're so wise in your age you should know that any accomplishment or change takes effort an energy.

There was 2 panel comic edit that explained it pretty well. It was that one of the square-jawed superhero looking guy, wiping sweat from his brow because he had to pick between pressing two buttons, which represented his political opinions.

Liberal Dilemma:
1. Police are all racist and can't be trusted.
2. Guns are horrible and only police should have them.

only the shitskins here kill each other with guns. Im from a 95%+ state and we go some years with no gun deaths at all.

The issue isnt a gun issue, its a shitskin issue.

*95%+ white state

North Dakota, is that you?


It's anecdotal, but I don't know of a single person who has a concealed carry permit or who is a stereotypical "gun nut" that has killed anyone except during combat or in self defense.
That being said, I'm a longtime martial artist and about half the people I train with are veterans who go shooting a few times a month.

I don't believe that anyone who has formal training and a healthy mind would ever go on a rampage.

nope but it does start with an N and has two words in it.

Don't engage leftists on gun control debate. Just tell them SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and to fuck off. If you engage in debate with leftists on gun control, then there's a presumption that there is room for compromise which is precisely what they want to push for incremental gun control.

Let the leftists fucking cry all they way, the only way they will ever succeed is through repealing the 2nd, banning guns, and full blown confiscation. Any attempts to do that would set off another full blown revolution.

all they want*

Yeah this, In my state you aren't afraid of fellow white people even the crazy ones its always the mud people who you have to watch out for because they will kill you for a 6 year old ipod.

So, when did you guys realize that liberals are actually the biggest gun fetishists on the earth?
They chide gun owners, claim they are racists and guns are just for killing people.
Then on their own time they love pretending to be wielding them, stroking them, and being masculine killers in movies where they mow down countless people with firearms.
They have armed guards (if rich) or live in nice gated communities with protection and locks.

It's more cuck shit.
They love the big black long powerful guns, but they think it should all be private behind closed doors on movies where they can watch it like porn.


More like niggers and spics are killing each other with our guns.

Our welfare state pays for them up to age 15-25, when they shoot each other with guns they stole from us, leaving behind litters of bastards. Thus the spic/nig cycle marches ever forward.

I wouldn't get my hopes up. The NRA is 100% in favor of keeping that particular ban in place.

The killer was a registered Democrat. Why not just ban Democrats from owning guns?

in australia they banned guns and now people just use machetes instead


Arguing directly with leftists online is a waste of time. Maybe you might convince some silent lurker… maybe.

We argue the truth and back it up with facts.

They argue what they believe others want to hear in order to fit in to their in group. They have no need for facts.

Notice how all of these arguments just go around in circles.

It's like arguing with children.

Don't give up so easily.
If it's someone you know you should make the effort.
If it's twitter and youtube comments, well, why would you even be partaking for anything other than the lols?

It's hard to admit but only a few years ago I used to be a harcore leftist TYT loving shill.
I would laugh like an idiot along with the rest getting spoon fed my opinion.
Eventually I just started watching how hypocritical it all was, and also hearing a lot of opposing opinions backed up by way more than just Cenks ever fattening face.

Basically I'm a hardcore example of Before Holla Forums After Holla Forums.
Besides, it triggers these types of people internally to hear this shit.
They love above all else their quiet little hugboxes.
Smash them as often as you can with facts.


Remember the rule, always make soundbyte infographics with citations.

Don't just spam with a wall of text no matter how correct and thorough it is because the average leftard can't comprehend beyond what their negroid vernacular allows.

Process of elimination says that you live in either New Hampshire, North Carolina, or New Mexico.
Having lived in NC and spent some time in New Mexico, my monies on NH





Writing in a government book does not make it impossible to manufacture guns.

Notice how Brazil is filled with homemade gun violence whilst citizens can't acquire legal weapons.




There was this quote to the effect of "you can not argue somebody out of an opinion that they got by emotions".



Henson Ong at Gun Violence Prevention Public Hearing - Hartford, CT - 1/28/2013

Had some of said gays been armed this might have had a very different result and less lives may have been lost. They lived in reckless abandon enslaved to whim and pleasure and though such is terrible death for them I don't think works well as a solution rather general rebuking and ostracism work well enough hence the push against such things. Still this is a clusterfuck that we will see emerge more often. As ISIS advances on the west they will attack those who cuck for them more and more as they can be counted on to cuck. Hold onto the preciousness of our children and maintain them as they are our future, but also educate them of our ways. The gommies did it and so must we. Network with like minded people as far as you can IRL and get the ideas spread quietly.


No one read Twitter

Everyone who matters (adults who fear public opinion) are on Facekike

If you really have to, give them a quick breakdown of the 2nd Amendment. It has to be simple enough for their small minds to comprehend.

You also might need to share that the 2nd Amendment, since it comes after the preamble/main body of the constitution, overrides any pre-existing clauses about the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Nothing has come since the 2nd that overrides it, and should it change, we are to revolt.

but sandy hook wasn't real?

Here's the new leftist argument calling for a ban on Semi-automatic rifles. Expect to hear it alot.

"It's just a comedy show. They have no political agenda. Now be a good goy and get rid of your weapons."

They always go for what they perceive to be the low hanging fruit.
It never ends with these people. If you give them a magazine they'll try take the whole firearm. You allow them ban weapons on school grounds and they'll try disarm the whole nation. They never give up and neither shall we.

They will not stop at guns
Even when self defence is banned that won't stop pushing

You can't, you could show them all the facts in the world, they'll never change their twisted view. But you don't do this to convince theses useful idiots, you do this for the people with a fuctionning brain who see/hear your conversation. They're like living strawmen, all you need is a public, it's pointless to argue with them in private.

Yesterday there was an omegle thread up and everyone was posting brilliant screenshots, so I added some political tags.

There's this guy on the tags "Republican" and "Conservative" who always opens with "How is Trump going to make America great again?" then condescendingly argues whatever you say.

Yesterday I responded about political correctness, and he basically said "Oh, so you're saying the racists are the victims and the ones trying to stop the racists are the bigots?"

At first I thought it was one of you guys (he went straight from Trump to Hitler) so since he kept bringing up Hitler in conjunction with Trump -specifically, he said the Nazis persecuted the homosexuals- I thought linking to that breitbart article about some doctor's note that listed hitler as homosex and stated he took female hormones would get him to out himself as from Holla Forums, but instead he launched into a two hour rant about how homosexuals are good, innocent victims and were 20% of the population. The highlight of the conversation was him trying to get me to "admit" that any group that wanted to exterminate homosexuals was a hate group, and that any group that wanted to exterminate a people was by definition a hate group. I turned it around on him by pointing out progressives say they want to exterminate whites and men all the time, and that resulted in him trying to redefine a hategroup as it only counting if it was part of their platform, to which I responded "Do you know what the progressive stack is?"

Eventually my browser crashed, but when I went back in tonight he was right there again with the same tags and questions. Reminding him of our previous conversation and his seeming obsession with homos I pointed out to him that Trump said he wanted to half Muslim immigration and do background checks, so perhaps if he'd had his way 50 of his beloved homos wouldn't have been shot in Orlando. His first tact was to say "Omar wasn't an immigrant, though." but I pointed out to him the background check bit, that if he was observed we might have found out he was becoming radicalized and what his link to Isis was.

So without skipping a beat he launched straight into "It's the gun's fault." Thus the rest of the conversation was me debunking gun control arguments eventually leading to him suggesting the Unabomber didn't suffer from any mental illnesses.

Note: the guy kept calling me "Stranger" and being really condescending so I tried to go over the top in response.

Most of the rest of this is just arguing about the Unabomber, might not be worth reading.

Japan also doesn't have niggers, muslims and spics stirring up shit and chimping out, of course it will have lower gun violence.

How was he able to enter the club with his weapons and ammunition? Did he shoot the doormen?

Ask and ye shall receive.










I like how le bald oriental peace men have had very different ideas about things compared to how they are presented in the west.

Saving some of these. Here's a song for your efforts.

If someone has a quarter of a brain, they would understand the racial, or at minimum, cultural implication.

In addition, having South American countries refutes any attempt to use the colonization lie. (Since European colonization IS a key part of the South American identity, which they view in a positive light.) The United States governments affirms this to the degree that they will loosely label Latino as "White," since officially, Latino is not a race, and they (might) have a thin thread of European in them. I don't disagree, its fucked up. However, de facto, everyone acknowledges them as a separate race, (((except))) for crime statics, job applications, and scholarships.

This guy knows what's up.

Progressives argue like Jews—you totally decimate them in an argument, they admit you're right, and then the next day you see them posting the same old talking points as if the argument from the day before never happened. It's a hopeless waste of time because no matter what you say or do, you can only move them off the narrative for the span of a few hours before they return to spewing the same old shit.


Sometimes I wonder if they're even real people 2bh

This is perfect.

There's some pretty good shit in this thread. I think it deserves a bump.

I don't care to argue with them. Better to act like a liberal and call them a hateful person who wants to use the military to murder all of the peaceful gun owners who keep this country safe and free.

Based Royce Gracie on the reason why he carries guns.

Let's go a bit deeper on this one, shall we?

Let's assume that guns weren't meant to do a multitude of things, from entertain to securing food to defending yourself from those who would be fine with killing/raping you, your family, or your dog in any multitude of ways.Let's assume a gun as your average leftist would say, is only meant to kill.

Now let's look at a car, it is able to also be used in a multitude of ways, be they as getaway vehicles, drug transporters, or as tools for kidnapping, but let's ignore those and assume they are used in only one purpose: Getting from Point A to Point B.

In 2014 it was estimated that about 32,000 deaths were from guns. That's quite a number, all things considered. Of those deaths, 2/3's of those were suicides. That is pretty horrible, and there are multitude of reasons behind it.

Now some leftists might say, "Well we should ban guns because it will drastically lower suicides. Not so! Let us look at the Land of the Rising Sun. In 2014, the number of suicides in Japan had finally dipped to just below 30,000, at 27,283, for the first time in 15 years. Japan also, coincidentally has some of the most stringent gun laws that one is able to see in a first world country. Looking at these, you'll notice pro-gun laws do not correlate with higher suicide rates, in fact, the rates in Japan are even worse when one looks at the average population of the US is around 315 million, while Japan sits around 127 million generally. Ratio wise the rates are almost two and a half times more and recall that there are plenty of other ways to commit suicide.

Now let us look for a moment at the car. It is estimated that 95% of all American's own a car in some way, with 253 million on the road. There are about 37,000 people who die in car accidents every year with an additional 2.35 million injured or disabled. Now comparing those numbers to those killed by guns, those are somewhat close enough to say they are about equal, even though suicide wise car is estimated to be as low as 5% of all deaths to 14%, as even simple, "traffic accidents" could have been suicide attempts.

Now here's the real issue. Guns are meant to kill people. Cars are not. Let that sink in: An object, who's ONLY estimated purpose is to kill (Leftist words, not mine) kills at the same rate as an object that is made ONLY to transport (again, words from the generic leftist argument). Think about that for a second. And by the way, it isn't exactly the same rate, the transport object kills MORE than the kill object itself. Now we know guns aren't just used to kill and cars aren't just used to transport, but the fact that should make it grossly apparent that guns aren't baby killing hate machines, they're tools, and as it stands, as with all tools, depends on how they are used, accidents do happen, but compared to cars it is at a far lower rate, even if they were only designed to kill.

