Be 16

Fuck GBPs, I don't even have to work this way.



Your mom sounds like the sweetest woman in the world

Also what drugs? Our lives sound pretty similiar so im assuming psychedelics or pot

Just pot and LSD for now.

Does mommy know?


Silly user, he was only pretending to be retarded. :^)

Step up your game tbh fam

Don't forget to worship your soggy cum sock, so all can see it and know of your autism.


Is this Ferrari?


Would you fuck her?

mom's dead.

your mom's a pinata?

fuck, memories

what did you say about gbp nigga

They go against the N.E.E.T code, nigga. They require you to do "good boy things" to earn them, meaning you gotta work for them. NEETs aren't supposed to work.


Opinions on sunmom?

Still not as cool as sundad

I require the response of the board volunteer.

Response? Wat?

That's me. Can't I post anonymously?

It isn't proof if I don't see the ##