How does one live a nomadic life in the current year Holla Forums?
I don't want to write a blog post about myself, but the tl;dr version of things is that I no longer have anything attaching me to my local area and I have no purpose or goal to do anything. I have no real responsibilities other than myself (no family, self-employed so no boss or job, not in school, no significant other, etc). So I figure the only thing worth doing is drifting around in the hopes that I'll find something worth settling down for.
I just don't know how to make a living "on the go." How do people do that in the current year? It seems like every job requires a social security number, bank account, and a fixed home.
As for skills, I'm mechanically inclined, have above average intelligence, and am reasonably /fit/ (not zyzz but not DYEL either). I've got a car with a full tank of gas and a couple hundred dollars. Where do I start?
Brayden Sanchez
Who's going to cook tendies for you if you're out on the road by yourself?
Connor Garcia
Dominic Collins
I'm not a NEET; I can take care of myself (I've been doing so for a few years now, i live alone). I just need a way to get income.
Jacob Barnes
in the summer you can sell drugs on phish tour. i don't know what nomads in western countries do in the winter.
Wyatt Parker
Today we call them NEETs
Logan Morris
We play stranglefuck with the local hobos
Hunter Rogers
Song semi-related In general, I'd assume that you'd need to know how to live both innawoods, and innacity. Sqattings prolly going to be important for a nomad, so git gud at urbanex. Infiltration too I guess, if you can somehow manage that. I guess nigerry would be the way to gain shekels, though maybe street artist-ing may also work.
Ethan Martinez
I know a guy who does that - he sells drugs.
So do that I guess.
Lincoln Sanchez
Drift from town to town doing odd jobs.
Asher Green
How does one ask for an odd job without sounding autistic?
t. autist
Dylan Gray
Why do you need a job in a country that will pay you to stay broke? Live in a van, carry essentials, live off 300$ a month cash and about 200$ foodstamps
John Martin
I'd rather not live off welfare.
That and I'd like to stay hidden. I don't want anyone to know where I am or who that person they just saw is. I don't want anyone to be able to track me down. Preferably, I'd like to disappear.
Adrian Reyes
Well then start hollowing trees and making nests in abandoned buildings. I lived in the moscone convention center in SF for years without being caught once.
Michael Rogers
do this frankly this whole concept seems comfy as fuck and i want to do it at some point
Isaiah Kelly
Sell your car. Buy a van. That's where you start.
Mason Foster
But only child rapists drive vans!
Christian Johnson
I'm 18, doing the same in 4 days. Headed for Corpus Christi with no plans. Want to come?
Colton Davis
seasonal jobs in agriculture or fishing are the way to earn a roll for the next leg of your journey. you work your ass off for 2 months picking grapes and have the cash to wait two months before the apples or whatever are ripe. you also get to mix with illegals who know how to survive off the radar.
Chase Carter
Why would he travel to Mexico? Sounds dangerous.
Ian Miller
Nigger just walk out the front door without your phone or wallet and walk away. Move throughout the nation on trains and hitchhiking (which still works) until you find something that makes you want to stick around someplace. That new place will be home until the call of the wild hits you again.