Are we living in the non Canon timeline?
U.N. Burned Money Studying Halchan Holla Forums
Protip; they're here too, dumbass
This happens every other fucking week, someone finds evidence shills exist and go
Rinse and fucking repeat
When will you fucks realize that Holla Forums is always right?
Hey buddy, when I make the exact
same thread on two different boards I can at least write it up two different ways. Verbatim is unclassy as fuck. You black bastard
TOP KEK. Faggots are actually parsing 4cuck… I can't believe that site is still functioning. They literally just dropped UpL to 2MB. Who even goes there anymore?
The userbase seems to do a complete shift every couple of years. For example, all the newfags from 2009-2010 (us) were part of the exodus to Holla Forums in 2014, that was right after Tumblr declaired they were going to counter-raid 4chan after the July 2014 tumblr raids and the Jlaw leaks pushed moot to a legal breaking point making him put his moderation into overdrive. Anyways, from 2014-2015 4chan was under occupation by Tumblr, eventually in late 2015 tumblr got bored of 4chan and most of them left. Today it seems to mostly be government and corporate shills, they probably outnumber actual users at this point
Do you Holla Forums anons really think its your fellow anons posting the Nigger Cuck porn and Trap porn constantly?? DO YA?
Oh no Holla Forums – Holla Forums is never constantly right about everything.
The Shills rarely go to 8pol anymore. They mostly infest 4/pol/ and 4/b/, but on Holla Forums they go here, to Holla Forums. I'm sure they are in other shitholes too.
The shills go where the minds are weakest. They know their shit doesn't work on Holla Forums so they go to the boards with the dumber and weaker people.
Have a nice day Holla Forums
Well, our Holla Forumss BO may be a nigger, but at least he's well aware shills exist. That's why Holla Forums has to be strict on moderation, if they weren't they'd end up like 4/pol/. Hell, I'm banned from Holla Forums currently, and I don't really care, I'm glad they're keeping shills out.
Its obvious the "Holla Forums moderation sucks!" threads are products of the same shills too
itt: you really need to spend 10 minutes reading the paper on arvix.
it's a statistical analysis of behaviour, not an evil plot to control your mind. you are already brainwashed anyway.
butthurt samefag
We're really playing this game now bro?
If you think this is a game, how do you win?
The Game
now we all lose
You don't. Nobody ever wins this game, it never produced anything but wasted words on the internet, butthurt that made no-one the wiser and time you'll never get back.
look, do you want to have a man to man on the contents of the science paper, or a chimp to chimp by meme?
Funny how it doesn't even really Mention Jews
you're right. We should all read this important information and discuss it.
but since this is Holla Forums I think we should enjoy a little porn first.
I got tricked
Whoever wrote that thinks "nigger" is literal racism and "faggot" literally about hating faggots.
Leave. Holla Forums is not the place for you.
Porn is for people of weak mind. NoFap gives motivation to a man, and they don't want this. Seriously, every time not fapping is brought up, some shill comes in to try to convince people to fap. How fucking faggoty is that?
seriously? how new are you? Did you just learn not to put your email in the email field?
im not clicking that shit
pdf files are easy ways to embed viruses
I discovered 4chan around 2006.
Sure they don't
So who's to blame?
The Jewish Patriarchy?
The funny part being that "cuck" porn is almost exclusively consumed by extreme racists. Ask anyone involved in making it. That's its target audience. So it calls two questions to mind.
The moment when you realize SJW are closet bigots who jerk off to cuck porn and overcompensate in public.
sounds like Holla Forums's userbase. are you on the highground, moralfag?