(Reposted and edited from >>>/overman/ since it didn't get many responses)
As you're aware, the personal is political to the Left. That's why so much media is implicitly left-wing and what was okay 10 years ago no longer is.
What kind of right-wing media do you recommend? Explicitly or implicitly right-wing. At this point it can be considered to be implicitly right-wing if it's entirely bereft of degeneracy and leftist agendas (diversity, strong independent womyn, etc).
This thread isn't for political documentaries or novels, but rather fictional media and music. From books, to comics, videogames, tabletop games, songs, movies, tv series, etc. The media is getting increasingly suffocated with outright marxist/SJW agendas and I think it'd be healthy to make it easier for us to break out of it. The only spaces not full of cuckery (explicit and implicit) are a few internet communities like Holla Forums. At least with music, it's getting a little better with the internet and even blatantly Holla Forums music being made (RWDS Entertainment, Morraiku/Tyrant Fashister, SeventhSon, Cyber Nazi off the top of my head).
Alot of japanese media isn't subverted to the same extent or same way, but if you want to recommend something, try to recommend something set in a western setting or with Holla Forumsitical views, not random anime like sword art online or ones that promote japanese nationalism. Something like Berserk would fit, but not a pseudo-western medieval JRPG full of japanese culture & anime/manga cliches. It needs to be relevant to us as right-wing, racially conscious h'wite people.
Try to focus on things made during and after the 1960s, since by todays standards they're all too politically incorrect. Degeneracy/marxist subversion in the media back then was a mix of being more tame and obscure after all. The newer, the better.
Please use this as a guideline:
Don't fall for the trap of the archie bunker syndrome. Don't promote fiction that's left-wing propaganda but kind of contradicts or conflicts with the maker's intention if you tilt your head.
The cultural subversion of the Left has been ongoing since the sixties. The tragedy is that even movies, tv shows, videogames and fictional literature that would have been innocuous even 20 or 30 years ago would not get the green light today. That's because critical theory demands that Leftists treat the personal and culture as political, and they keep raising their standards on what's acceptable.
This article kind of touches on it:
The kind of action hero movies/videogames of the 80s/90s will never be remade except ironically because of "toxic masculinity" and the like. We won't see videogame characters like Duke Nukem. Space Mutiny, which is a (shoddy) 80s action film? It literally cannot exist again because it was made in South Africa before apartheid was overturned.
^Space Mutiny being the film that was shit-talked on MST3K with "blast hardcheese"