Explicitly/Implicity Right-Wing Media

(Reposted and edited from >>>/overman/ since it didn't get many responses)

As you're aware, the personal is political to the Left. That's why so much media is implicitly left-wing and what was okay 10 years ago no longer is.

What kind of right-wing media do you recommend? Explicitly or implicitly right-wing. At this point it can be considered to be implicitly right-wing if it's entirely bereft of degeneracy and leftist agendas (diversity, strong independent womyn, etc).

This thread isn't for political documentaries or novels, but rather fictional media and music. From books, to comics, videogames, tabletop games, songs, movies, tv series, etc. The media is getting increasingly suffocated with outright marxist/SJW agendas and I think it'd be healthy to make it easier for us to break out of it. The only spaces not full of cuckery (explicit and implicit) are a few internet communities like Holla Forums. At least with music, it's getting a little better with the internet and even blatantly Holla Forums music being made (RWDS Entertainment, Morraiku/Tyrant Fashister, SeventhSon, Cyber Nazi off the top of my head).

Alot of japanese media isn't subverted to the same extent or same way, but if you want to recommend something, try to recommend something set in a western setting or with Holla Forumsitical views, not random anime like sword art online or ones that promote japanese nationalism. Something like Berserk would fit, but not a pseudo-western medieval JRPG full of japanese culture & anime/manga cliches. It needs to be relevant to us as right-wing, racially conscious h'wite people.

Try to focus on things made during and after the 1960s, since by todays standards they're all too politically incorrect. Degeneracy/marxist subversion in the media back then was a mix of being more tame and obscure after all. The newer, the better.

Please use this as a guideline:

Don't fall for the trap of the archie bunker syndrome. Don't promote fiction that's left-wing propaganda but kind of contradicts or conflicts with the maker's intention if you tilt your head.

The cultural subversion of the Left has been ongoing since the sixties. The tragedy is that even movies, tv shows, videogames and fictional literature that would have been innocuous even 20 or 30 years ago would not get the green light today. That's because critical theory demands that Leftists treat the personal and culture as political, and they keep raising their standards on what's acceptable.

This article kind of touches on it:


The kind of action hero movies/videogames of the 80s/90s will never be remade except ironically because of "toxic masculinity" and the like. We won't see videogame characters like Duke Nukem. Space Mutiny, which is a (shoddy) 80s action film? It literally cannot exist again because it was made in South Africa before apartheid was overturned.


^Space Mutiny being the film that was shit-talked on MST3K with "blast hardcheese"

Other urls found in this thread:



Trying to learn more about the Worm superhero series inspired me to recreate this thread. How bad it is from what I've seen on the wiki and from browsing the net?

I wonder if there's any superhero media even from the 80s that wasn't so fucking pozzed.

you first


Fuck off weebshit

Just filter the faggot.

If you want something that is strictly right-wing, read classical literature. Russian authors especially.


rolling for those sick dubs baby


come on shit nigger


uuuuooooh my dick HURTS




Any recommendations? For the purposes of this thread, I prefer things that were made during or after the 1960s, since the further you go back, the easier it is to find media that isn't tainted. Especially if you go back far enough marxism wasn't even a thing yet. The further you get back, the more "normal" our kind of views are and taken for granted.

But the classics are cool too.

The Prisoner is a great TV series about dissent, oppression, espionage and coordination. The script editor is jewish but even so nearly every episode is good.

I think that despite the utter futility of the MC's struggle it does contain positive role models to follow.


There's a musical genre called Martial Industrial. It combines military marches and modern industrial music.
Very explicitly white/nationalist. Band like Triarii, Rome, Von Thronstahl etc. I don't know if the genre is popular at all in America, or is it just an mid-European phenomenon.
Carpenter Brut is good too, but they are politically apathetic and just plain edgy.

I used to be a big thrash/death metal guy, but even those "scenes" are starting to get pozzed.
And I find every subculture to be a way for people to compensate the utter emptiness and triviality of our own culture. Participation in them shouldn't be encouraged.



theres a few old tv series but the more time goes on the fewer non-pozzed media exists out there
theres some manga not as long as berserk that is set in Europe, recently one was published about the rise of Vercingertorix and his rebellion against Rome, another ones about a Greek slave that rises to the position of a strategos adviser to Phillip II of Macedon
you can have a look at the witcher series of books if they're all translated by now, no agenda there just European dark fantasy and myth
that HBO series Rome was a good series too, no WE WUZ KANGS in Egypt and their account of the fall of the roman republic and the rise of the second triumvirate leading to the Roman Empire was suitably accurate

I watch the original True Grit last night. It seems you can't go wrong with John Wayne films.

Pics related. The only fictional media that I enjoy is manga/anime and some based videogames, or at least online videogames with no political agenda.
Stop watching Talmud Vision.
Also read more books, not for leisure time but for get redpilled reading based books like Plato's Republic or Mein Kampf.

And if you have children, watch old cartoons with them, there were based as fuck, like Loney Toons and other things. Most part of nowaddays cartoons are shit, with exceptions like Adventure Time or Gumball. Also let them watch anime for kids is pretty good, animes like Doraemon are pretty based because they teach children how to have responsability and be mature and stronger.
And when your children get older, watch shonen animes with like like Dragon Ball or other based animes.
Also don't let your children use the internet till they are prepared to use it. Internet is really a degenerate place if your children is not mature enough.

I forgot to say one more thing about media for children. Classical tales and fabules are great for them. Read it for them, but let them read their own tales or fabules as soon as posible, so they will be able to enjoy reading. Also sorry for the typos in the first post, I'm busy and I don't have lot of time to type properly.

Unfortunately I think those guys are leftists.

You're being fed an agenda, moron, one which is designed to keep you sedated and dumb.

Matrix isn't Holla Forums at all. Even if it might be a technically good film, it's implicitly left-wing. Strong independent woman, hapa and black guy as the protagonists, with the opponents being clean-cut white men in suits ("The Man").

Legend of Galactic Heroes definitely fits.

I heard Clannad is good but it's just a slice of life anime set in Japan. I don't think it applies as a result. Berserk is set in Not-Medieval Fantasy Europe with very few anime cliches, and it only goes up a bit later on so it fits. Hell it even subverts the "strong independent womyn" archetype. Angel Cop has jews as the antagonists and is very redpilled so it fits too despite being set in japan.

Say it ain't so.

Maybe they are just covering their asses from government/leftists?

Legionarii at least is explicitly nationalist.

As a fa/tg/uy, I'm disgusted.

Holla Forums here, you Holla Forumsacks have some shit taste

All these images are a joke right? holy shit I hope it is, thats the sho about the little faggot boy getting his asshole stretched out while playing dressup

I didn't even see Civ V. Now I'm even more disgusted.

What about the 2 sequels?
And what about Hyperion Cantos?

Wouldn't call him a Holla Forumslack. Also:

Wew lad.

Have you guys apologized for being white males this week?

jesus christ that list a shit

suck start a 12 gauge you massive faggit

trust me that cocksucker doesnt speak for Holla Forums

also, admitting your from Holla Forums, even with that sweet ID faggit

Also what is it with Berserk lately? What is up with you people? Did you re-read it already?

Warhammer 40k is somewhat insulated from this because it's meant to be a dystopian science fantasy setting, and trying to make it more politically correct would take away from the Imperium being catholic space nazis. I think it's also because humans are usually antagonists because they worship chaos gods and not because of shit like gay rights.

Am I missing something here? Holla Forums is vidya centered Holla Forums at this point.

its getting a new anime season in 20 days thats why

It's always Berserk or Eva, fags on everyboard just can't seem to help themselves talking about these things that have been discussed to death and back

I mean other than mark being a massive kike and degenerate faggot

you should be doing something other than vidya with your spare time

like reading
or hiking
or shooting
or shitposting for the emperor

Nigger Holla Forums isn't /tg/ some of us actually have lives.

I could've brought up Vinland Saga, but most people know what I'm talking about when I mention Berserk.


meant for

talk about EVA on /a/ and its mostly just memes about how everybody hates Anno for being a proper twat
pic related

now Vinland Saga is a very good manga for guys that like Nordic life in the 8th century


Well the movies were crap though.

We can discuss them for all i care. But within the last 7 days i see so much Berserk.
I don't really mind. It is just what is up with the people lately?

Well Eva is sort of Globalism vs Self-improvement (the core theme of Holla Forums). Of course Holla Forums will love it.

So the vidya is pretty much normielist even tough the punisher vidya was awesome. Also one can't argue against Deus Ex.

I never thought of it like that, though I don't think Anno did either, he pretty much just made shit up as he went along

the shadowy organization in the show is definitely (((them))) though, they even get their plan from the dead sea scrolls

who made those? It mixes some good titles with others that are 100% cuck tier, expecially the anime one need some serious edits.

For vidya, you should check titles made in eastern europe and Russia.

The Witcher series doesn't need much of an introduction i think, probably some of the best RPGs ever made (if not the best). Made in Poland and poz free.

Legends of Eisenwald is another game i played recently and enjoyed a lot, made in Russia it is set in a low fantasy medieval Germany and if you love traditional european folklore you should definitely check it out. (bonus point since women cant fight and are relegated to healing roles)

Kingdome Come Deliverance is a realistic RPG set in medieval Bohemia, it's made by a Czech studio which was criticized by feminists and SJWs due to their realistic approach (no strong womyn and niggers) and instead of folding like good cucks they doubled down adn told the SJWs to fuck off (pic related). The game is not out yet.

When in comes to tv shows they are 100% cancer sadly, same for most movies with some exceptions, i surprisingly enjoyed Sicario but i wouldn't call it exactly "right-wing".

Eva is anti-communist anime.

Instrumentality project = the egoless world, the final stage of the "class struggle" the commies so desire.

Shinji Ikari rejects that "paradise" and prefers the flawed world he lived in.

lets not forget the fact the whole impact thing is being engineered by an international cabal of dead sea scroll aficionado jews who've used cybernetic technology to lengthen their lives so they can bring about the end of the world and their perfect world
Shinji does that for them and then breaks it for them kek

Like I said, its an interesting takeaway, but I don't Trust Anno enough to believe that it was an intentional theme at play.

There's a small following of that type of music in America. It's mostly all lumped together with neofolk, ritual ambient, and noise/p.e. scenes.

Whenever I've seen Rome, DI6, Blood Axis, etc. live the shows are almost totally or are sold out. The fans here will travel far to see the shows.

its because the hand drawn artwork got tossed out for CGI
same as the new season, it looks like CGI attempting to simulate hand drawn
if Miura threw some of that idolmaster money at something that wasn't autistic weebshit then we'd gave something good

It's a consistent them in the show and End of Eva.

You either lack self-awareness or you never went on /a/ if you're trying to convince us about how ==DEEP== Evangelion is.

Eva isn't really deep, it spells out its theme in the last episode and the last minutes of End of Eva.

If you believe that, so be it, but anno has said pretty much everything in Eva was a result of his own autism and any and all conclusions drawn from the show are pure coincidence outside of what he's said the show is explicitly about.

I would still say Eva is a pretty Holla Forums-tier show though, especially if you buy into the theory that the show takes place in a Japan/Germany dominated world in the aftermath of an Axis victory in WWII.

Almost all the media I partake in comes from Japan. That has been the case since my childhood. Propaganda and politics weren't and still aren't necessary. The lack of cancer is a cure in and of itself.

I'm not gunna say I don't indulge in animated Tawainese finger paintings myself, but if you actually believe this, you are a weeb, no question.

Interview of Anno saying Eva is his own autism?

Ha ha what? Why does the victory of Japan/Germany mean it's Holla Forums-show?

I'll accept your judgment as a compliment rather than the insult you intended it to be.


I'm talking about why the fuck does the victory of Japan/Germany means it's a Holla Forums-show?

I thought the point of Holla Forums show is theme and ideal, not petty squabbling over who won WW2.

And no, the UN is the one the most EVA of all. Japan has 2, Germany has 1.

the UN makes them behind everyone's back though, and then uses it to fuck over the whole world for (((Their))) world ending plan

yeah they horribly butcher the german girl and then instigate the end of the world with Shinji

It shows that in EVA, the one with the most power is the UN.

best vidya is just asking James Rolfe and see the reviews when he is our hero who is going to take us back to the past.

He's definitely redeemed himself in recent, but I still don't and never have liked his reviews, for movies or vidya, its pretty cringe inducing.

Sure he did. He expressed it with Judaism vs. Buddhism/Christianity/Aryanism dichotomy.
I think he knew how it would end but didn't know how to achieve it.

Transcript undermines this.

It was intentional - The evangelions formed from Adam and the Devil bring about the End of Mankind'''.

No tragedy is universal. You can apply it to everything. Berserk and Eva managed to get the point across different kinds of tragedies.
Best example would be Greek tragedy.

Also because of the popularity of avgn he literally made retro games expensive. Sure they had a fair pricepoint on how rare and if they where a collectable with good to mint conditio and so on.

But that faggot even made just cartridge only expensive. But luckily the inflation of the prices can't go on forever, even tough they have been expensive for a god damn long time now.

Yes, I do collect vidya or did kinda have gone away from that hobby and went to even more expensive hobbies like collection of rare manga. These motherfuckers can easily go up in price if they are only 7 years old with good condition.

Its not all his fault, its more the normalfag invasion of vidya in general that has caused it, that and "lel nerd culture XD" shit

Same thing that happened with vinyl records, shit is inflated as fuck because hipsters just HAVE to have them

Even though japanese media tends to be less degenerate, that doesn't make it Holla Forums automatically. Clannad is a slice of life anime set in Japan so it's not really something to look at as an example of degeneracy free white/western media. At least something like Spice & Wolf may be anime and not have degeneracy/subversive agendas pushed, but it's also set in a very western setting and not a pseudo-western JRPG fantasy world where blue haired loli mages have european castles or whatever.

Japan has always had a fascination with a non-cucked Germany in part because they can pronounce their language easier than English, and nazis are cool. That doesnt mean jack shit.

Really user. You're reading too much into this and this isn't an Evangelion thread anyway. At this point you're just derailing.

okay now I know you have no idea what you're talking about

pro tip: if you actually pay any mind to the religious symbolism in Eva, you're looking for something that isn't there

You're right, the thread has gone about as far off the rails as it can go, I'm just gunna duck out and hope for the best

Not all literal symbolism is religious.
But all religious symbolism is literal.

Sure, that is true.
Also is vinyl records inflated because of hipsters? damn, that must be some bad luck shit right there.

Also how and why did nerd or geek culture attract normalfags I kinda know how vidya became affected by this. Since everyone can play a video game and because of western publishers making games more and more edgy. In the end, its nothing much but some edge, also another problem is the pandering to the ones that don't really play vidya.
With social justice motif and storytelling if not having some in the lore, the shekelfield 1 is a good example of DICE a "Swedish" company pandering to social justice, that is not really their fps ritalin fast fap audience.

But again the mp fags don't care, only when it becomes blatant shitfest like bf4 was in the beginning and how SW battlefront is a shallow game.

I don't buy vinyl, but hipsters are large enough they could fuck with what used to be a pretty niche market until the mid-late 2000s.

It was pushed by the media. They made it chic with shows like the Big Bang Theory. It's also because they (somewhat rightly) saw tabletop games, vidya, comics, etc. as hobbies occupied mostly by white men. Leftists can't let white males have their own thing.


I am just flabbergasted over it, luckily there is only so much they can touch and destroy. So I've seen the effects on comics, vidya and TB rpgs but I would argue that started since wow became popular with regular mmofags. The comics has made me laugh out really hard.
Mainly because of marvelfans buying their shitty comics no matter what, with the same logic as Nintendofans buying nintendo games that has cut content.

Also the tabletop rpgs have had this problem since wow came out, or mainly DnD since rulebook 4 had more of a mmo style combat because of wanting to use licensing for vidya mostly for mmos. Also TB rpgs became more friendly and all that bullshit, and the weird and bizarre was going out. Since no one is going to look up a bizarre TB RPGs.

But I've only dipped my toes into warhammer and 40k have these people fucked with that? Since my recollection is that these are still fascists as fuck. Remember in high school wanted to be edge but could only be into TB RPGs because the DM at the time was a hardcore cunt into DnD and other weird rpgs like one name occult or something in that vain. That one was hardcore, there is chances of getting raped and sacrificed if the DM is a cunt.
He did not want to spend so much time, so there where only 14 hours and he was cheap one.

Did not want to spend money on warhammer or that awesome games workshop lord of the rings. Man, those where the times.

Kult was the name of the TP RPG

The current season of Jojo makes me sad, since medium-small town life like that is pretty much extinct in America (especially with Obama shipping the diversity in with welfare housing).

SJWs trying to fuck with our games predates 4E by years, even before SJWs were an actual recognized thing.

See: "Storygame" faggots on the forge website.

RPG.net, which became a siberian gulag before 4E if I remember right

White Wolf since the 90s at least.

Check out the 40k RPGs if you want to get into the setting but not spend hundreds on miniatures.

Damn, that sucks.

I only noticed it with 4 but seen later one of the guys behind the Vampire of the masquerade is a mentally retarded SJW. If he is not a the new writers? And somehow he thought it was a good idea to have the new character or role to play as come from Africa. It was an ancient vampire or first vampire nigger tribe, more or less made no sense.

It was on kikestarter.

For Old World of Darkness:

Werewolf was the furry RPG about being eco-terrorist furfags fighting the evil corporation

Mage is about rad teenage wiccan goth kids fighting science men in black/the establishment, because science is bad and subjective.

Changeling was an (unintentional) otherkin RPG, but the otherkin community in the 90s latched onto it

Vampire: Doesnt need much explaining.

Now we have shit like Beast.

I *think* RPG.net was subverted around the time SomethingAwful was, since many RPG.net mods are actually goons.

Wew lads.

OK, so World of Darkness was always a try hard one. It kinda makes sense of the whole scheme of things, I try to follow what seems cool and what I could make some of my friends play.

I dunno I felt that Kult TB rpg was really good even tough it was edge from the 90s since it was from Sweden. So it would have some black metal and generally have some degenerate shit like child sacrifice and drug addiction. Plus demons, it was a retard fun from each game sessions since you would become a psychopath within the end of the game.

Both Stanley Kubrick and Alejandro Jodorowsky are Jews, but Stanley Kubrick is confirmed redpilled (hes quoted as saying Hitler was right about almost everything and Eyes Shut Wide is pretty explicitly about a secret society of degenerate Ishtar worshippers that run society)
I would recommend all of his movies

Jodorowsky seems somewhat redpilled, Im still unsure. HE hated the hollywood system and seemed to know it was run by a wealth-obsessed elite and he seems to genuinely view film as an art form, so I think he just keeps his mouth shut about it.

Be warned: he did acid during the shooting of all his early movies. This should be pretty obvious once you start watching them

his unmade dune movie sounded like it was going to be pretty redpilled too, the protagonist was an aryan and the degenerate harkonenns used rainbow gay pride colors (and they represent ultimate evil and decadence)

Dude obviously Jodorowsky has a problem with Hollywood because he went to every studio to produce the movie.

While it never came to pass because it was too tripy, also if Dune would have came to pass it might have been the big science fiction with nothing to do with the original Dune since and I quote "it was not the writers dune but mine dune" so it would not have followed the book but would follow his tripy story.

But his work was not forgotten since he did make some of the Dune unmade film into some original comics.

yeah thats what i hear too, i bought the incal pretty recently and just 2 pages in you start to notice shit from his concept art for the Dune movie

not like a Dune movie would ever get made in the modern era, fat-shaming AND g

AND gay shaming?

Authors for Casual Rightist Reading:





Some Tolkien art; reminder that orcs are literally miscegenated degenerate elves who underwent dysgenics.

Don't forget who the the antagonists of Berserk are.


No, it would not since he as a director is associated with general weird films.

The PC and liberal culture do have the "le family image" going on so they do safe movies for modern times. While Jodorowsky is anything but safe, his concept is not only "high concept" but its a non safe high concept. Its so many weird storyline with artwork that is weird plus the alienraces are only wanting to get high on a drug, since that was his interpretation of the book.

Kinda why the blood of the father could turn into sperm in the vagina of the woman. Yes, that was one of the concepts of the impregnation and birthing of the protagonist.
Plus allot more weird stuff, like the concept you have there.
You could not market Dune in any logical sense, even if they would have a producer, or cut something off or stayed on budget, it was too weird for studios.

Also the Frenchy was only interested because it could have been the next Mountain of Madness in profits in Europe, while in the US the films where rated NC17 or X.


well its also he makes weird films with spiritual elements, which works against the jews ultimate motive
the opening of the movie was supposed to have dog-men aliens from billions of years into the future landing down on the future Arrakis, where they would find a giant monument to humanity depicting a crucified and flayed robotic human on a giant metal cross. the dogmen sit down, press a button on the monument, its eyes open and start glowing and it plays them a reel, inside their head of "The history of Mankind"

which would be the movie

the whole blood and semen thing was supposed to be a weird Jesus metaphor I think; paul atredies is born from a pure kind of love where no lust is involved, and hes born from blood instead of semen
keep in mind the whole point of why she used his blood instead of semen is because the Duke Leto was supposed to be castrated, so its a symbolic "virgin birth"

it really is pretty weird how hollywood and the left has taken over "Family friendly", watching interracial gay pride rallies in disney movies is now "Family Friendly"

Also this fantastic multicultural paradise that totally won't end up with the apostles chimping out and killing literally everyone inside.

Wasn't there a chapter in Falcon arc that explained that the entire Midland race was on the brink of extinction because of the Kushans?

they were killing the men and children and raping the women until they birthed half-breeds before killing the mothers sandniggers amirite


not only that but that movie would not be "family friendly" because of the spiritual metaphors. His movie Mountain of Madness has allot of those spiritual,religious metaphors and symbolism that is mainly Christian.

The libshits would get a hissyfit if someone would make a Dune movie, or an animated Dune movie based of that script, I'm in somewhat in a gleeful what if that Dune movie would have been made.

You would pissed off allot of people like Muslims and libshits the libshits would have been pissed off because of fat shamming and too much Christian symbolism, if they could get the symbolism to begin with.

Enders Game 2 and on all include a copious amount of race mixing, with all the main characters but one mixing with niggers and asians. The first one was a good book though. And the rest of the list is very good, the original Dune series especially.

Sicario needs to be added to the movie list.

Came back to this thread just to point out that, yes hipsters have not only driven up the prices of certain records, but they've also pushed companies towards vinyl re-issues which muddy the market, because these re-issues are using the CD remaster tracks instead of the original tapes, which completely defeats the point of buying it on vinyl. For obvious reasons of course, but it fucks with prices alot regardless.

So they've not only made Vinyl more expensive, they've made it harder to find the real stuff at a reasonable price.

It involves death by rape, rolling anal circumfrence to resist rape; faggotry zoophilia scat, child sacrifice and rituals involving mutilation and is too complex to actually play.

It also has you doing complex equations for the most mundane shit.


great old /tg/ meme

Tree of life is a great movie that explores gender roles as universal forces. From microcosm to macrocosm. I sat my girlfriend down to watch it early in our relationship and was like, get it? Well, today she is my fiancé. Effective movie in showing how masculine and feminine energy compliment eachother and how both are essential.

OK, so its worse than vidya in other words its beyond fucked!
Since the muddy water effect is a real concept because the hipsters don't really know anything about audio like vidya, so they don't realize that vinyl for enthusiast is all about the musical experience with great speakers. And all that technical jazz.

don't tell me, if you are looking for a vinyl and it says original its really just a hipster that thinks that the CD remaster on vinyl is the original vinyl, but sells it as the original?

You got it!
you deserve an eyebrow for that deduction

Now I'm kinda worried since what is the next thing the hipsters and SJWs are after?
Is it manga or anime? Even tough the Japs has a problem with the pirated versions of both for logical reasons like its free and pretty well made translation. So the companies don't really make any money on it outside of Japan.

But I did see Anita shekelstein was quitting vidya and going after the next cashbag which is history or "stories of exceptional women from history" but I do wonder how the historycucks will react to this.

Since they have gotten everything imaginable re-interpretation to a modern viewpoint, aliens, religion, super floods, ancient cultures being inept at engineering and the list goes on.
Since you know she will butcher WW1 and jon d'arc plus other characters in history.

If not she will go full on scam with minor ideology with how they where feminists and so on. This might be entertaining.

Seconded. I keep hearing about right wing russian authors though I have yet to see any specifics.

feminism is a cancer
its not practiced anymore in universities to learn ancient greek plays off by heart and to be able to recite them
instead students are taught to take a cursory glance at the scripture through the lense of feminist ideologies
feminism is perverting the past glories of western civilization, all our arts are being filtered through its cancerous sieve like ideology

Unfortunately that is true also another disturbing thing I've seen. Is the whole respect the Arabic empire more and later The Ottoman empire, they are saying as if they where progressive empires.

So when one points out about the bloodtax which secondary citizens had to pay, that meant Jews and Christians so, allot of Christians had to pay a bloodtax meaning giving their son or daughters for the empire as a soldier or a slave.Kinda why there was this huge Muslims conversion in the beginning, no one wanted to be a slave.

But I bet Anita Shekelstein will bring up the arabic and Ottoman empire as progressive.

Also the whole feminism glance is only because the feminist academics don't really understand the time or place with the philosophy of the Greeks or the greatness of old plays and literature. Since allot of these plays where written for their time.

But one just has to wait and let it die out, that's why I'm interested in what historycucks will do.

The last movie before Malick lost any form of coherency in his movies. Great movie.

tbh blood tax does sound progressive, you can liken it to the collectivist agrarian reforms of the Soviet Union that every die hard marxist wants to try themselves no matter how many millions starve to death as a result
they dont understand anything
Man is the one that built civilization, woman is just a parasite of sorts
Greek plays and stories will especially not translate well into their warped ideology, theres an ancient greek saying that an affluent Greek man always had three women on the side, a courtesan to inspire him, a hetaira prostitute for fucking and a wife to mind the house and look after the kids

actually the nogs got their hands on Medea recently
they 'adapted' it and made Black Medea, its exactly the same as the original except now in american english, the main heroines a fat nigger sow and more sjw themes than you can shake a stick at
i envy the dead

Yeah but nobody likes or plays FATAL.

Kind of. But anime/manga is mostly dead in the West. It's not in the same state it was in the 90s and early 00s. The worst they can do is fuck with dubs.

which they do with everything now
stick to subs or learn nip because otherwise you're getting a marxist agenda shoved down your throat when it wasn't even there to begin with
get keen for Youjo Senki, nazi loli leading an army of the third reich and doing everything it can to be the most efficient and well organized legion in the reich pics related

This album is catchy and redpilled as fuck.


Examples besides Prison School?

Jodorowsky is a visionary. The Incal and Metabarons are god tier (Incal is back in print in english). El Topo is an incredible movie as well.

All of the Dune books not written by Frank Herbert are garbage, not just the last two. As far as anyone should be concerned, Dune ends with Chapterhouse.

Source on this?

I dont really know specifically since i stick with subs but i know Space Dandy also had that shit pulled on it

What was changed?


If this knowledge seriously impacts your enjoyment of Jodorowsky's work consider killing yourself.

again not sure, i think it was pushing for marriage equality for fags or trans shit something along those lines

Steve Ditko's 'Avenging World'. An objectivist attack on relativism by the famous Marvel cartoonist.

If you like REH you might also enjoy

IYL H.P.Lovecraft you might also enjoy

IYL Ian Fleming you might also enjoy

…It's all pre-80s stuff, isn't it?

So he's not jewish, the Chileans just tought he was jewish…r-right?
And yes it does impact the enjoyment of his work because pretty much everything jews do and make seem to have some kind of secret motive behind it. I already tought it was fishy that his dad was a commie and he looks way paler than most Chileans.

"Jodorowsky was born in 1929 in the coastal town of Tocopilla, Chile, to parents who were Jewish immigrants from Yekaterinoslav (now Dnipropetrovsk), Elisavetgrad (now Kirovohrad) and other cities of the Russian Empire. His father, Jaime Jodorowsky Groismann, was a merchant,[10]"
Wow..just wow

Stay pleb, faggots.

Forgot link.


How new are you? If a kike makes degenerate modern "art" it's always because he wants to shit up the medium of which the art piece belongs to.

Posted on 4chan's /n/ back in 2006.

Do you honestly think that the Incal and the Metabarons are an attempt to 'shit up the medium' of comics? Because they're widely considered to be a high water-mark for the medium.

I don't think looney toons are a good idea. There's a small risk of your kid ending up as a furfag. Remember that furfaggotry was a thing as early as the 90s at least.

and that means all of the authors probably grew up in the 50's or earlier.

Ive only read a few pages od the Incal and it already has me hooked, its the kind of thing you start to enjoy before you even understand the plot. He really understands visual style and directing.

El Topo and The Holy Mountain are some of my favorite movies, whenever someone asks me for a weird movie to watch thats the first thing that pops into my head
el topo is his only movie I would say is probably explicitly redpilled

did some posts get deleted or something while I was gone?
I kekk'd at that part in the interview, alejandro truly is a madman

You got it close enough, mostly the problem is that because these newer 180 gram re-pressings are being sold at say, 27 USD vs the 8 USD an original would be going for, most record stores price the two the same, despite their being a pretty large disparity in value and quality between the two, a lovingly used copy of DSOTM with some wear and tear on the cover should not cost as much as a still shrink wrapped, recently produced version with objectively different audio quality

Yep. Even though the 60s/70s is when things began to get pozzed, there were still plenty of towns free of it.

Yes, its a dead market place because of the convenience of the internet and its free to read the whole series if one wants to read something.

If you put in some shekels for a manga, one usually has to pay a premium price for the entertainment if there is no reprints.

I've not seen anyone take the bloodtax and put it inn as progressive, but that will surely be interesting since the warped ideology would have to explain the whole sex slave thing for the khalif and so on.

But its only the dirty right wingers that would know about these things to begin with, is the usual argument.

OK, so I've learned one is fucked if one is into vinyl.

how is Incal? I usually stay few foots away from Jodorowsky works.

The galactic human empire is ruled by a race of hook-nosed bird people called "Bergs" that took over by use of subversion

wait a minute that reminds me of something can't put my finger on it.

But seriously that is funny. So is there allot of weird things in it like the Dune movie would have been?

What happened in Prison School? I watched the dub and didn't notice any kikery.


Wait that is one of em perverted Chinese cartoons.

Did you watch the censored television run version or the uncensored version?
I would guess the problem is the sexual perversion of the anime, the whole submission by a woman and so on.

one can assume so, the original dune book is pretty weird to begin with (its about giant worms that poop drugs and the return of a space aryan jesus)
Jodorowsky wanted the Duke Leto to be castrated in ritual combat that was orchestrated by the Harkonenns (with the intention of wiping out his line) which means Jessica has to use space tech to extract his DNA from his blood, then impregnates herself with blood
There was going to be grimdark scenes of Saurdarkar soldiers slaughtering children and women mixed with scenes of Salvador Dali playing the Mad-Emperor of the galaxy doing drugs and being a depraved maniac in his grand palace
There would be battles with Fremen riding sandworms, no idea how he expected to film that in 1974, and other insane shit. The script was pretty long
I would understand keeping a few foot away from his works though, he seemed a little…eccentric. Dont think he was bluepilled though

Supposedly Germany survived Second Impact better than most countries by having less coastline and being far away from the site in Antarctica.

Filtering doesn't work for me anymore, what am I doing wrong?

Rome are actually huge cucks.

I don't know I just watched it on some streaming site, although come think of it there was a cringy line about Gamergate. Wasn't the manga written before GG happened?

It's explicitly left-wing. Hell, they even had pro-Zapatista RATM do the soundtrack.

The whole thing is a societal analogy from a leftist point of view.
The redpilled hackers represent the left-wing socialist revolutionaries, fighting against the right-wing capitalist republican establishment (Machines/Agents) supported by the bluepills (apathetic normalfags).
The Merovingian and his goons represent monarchy, they are programs who have been largely phased out and live in exile in a fancy french chateau, but they can still be powerful.
Smith represents fascism. Formerly of the old order that failed, he had clashed with the revolutionaries and it changed him, he begins to become a fusion of both nationalist and socialist elements. He is able to defeat the Socialists and drive them out (Spanish Civil War) but eventually the Socialist hackers team up with the Capitalist machines and defeat Smith.

Yeah, good point. The only thing that came out of it is us appropriating the redpill/bluepill metaphor

wow, never seen it like that but youre pretty much on the money. never really understood why the degenerate frenchie was named after the founding dynasty of the frankish tribes, seemed like an irrelevant detail to me

it always seemed obvious that it was bluepilled though, I mean, their city is called ZION and its racially diverse and mixed

Le Comité de Salut Public
french women sing against nwo

Murdoch Murdoch

Oscar Turner
high energy natsoc imagery to old natsoc speeches

collects and exposes degeneracy in nutshell narrations

Well of COURSE it is, it's how leftists (and jewish leftists like the Wachowski brothers especially) see their ideal society. Meanwhile they see fascist Smith as the ultimate evil, the all-consuming virus that just wants to destroy and control everything (and in a bad way, unlike the leftists).

CommonFilth? I thougtht he was just a slightly less cucked Sargon. Didn't he shit-talk Holla Forumsacks or people with similar views?

well most leftists tend to delude themselves into thinking that theyre still the renegades. the last few decades of media subversion should make it obvious they arent, but theyre a little more cunning than we give them credit; they know that as long as they maintain the fake image of rebellion, the youth and the weak willed will fall in line.

its also bloated with false spiritualism; i dont really understand why Neo is jesus, other than hes the protagonist who self sacrifices for the team (something literally every character in every story does)
I like the first movies as an action film but the more you watch of the series the more pretentious and full of self-annointed purpose it feels

most of the religious metaphors just feel thrown in there (WHOA, theres a character named trinity! its like, the bible or something!)

he shit talked pollacks who spend all day on pol whining about white genocide instead of doing something
hes pretty securely nationalist, trust us

Neo isn't Jesus - he's the Chosen One. There's a difference.

Yeah, there was a line about "Gamergate creepshows" that was completely concocted by the dubbers, along with many other shitty jokes referencing American pop culture.

nigger he dies crucified on a machine thing and a glowing cyber cross appears on his chest when he dies, who do you think the Chosen One is a metaphor for

Have you listened to his recent shows? All he does is shit on Holla Forums and the alt-right, strawmanning about how almost everyone in the movement supports faggotry and that Milo Yian-whatever is our hero, and how we accept any degeneracy as long as white people do it.

Seriously, all the research for those Tumblristas videos must've gone to his head, because he's going straight bonkers.

really? eh tbh i havent consistently watched him in a while
you sure he didnt mean 4cuck pol?

s-senpai why

Oh, and he also said that the flood of immigrants in white nations is God's punishment for whites being degenerates, and that white people deserve it because loving God is much more important than race. Just to give a clue as to how "nationalist" he is.

He's shit on both Holla Forumss and just the far right in general.

thats a shame, I really hope hes being ironic when hes saying that
beware of nationalists with sympathies to islam, ive seen it happen before. if a white nationalist ever converts to being muslim cut all ties with him immediately

It's literally all his radio show is now.

This meme is stale af


If he isnt redpilled than why did he depict the Spanish Conquistadors as FROGS?

Let's discuss music. Why are the recommendations always neo- revivals? neofolk, neotraditional neonazi/skinhead/oi, industrial, metal, noise etc.

When we recommend literature or films, we recommend classics, the products of better times and when nondegeneracy was the norm; not diluted, misguided, reactionary shit like Fight Club.

I'll put forward pre-nashville style country music, such as the gospel inspired close harmony of the Louvin Brothers
or the themes of atonement and regret covered so strongly by Hank Williams

Otherwise, there's obviously the hallowed western classical. Some like Breta Bartok are interesting for there interest in the traditional folk songs of their countries:

Similarly, there are those of the american avant-garde that treated the honest culture of the working class with respect:

If you have to do contemporary work, go hard or go home. There's no time for nostalgia or diluted throwbacks

I was already thinking about getting this game, now I definitely am.

The Holla Forums list needs a lot of work. Should we put together a new one?
Besides getting rid of the trash (Skyrim, Fallout: NV, Shogun 2, Democracy 3, RDR, Papers Please, Witcher, World in Conflict), it's missing Imperialism 2, Simcity 3, Alpha Centauri, Shogun TW, Star Control 2, Aurora, MULE, Armored Core, Front Mission, Ace Combat. Any others? What WW2 FPS games would best belong? What about RTS?

Oh, also based Darklands. Very much inspired by germanic folklore.

probably the Ultima games too, if they lean towards Nordic mythology and not Tolkien, though I never played them.

Do you actually listen to that? If so, why are you retarded?

The main character's mom is barely mentioned, since she died long before the series started. Her dad's a (((union))) boss, but he plays a fairly minor role in the series past the beginning. Both of the racial gangs wind up splintering into irrelevance after their supervillain leadership gets taken out.

That said, though, IIRC the main character winds up burning coal, so on a scale of 1 to 10, maybe a seven? I got the impression that it was more the author being racially blind rather than deliberate agenda pushing.

If you blame anyone but yourself for your lack of culture, you'll never learn to handle difficult art and continue to have to rely on the same petty justifications forever. With access to the internet, there's really no excuse to maintain a willful ignorance

You might have an easier time understanding industrial noise by starting with earlier works of musique concrete

Have this also, from the same background as the earlier industrial, but less militant:
engaged with the same themes and aesthetic of modern war and its aftermath

"You don't subject yourself to the musical equivalent of (((modern art))) to signal your superiority? You uncultured swine!"

I'll stick to memorable and beautiful melodies and lyrics made by talented people, thanks.

Only with reluctance, as I said, but it's better than distorted pastiches taken over the real thing, as I said.

These are those petty justifications I referenced. It's more accurately described as a class insecurity than intellectual one, isn't it?

Share them

m8 just listen to Kraftwerk,Pink Floyd or some other popular band from that period.
Like this masterpiece is basically /r9k/ the song.

Don't forget Toy Soldiers classic (WWI Tower defense set in a Tabletop diorama with period EVERYTHING including poison gas!)

Or Legends of Eisenwald. (Tactical RPG set in a believable version of Medieval Germany with every single period superstition and legend being true, along with beautiful period music.

I reccomend KillTenRats's LP as he's a native Deutschephone(?) and can explain lots of names and little references here and there.

I don't see the value in recommending low culture. At the end of the day, it's just shallow and hedonistic, isn't it?

You might be interested in Roedelius, another german working with synths in the same period as Kraftwerk, with a sound leaning closer to classical than pop:

Kraftwerk were heavily inspired by Stockhauzen, composer of the first song linked, btw. If that song's represents /r9k/, I think pic related represents Holla Forums - oh it's already posted here:

It was low culture because of narcotic usage. But because me mum and dad where into that music genre, so I've just liked to hear em once in awhile.

You'd think defending earth from illegal aliens would be Holla Forums approved.

Truly it will be localizers to hang first on the day of the rope.

In all fairness Skyrim is actually fairly Holla Forums-esque. The themes of nationalism and racism are explored in a positive light.

The Nords want freedom from the Imperials, but even beyond that there is a constant, subtle tone that the high elves are the 'other' and they are the enemy of all men. No one believes in equality; dark elves, argonians and khaajits are overwhelmingly portrayed as thieves, drug-addicts and lazy good-for-nothings.

While a lot of the writing was quite shoddy, the Forsaken (Breton tribesmen) had some pretty interesting writings concerning them re-taking Skyrim and particularly Markath (think that's what its called, the far-eastern city).

Admittedly it also did not allow you to join the 'Silver Hand' (or something like that) who were werewolf hunters protecting mankind, and forced you to instead side with the werewolves. You were unable to help the Forsaken reclaim their lands. Men were equal to women statwise (although most if not all of the toughest and most powerful humans in the story were male).

Still portraying nationalism and racism in a positive light is HUGE. I have no idea how that really went under the radar. Presumably because you could side with the Imperials, though even then the racism against the Elves was evident, and it was in a sense another kind of nationalism as the Imperials really just wanted to rebuild so that they could defeat the Elves later on. There were no faggoty plots about everyone just getting along.

Talos also being a not unsubtle reference to Christ, pagan demi-gods and the 'aspirational volk man' is also shocking to some extents.

Skyrim may well have put some good ideas into the minds of the masses of normalfags who played it whilst probably not fully grasping its story.

God this is so fucking based

I used to believe this too, and it doesn't help that Anno even said he just threw in shit for teh lulz, but I think he wanted to make the viewers think for themselves instead of just agreeing with what he told them. It all fits together too perfectly to have been random. All of the religious symbols perfectly match their western counterpart. He just went with pre-Renaissance lore while most Christians are used to cute cherubs and beautiful angels.

really it's whites and Japanese, everyone else however is either stupid, crazy, or an actual monster.

What about Casca?

Based off of Persians (Indo-Aryans).

she looks like whatever the coastal dwelling darker Japanese subgroup later in the series.
okinawan i think?

Okinawans are more like chinks/jungle Asians than Japanese and she really doesn't look like them.

This is the thing I really like about the Elder Scrolls. The mythos is spot on. Each deadra and aedra is, effectively, one of Plato's ideal forms given life. Take Hircine for example. He IS the Hunt in all its aspects. He is both the white stag to be slain and the devouring beast to be fled from.

Then there's the whole aspect of Sithis being the creator of the universe. After all, before Sithis (change), there was stasis, and stasis asks merely for itself: which is nothing.

Meanwhile, here we have Kek, another aspect of Chaos, assisting us in the task of upsetting the status quo.

I didn't make the images, it is the work of various anons of Holla Forums. We can change it here.
I vote too remove boku no pico since it is obviously a troll the one who put it there, and I would replace it with Hellsing Ultimate (the based OVAs).

Boku no pico should stay because it's obviously a troll.

Trolling is part of Holla Forums's manly essence.

You know all the characters turn into literal fucking faggots at episode 12/13, and faggotry is seen as a good and stable thing, right? That entire show was a huge fucking wew lad, and the people who questioned it in the show are through criminals that are killed.

The ending is a human thinking its a genetically engineered mole rat, who were originally humans, that just kills all humans it sees. Whoever thinks its a good show deserves a reserved spot in a gas chamber.

you really didnt watch it/get it do ya
its more about loyalty and lies, the central theme is how everything you may have once believed was true is actually all a lie designed to control you
the main character is one of only two people in the show who can see all this
like when she and one of the boys gets captured together and because they're scared/stressed they feel an urge to touch each other and stuff
then she remembers what the droid spoke of and how they've been indoctrinated from early childhood and even genetically manipulated so that they solve disputes in a way similar to how bonobos do sexual activity instead of violently like people and other higher order primates do
upon realization the character stops what is about to happen and they figure out what to do next
the whole story at its core is just about 5 people who have been given the chance to become self-aware in a world of sheeple that practice a totalitarian form of social engineering because every generation is terrified the following generation will destroy the warped society they live in

I'd say the Holla Forums approved gaming needs to be changed a bit.
Get rid of skyrim altogether.
Replace half-life 2 with 1, or keep both. Personally i would get rid of it.
Replace civilization 5 with Alpha Centauri, which is already there.
Delete Europa IV and replace with III
Keep max payne 3, but add the other two.

What are some recommendations for books and literature. Preferably, i like Science Fiction and Fantasy, anything remotely based in the past few years?

Not right (or left) wing. Just an underrated as fuck tank simulator for the PS1.

Gene Wolfe is rated pretty highly



I miss PS1-era cover art.

Kill yourself, kike shill.

I miss PS1-era games.

Not really, I emulate them on my PC today.

The Long Dark is a fun winter survival game that's completely devoid of all poz and nerd culture shit. It's also the comfiest thing ever to play while listening to audiobooks or podcasts.

After LoG can't think of any anime more Holla Forums related. It's anime take on Orwellian Utopias and Death Penalty without trial.

it's cancer

You made no criticism of the game other than to lazily link its stylization to "tumblr". As for the rest, it's worth its price, unless you care about a story mode.

It falls right in line with the visual trend of SF cuck games. Here's one that would easily pass a non-winter expansion pack. The other criticisms aren't justified by being "worth the price," they're dirty and exploitative practices. I'll give it a pirate whenever they decide they're done milking their supporters and release a final version.

Shit taste

It doesn't fucking matter what reason they have the protagonists be faggots. They're still faggots.

go home Holla Forums you're drunk

Jodorowsky's pretty fucking awesome.

This song gives me some serious feels.

I think the game itself is shit but the reason its on the list might be because of the whole theme of the empire vs the nords with the jew- i mean thalmer manipulating shit from the shadows.

Or maybe people just like to entertain themselves, like they have been doing for thousands of years now.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei/The Irregular at Magic High School was criticized for being too right-wing, though I don't quite remember why. Gate also triggered the shit out of people for glorifying the JSDF and shitting on politicians and the media.

Is there a practical purpose to those cylinders on their hats?


Gate it was essentially JSDF propaganda disguised as an otaku wish fulfillment anime,
though the second season was pretty shit for the most part and focused too much on the MC and his harem going on adventures.

The show doesn't seem to credit a military advisor oddly enough, but I bet the production staff attended JSDF training excercises or something. The military stuff seems too specific to have been just dreamed up by them.

Strike Witches (which does have a military history advisor) is also pretty redpill I guess, if you ignore all the superficial anime silliness. The story is about retaking Europe from alien invaders and defending your homeland (now there's an idea). There's even an episode that basically tours historical sites in Rome. Noblesse oblige also comes up a few times (one of the characters is a French aristocrat who pours all her money into reconstruction efforts).

The guy who wrote the original novel was an otaku that served in the JSDF. The MC was literally his self-insert. According to /a/, anyway.

But the anime team must have still needed additional references, and not just what he wrote.

The only reason I haven't watched this yet is because I never liked those leg engines.

It's getting a new anime, and the issues of the manga are coming back.

Monthly releases starting again on the 24th and a new animu series.

New vidya also. The reveal trailer triggered the fuck out of the SJWs since it was a throwback to Casca's rape.

Watching the eclipse gives me shivers, fucking badass as fuck. I like how it was done in the anime, but the movie did it well. It was just annoying they dropped some stuff, like Judeau's last words and Gaston's too.

not much out there, tbh

The movies did so many things so badly and a few things very well.

Come on Holla Forums

This is SJW logic.