Is anyone else over Melbourne. I'm looking to move

Melbourne is supposedly the most livable city in the world. It's not a bad city I suppose but it's getting worse. I can't see myself staying there or raising a family. These are my problems with Melbourne 1) The rise of African gangs and violent criminal activity 2) It has become a charmless authoritarian city that has lost its soul 3) Overpopulated and overcrowded 4) Expensive housing 5) Indians, just multiculturalism in general. Feels more like one big international hotel but without the hot Swedes 6) Full left-wing retardation. Melbourne is the home of Aussie SJWs and the State Government is borderline communist 7) Public transport breaks down on days that end in y. I am thinking of moving to Perth. Any fellow Melbourne shitlords feel me?

Other urls found in this thread:

Perthian here, stuff is even more expensive and instead of African gangs there're more abos and meth heads.
Multiculturalism is pretty much the same here.

Fucking sucks here but I'm staying and fighting. There are quite a lot of national socialists here, and we're preparing to take our struggle to the streets.

I heard Melbourne is turning into a pozzfest.
I used to live in Perth, left in 2008 for the UK. I miss Perth a lot. It was a wonderful place.

But I have heard a couple of unfortunate things, for starters the mining bust has now taken out a shitload of jobs and the local economy isn't doing so well. Chevron laid off like 10k people recently for example, and house prices fell 6% this year all up. So it looks like the state is in recession (with a 40 billion deficit or something big). I would like to return one day. But I think it will take some time, waiting for the brexit referendum to make that decision. If we vote leave I'll stick it out for a while. But I'm sick of the cultural enrichment. Moved out of London because of it. Live on the south coast now, it's quite lovely.

I hear Melbourne is nice but totally pozzed.

Geelong here

it's infecting us even here, someone thought it was a good idea to rebrand the city as a service/tourist destination and expected all the working class to reskill as hairdressers and barristas, when that didn't happen they started importing brown people from the countries they had sold the manufacturing to to do it

more every day

What suburb should I live in? I've got a decent job and live inner Northside at the moment, but it's SJW central.

I moved here before I got redpilled but now it's almost unbearable

There's nowhere good that's urban. You're either in a white SJW filled shithole or surrounded by Indians and Chinks. More and more niggers everywhere every day too, and they're pretty much all Sudanese.


Geelong has famously been a shithole for at least a decade though lad, it makes sense they'd put the brown scum with the lower income earners, as their complaints are the last to be heard

I'd almost go back just for the warm lifestyle tbh lad. Thinking about a UK move. I'm on the warmest part of the UK but the winters depress me these days. I miss a hot Christmas morning down the local park just off the beach

Thinking about moving to Australia from the UK, is it worth it lads?

A lot about the UK drive me nuts, too.

People are really unfriendly
Litter everywhere
tiny, bad houses

But at least I can afford a house and I don't have to spend 4 hours commuting everyday

fuck off we're full

get the fuck out of the UK then

Yeah the people have gotten unfriendlier too. I blame the fucking pakis and browns.
I was watching out my window the other day overlooking a park, some fucking mudslime was sitting on a bench with his other paki fucking friend, and 2 kids were talking to them, shitskins obviously or I'd have rang the police and likely caught a pedo. Anyway the fucking paki cunt on the seat takes some paper out of his pocket, was torn up and just scatters it all over the fucking bench. There was a god damned bin 2 metres away.

Fucking raping my green and pleasant land, my sceptred isle.

i'm a citizen cunt
couldn't shift me with a crowbar and a forklift
anyway i'm too busy taking your jobs and your women to argue with you
sorry about the rickets

Good luck with that mate. I'm not sure that Melbourne's worth defending. I have a theory that people are ultimately tribal. White flight is the necessary outcome of multiculturalism

I did notice a lot of agitated Abos in the city but Perth is nowhere near as multicultural as Melbourne. Perth had a lot of pommies, saffers and just a general culture of whiteness about it. Things were more relaxed. People were more open and people weren't stepping on each other's toes!

This. Don't pay attention to any of the "most liveable cities" lists, they don't factor in a lot of stuff.

Even Australians have gotten less friendly. Not so much that it's hugely noticeable, but it's definitely happened.

If you go northern suburbs it is a bit now.
Lad I used to live in Mindarie, fuck it was beautiful. All white, gorgeous marina. Parents owned this fuck off huge house. Was wonderful mate. My childhood was fucking incredible, like a fairytale. Was quite sad actually thinking about it recently - knowing that my kids when I have them will never have a place quite like it.

I went back there having left in 2008, returned 2011. Clarkson, just off Mindarie was always a bit low income and rough, few abos but not too bad. Rough Lite…

Now it's full of african migrants that were shipped in and put there by the government trying to keep them far out of the way. Mindarie in parts has been taken over with same. Crime has soared, there's still a little cove of rich houses and whites, but they're beset on all sides by pakis and muslims and africans.

There used to be this fucking rubbish dump processing place as you drove towards there, stank a bit. But it was in the middle of a nowhere stretch and you could forgive it as on the other side was this glorious place.

Now it serves as a fucking warning. You have to keep driving an hour or so to Lancelin to find the nice sort of white places I was talking about now, in the middle of fucking nowhere. But it's too far in to Perth to be useful, needs a second city. I suppose Joondalup is its own mini city, but all the aussie chavs hang out there.

you're right about that. There are studies that show that the larger and more multiracial a city is, the more unfriendly people are and the less trust they have in each other. Multiculturalism reduces civic pride and creates mutual distrust

Yeah man, people always ask why our communities and neighbours aren't so friendly anymore in the UK and why people don't know each other like they used to, or still do in the little villages.

That's the fucking answer, we can't and don't want to mix with the disgusting vile foreign cunts. In London of the 1800s people knew their neighbours for fucksake and it was the big city. Not so now.

Join National Action you faggot.

Another Melbourne Bro!! Wassup? You just need to join the Orthodox Greek and Slav scene!!

Do they accept Anglofags?

1.Welcome to the West, good luck finding somewhere where that isn't happening

2.Somewhat true but at least the arcades etc. are still here

3.Thats happening everywhere

4.Economy is only going to get worse


6.Also true but not in the Orthodox Christian community

7.I feel you

Yeah, I am half anglo myself and there are a few full anglos. There was a youth council run on the Mornington peninsular with several anti-gay lectures, pro-family and anti-degeneracy lectures etc. But we are also pretty chill, drinking vodka with the priests and all that

Would have said to move to Brisbane 5 years ago mate, but it's pozzed as fuck as Asian investors and 3rd worlder's zerg rush our relatively inexpensive property market.

nah we aren't that bad here m8. Way better than the UK

Lets face it lads, all the cities are pozzed. People are still really nice out in the country though. More white out there too

There's good and bad everywhere really. There are a lot of people looking for a better place to move to but you always have to give something up. In many ways you're better off just digging your heels in where you are and making a stand. Unless it's really bad where you are of course.

There are still social circles that are anti-degenerate. You just have to find the right people.

I can't wait till I can fucking bail and just live in isolated Tasmania

So you can fuck your sister?

Tasmania is the whitest state in the whole of Australia.

No so I don't have to deal with gooks, chinks and chongs

Isn't most of rural Australia pretty white?

The commies are the worst. They took over the worst of the red russian's shitty materialism, greed and degeneracy.

So you can fuck your sister instead of the gooks, chinks and chongs?

I live in Perth and I'm cautious about settling down in any capital city in Australia.

Perth is a great place to live. At least it WAS a great place to live. Safe, breezy, generally homogeneous. But if they have intentions of flooding Perth with hordes of 3rd worlders like they're doing in other places, what's the point of staying? Especially considering the property prices around here.

So, for $500,000+, I get a hole in the wall in the most isolated city in the world where everything is incredibly expensive AND I get to experience Mogadishu levels of violence first-hand? What a deal!

I'm currently thinking of maybe moving down south to Balingup or somewhere like that.

Yes but it's full of eccentrics and two-bit communists

I'd rather fuck all the old dutch people that go there.

I hear Rockingham is nice, never went there though, thoughts?

Fair, if I visit can I fuck your sister?
Is your sister hot?

Lad, I do a lot of regional Australia work (mostly VIC/NSW/SA), and country folk here are retarded as fuck, half of them can barely send an email and have never lived anywhere else. Good luck not going insane living among these people. Not to mention all the natives/junkie whites

You fucking traitor pussy

Thats why us rich cunts have a place in the city and a place in the country and a place by the beach

I live in melbourne as well, I see what you mean
I'm not sure exactly where you live, I used to live out near footscray/sunshine and it was just blacks, curries, junkies, the worst of the worst.

moved back out to outer eastern burbs, its much better out here,
Have a great job in the city so I'm not keen to leave, but if I was going to, I'd either move out to the country, somewhere like Traralgon.

Or to another city, probably Adelaide. got a lot of mates in radelaide, apparently it's still pretty good there.

I live right near there. It still is. It's getting worse every day. Eastern suburbs are shit too for inner. South east is also shit.

I was within 2 mins walk of Tottenham station. absolute cunt of an area.
My morning commute involved the watergardens line, which never fucking worked.

When I say it's better in the outer east,
i'm not talking south east, not dandenong or anything.

think lilydale/belgrave line.
it's a longer commute, but train cancellations are much more rare, less shitcunts stealing the copper wire, and we dont have police incidents at sunshine shutting the entire line down every second day.

out near here, theres a lot of asians a couple suburbs over in box hill. but all in all, i grew up out here. moved away and came back. it hasn't changed that much demographic wise at least. lot of cashed up bogans, and old white rich people.

indians are spreading everywhere ofc. but my suburb is yet to be overrun

Oh right, lilydale and such aren't too bad. Western 'burbs are just more and more indian, black and muslim by the day. A great number of whites are degenerate meth addicted faggots. It's horrific. Dandenong and Frankston etc in the south east are pretty bad too.

I live in Melbourne, and there's quite a strong, very fast growing Nationalist scene here. I'd highly recommend getting involved. I'm with several groups at the moment, one of which is a bunch of Holla Forums / TRS / Ironmarch guys, there's about 10 of us at the moment and we meet up every week.

If you want to get involved, now's a great time. Everything's getting set up.

Yes it is and will stay white for long time.

Possibly, possibly not. White people aren't having heaps of kids and bogans are hardly the stuff that keeps white culture going

White? come to New Zealand, just avoid Auckland and Wellington.

the little skirmish in coburg a couple of weeks ago was promising.

more and more regular aussie blokes are getting shitted off with the fucking leftist #letthemstay bullshit attitude

a lot of 'stop the mosques' protests.
even some of my more lefty mates are starting to see reason.

I was there. It was great stuff. You can bet the next rally will be much more violent, too.

If you're interested, shoot me a message at [email protected]/* */ (I used to live in Perth, and you don't need to be NS/Fascist to meet, just a believer in White Australia)

Just out of curiousity: what do you count as white? Only Germanic people or also mediterraneans, celts and slavs?

The rural people are having more than 3 kids so I think it will be okay but not the suburbians nor city people though. City really need a population limit to suppress the craps.

I know several people in the city who each have have families of 3-5 kids but that is in a very traditionalist religious context. I'm hoping to do something similar personally

That's a dumb question. All ethnic Europeans are white. Germans, Anglos, Celts, Slavs and Mediterraneans are all white.

Well some of those 14/88 types only want nords and germanics and call slavs mongolians and call meds turks.

I don't want to get beaten up by some violent nazi in the city because I'm not the correct shade of white

Where do you think we are?

That is true, the religious people tends to have many kids. In the future, I would like to have 4 kids just like my parent.

You don't have to worry about that m8. I've met a lot of skinheads and they're pretty ~tolerant~ of darker Europeans. There's even the odd actual darkie that rocks up and they don't attack them. They concentrate on the leftists and police.

Meh, my wife doesn't want to leave

Its right there in the thread mate and I don't intend to be on the receiving end.

Yeah, I'd like to have as many kids as I can afford. Its hard to find good women to marry but I might just get a arranged marriage with a religious girl from Russia. The daughters of priests are usually very traditional and brought up against degeneracy and I can shop around a bit for a good match.

Thats good

Well she'd be safer here than in the UK thats for sure

All people of European descent should come back to Europe and make a final stand.

i know lad. I know.
I have been boxing for the last 2 years because I have a daughter that I would prefer not to get gangraped by pakistanis

the state library is probably the only bearable place in the city anyway, only whites and higher tier asians for some reason, but to get there you're going to have to see some shit


Go rural if you can manage it.
Bathurst if still great and will remain great because it will never be commutable from Sydney

You melb fags i feel bad for.. im stuck in sydney atm cos of apprenticeship/family. But in 3 more years im leaving this shitskin filled hole for a whiter future. Wheres a good place a white/tradie can get a job that isnt WA/shithole "main city"?
I want to go back to newcastle because it wasnt fucked before i left afew years ago

What a depressing thread, I knew Australia had abbos but that they only stayed out in the desert drinking petrol. Also that there are lots of Asians there, but not that it has turned in to a shithole.

Those Russian women aren't as good as you might think. I researched it, and apparently the ones that want to leave are mostly 'free women' who want to live in a more liberal West. Once they come over, they go full Feminist. Not always, but a lot of the time.

Also, weak. Fights will be coming whether you like it or not. And if you wait till it's too late and you don't have anyone to watch your back, it'll certainly be the unpleasant option.

The thing is though, you don't even have to go to rallies immediately. We can (and do) just meet up for now. Most of us haven't even had a public appearance politically.

The hardest part in keeping a daughter safe would be raising her right these days

Come to FNQ. We have 14 degree winters and homey country towns that close up entirely by 8.

Yeah but you don't have Russian Orthodox connections m8. I have family and contacts in Russia who can tell a seriously religious girl from some americanised bimbo. Girls who are pretending don't go to church every week and do hours of daily prayer.

Also, I'm not a Nazi, I'm an Orthodox Christian first and a Monarchist second. I want an Orthodox King, not some idolotrous satanic Fuhrer

the city streets are literally crumbling.
Everything is filthy. Cops have begun a bold new strategy of simply ignoring all panhandlers related harassers, even though half of them are obviously backpackers. Hobo matresses and other belongings are piled up against century old buildings and ignored. Whites are generally naive and will never question the fact that there are beggars all over the place in socialist australia. One fat islander can stand on a footpath and rob every white walking past with a pocketknife and they all just pay.

Priests must be very strict on them. I like to marry a Australian rural man who have many siblings and are willing to marry another wife so I and future co-sister can help and raise the family altogether. The bigger family, the merrier it is!


Good for you. I hope it works out.

Anyway m8, I don't give a shit if you have poor taste politically. It's about White Australia at the moment. We can kill each other afterwards.

I'm currently in Melbourne and I fucking hate it. That said I'm conflicted between staying and fighting here or moving back to Queensland. This place isn't my home and I feel little connection to it.

I'm moving to Melbourne in a couple of years to study and work. I already have a house set up there.

Should I start a local Blackshirt militia?

Yeah I'm not expecting a king in my lifetime or even my grandkids lifeimes but I come from a White Russian diaspora family and my Great Grandfather was part of the Russian aristocracy so being a monarchist is part of my family tradition as well as religious tradition.

A Nationalist government isn't likely either so maybe those girls are laughing at both of us.

Actually, many are educated in theology, philosophy and good traditional culture so they have more substance than girls here.

I lurk here and TRS regularly and am extremely interested in finding a group. Chuck me an email if you guys are open to it.

Personally you are much better off living in Queensland because Melbourne is a giant magnet for the leftists so not a worthy to fight.

I'd be wary about joining groups online or inviting members online.

Who knows who is actually behind that screen. You might get a group together and be branded as Nazi Terroists. Careful.

Email here is blocked off m8. If you're serious about wanting to start shit, head over to, lurk a bit, read the intro materials and sign up. I will invite you to our group when I see you on there.

In a few years? Join one m8. We'll have one waiting for you.

Eurofag here, how bad are aboriginals really and are they as bad of an issue in Australia as niggers are in the US?

When you beat the enemy on their own turf you know you've won. The most pozzed up places are usually the first to fight back. We'll be leading the way here in Melb.

It depends on what part of Australia they're from.

I've met a couple of good Aboriginals, I guess, but a lot of them are thieves, drug addicts, drunks, etc.

It really depends on upbringing.

They're dumber than niggers so they're not too bad at all. That and we did a good job on genociding them so there are so few that it doesn't matter. They exist mostly in outback areas, rather than cities.

They're literally a non issue for most of the country because there aren't many of them but where they're in numbers they become worse than niggers.

I'm very wary of joining pre-existing groups. I feel it would be better to create one myself.

Besides, I'm more of a Mosley/Mussolini guy, and a lot of Nationalist movements seem to be populated by ignorant skinheads.

You're right on that one. Whenever I visit family out in Western Vic I share stories of how pozzed Melbourne is and they always act surprised and shocked. They had no clue how bad the cities had become.

I grew up in Melbourne. It breaks my heart to see what lefties have done to the place.

Come up to Brisbane user. Here (for the moment at least) there is a white majority and the cult of diversity is still in check.

Pretty irrelevant

Won't be the case with us, unless you think groups like NA are ignorant skinheads.

Still not as bad as here though, could be turned around

Not really. It's good to know where people's philosophical/ideological ideas stem from. I frankly don't want to be associated with people shouting "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI" and waving the Australian flag around.

I would meme this into reality. We need Cronulla riot 2.0.

Nice, maybe we can learn from them so we can instill them in our future children.

They are not bad as the nigger but dumber. There are not many abos as they are on the way to extinct due to fetal alcoholism and race mixing.

A good point, but this sort of thing isn't exactly advertised in real life for obvious reasons

If I say we're national socialist that should be enough. Hitler, Mussolini and Mosley were all the same when it came to worldview. The differences are just temporal and not as important.

The idea of discussing RW politics over a few beers sounds good I'm fairly moderate alt-right. I was a refugee from The Liberal Party and libertarianism and I actually get along well with Asians


Fair enough.
I saved your email for later just in case


I never hear anyone talking about Canberra.
is it just as bad here as in any other city?

I live in a beautiful suburb on southside. almost all the houses up and down the street look great and have good gardens, so I'm guessing it's pretty white here.
although judging from a few petitions going around ((goverment housing)) is starting to encroach on the area. there are a few Africans and bogans I spot every so often on my way to work.

I didn't post an email. Will shill for ironmarch once again and say to lurk and join that if it's up your alley. I'll find you on there and see how it goes.


Sorry, thought you were another poster.

Wouldn't Ironmarch be closely monitered by (((them?)))

He is not going to get the pmship because nobody want him to be pm but liberal so what are they thinking?

I visited there once and I don't plan to go back there again but who knows. It is ok and boring. A lot of politicians and public servants living there.

As much as they can. Doesn't matter if it is, it serves a purpose just as pol does. Anything that requires an encrypted network would be handled on an encrypted network or in person.

Yeah well, the thing about nationalism is you have to fight for some sort of culture which usually means music, art , philosophy, religion and all the rest of it. Thats really clear for me but what does it mean for you lot?

Truly a difficult thing to ask when it comes to a colony like Australia. Philosophy wise we're set, religion wise it's obviously Christianity, although no particular denomination.

Nationalism is about making the country somewhere that is safe and free for kids. Dangers like subhumans must be eliminated.

I have pro-pedo views, so extolling the virtue of tradition and art to my ironmarch peers isn't really desirable, knowing I'd probably get hurt. Merely having to censor myself incenses me, so I'd rather just not join any group.

As you say, its obviously Christianity and seeing as Orthodoxy is the only non-cucked branch out there…

Personally I plan to work to build the foundations for the eventual establishment of an autocephalous Orthodox Church of Australia which would be a good thing for nationalism and an important step for my own political ideals.

wtf, doesn't sound like much of a future for white children m8

You're fucked up. Cut that shit out. There's no way to justify raping children. I know I'm just proving your point Seriously though, you need help

No joke get therapy.

With the degeneration of people come the degeneration of religion. The religions are still strong, they are just practiced by worthless materialist cucks. If I were to choose a denomination of Christianity I'd have to pick Lutheranism. I have no ties to the orthodox church and my family doesn't come from an orthodox country. They have been strong Lutherans however. tl;dr of it is that decadence and wealth kills religion.

Notice I said views. I wouldn't hold the view if it ceased standing up to practical and moral scrutiny.

The only argument I've heard that makes me uncertain is the argument that legalization would lead to mass assault and abuse, in the genuine meaning of the terms. In that case you must admit that white men are a threat to their neighbour's children, mooting the nationalist core of pride in one's own race.

There is no way to justify raping kids. Sex with minors is dysfunctional and damaging. Sex is meant for a man and woman who are married, to bond together and have children when they are both an appropriate age, entailing physical and mental maturity for the creation of a family.

I hope you meant teenagers? Perhaps you need to be informative about your pro-pedo views because that don't sound good to me. I can understand men want to marry 15-17 years old girl but going after the younger children. That is wrong.

I am not well versed in Philosophy and Music but the Christianity religion is a important part of my Anglo-Australian identity and I am going to church tomorrow. I hope to bring the WAP back to stop the white immigration and also ban the religions that are harmful for the white people.

Lutherans is one of the better churches. Luther didn't do too bad a job but he inherited too many of the heretical Roman Catholic errors and he himself also went too far the other way in his own doctrines by reacting against other RC practices.

If you acknowledge how important religion is it might interest you to know that the Lutheran theologians of the University of Tubingen corresponded with the Patriarch of Constantinople thinking that the Augsburg confession would be approved as Orthodox.

Unfortunately if you follow Protestantism or Roman Catholicism you're playing into the hands of the Jews and you'd understand that if you follow the implications of their theology.

Thanks for that link. I'll look into it tomorrow when I'm not so tired.

Got another link to explain that, or want to go into it briefly here?

Basically the Roman Catholics have some serious problems such as the addition of the filioque to the creed which leads to a false and unbalanced view of the Trinity as well as an overly pessimistic view of ancestral sin (that we inherit guilt as well as inclination) but the biggest problems are papism and sola scriptura.

You'd have to read a lot to understand exactly why these things are bad but think of papism as like the EU and protestantism as like democracy controlled by the Jews.

That doesn't stand up to a cursory observation of sexual behaviour by adults and children. There's no point in examining the nuances of the Christian churches when your political affiliation has enormous knowledge gaps in the area of human behaviour.

And orthodoxy must have us agree that sex between minors is also damaging. The right isn't prepared to admit that such a social behaviour exists. It's impossible to highlight that the laws surrounding this might be part of the cause of adult sexual degeneracy when my opponents lack basic knowledge.

What about if they are incomparably beautiful? The right expects me to storm the lines in running street battles to save my country, but after my duty is done, I must not be found looking at a female below a certain age, no matter how beautiful. I don't like being made fun of.

Currently studying at uni, socialist alternative scene has become worryingly bigger with every passing year maybe even semester.

Northern eastern suburbs in my opinion is best area to live in, a lot of Europeans and big houses. Make friends with people in security or join a local martial arts club. It will make you fitter and you meet a lot of red pilled people.

Animal behaviour user, animal behaviour. If you want to be more than an animal, you'd follow functional sexual standards as it and the family are the bedrock of all civilizations. Promiscuous sex is dysfunctional.

That goes without saying. If such social behaviours exist, they need to be prevented as much as possible through whatever means is the most effective. Same as every other illness in society.

If you find a child sexually attractive, you're fucked up. The way one appreciates the beauty of a child is not in a sexual manner.

But kids who have engaged in sex with other kids ended up being more successful, extroverted and less anxious adults. It is then harmful to prevent the behaviour.

If you measure it all materially, then you're already beyond hope. It damages the kids souls and that's the worst kind of damage you can have.

Brisbane 4lyfe SA-NI-BENK

get a load of this nonargument!

Is it normal for threads to be killed by pedophiles?

You think it won't do long lasting psychological damage that impairs the ability for those kids to have proper life long relationships when they're sexually abused?

Bega here, often come down to Melbourne for work, next rally? when and where?

Don't reply to them

The TBC is organising it again. They're mostly civics, but they hate Muslims are leftists, plus there will be a few dozen actual nationalists there at least.

11:30am Sunday 26th June, Victorian parliament house Spring St

See you then

was gonna suggest this but I havent been there in 5 years


Melb is more fucked than sydney is. Im moving out of Sydney soon as i finish my apprenticeship. Im not fighting in a lost area filled with mudshits and kike puppets

More like more unable to hold down a marriage and restrain themselves sexually.

I know that feel, dont lose hope, there are a few of us out there. If we end up winning and making our country great again, and the AoC isnt lowed back down to traditional standards I will be hugely disappointed. Sucks that as traditional as the right is, they are even more vehemently opposed to pedophilia as normies are.

How many, even just 14 year olds, do you think are ready for sex and marriage? Fuck. Apart from what makes you cum, why are you "pro-pedo"

When I left Wagga Wagga, 30% of the population was non-English speaking.

Initial Immigrant population push circa 2008, then huge sudden growth around 2012.

Town Council has a Diversity Board and regular Diversity Festivals.

Large Sudanese Community fighting with the Aboriginal Community.

6,000 Indian Families completely dominate all the health service positions.

Large Asian Population.

Muslims tactfully demanded the town council hand over a building for a Muslim Community centre three days after the Paris Attacks.

Huge aboriginal crime problem. Constant car thefts resulting them in being burnt out.

Taxi ranks hired security guards to protect their passengers and drivers.

Main street now lined with cameras, recording everything.

20% rise in domestic violence cases over the last few years. A female social worker friend told me she was getting out of the job after 30 years because the reality of normalised violence against women within certain communities horrified her but the Marxist Agents of Change are loving this for the misandry value.

Saw a fat, shorthaired woman demanding equal representation of women on the council because even though she'd never experienced sexism personally, she could see how it could possibly be a problem for some and diversity makes everything better.

Town was peaceful and white until the seachangers from Sydney moved out there circa 2004 and set about turning the place into the exact shitholes they escaped from. Circa 2014 these same Leftists started seachanging down to the South Coast. I'm guessing those communities are whiter.

The problem really isn't immigrants. It's the Political Left.

I just went down to wollongong after growing up there an leaving. They've done a big development in the CBD- the coles is all full of asians and foreigners. There are now hipster bars everywhere. I saw 30 sudanese men playing soccer on the beach.

All this changed in about 5 years, we had enough trouble with serbs/croats/macos ruining the peace, now this.

What is Australia's destiny? What is the future of the Australian people and Traditionalism in the lucky country?

We are heading the way of every other pluralist multicultural country: to brazil and south africa.

The trick is to make sure you are the one behind the compound fence, not stuck outside with the animals.

You really might be right that its just about what gets me off.

But the way i see it, intimacy is ok with young kids. Penetrative sex is okay with older kids. In regards to your question, I think many young girls are ready for marriage, considering women of all ages need a strong husband.

I think the fear of pedophiles comes from the lack of trust in white males. As explained here

I think that specific ages for types of intimacy must be left to the husbands discrepancy. Obviously i firmly believe in no sex before marriage.

But i really do get the fear of pedophiles, i would be very wary of a man with my daughter, especially in this day and age. But the younger girls have children the more whites we have, which is important at the moment.



At what point do you believe Australia will fight back? Kipling's Wrath of the Awakened Saxon and all that.

Move to Southern Aus, drink milk errrday.

This is why I said I am OK with the men whom wanted to marry 15 - 17 years old girls. I think we need to allow the two wives for the white men only but this is very unlikely to happen so it's useless unless we make the polygamy look appealing to the white people. We have to consider the girls's maternal health because we don't want to lose more girls to birth-deaths as the white girls and babies are like treasure to us.

I just spent a while looking for that occidentalist article that explains the rise of multiculturalism in australia. I can't find it- I think google is blocking it.

Even if the anti-jew slant isn't your thing, it is fantastically well sourced. I'll keep looking for it, but it really spelled out just how totally we have been outplayed.

There's a lot of will and capability out there to resist this, but I think ultimately we've been backed into a corner and every option we have just makes us slide faster down the cliff.

I think it is a good idea to start looking into preserved and growing your wealth over generations, beginning with your immediate family now. The last thing I want is for my children to be powerless.


Yeah those ones. I lost all my bookmarks and it won't even appear on any major search engine such. Fucking dog cunts.

Nice ADF photos btw, thinking of getting into reserves soon.

I like your picture



No worries adf recruiting, do I get issued my white qt after recruit training or IETs?

Go ADFA if you want a qt.

RAAF qts> any other qts

Yeah, but i cant see how polygamy can mathematically work since every white man should have a wife. We should take the muds as sex slaves.

We should consider the girls maternal health, like i said, maybe its just my attraction

Niggers made me realise how much I liked wogs

Sorry I'm a bit past ADFA age. Probably shouldn't be looking for a qt seeing as I have one. She's not white though

why are australians still allowed to post here?

Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar

Well let me draw a mental picture for you. A White man have two wives and each wife have 4 children that make the white man a father of his 8 kids. The white fertility is 2- 3 but it's not enough to replace us when we pass so we need to have more than 4 kids to remain above the fertility rate.

Um…nah…I think we should force the useless leftist old hags to work as birthers in the birth factories. I am joking, no we don't need them.

If you are white then I suggest you to break up with her.


heh the video started out with 2800 views now its all over the net and mainstream :D i wonder if this fucking pig is scared already.

Perth is breddy gud. Chilled out city, awful public transport, exorbitant prices on everything. The atmosphere and scenery is what makes it worthwhile.

Other places to watch out for though:
Fremantle, beautiful but pozzed up hipster liberals everywhere.
Canning Vale, choked industrial area full of Asians.
Mandurah, oldies and bogans.
Rockingham, bogans and kiwis.
Kwinana, oldies and young families. Reputation is slowly getting better…

Basically, anywhere south of the river and west of the freeway is pretty safe ethnically speaking.

I've started to think that awful public transport is more of a boon than a curse. Once things get really bad it will make it difficult for lowlifes to get access to nice parts of the city.

America makes sense now.

That's a good point.
It's strange to think all the Perthians here have probably walked right by each other. I think that's the way it should stay, but it's a strange feeling to know I'm not so isolated.

This is all because in the past decade the immigration rate has exceeded the natural birthrate multiple times and these people become dense in urban areas.

Also if you argue against immigration be accepting of refugees when you talk to leftists. this allows you to argue from that skill draining the third world is a bad thing and that immigrants are a mere tool of capitalists to ensure crappy work conditions and lower wages and then end the convos talking about how overpopoluation is bad for the environment and infrastructure. By seemingly being accepting of refugees they find it very hard to critizise any stance you have on immigration and you make it seem like being anti immigration is a trendy leftist POV.

Oh I'm not really a Perthian. I was born there, but my dad chased mining jobs until we ended up on the east coast.

In my head it is still paradise on earth.

East Melbourne bush cunt here.

Housing prices are fucking retarded.

Getting work in Melbourne is fucked because immigrants/women get priority through diversity quotas.

Left wing faggots in Melbourne is beyond repair. Perth is alright. Not as many people though - same with jobs, if you can get it, I'd recommend season work at a resort.

Imo - I feel as if Australia isn't truly cucked yet - a lot of potential to get a party that values democracy + nationalism.

Yes. Majority of immigration is from Britain still. Probably white flight.

It's pretty boring and the weather goes from good to shit quicker than Melbourne.

What's a good place to move to for someone who has next to no background in employment, but a huge amount in working?

There's gotta be somewhere in this country that a young white guy willing to do some hard labor can make enough of a living to live on his own.

I am glad to be in Ipswich. It's a lovely and peaceful place.

but there is not enough women for a white man to have 2 white wives.. are you suggesting we race mix?

Hey don't get me wrong, real nice here too, but having to drive an hour for work is fucking shit.

There are more girls than boys due to their longer life and no race mixing allowed.

I'm not fucking a granny user

I understand however there are few jobs around here but they are always get taken up by people soon as it pop up. Are you really in Ipswich?

I am implying that the female population is bigger than male population m8.

Because they live longer, i.e. more grannies.

oh nah, I was talking about down here in Melbourne. I'm in Lunching place (3139)

And more grandchildren. We can have sex with our double sweet hearts and have 8 children.

Sorry I thought you were a different person. Now I feel embarrassed.

Escaping the SJW Center of Melbourne to live with the boongs in Regional NSW in about a month.

Wish me luck.

So you found a job somewhere far away from the sjwed city.

I'm a contractor who does programming work.

Here's what I'm planning on doing:

Noice, what are the boongs like in regional NSW?

I've heard they're actually not that bad…

… until Centrelink pay day comes along and then SHTF. Liquored up, they're nuts apparently.

Hoping I don't have to interact with them too much.

They cannot cope with the alcohol, it's like poison to them but it is nice and addictive.

For every female born, there is a male born. There are (barely) more women than men because women live longer. For every extra wife taken that isnt an old granny, a man goes without a wife.. this is really really simple stuff.

Polygamy is IMPOSSIBLE without war or something

If we import the white ladies from abroad then that should fix the sex balance.

I lived next to a nest of lebs, I thought I knew what hate was, congo monkeys have since taught me true hate.

Brisbane here

We're getting cucked slowly too but it isn't as bad as other cities

Come here while there's still a chance of happiness

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven

i wouldn't go there

We can invite the white women from the oversea to our homeland.

Yes, but don't move to Sydney or Melbourne.

That depends on two things - how quickly they try to push the mass immigration/invasion process onto us, and whether they continue to just push it onto the big cities, or if they force it on the country towns too, like they have in Europe.
Look at groups/movements like Reclaim Australia and the United Patriots Front for example - they're already drawing relatively large crowds, and the Reclaim Australia piece they did on that Sunday Night show was surprisingly extremely favourable towards them - even though back then (especially before Turnbull got in) and even now, Australia hasn't experienced 1/10th of what Europe has.
I reckon this is because, even though cities like Sydney and Melbourne are pozzed as fuck, we still have a large, proud, bogan/regional/farmer/tradie/working etc. demographic. And our Antifa-types aren't as brave (read: violent) or as subversive as Europe's - although if the schools that have currently banned that Safe Schools shit change their minds, that could be the start of a major push.
Personally I reckon this is why they haven't tried to push it all onto us as quickly as they did to Europe - because without at least a decade or more of demoralisation, if they did push it (especially onto country towns), they'd see a very major backlash.
The problem though is that - even though we have a proud and fairly nationalistic spirit (which contributed to/is a symptom of our 'White Australia' past) - from our prisoner origins, to the Eureka stockade, to the attitude of Australian police compared to US cops, the Australian 'soul' seems naturally very libertarian and anti-authoritarian. We're too young as a country, and we never really had a history of strong authority before the 60's and cultural Marxism rolled around. It would be way easier to get Aussies on board with Nationalism, than Traditionalism or Fascism or whatever.
The big silent killer I see though is China - we're selling our whole country away to em, and no-one really notices because Asians themselves are generally decent people.

Rural fag here and you're kinda wrong
I've noticed the pozzing happens in stages, first you get the degenerate youth, then you get drugs, then you get non whites then you get hell, I've been noticing that a lot

The degenerate youths are a easy target for the drug dealers.