Tell me about your dreams, Holla Forums. And what you think of mine. I rarely get much of a response when I post this, but I updated it recently, and while a lot of the stuff on here is there as a joke, the basis of it is serious, and I've been repainting and remodeling my place to affordably make much of it a reality.
Only real issue is finding someone to build a marble throne around a recliner with a a built-in slot for a mini-fridge. I'm thinking I might re-locate the fridge to the computer stand. Thoughts?
Juan Allen
my biggest dream is to own a convience store situated beside the designated shitting street
Jonathan Price
This is pretty much my dream too \b\ro
Jack Green
Cameron Jones
Henry Ross
Lincoln Gutierrez
Adam Jackson
Josiah Martinez
Lucas Nguyen
Xavier Garcia
Isaac Phillips
I just want a nice farm house with gardens/animals, a wife that enjoys reading books out in the sun, and an assortment of nice things. Maybe some interesting foods in unlabelled jars, just that bit of excitement and suspense. Also if they enjoy camping and older 60s music it's a bonus. Then simply living off the land, maybe helping out others to raise their farm animals and to go hunting. To keep a small community living the good life.
I dated a woman once who wanted this, but she threw it all away in exchange for short-term material luxuries. Where have all the patient people gone man?
Charles Ward
Nicholas Morgan
Ryder White
what game is that ?
Camden Rogers
Final Fantasy XV
Ethan Turner
Great way to fuck up your eyes and skin imo, basking in the sun by itself is pretty relaxing and a great way to spend time if you don't have the attention span of a goldfish
Matthew Collins
James Campbell
Justin Price
Mason Campbell
Wyatt Thompson
Parker Wilson
the way she moves somehow looks a bit retarded…
Jaxson Bennett
What did you expect some gracious swan?
please give sauce shes actually really cute
Jack Reyes
Samuel Anderson
Cooper Rogers
Dominic Sanchez
To not hate myself for my admittedly pretty normie tier fetish. If I can get over this mental block that makes me insanely angry at myself, I'll basically have shit figured out.
I'd like to live peacefully in the middle of nowhere, maybe farming, maybe being a pilot. Of course with a QT. I don't need a lot of space or anything fancy when it comes to a house. Kids, a dog.
But that dream should probably just be left as a dream.
Adam Wright
What fetish? And remember you can't control your sexual urges, as long as you dont conduct them
t. repressing pedofag
Samuel Lewis
pregnancy, but I hate everything that goes with it. My rational, logical mind understands how terrible of an idea it is, but my sexual urges demand it.
I taught myself self-denial when I was 6 with food. I'm hoping I can do the same thing with this.
Brayden Long
Pregnancy isnt that bad man, just go with it for a while and see if you can just accept it
Cooper Harris
See here's the problem. My trust issues run so deep they might as well be the goddamn Grand Canyon. To actually discuss this with a 3d grill, even one that's intimate with me, scares the living shit out of me.
The main thing is, I know it won't equate to what I have in my mind. So why even contemplate it?
Lincoln Bennett
yeah I mean im shit out of luck when it comes to actually diddling kids but im pretty contempt with just getting cute girls over hot girls, good thing I have a bit of a baby face anyway Maybe you can try dating chubby girls? Like having girls with mainly fat on their stomach intead of other places
Evan Jones
I dunno man, I feel like you're not really grasping my point, so I'll try to explain this in a way that won't make me punch a hole in my wall.
It's the whole process that gets my goat, from creampie onwards. But every time I fap to it I always get…angry, bitter and disgusted in myself. Like the second I blow a load something clicks in my head that says "If this was real, you'd be completely fucked." and I go from being satisfied to instantly pissed off, which usually ends with me closing my browser in disgust.
What I'm afraid of is, if it ever happens for real for me. That I'll react the same way and seriously damage some qt who just wants to have kids with me.
Adam Fisher
Seems like you have a problem with getting children, not really the having a fetish for it part
I mean I kinda get it, but I dont jerk off to anything related to it anymore anyway because I blocked the thought in my mind, I guess I hate my lusts enough to completely devoid getting real pleasure from it anymore Try acting all high and uppity and detest yourself for even thinking about it as a joke
How long have you had this? It might just be a phase
Kevin Watson
Since I've realized I had the fetish. I would imagine about 6 or so, I realized then that I reacted differently to it, even though I couldn't understand that it was sexual in nature.
I suppose you're right. I'm generally terrible with children under the age of 4, once they can talk, I'm pretty good, but before that I'm rubbish. The main thing that I think bothers me is the huge amount of variables involved in it, which is only worsened by my previously mentioned trust issues.
Tyler Foster
I dream that one day all the world will embrace peace and tolerance.
Brody Reed
Im actually great with kids and alot of friends want me to take care of their little ones, I guess it stems from the fact that children are the only group of people I'm actually good with that I feel the need to take care of them (which would then lead back to having a relationship thing which im subconsiously misinterpreting)
Just get a chubby gf and get a vasectomy or use birth control other than condoms, you'll be able to get both the enlarged stomach part, the constant nagging part, the insane amounts of eating and the creampie all in one without actually getting children
You can also try to babysit once or twice and see how you like it to kinda ease the stress of eventually getting kids
Liam Foster
Who knows. I mean it might be worth a shot. I'm just tired of losing my fucking mind over this. I mean, I went apeshit on one of my friends recently about this.
While your advice is good, I don't see myself following through with it. I still feel like you're not really grasping exactly what the problem is, and that's my fault because I don't know if I can even put it into words, but thanks for listening.
Isaiah Cook
no problem dude, allowed me to vent for a bit aswell