Triggliots Lose Their Minds At Trump Event

The Portland State University chapter of Students For Trump hold another event, parading around a replica Muh Wall, when a couple of triggered students come along to argue. Hilarity ensues when they are called out on all of their BS, and the one dude loses it as he starts shouting incoherently while literally shaking as the Trump supporters chant "USA! USA!" and "BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL!"

I told you guys it would be fun!

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the red pill philosophy coverage of it


Look at that jew

Is that white woman pregnant? Ayylmao ayylmaooooo

I think she is, if you mean the girl with the bun. I know her boyfriend they're really cool people.

I watched the whole thing


This video brings me great joy, user.

Praise Kek, he is truly kind to us.

tfw no Trump supporting gf

I am deaf so can anyone please give me a transcript?


I know that feel user, it breaks my heart



no thanks

You need to get your race radar fixed lads

Nice work, all around solid 8.5/10 but I fucking HATE everytime a Trump supporter succumbs to leftist name calling with "they can come back in the LEGAL way."

Get that cuck shit out of your repertoire. It's as pathetic as "democrats are the real racists," in fact it's worse. It doesn't work and it's based on a leftist perspective in the first place. It concedes the whole argument to them.

Other than that, pretty good work, shame them and shame them mercilessly, it's the only way to win.


isn't this a duplicate thread? oh well. mods apparently don't care so neither do i. bump

Once again, confident good looking Aryans against ugly jews.

Typical camera trick with low fov to make anti-trump supporters to believe that all supporters of trump are white, i see.

But even they failed at their job.

I love how he screams "wait a minute" and then drops his hands and looks at the floor when he realizes he was completely ignored.

I can't tell if that's a cuck who thinks the picture on the right is terrible because it has white people who dress nicely.

That's how deep in the POZ we are.

Yeah it is, I (One of the actual organizers) was so exited that I didn't bother to check the catalog.

Its so weird man, like none of the shit that I advertise here gets any attention, but the consequences of our actions, the shit leading up to it that is posted by unknown bystander somehow gets hundreds upon hundreds of posts.

Like at our first event, I advertised it here and on reddit. It got about 20 to 30 replies. Its a fair amount but still nothing compared to the thousand posts on The_Donald and the 4 (750 posts each) post locked threads that were on here.

Its so interesting that such a thing occurs, you know? I'm sort of coming to terms that my friends and I are sort of like an invisible hand that effects things indirectly. Its even more interesting in terms of the fact that no one knows who we are or bothers harassing us because there's like 30 of us. None of us are doxxed or have our jobs threatened. They only harass Volodymir and he doesn't even care.]

It's a jew, you do the math


That was probably the worst screenshot you could have taken. But yes, she was attractive at some points. I just like pale albino women though, so your mileage may vary.

Bernie photo has Whites at what, 30% of the population of the crowd? Why would I desire an America that is even more non-White than it currently is unless I hate Whites? How would anyone who believes themself to be anti-racist prefer the reduction of the numbers of one of the races?

Anti-racist truly is a code-word for anti-White. These people don't even truly believe that they are not racist; all they believe is that they are in the socially acceptable in-group.

If he wore his (((echos))) I'd be able to tell what he meant by it.


It's even more ironic that all the shitskins in the left picture came running from countries that looked like that to countries that look like the right picture. They don't even want to live with their own subhumans.

Fucking lost it right in the office.

Wait a minute. Did nobody notice the National Action american chapter documenting the video?

Is someone playing fucking vaporwave in the background?

user are you a faggot?

Its antifa thinking that they had a scary mask on.

Yes, the shitposting has spread to meat space too now. Our memes will devour the whole universe. Our first contact from AyyLAMOS will be a re-transmission retweet of one of the dank memes we unintentionally sent to them via wifi.

We will inevitably destroy the entire universe by making it shitpost its self to death.

Australians are the best shitposters ever.




Fucking shit nigger, check the catalog

fucking kek, what's Holla Forums doing outside?

Enjoy this dank music lads.

Do you even know what hair volume is?

Sure am glad I'm out of college almost a decade now. Today, everywhere on campus, if you don't keep your head down and mouth shut, 20 SJW activists pull out their cameras and start filming you.

They're worse than the NSA.

I unironically enjoy this meme-meme mashup.

Nice try, Moishe.

holy shit, you people are retarded.


Kek this one gets me everytime.



no, i think it's an insult. see the thulean perspective link i posted earlier for an argument.

Childish overreactions and tantrums are pretty much the only card they have.

They are counting on people being SO uncomfortable at thier childish outbursts, that they just walk away…..

Which causes these petulant toddlers to believe that they have "Won"

Once you recognize their emotional outburst for what they are (I'm not getting my way so I'm going to be loud and yell and scream and cry) they pretty much become argumentatively neutered.

Seriously, watch them… they don't have a solid position to argue, they just get violently upset if people disagree with them, and start throwing a hissy fit.

This is the result of their liberal hugboxes, it has left them unprepared to debate in the real world, because hugboxes ALWAYS respond positively to emotional outbursts.

I don't suppose any of you gents have that one gif of the one poetry guy sperging out with faux-anger on the mic?

Nothing better than putting them in a catch 22 when it comes to them being forced to either admit they were wrong or make a claim that they would consider "RAYCIST" by their own absurd definition.

I know a guy in Portland that told me a guy who looked like a NEET with that mask on and I asked if that was the dude he saw and he said yeah. Can anyone link me to this video so I can see what happened?

It's embedded in the OP son, that screencap of the mask faggot even has the timestamp

Oh ok my bad, i thought it was something else entirely. Basically, a friend of mine wanted to troll the lefties at a Trump rally in Portland today and he saw that guy filming calling my friend and other Holla Forumslacks nazis with that mask on.

No, user. President Kennedy was anti-white and was writing up legislation to force whites to open privately owned businesses to coloureds - "assimilation".

he was still killed by a commie loving shabbos goy.

No. This is kike propaganda. Out of Africa bullshit. Read this:

Semites are on the average 10-20% Neanderthal. In the Middle East, up to 50%. In some Caucasus walleys, up to 70%.

Our ancestor is Cro-magnon. There are a lot of Upper paleolitic survivers nowadays. Dalo-faelid, Brunn, Borreby type. Pic related is Dalo-faelid.

Just like Martin Luther King, right?

Still embarrassing for our side. The best thing to save face for the camera in these encounters is remain calm and civil. Both parties come off as immature children who don't belong in politics.

The video starts with both sides adrenalized, talking fast and high pitched, too fast to even think, stumbling on their own words. It's pathetic, even if the ogre you're engaging with is even moreso. The aspergy girl presented herself better, but she needs a shower.

I'm not saying the chanting wasn't a high grade troll, but it's clear the thing was staged with the hope to catch some wild libtards and trigger them, so you should've been better prepared. Keep your back straight, dress well, be well groomed, talk articulately and confidently.

One of the key things to power in conversation is speaking slowly with pauses. You speak fast because you're afraid you won't be able to say everything you want, but you can't say everything you want because you're not demanding full attention by speaking with confidence.

Learn from the god emperor: even if he's cut off, he just ignores them and comes back to his talking points. If they repeatedly try to cut him off, he lets them finish whatever shit they want to say, promptly ignores it, and goes back to the important part of the discussion: what he had to say.

Also, don't rely on your little team to back you up. You should be able to hold your own ground, scoffing to your ingroup is admitting your inability to outdo her with words. Imagine if Trump relied on the yes men he most definitely has in his pocket, and not himself.

Sage for memespouting redditors

u wot

no thanks.

fuck off weeaboo loserfaggot.


Yous be sayin'


0/10 attempt shlomo

Here's a minor SJW freak out.

Take the advice or don't. There's hardly any reason to concern troll when it's just a clip of a school event. You can't improve without listening to criticism.

Trump side was calm, but that's easy against libtards. It's not about winning the argument, but how it looks on media. The Trump side should have remained calm, period, not more calm. The main speaker in the blue shirt was stumbling over himself and speaking too quickly to make his points with clarity. It's unbecoming.

Name of the blond girl is Natasha Mazur.

Twitter is @SuperSprinkles9 ( Outdated) , Instagram : sprinklesmeowington ( Fresh and some nice pics, pic related)

I bet that guy doesn't even have all the skeleton releases.
I bet he thinks vaporwave started with 1ohtrix.
I bet he's never even heard Allnighter front to back.

Why did you just hipster-sperge all over everything?

this is pretty ripe. good job anons

does she lives close to Dallas, Texas?

I can not stop laughing at the guys pointing and saying triggered.

mfw this is what is hiding beneath the burqua.

mfw I have no face.