The globalists are getting desperate. is out in full EU shill mode. This is their front page right now. Top fucking kek.
The globalists are getting desperate. is out in full EU shill mode. This is their front page right now. Top fucking kek.
Does no one know how to use the fucking catalog anymore?
Stop downvoting! We need to get this to the front page of Holla Forums!
Get fucked krauts, youll have enough africans to make up for 70mil people leaving soon enough.
kcmod tier
the 3 articles below that one are about brexit too.
"He who is smart, stays"
"A heart for brits"
"Five reasons to love the brits"
Don't get so upset.
I hope the eu blows up in your face merkel, the danes and dutch are after us too.
Which is precisely why the EU needs to fucking die you blind imbeciles.
Any other examples?
They believe "the West" means pic related.
good goy
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
Thats a good article.It is important we stay united in the shadow of Russian and Irani agression.I hope none of you eat up all the Kremlin brexit propaganda that disgusting kgb agent farrage is spreading
why would anyone seriously believe this would work in here?
Holla Forumsacks know about the history of EU, Holla Forumsacks know about the post-WW2 history, many Holla Forumsacks even know the post-Napoleon pre-WW2 history, why are you even trying? Are the shekels wort it or is your life so empty you get something out of this poor trolling?
Serious question
Hate when they use comedians on these things. It degrades the debate and discussion but they usually always fall back on their comedic charms/lines to get an easy applause.
Brexit is so fresh you can suck its nuts, swag
Yep, leftist media propaganda seems to work well.
good luck Krauts
Fuck's with Ireland?
never go full beta
Suck it Jerries.
From the article:
Burger here. I am so sick and tired of this meme being used, it is all over US media as well. These journalist and their constant bashing of old (white) people is completely out in the open now. "uneducated" means they grew up before everyone was coerced to spend 4 years in marxist indoctrination centers. I guess if you don't get a degree is sociology there is no possible way you would know how the world works. The truth is those who are 60+ years old today got a better education in their primary schooling (better at writing, read and understood the classics and history, logic etc.) then any mush head coming out of uni these days.
germans (im talking about regular people now, ofc merkel and others eu-kikes do care) dont give a fuck if uk leaves or not, this is just a newspaper shilling for the eu
Well he got none of that nonsense and was only ridiculed.
It was Germany's idea of a European Union right? According to Ian Kershaw's book "Hitler", a major Nazi Party leader in the early days, Gregor Strasser, wanted the same thing.
"Strasser hoped to replace the [National Socialist] Programme of 1920. In November, he took the first steps in composing the Community’s own draft programme. It advocated a racially integrated German nation at the heart of a central European customs union, the basis of a united states of Europe.”
Amazing how all the Anglos hold the Germans responsible.
Yeah, getting our pensions and private savings pawned off to pay for Greek banks is pretty great.
You have to realize that most Germans want to leave the EU as well, it's only those Ami puppets in the government and their media lapdogs who shill for it
You got better than you deserved and you'll continue deserving worse than you get until you put AfD into office.
Are you retarded?
It's okay if you are, I just have to know.
And this is why Germans deserve more EU.
Were we asked if we wanted to join the EU?
Were we asked if we wanted to join the Euro?
Were we asked if we wanted to bail Greece out?
Will we be asked if we want to leave?
You're just embarrassing yourself Johnny
Yes, the German people are totally responsible for this! Not their allied controlled government with no sovereignity! Now go grab a rifle and go kill some Germans before they become evil right-wing radicals again!
Eh people here were in favour of the EU by large and were up for it until the comissions power started to grow apparent.
At every point you could have voted out the europhile politicians.
You never did.
At every point you could have founded eurosceptic parties.
You only did in the last couple of years, while Britain did 25 years ago.
Your chains are those you inflict on yourself. Freeing yourself requires but a thought on your part, but instead you play the victim and blame everybody but yourself, including the genuine victims of your vile leftist imperialism, like the better nations around you.
Careful, you'll destroy your countrymen's delusions of victimhood!
We've always had right-wing eurosceptic parties.
They only became popular in the last few years because normies were bluepilled.
You can't tell me Anglo normies aren't bluepilled.
UKIP came first in the EU elections in 2014. Where did AfD come?
The British people's euroscepticism kept the UK out of the Euro. What did the German people's euroscepticism do?
Eurosceptic voters made a referendum happen in 2016. When are the German voters going to give themselves a referendum?
And why did you stay for so long then?
You can't fault us for the same shit you do.
In fact, ceasing sovereignity to multinational shit is part of our allied-dictated """constitution"""
Being cuckolds.
We stopped being cuckolds enough to have a referendum and very possibly enough to vote Leave in it.
That's not the same shit. That's miles better.
You can leave as soon as you become as uncucked as we are.
Until then… you're cucks. Hard truth, sorry, but you're your own problem.
You seriously think that after WW2 Germans were given a chance to have their own thing by the West or USSR? Naive.
I might draw a political cartoon with the EU as an abusive husband or something, nationalism being the wife leaving him while he says BABYCOMEBACK IT'LL BE DIFFERENT while holding a gun behind his back or something that he's trying to load that says EU ARMY on it. She has a car waiting on it that says BREXIT on it and has the queen or farrage or some brit soldier in it
The CIA funded pro-EU bodies in the UK too. Yet Brits are managing to get out.
Germany would have been out first if it was less cucked. The fact it will be out years later, if ever, is a measure of how much more cucked Germans are.
And bitching about others being better than you and making excuses for how much you like sucking off President Juncker is only proving how far away you are from uncucking yourselves.
Impossible when anyone trying to form groups to do that are harassed by intelligence services. Germany has only been reunited for 20 years now, not going on the argument it isn't still occupied by kosher leaders.
Not a Kraut. What's the point of this D&C again?
26*, but still.
Cameron started the referendum, retard, not the british people.
Similarly, the German people don't actually decide what they vote on.
what a fucking shame
Well, in this one, i'm proud of being Irish. Unlike the other 2 maps earlier…
To be honest the current government and most of the cucked populace don't deserve your loyalty.
>ignoring the fact that voting for UKIP made Cameron offer a referendum
>ignoring the fact that voting for Cameron made the referendum happen
This is that exact cuckoldry that makes Brits so far ahead when it comes to uncucking themselves from the EU.
Right now you are blaming germans for your failures britkike
You shouldn't be, because what they had in mind when they said they'd fight for their country was invading a better country to overthrow the democratic government and violate the people's wishes to remain outside Eire.
I've said it's Brits' fault that they're in the EU and to Brits' credit that they're leaving.
Jerrycuck strawman from a German cuckoldry apologist.
Your victimhood complex is no different from that of feminists and leftist minorities blaming better people for their failure.
Just to put things into perspective, Der Spiegel started out as a British propaganda news magazine after WW2, and together with other media publishers was a huge factor in brainwashing the German population into accepting EU-centric and anti-nationalist politics over a course of many decades. Of course, the fools who believe the Lügenpresse are partially to blame as well, but to just call Germans cucks and condemn them for their choices without realizing that the general population is merely subject to a very dedicated propaganda campaign by enemy powers since 1945 is pretty retarded.
No, you won't. There is no "getting out" by democratic means because they manipulate the results and call anyone a "conspiracy theorist" who sees through it, just like in the Austrian presidential elections. German leftists call voter fraud "saving democracy from the people".
Its pretty boring to see how full of themselves britshits are thanks to Brexit, and shit, it hasnt even happened yet so why are they acting tough? I hope they will leave, breaking the union, but as we all know (((they))) will rig the votes, just like Austria. And then, oh boy, I will spam britpol day and night with Rotherham memes and laugh at you idiots. Taste of your own medicine.
That's not what I had in mind when I said yes at all. Stop hating other Irish men with a different opinion Nordie.
its likely it will be rigged but its neck and neck now and if we vote to remain thats alot of people who are now incredibly pissed off, nationalistic and believe they've been cheated
plus the added bonus of the fact that in Britain we speak english, therefore the world can look upon the entire ordeal and make judgements on what happened
not a lot of the world speaks/reads kraut as much as they do with English sorry lad, bismarck tried but krauts never went full fledged proper empire :^) so you know people actually pay attention and give a shit unlike Austria, the only people paying attention closely to that fiasco are Austrians, some Germans, Belgians couldnt get more cucked Lichtensteinians and the swiss
funny thing about Ireland is technically half-Nordic themselves
so many vikings settled in island that scandinavian genetic disorders are still prominent in the irish population today
Shut up you fucking kike! If you want to talk sbit about our fellow brothers across the channel, we'll have to have a little chat?
Fucking faggot.
Coventry here.
College is mostly a waste of money nowadays, but it's such a sleek indoctrination center that they have to shame away the opinions of those people who haven't been to the mental slaughterhouse yet.
If the EU was a union of ethnostates working together for defence and common interest it wouldn't be so bad.
The EU is shit because it's about destroying the national identities of the European people and claiming the developed world for globalism.
A sense of National identity doesn't appear to have persisted in Scandinavia.
As stupid and degenerate as my fellow Irish can and have become, their sense of nationhood contains the prospect of renewal. I have less optimism for the rest of Europe.
I'll wait and see what happens on June 23rd.
i believe national identity is partly forged through conflict
and the scandi's havent seen much conflict outside small territorial skirmishes, raids and invasions of other nations
they have yet to see their land be burned by foreigners unlike the rest of Europe
I'm going to laugh and shit up every brit pol thread for years when you vote to stay
thats a bit like the pot calling France black though isnt it?
Not really.
On occasions when Irish had a chance to throw a spanner into the works of the EU constitution they voted against EU wishes 2 out of 4 times.
Nice Treaty 1st referendum: No
Nice Treaty 2nd referendum: Yes
Lisbon Treaty 1st referendum: No
Lisbon Treaty 2nd referendum: Yes
50% is shit…. but its a better track record than the UK who weren't allowed have an opinion on the matter.
I suspect the British will give a similiar performance though. My predicitions.
Brexit 1st referendum: Leave
Brexit 2nd referendum: Stay
That's how they jew you with "democracy" and "referendums."
"the West" is all countries being subdued by the CIA/NATO. False flag attacks will happen in any of those countries, if they do something not according to the plan, such as criticizing >the best ally in the ME.
For all the crimes committed by the US on the EU soil there should be sanctions on the US for approximately forever.
Look into Gladio B, which is exactly about Turkey allowing Muslims into the EU in order to create acts of terror to justify more surveillance and erosion of freedoms.
I knew about the CIA sites, but the legal stuff is fucking crazy.