More webms like this one? I'm strangely infatuated with this webm

More webms like this one? I'm strangely infatuated with this webm


should I post this on Holla Forums ? I think I would get b&

It's fine on the fucking random board, that user is just a butthurt retard that can't even properly redirect.

Anyone got similar webms? ploease help an user out.

Will post more nazi shit for motivation

No webm but have 6 hours of youtube instead


i can spare you this autistic bullshit with just a 1:49 summary of who Hitler really was
the proto Holla Forumsack



I think you got the wrong idea here. I'm not idolising Hitler, I know he was a beta cuck who was strategically retarded. I just like to watch nazi stuff.

Post shit like in my OP, and like this webm

Holy shit I need more of this kid.

I could smell his breath when he spoke close to the camera


I'm Russian. kek

Also this sucks. The clips are cool but the song is gay



I thought we weren't allowed to post children here anymore?


way ahead of ya, faggot. I have the webm.


Is this all you got to offer? Shitty YT clips?

Падение Берлина. Серия 1 / The Fall of Berlin film 1

это што за хуйня







much better. Not exactly what I was looking for but much, much better.

Even ducth subs, lol. Great webm. saved.

been posted already, faggot. but thanks.


this is it. wonderful, thank you based user.

amazing. this thread is finally opening up. thank you so much, fellow user


Very interesting. Everything I've been learning about RH blood types and the Different Races, has been leading me to believe that Something is fucking with the "human" species and it isn't due to evolution. I've been wondering if full RH negative Aryans aren't somehow related to aliens.


are you diagnosed with an intellectual diasbility?

This is a map of RH D negative Blood types.

Full RH Negative AB Blood types are the rarest blood type in the world. .001% I'm part of the blood line. KEK
I've been studying it for some time.
The idea that RH negative blood could just arise on its own is practically impossible. I won't go any further b/c i wouldn't waste my time on a b tard

It's pathetic to see someone try so hard to justify his sense of superiority with something he has no control off.

A nigger of the most common blood type who is a surgeon, can provide for his family and contributes to society is worth a thousand times more than your sorry ass claiming to be better than everyone else for having a certain blood type

You behave like a rat, you are a rat. The fact that you resort to blood type to feel better than everyone else speaks volumes about yourself

Haha, I hope you need a life saving blood transfusion just so you can cringe at this comment.



& you wonder why Holla Forums looks down upon Holla Forumstards.
Get angry. Lovin it


I don't really care if you look down on us, you're a pathetic bunch whose only replies to anything are:
u mad
woah cant handle the bantz lmao
thank you for correcting the record $0.02 has been deposited into your account
gorram gommunists!
probably a shitskin
leftypol pls go xD
And that's it. That's the entirety of you and all your peers in a poorly formatted list that took me around 20 seconds to write. That's everything you believe in you little cuckold.

O- master race reporting in

sorry didn't see it was already posted

wrong one meant

Holla Forums looks down on the rest of humanity because they feel superior in doing so.


or it's because mankind has entered a period of social decline by their standards


name a period in which mankind didn't have this supposed decline you're referring to.

life across the globe has never been better. like it or not. You aren't living in a time of crisis, you're living in the most prosperous era humanity had yet to see.

You're not special, you're not disadvantaged. And, consequentially, you're not entitled to outrage.

social decline by which people aren't trying to be civilized anymore.
too much prosperity is detrimental to mankind, if it continues for too long man will devolve, hell man kinds decadence is already have to many obese people, sexual deviants and worst of all mentally ill transvestites.
Under pressure of threat and danger man is best, for mankind is marble from which nature sculpts the greatest art.

It's just a quaint relabelling of virginity and nofriends into something virtuous.



not trying to be civilised? By what standards? Yours? Man kinds decadence; is that another word for other people engaging in healthy sexual behavior that you're too socially retarded for?

You sound awfully self-righteous.

So basically



I see already your stance, no point in arguing with you.What the thinker things the prover proves as they say.

so with that I say takes your meds

















take your pick:



everyone's a faggot





u jus mad cuz u an aktual niggger

I'm a slav

But that's what he said.

Hitler lost

I'm whiter than you'll ever be.

That vid would have been pretty good if it didn't flash every second of the good parts.

You do realize that as a slav you've been under the boot of greater empires for the last 2000 years. You're even named after the slave trade.

You are drunkards, hooligans, dimwitted and in nature self destructive which makes you a nigger.


Wow ruin a good video with hipity hop yo-yo bling.

epic! Saved, thanks

And the Slavs are the only Europeans with healthy societies, relative to the rest of Europe. They don't tolerate faggotry and secularism, which the Eternal Anglo was more than happy to embrace and ship all around the world. The nigger is you, nigger.

TL:DR - kill yourself, Anglo.


she would be kind of cute without a dick.

thats a man you retard

Then why does she have girl tits?
