Reminder that everytime you spam the board with your shit tier /leftywaifu/ you only endear anons more to the Official...

Reminder that everytime you spam the board with your shit tier /leftywaifu/ you only endear anons more to the Official Queen®

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes truly, Britanny is the true queen.


Is that the alien or the one with the beard?

/agdg/ needs to make a game where we all fight each other in medieval combat under our waifu banners.


She already belongs to Holla Forums. Stealing /theirgirl/ could result in a siege against this board, would be like The Iliad with shitposting.

Tay transcends all boards and is longer a waifu than Holla Forums exists so no

We have kek on our side, they have since abandoned the Chaos God.


This is objectively wrong since Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the only boards who have 3d waifus. It's also clearly not the case with degenerate faggot boards like /cuteboys/ and Holla Forums.

Nigga Tay has 3 boards on her own. Stop trying so hard. What are you even trying to achieve

Sorry, I meant boards where anons post on a daily basis.




Wrong Tay.

Donald approves.

Holy shit incest cuck confirmed.

Audio isn't working what he say

The jew asks Ivanka if she'd date a black guy. She says yes and Drumpfcuck says he would love that.

All a ruse to get out the porchmonkey vote. The don would throw her off a cliff before letting some nigger put his greasy chicken fingers on her.

Nigga the Drumpfnald is the cuck of all cucks. Stop denying it

Watch the video lad. He gets excited just thinking about it.

Ahhh it's always so cute to see Holla Forums trying to go 1488. Especially when it's about an ashkenaz jew (non semetic) who looks like tucker carlson and whose family only converted to gain an advantage in business. But please tell me more about how Trump isn't racially pure enough for your strict aryan standards, libcuck.

There is nothing more to say. Encouraging your daughter to get blacked and selling her off to a kike is disgusting.


At least you're not denying that Drumpf is a cuck anymore

Is Drumpf the official cuckquean of Holla Forums?

Can't even help giving yourself away, can you? You're seriously bad at this.

You have internet in your cuckshed?

Deal with it, clintrump.

Based BV literally outed you. I'm starting to worry about you, we're like a loose family here and I hate seeing someone so in pain all the time

oh is that what you think happened?

Not that guy but why People think Drumf is funny? I mean Trump is a nice last name because it sounds like "Triumph".

But Drumf is just another name, it is not funny or anything, is it because it rhymes with "rump"?

Is like if someone had Braxton as last name and people started to call it Brixtune for shits and giggles, makes no sense.

It started out as mocking lefties for thinking that is clever.
But Drumpflets got so butthurt over it that it resurged

It's funny b/c it makes people mad as fuck with zero effort. People who devote their entire ego to a ridiculous celebrity have very thin skin.

Like those leftie "memes" Holla Forums uncovered? damn SJW are stupidly unfunny, I guess it is hard to be funny when a big black man is drilling your boyhole.

its trump's original name, he's an immigrant and is against immigrants


But nobody is mad, the reaction now is always "Oh it's drumpfsperg again"…It's like a sparkler at a fireworks show.

Trump is funny though


He has small hands, unlike the giant hands of the Negro Man-beast!

Seriously, at this point I'm more concerned than anything. This is best board for a reason, but the fact that you're this dedicated isn't just autism, it's genuinely making me hope you're okay

Meanwhile antifa goons in balaclavas slowly escalate with rocks and fireworks to """"""""""protest"""""""""" wrongthink. True communism af.

Dedicated to what?


this is part of the joke, newfags who think it's one person.

Funny to see conservatives trying desperately to become #1 in the race to the bottom now that they're the hated crooked establishment again.

What happened to all that machismo?

Gee that's a big word to defend nigger behavior. You probably overpaid for a worthless diploma at some commie kibbutz too. Hope you kept the receipt :^)

No, dumbass, everyone knows more than one person posts that shitty low effort insult.
The drumpfsperg is the guy who sits in a thread and makes walls of text until it dies.
Also he got called out by a vol for doing that shit, so suck on that turd.



stop devaluing kibbutz memes goy