Other urls found in this thread:

it hurts

is there more? that's some good sperg.



I would gladly join in with a hearty USA USA chant, however.

This is why our forefathers didn't let women vote.

Rape doesn't exist if non-whites do it.

That is the biggest beta sperg cuck I've ever seen. 10/10 video but still death to normies



The beautiful thing about this election cycle is how many normies are being shown the door to the red pill without even realizing it, all they have to do is accept common sense and national interests.

The wall is where Frost and his neighbor see each other, and they build it together because the wall has to be maintained. The narrator is amused that his neighbor is so into the wall, but he still helps with it and doesn't tear it down even though there's nothing that has to be stopped by the wall. It's just where their territories run into each other; that's reason enough.

Why don't you faggots come down to Eugene and trigger some hipsters?



That one girl looks like my obese cousin who's about 12 and is in the 5th grade. She's autistic

That fucking troll carrying around a pink piece of paper with Robert Frost quotes. What the fuck is that shit? These Teo have very strong label potential. Neckbeard Extraordinar and Frosty McBubble Body. Just spitballing.

normies make everything into sportsfan bullshit

I wonder if this bitch has a fence in her backyard. Maybe we should go and sleep on her lawn and see what she says?

You can usually pick them out by their appearance. They drape their overweight, misshapen bodies in layers of loose clothing - like the hobbit in thumb related, wearing a hoodie and still has a nicer set of tits than the troll to his left. Of course he has a mangy, whispy beard and glasses, nose and physique suggest possible jew. He speaks way more with his body than he's supposed to, freaking out because nobody is listening to him lecture. Why argue with people who already support Trump enough to gather there in support of him. His time would be better spent talking to cucks who are undecided.
The beast on the left looks so plain that she's downright unattractive. Seeing her naked would be an experience of shock and disgust. Of course, everyone else on campus is wearing long sleeves and she wants to show off those triangular arms and doughy shoulders because she stronk womyn who is self-accepting of that extra thermal insulation. I love how she picked a BRIGHT PINK 8x11 sheet of printer paper and wrote THIN BLACK letters on it. It's ironically fitting - 'I have an opinion, here it is, pay attention to the paper and not the message' is sort of how SJWs indoctrinate neophytes on campuses like that.
If I were a student there, I would definitely avoid those two and anyone like them. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near a place like that.

that fatso with the skull face bandana at the end…

Angus the Autist and ratface Rachel?

top kek.

Civil war was under him. So that.

I get the point though. She can't say that was horrible.

This was terrible. Nine minutes of normies arguing with a braindead fat chick while some sperg plays epic fullchan memes in the background. The video could have at least focused on the autistic fat kid if it was trying to be entertaining

Holy fuck, the fat beta was on the verge of tears. I thought he was going to go full Trigglypuff for a second.

Also, discredit where discredit is due, the blonde Trump supporter was annoying. Her tone of voice and exaggerated body motions told me everything about her character.

That fat faggot looks a little bit like Nick Bate in some of his facial expressions

I mean, it is about hate for me.

He did for a second at the start.

Civil Rights is code word for White Genocide, T.B.H.

There's some room to grow, here.

fast forward click to random spot

hear shitty lucky-charms accent about potato famine

instantly end vid.


Her total smugness was my favorite part.

That or her legs.

The rest of it was kind of just ten minutes of people talking over each other followed by one hilarious antifa whale at the end. Meh.

it's like she was made to be smug

I wish we'd find a better emperor for this meme. Caracalla was fucking shit

Calm the fuck down. There's hope for blue-shirt guy. He was dropping subtle red pills the entire time. He even brought up Israel. Good video OP.

It could be edited to just the choice bits, "redefine what you're doing as hate speech!!!", skinny girl smug face, and the fat kids sperg fit is the money shot.

I would have muh diked the shit out of her. She looks like she'd love herself a fucking White male.

Am I a retard who can't into perspective or does she look pregnant?

Did the man in the camo Trump hat move the fat Smurf aside to calm him down? Seems like Smurf burned himself out too quickly with his sperging

I questioned that myself, user. I don't know if she is or it's just that goddamned shitty bubble jacket.

She's definitely a smug aryan QT3.14 though.

I think it's just the way her jacket is cut. It's bulky in all the wrong places; stomach, shoulders, neck.

Yeah, looking at it again I think it's the jacket.
>you will never see her wearing normal clothes instead of the shitty jacket

She is blue-pilled, especially on the anti-white President John Kennedy.

Unfortunately she was blue pilled about muh civil rights too

Delicious – reminds me of my days as a campus young republican. Women like that tend to be amazing lays by the way.

I know… Lord, I cannot wait until I figure out a way to have enough independent income where I can be extremely Politically Incorrect in public without losing my livelihood.

Literally "muh dick".

No this is literally muh dik.



Am I really going to read all of that green-text? Nah.

That's better than what they were over in Africa.

Let me bump that for ya!

The whole video is in the OP user…

Holy fuck. Am I watching a live action Ben Garrison cartoon?

That USA chant gave me a boner


Holla Forums's always bitching about Holla Forumsacks getting a white wife. They're just shopping around

It's funny because they stop shouting "U.S.A." and switch to "build a wall" after the anti-white yells at thiem…

You NEETs bitching about 'normies' need to be quiet, that was pretty fucking funny. Specially this part:


Trump has spawned numerous killing words with this campaign. I've never seen shitlibs so booty blasted.



Seriously though, wtf is wrong her face?

WRONG WITH fucking typos

and you would know how user? I mean, it's not like you were the op

lotta ugly leftists, too bad they can't redistribute good looks.

what do you fucking think this fat acceptance movement is all about

Where do you think you are?

Redistributing calories :^)


hearkening george carlin here; don't you find it at least mildly ironic that most women crying >MUH RAPE CULTURE are people that you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?

i see ya buddy!

Kek, he said begorrah, t'is another potato famine
It's like you don't even power-level



Having a power-level is an innate quality of all humans, whether it's high or low is what's in question
normie pls

We advertised this on this literal website, how are we normies?

And it was said:
Let he who is (1) on the first comment cast the first shill accusation
And you will know him by his mark
And his mark is (1)
Let no further post make a change on his mark
For he is (1)
And (1) is a normie

I'm not a newfag and I didn't recognize the potato famine meme when he spouted it, even though I've seen it posted many a time before. This is because I was too busy cringing.

Having it explained to me only has me cringing harder.

I hope you get starved you mick.

I made this not that long ago,

What about being normie?

u wot m9? Of course that was funny but I didn't even mention it
I swear to Kek 107 IQ's are worse than ~80's
just go and stay go you fucking moron

I bought that completely over-the-table, simply check my bitcoin recipts
I would never steal a rare pepe :^)

im telling you, this new crowd forming around milo and the like are going to fuck up everything

Memespouting in conversations with strangers is chanology-tier, champ. You don't have to admit that I'm right here and now – just remember my words when you are tempted to publicly humiliate yourself like the faggot in the video.

If you think power level and not being a newfag are about memorizing and parroting permutations of the more cancerous cuckchan memes, I've got news for you.

This is so hard to watch.

yeah, never saw him. Saw a SJW storm away but have nothing with which to identify potato-poster. I refute the premise here

You couldn't remember the meme, aka I questioned your salience in posting here. Being a 107 I assume you're going to run through your entire program at this point–you're used to, by having the most tenuous grasp on logic, being able to win in arguments. But you're a type-A faggot, and cannot win this type of engagement Pro fucking tip, I've already scouted your main base. I know full well that you're essentially a subhuman with a normie brain-type, so just stfu and get btfo before you expose yourself as the type of virulent cancer that we all know you are already.

Schlomo get out

top kek

ackckshually, that's what they're trying to do by shaming guys into accepting lowered beauty standards

Meme this man

quads demand it

Welp, I tried

You can literally spot the testosterone gap by the voice difference.

how the fuck are these people alive?



Nice argument white knight faggot

Sbe says it so matter of fact. Like that's an undeniable truth that stumps them all as opposed to vauge nonsense that doesn't mean shit.


why do the commie cucks always look like subhumans?


Stop doing this. They don't belong here ever, period.


That face. kek


This tbh.

Where I live you would be hard pressed to find leftycucks like this. You never see them. Probably because I live on an island where theres no cities, universities or any other hypercuck institutions.

Truth be told to an outsider the isle might seem a bit pics related but give me that anyday over having to live around leftists, cucks, femmunists, third world subhumans and arsehole smug student pricks.


It's very (1) in here.





unfortunately they are needed to win the presidency

it's the only way to convince lefties, not like it's easy to get in legally


Good to see some attempts to take back the campuses.

Fuck the trigglypuffs.

Any time a liberal calls me hateful of another race, this clip always comes to mind.

My only hate is for the left.

r8 lads

Today she learned. Blonde qt's have to hate whether we like it or not.

Today she learned to hate.

Feels good man. Feels good.


wait, that nose, that hair, those lips. he's a fucking jew.

looks like that loser from seinfeld.

it's hard to tell because he's flipping out all over the place, but yeah when I was drawing him I noticed all the signs clear as day.

I'd say the girl may be as well, she kind of has that kikess look

this tbh. telling lefties they can get in easily warms them up to trump, which could create a possible trump voter if they're disgruntled Bern-outs.

these illegals have no skills, no family connections, no money, it's pretty much impossible for them to ever enter and stay legally anyway.

but why do you hate?
maybe it has something to do with you not wanting to be blown up by ahmed, culturally enriched by jamal, and not having to see paco taking your job and smuggling drugs in your country…

So not only did you fall for a Holla Forums meme but you are proud of it?

actually if you look closely both the fat dyke and he chubby side-kick both have predominantly jewish features.

Nope, it's an argument from a leftist perspective. I'm not saying go full 14/88, I understand the benefit of Realpolitik, but this is a losing argument because it further establishes a leftist premises thereby undercutting the premise of the rest of the arguments you are trying to make.

The argument needs to be made that coming here is a privilege, American people have the right to sovereignty in their own homeland and it is extremely hateful to deny them that right, American people have the right to defend their culture in the same Japanese, Chinese, Iranians, etc. defend their culture in their own homelands. Any liberal attempts to deny these points should be shamed and shouted down as disgusting, hateful, and bigoted against American citizens immediately. This is the tact I have been using with great success, they expect the usual cuckservative response, not a strong response that turns the tables on them.

"They can come back in legally" just solidifies the idea that they belong here if they want to be here, it's a losing argument. And, by the way, those leftists in that video aren't going to vote for Trump, you're trying to convince the independent onlookers, not the rabid mentally disabled leftists you are engaged in argument with. Do not cheapen your argument with "they can come here legally," it's a cuck argument that will never win anything ever. Onlookers will respect the strong horse, not the panderer and compromiser. Again, don't go full gas the jews race war now, that doesn't mean go cuckservative either.

wtf is wrong with yours jewdar??

those two are fucking kikes, brother and sister. look at this fucking yenta. she has 10 out of 10 kikeish signs. look at her fishy mouth, fucking banana nose…
guy is not far behind. but clear jewish.
i can tell you, they are both kokes not looking, but just listening nasal voice, they produce.


Judging from their behavior, I think that's being generous.

A couple of jews. I'm shocked.

ur hakenkreuz is backwards m8

Why is he blushing that much?

Looks really Jewish from this angle. Nose, mouth

This thread finally got me to buy a Trump hat

I graduated from HS yesterday.
My MAGA hat finally came in the mail.
Leftists are eating themselves alive.
Brexit is going to happen.

Oh shit nigger,it's an unevolved trigglypuff!


What is the Trump girl's name?

There's some good stuff on that youtube channel, thanks user

top fucking kek

FUCK I knew he looked familiar.

what are meat shields



It's Mohty Kuh.

Name of the blond girl is Natasha Mazur.

Twitter is @SuperSprinkles9 ( Outdated) , Instagram : sprinklesmeowington ( Fresh and some nice pics)

Disgusting that I have to live in a city along with these socially inept libtards

I like.




more or less, that's what's become abundantly clear from this campaign

This picture is beautiful.


looks like putin tbh

I understand why he tried to argue that because of what she was saying, but I can't stand that kind of argument.
How long until you're only allowed to have an opinion if you have a certain IQ? Or that whoever has the higher IQ is automatically right


That was just because


It has gotten old when libcucks try to claim that it must be stupidity that makes you like trump. No, we're just actually literate.

The only way that will become
not an argument
is when these shitlibs can make one.

I gotta admit you faggots I wasn't on board with the 80's fash shit at the start. But now its really grown on me. and I like it

just like how I disliked baneposting at the start

I am so ashamed to be part of the Millennial generation. The next 30 years is going to be a bumpy ride.

The only hat that I look good in is one of those el presidente hats. If they made a MAGA hat in that style I would buy 20 so I would make sure I always had a clean looking one to wear.

This kinda makes me want to go back to college, just to troll people like them.

He's a jew.





well, which one?

They were 3/5ths!

fucking smdh

Sounds comfy.

She's jewish.




Excuse me, did you just say you dislike baneposting?

I thought Nick Bate was in prison


The cute 1488 girl.

Blonde redpilled qt's are the best qt's.

>>>Holla Forums
and never come back faggot

