I'm 18 years old and still suffering on this shit, but is getting better when I'm older. I'm in high school right now. I got many friends in high school. I'm ok in high school but I'm still suffering of depression. I enjoy high school but not elementary school. So yeah
I'm suffering of depression
Other urls found in this thread:
well shit clearly what you should do is sit on Holla Forums and not go out you fucking nerd.
just fuck your mom bro.
underage b&
My Chat with Evolutionary Medicine Pioneer Randy Nesse (THE SAAD TRUTH_101)
Depression and how to cure it are explained in the above video.
That's a shame
underage b& and europoor and tl;dr
I can smell the 4shit… Go back to your shithole m80
Why would I fuck my mom she's ugly
my waifu isn't anime
Well, I guess you only have one option.
underage b&
Who's she then
Well OP is an underageb&, so he probably thinks that a 3DPD can be a waifu.
lol I don't even think OP is old enough to understand object permanence
Oh bitch!
guys, he's not gonna really kill himself. he's a sperg. spergs are too fucking weak to kill themselves.
but yeah. kill yourself, you autistic shit.
I would post the full mirror scene, but it is too big, along with some of the Twilight Velvet X Shining Armor incest comics.
my waify isn't a 3DPD. My waifu is a pony
Do you praise the sun?
What do you mean???
alternatively, you can go there
I've seen it before, no biggie.
This isn't halfchan /mlp/?
/mlp/ is just as empty
Just as it should be.
it's a containment board for ponyfags, go back there
To be honest Princess Celestia isn't my waifu. My waifu is another pony
I've never really been there, so going back makes no sense.
think about it, a board that's completely dedicated for MLP, you can talk about your show without anyone complaining and we won't have to see your cringy pony pics
i'd say that's a win/win situation right there
I can't tel.l it's my secret. What if somebody knows about my waifu
The show sucks. I'd rather discuss plot, here, with you.
i do not take part in that, you can fill the board with pony porn for all i care
Bummer, dude.
no, not really
OP, do the right thing, stab your mom to death in her sleep, then fuck her while she's still warm. Take everything of value you can fit in her car, take the car, and drive somewhere you want to see. See it. Then get on the highway going the wrong direction as fast as you can, and run up under a gasoline truck. Epic win
Sounds like good idea in some way. But my mom doen't have a car license
OMG how stupid am I
I don't know where's the car key
Steal a car, go as fast as you can, crash it with no survivors, then deliver a link to the news story here
I dont think that i'ts a good idea
Dubs confirm.
It worked for Paul Walker.
I don't think that pony in my picture is underaged
just kill yourself before you shoot up a school you dweeb
why are you still alive?
despite a thousand I thises and I thats, your self-obsessed wall of text never says,
and there's the rub.
>just kill yourself after you shoot up a school you dweeb
Fix'd. Also, stream it, OP. Do it for us.
like I said I have no access to guns in my country I can't buy guns
Eat right and get /fit/
stopped reading there. fuck off underageb& fag
bitch I'm 18 why is everyone think I'm underaged how about go suck a dick faggot
dubs for me
scotaloo is actually underaged but not rd
I'm not underaged
OP learn to actually use the English language first before making a thread you dyslexic retard.
I suffer from high functioning aspergers and go through phases of suicidal depression, and have tried to choke myself out with a belt. To much of a fucking pussy to actually go all the way though, so yeah OP and I are faggots and need to kill ourselves already
Just choke your dick untill all bad feelings come out, then clean yourself from that.
Choke my dick multiple times a day Holla Forumsrother
To bad I'm a beta scum and have only had sex once
He draws a lot of weird shit, some of it really gets me off.
that's just stupid
yeah, it is great.
I wish I could draw shit like that
your life is not as bad as you say, you fucking liar.
Its called irony, he is the fag trying to choke his head with a belt, not me.
Is this a new meme?
quoting a post from an user on /aus/
"i just don't understand why all autistic people feel the absolute need to tell people that they have autism. what is the fucking motive? you fuckers should learn to keep that shit to yourselves. it's a fucking disease. you shouldn't be proud of it. you're just asking to be made fun of."
learn to keep your autistic disorder to yourself. nobody wants to hear it. you are making yourself an easy troll target. nobody will be sympathetic towards you especially on a chan board so don't expect any sympathy. after all, you spergs have no feelings for others. instead you will be told to kill yourself, and you should really do that. hopefully it will accidentally happen.
Replace autism with veganism, feminism or atheism.
Your young yet user… Trust me its gonna get worse
A co-worker of mine is spergy and she should have probably said something explicitly years ago. She misses social cues all the time and gets worked up over trivial shit for no reason. If she stood up in a meeting and said she was a sperglady most of the rest of us would be able to figure out what's going on in her head better.
Is she qt?
that must suck. being forced to work with a sperg.
i'd switch jobs or try to get them fired.. haha, they'll get fired regardless.
It gets better OP. 18-25 is about the age where your parent's input begins to wear off and your genetics takes over.
At least you want to change your faggishness.
I would suggest you do things to improve your life, such as exercising and weight lifting. Or studying the socializing habits of people more skilled than you (don't use movies or tv shows).
But typically people don't listen to good advice, they are just looking to wallow in their own shit and look for pity.
The trick to socializing, is remembering that everyone suffers from a social anxiety complex.
If they had 0 complex, they would socialize with strangers immediately after meeting them. They don't b/c they are scared of rejection.
If you can stay not creepy, but playful and teasing [see irl trolling] (don't be a fag), you can win over a lot of people
my waifu is a pony
all op needs is a concrete enema
I got banned from 4chan that's why I'm here Holla Forums tho
Not sure if you're still on, but-
Name 5 good things about yourself, without them being snarky, e.g., "Im good at fucking up :,(((((("
eh…I don't know
op did the noble thing and went to tumblr. it's a sort of demi-death because you can self-identify as any sort nobody and still be heard..
wtf are you talking about??? I don't even go to tumblr and I don't even have a tumblr account
wishful thinking on my part, op.
i hoped you'd chosen death or tumblr, but ridicule is effortless. it has that on it's side.
Why do you think that I lying???
Why live?
They won't miss you. You're worth nothing.
Look up some easy ways to do it.
It may hurt for a little while, but then you'll feel nothing.
Sweet, sweet nothing.
I've gone through some rough stuff, and I lay around in the sun to distracted dreaming about killing myself to do much of anything as many days as possible, but I truly thank God that I'm not a weeaboo beta faggot like OP.
I mean…
You might as well say:
What is this shit?
Cheer up, OP. You have your whole life ahead of you. I'm a cripple and I envy young healthy people.
Honest question, what keeps you going on?
No one cares you useless cunt. :3
Elliot Rodger is actually a hero. I'm kinda related of him.
It was Holla Forums, since I created it. But it seems nothing is keeping me going these days.
I'm not even relevant anymore.
stay strong flaming wheels
you come off as a huge fucking pretentious faggot, you should legitimately consider suicide
go to >>>/suicide/ for info on how to do it painlessly and methods to get the most attention per brain cell lost when 'attempting' suicide
Things will change, soon. Many of us have lived in a dystopian wasteland for so long, we've become used to it. There are big changes on the horizon, This ww3 crap is just propaganda aimed at both sides sitting in a state of paranoid brinksmanship in hopes that one side will kick off the end.
They won't, because they're products of the systems that created them and therefore go into a state of shock, panic, or stasis when making a critical decision. Idealism still lives, as do heroes, and that will save us, so that we may learn to save ourselves. End all authority, humanity is no longer a child at risk of self harm, humanity is an adult gaslighted into the belief that he is still a child by his sociopathic caretakers who plan to kill him, shortly, and, in their haste, forget the power that lies in subtlety and broke their whole game wide open as a result.
Are you that wheelchair guy who created Holla Forums??? But why are you writing as anonymous not moot???
Here is a way to cure depression.
Beat the game Wizardry 8, Crafting a party and taking on some of the tougher fights will make you godlike.
Why would I play that game???
Oi OP got a discord or some message shit we can talk on, I need friends
What a whining twat.
I bet you're fun at party's
Were both Brit bongs here OP. Pretty sure, if your the guy I'm thinking about, your step-dad also abused your mom.
OP's A Faggot.
It's rather your shit at English and don't even know how to speak in present tense, or you had a seizure on your keyboard.
An hero.
This. Women will gravitate towards you if you do this alone. When you become /fit/ you have something to offer rather than nothing.
your autism is showing.
just tell me who I am and guess my real name
First name Ryan?
Probs a terrible guess
You also might not be OP, Baiting me to say. So, First name Correct?
See this is your problem OP: You never take initiative to accomplish what you want
actually Ryan isn't my first name so it's not correct
if his waifu is "confirmed" lesbian there's only 2 options so far
bon bon and lyra
bang bang
/suicide/ can help you.