whats having a girlfriend like? ive never felt a need to go out of my way and get one, always felt like a waste of time.
Whats having a girlfriend like? ive never felt a need to go out of my way and get one, always felt like a waste of time
Feel good untill you have a fight, they stop having sex with you and you found her cheating.
is it worth it in the end?
Something about visiting a gfs home and being part of her life like you're established, feels good. You're entering someone else's home, domain and lifestyle and seeing what they're about, and whether you want in or not. Your gf is not exactly like you so a relationship is like entering a new lifestyle where she brings more x in your life and you're giving her y in return.
Having a gf is as rewarding as the relationship is healthy. If you've got open lines of communication, and you luck out and find one who matches your view on most controversial decisions (religion, politics, abortion, education, animal welfare, etc), you're likely to have a pretty good time.
For some reason, it feels more fulfilling when you're a happy couple and regularly smashing the same chick than it is when you're single and trying to be a playboy fucking one night stands at various parties.
My advice would be this: fuck 5-10 girls, that way you can see what pussy has to offer. Once you come to the conclusion that all pussy feels pretty damn similar, and that you're not missing out on anything by being monogamous, find yourself a gf.
i had a gf for 6 weeks when i was in HS, it was just stressful tbh
girlfriends are for toys
Having one is good. Despite what a lot of people say, you can become a better person from having a relationship. Many people cite the sacrifices they must make, but don't go much into the benefits.
A good gf will bring out the best in you and inspire you to be better. If you can do that for each other, you'll have a good time. If you find yourself not improving and she's not changing much, it's time to stop.
After 3 serious relationships? no, better be a virgin in a bunker with a master race and every console. I am christian now, not trolling.
Toys are for girlfriends.
Degenerate Holla Forums
Can confirm.
When I got my first girlfriend I thought "I'll never have to masturbate again!". I learned that this was extremely naive of me. I also learned to piss in the sink as they spend forever in the bathroom.
But ultimately when you find the right one it feels great and you have someone to talk to. You need this or by the time you're 40 you'll be talking to yourself in public.
If you keep ending up with shit girls, you need to change your strategy.
I just think you're prolly too ugly or something to realize its all a two way street.
My gf watches me browse Holla Forums and play games then once i get bored we cuddle and go to sleep. If you find the right girl it's great. Though you have a large chance of a girl you find being a crazy bitch.
did you post in r9k about pissing in the sing the other day?
Its great. B/c touching is amazing. Eventually you realize you don't have that much in common, and you feel like you could have found someone better. :D
Definitely worth it.
Just remember to try not to fight - you can tease and joke obv, but getting mad. Relationship with someone who gets mad is like death by 10-100 cuts. B/c every time you fight, sex gets worse and u start hating each other.
I am a fucking scrooge for contemporary cuck standars, i cant compete against that, sorry, but i have money for house and kids, not for dating and stupid stuff, i want a gf/wife, not a whore. I am nobodys atm.
It's like having a colonoscopy - a pain in the ass
Not worth it. They're a waste of time imo.
Just stressful and you have either someone that's dependant on you (which is terrible) or even worse, you become dependant on them.
Some people get lucky and find a partner that is self-sustaining and loving. From what I've seen, that's awesome. But 90% of people end up with a shitty partner they don't truly love.
So basically, don't bother unless it's that special someone.
Also, get off Holla Forums.
You have to compromise a lot of yourself, it's really hard work caring about anyone all the time and it leads to so much money wasted. Seriously so fucking much money. The amount girls can spend on everything from furniture to food shopping is ridiculous.
Ultimately it's quite nice when you're forced into a situation where you have to care though. Makes you feel needed and wanted.
Things you need to consider are:
No girl will ever help you push towards your goals. They will get jealous of the time you spend on your passion in life and attempt to detract you from it.
Most girls are really lazy.
You'll have better and more interesting sex when you are banging random slags than you will with a gf.
Everything will be your fault.
They don't understand logic.
Have fun with HPV faggot
the last gf i had was in highschool when i was 16.
it was nothing special, we got together because we were meant to (thats how it works in hs).
Stacies with Chads, 6 with 6s, nerd with nerds.
the social pressure decide your match, and she was mine.
she was cute, nice, would say 8/10, had big tits and surprisingly huge nipples that were still visible trough her bra !.
but we never really hit it off, there was no spark between us, and we broke up few months later.
thats the only real gf i had all the way to 28 !.
for personal reasons (long story) i dudn't have a gf from 17 to 28.
i had my most recent gf 2 years ago when i turned 28.
it was kind of an accident.
i was just looking for a hole to fill tbh, some slut to rage fuck then go back to my daily life.
i found this 17 hottie, solid 9/10 without even trying.
not sure why she gave me the look, but she did, so i too the chance.
like i said i was just looking for a fuck, and after talking to her for a bit i realized that its not gonna be that easy.
she was one of those virgin till marriage chicks.
i was disinterested, but we still kept in touch (mostly her tbh).
days went by and i realized that she's a really sweet girl, i started to have feelings for her.
we ended up dating.
we're still together 2 years later.