Hitler was autistic

Was World War 2 the beta uprising?


So what does that make Rommel?



Don't forget von Braun, the genius who got us to the moon.

WW2 was part of the wizard uprising.

There were so many badasses


Feels okay.

Rommel wasn't a Nazi. He was an apolitical technocrat.

Motivational thread?

Dont forget Werner Heisenberg. Achieved far more than Albert Einstein yet doesnt have near the fame.

I want to he part of Hitler's inner circle now, they seem like a fun bunch

I'd rather die on my feet than get hung like s dog.

Loli occult magica squad.

Skorzeny is the true James Bond.

Goering would do multiple costume changes at parties, and encouraged people to joke about him.


Mind you: those costumes included red togas, medival hunting outfits, and oversized fur coats.


Hehe I'm so discouraged right now. I guess I'll stop bullying ctr and won't vote on November 8.

Thanks for setting the record straight hehe




Do jews have kitman?

Get that traitor out of here. Should've been noscoped by this guy.

Hitler wasn't autistic you stupid fucking retart

"The most dangerous man in Europe". Come to Italy, have a look around. Judge for yourself.

Are you that projecting neurotic Jew from /his/?

Could you imagine getting hit with false rape charges by some crackwhore prostitute? They'll do anything for money. It wouldn't even cost muxh. 1000$ and I got false rape charges on you guys… Not saying I'll do this. Just saying it can be done.

After all germany is nation of assburgers

You consider Mussolini dangerous?
As an italian, i consider him a complete autistic assclown that was the butt of every joke, and only gained a following here because italians are completely fucking retarded and clueless about everything.
He was hardly dangerous, he was just born in the right nation (a nation of absolute idiots).

Learn history

Stai zitto, miserabile pezzo di merda.
Torna nella fogna aka la vagina di tua madre.

Keep projecting Moshe. We'll make a lampshade out of you soon.

look at all the great and original memes pol makes haha!

I have wondered for some time now if there is a correlation between autism and being far right.

Probably the part where nothing makes sense to them except the familiar.


We've got asses, we've got clowns. We've got assclowns. Mussolini was just a clown. Most are assclowns. It's the asses that are dangerous, especially when they're bad.

The only reason the Americans could land in Sicily was because we allowed them to. Benito tried to fuck with us. The Germans tried - we got Benito back and murdered him anyway. The Russians were coming for us and failed too. Now the Americans are here with their crap products, and we'll kick them out as well.

Pic related. It's a bad ass.

You'll have plenty of time to laugh in the oven, Schlomo.

fuck, this dude was humble. Can you imagine. Doing all this and your family and WIFE didn't know about it. Cause you said absolutely nothing about it.


nope, nazis was normalfags

good picture.

Italy being shit wasn't a meme you total fag. Your troops were exclusively good under competent German Commanders.

Isn't first pic Goebbels realizing that the photographer was actually jewish?


National Socialistic Justice when?