No webm thread

no webm thread.

let us do this

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fucking contriboot you fuckers. i know there are lurkers.


grade a content



Take a pic, too.



Sensual babymaking with Samus Aran













Fucking nigger can't even return the damn cup








WTF is this from?


















That's an odd looking dove.

It's funny that some cuckchanners actually seem to believe this when most of 4chan's userbase consists of social media normalfags now.




it was good up until "muh 6 trillion"


oh wow, i must've seen that webm a dozen times but only now have i noticed the adult swim watermark, i always just assumed it was from a sam hyde video because that is exactly sam hyde's style of humor

eric andre really is the black jewish version of sam hyde, isn't he?




anyone got a sound version?








I don't remember that one

nigga built a house but can't make a bridge?

smh tbh fam


goddamn it i had my volume maxed out

I'm gonna tell your mom that you are visiting grownup websites.



Obviously staged


music sauce?

what music is this?












obviously staged

where's that one about lions?

source on this webm












The quality on this is amazing. thanks


















wow… fucked those up…

No idea how they didn't download with sound.


















kajoot shit
















in mother russia, grain eats you

You know you want it…



Water is literally in the tap and they want to steal it?

Slav Life

Brilliant, whoever made this can be proud.

Artist: Noos
Song: Softer, Dream, Safe
Album: Tracks For Horses

if you can find a torrent or download of the album please let me know because I can't find it anywhere and i don't want to pay $16 for a cd.

Cool experiment but you should really wear personal protective equipment if you are going to do anything like this, it would be a huge waste to lose your vision over something like this.

anyone got part one?

Anyone got that webm of the piano piece titled Boston?

Nice try kike
You got the trips of cuteness


Sounded like the dude said "water supply hasn't reached here yet"
I take it to mean they either were having major infrastructure issues or "Water Supply" is a provisions division of the group in charge of the marathon that hasn't come to resupply.

I'd assume the former, and if that were true it's honestly not surprising. People need water before all else and displaying it for a reason outside of necessity won't inspire altruistic ethics.


Sauce on that song?






My nigga

I found it
just google the lyrics


What's the song behind this one already ?
Something with "zombie" in the title…

So you went to the trouble to find it and dint post the link? What the fuck

I don't want to google the lyrics so some asshole at whatever company is watching can bring his laptop over to his buddy to have a laugh about me being such a faggot

I didn't know that. I thought the nigs called me 'cracker' because crackers are white. Like saltines. Holy shit, that makes much more sense.

You're a big boy user…
I'm not going to spoon-feed you


Plus when one says "google it" it doesn't not necessarily mean you specifically need to use google…


Jesus christ, I just ripped the audio.



thats a neat little helicopter

there's the cancerbine poster

Not feeling so secure about yer heterosexuality hey ?



thank you captain faggot


he obviously enjoys prison life

where the fuck do you people think you are?








the second one i played like 15 times. I don't know why but I find it so good

a textbook nigger


what song is this?

this just proves how brain dead people are.


This one always cracks me up

I always laugh when I hear it, like when some feminist tells me to think about all the great things my race has done for the world.

No You.

I like this one, the questions/answers were changed and edited to be funny, yeah?

he posted a meme, scandalous

This guy is pretty fucking based.
We need one in america.


did anyone ever follow up on that?

they eat their poopoo


More? Is mui entertaining.


This is how sausages are made.

You retard that's a bird.






I enjoyed that way more then I wish I had


sauce on music plz

why doesn't this video file work when i download it?

avril 14th - aphex twin

danny l.harle zombie food




Thats so beautiful. It looks like a river seen from above. But weirdly twisted in reality.

What the fuck happened here?

did she die

Can anyone give source on the song?

Try loading the file with a web browser instead of a video application.

screaming fucking cunt, i wish that car blew up

Damn , thats bad luck. she landed the perfect curb stomp.

Altough criminal scum shouldn't be pampered with. She can consider that her punishment.

Could you move your post a bit closer to my steak? I need something nice and edgy to cut it with.


post more dystopic videos with this song

i didn't post that webm


we need to have more of these slow drifting into space , slowly drifting away into peace and understanding with dem abstract kind of feels , that memetic energy that nobody can resist.


you motherfucker wheres the rest of it

idiots like you ruin Holla Forums for me
you dont understand the news anchors are just reading off a screen
you dont understand the "screen writers" are just doing what they're told to by management
you dont understand all management wants to do is earn money by getting as much attention as possible
please kill yourself right now

fucking subscribe button ruined it

10 hours of this in varying rythms


why do cosplayers always suck at dancing
aint much afterwards sadly



Thank ya


learn your classics



Whatever the reason, or the shit that goes on behind it, none of it is permissible.
I find the most disgusting and the reason I say BRAIN DEAD is because of the reaction of the common people, the retards who heard this story, the FEMALE police supervisor who put the guy on a shift WITHOUT PAY for a fucking meme.

Oh I understand alright, none of that explains away the stupid bullshit that is being perpetuated by the people WHO ARE NOT in the media, but rather are the commoners. The common filth.

So stop thinking you're such a smart guy because "oh he didn't consider those things". Get over yourself faggot.

a jew didn't post this


I think she will win vs her friends too…

wow this guy is so edgy it's so fucking cool xD i'm gonna follow him on instatwitter now and suck his dick :P

who the fuck even cares about having meat on your pizza

also cheese pizza always comes w/ extra cheese, or if it doesn't ill smack the manager up.

u want exquisite ingredients? go to the fucking whole foods u fucking dumb whore. pizza is pizza. jfc

name of the song?.










I hate this silent shit. Anyone who understands marketing realizes theyre trying to appeal to the beta millenial who is too afraid to talk to girls and the way they connect it with reality is fucking making a silent dude who says nothing and is simply getting laid for being male. Because really with no social skills how could they get laid. It's fucking patronizing m8

I don't get it this is just Colorado on 4 20


fucking amateurs
















how dat reducing? more like praising

st pepsi - enjoy yourself

youre too kind