Slavs are NOT white

Slavs originate from the cro magnon 40,000+ Years ago, while whites come from the 12 tribes of Israel around 5,000 years ago.

A pure Slav with no white genes is the equivalent of a nigger or a Mongol, but now most of them have mixed so there are no more pure Slavs.

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Did you just fucking called me a jew?!

Jew D&C

At least they aren't massive cuckolds and won't let themselves get exterminated

All slavs are not the same, for example, russians are quite cucked if compared to the polish.

can i be a slav then?



Who is this semen demon?

Slavs are whiter than you, you subhuman. Everyone in non-cucked Europe shits all over you.

Alex Preston

T'fout pas d'moi, gamin!
Qui est cette p'tite merde?

Would anyone but a white guy wear a tracksuit like this?

Yes, a nigger.

Holy Shit, it's great to have White privilidge, you know?





pack your foreskins and get the fuck out of my Holla Forums

low quality baitpost

Communist purges made the contemporary slav.


Scientific source for that, please?

Or is it religious bullshit?

Russians = ice niggers

Choose one.

Russia is the CP capital of the world. It's where all Europe's stolen cars end up.

choose one

Jesus said "turn the other cheek". Christianity is all about peaceful martyrs who meekly go to their deaths. You want the other kind, try Islam.

are not migrants like in Europe, they're natives of places like Chechnya, Cherkessia, Tatarstan, Ingushetia, Bashkortostan which were Muslim and were conquered by Russia. You don't want to conquer and incorporate Muslim territories.

Most slavs are not in western Europe, the biggest cuckolds in eastern Europe are russians, russia is a multicultural slav shithole, russia has the most musliums in europe, the highest abortion rate in europe, the highest murder rate in europe, the highest drug use in Europe, everyone rich is a jew, tartar or chechnyan, free speech is banned, the Internet is censored. Russia has more terrorist attacks then western Europe and they pay massive amounts of money to Chechnya to keep them from revolting.


Finns are the ultimate white master race

All autistic.

huur gurrr hurgy gurg im a finn durrr yah

Fuck, it's not belittling.


Finn mongpol get out

Shitty bait

It's some stupid christian identity crap, much like those "africunz are the troo hebrews" except for white supremacists.

wow, who cares

sage negated


Nice troll OP but I'm here to ruin the party.

Blacks and Jews are Neanderthals.

Whites are Cro magnon/homo sapiens.

Slavs are white even though somewhat mixed with Asians.

And many Russians are aryan as fuck.

russia is really big of course it's shit hole. You cant have great country with only 120milion people and billion kilometers of land. There is onle billion niggers in africa and it still looks empty. Russia is twice the size.

t. poolish

I said "if compared"
6.5 percent of russian population are muslims.
See image in:

You don't see that kind of degeneracy in any large economy anywhere else in the world, in Russia approximately 30% of deaths each year are due to alcoholism. Russia being an imperialistic empire of evil has many cultures within it and some of those slave states still haven't been completely rusified, so Putin is licking boots to prevent revolt and collapse from within.

Here is a list of states that didn't make it out of Soviet Union:
1. Республика Адыгея (Майкоп)
2. Республика Алтай (Горно-Алтайск)
3. Республика Башкортостан (Уфа)
4. Республика Бурятия (Улан-Удэ)
5. Республика Дагестан (Махачкала)
6. Республика Ингушетия (Магас)
7. Кабардино-Балкарская Республика (Нальчик)
8. Республика Калмыкия (Элиста)
9. Карачаево-Черкесская Республика (Черкесск)
10. Республика Карелия (Петрозаводск)
11. Республика Коми (Сыктывкар)
12. Республика Марий Эл (Йошкар-Ола)
13. Республика Мордовия (Саранск)
14. Республика Саха (Якутия) (Якутск)
15. Республика Северная Осетия-Алания (Владикавказ)
16. Республика Татарстан (Казань)
17. Республика Тыва (Кызыл)
18. Удмуртская Республика (Ижевск)
19. Республика Хакасия (Абакан)
20. Чеченская Республика (Грозный)
21. Чувашская Республика (Чебоксары)
22. Республика Крым (Симферополь)

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