ITT Random Images

ITT Random Images.
Don't even look at your thumbnails!








Some DANK OC I made sometimes ago.















I aint clicking on your homosexually-challenged swf, user. Good luck with that, tho.


What a pussy!

Failed to resize image! Details: http: Expected 8192 bytes; found 8180 bytes `/tmp/phpw1FEMt' @ warning/png.c/MagickPNGWarningHandler/1656.
http: Read Exception `/tmp/phpw1FEMt' @ error/png.c/MagickPNGErrorHandler/1630.
http: corrupt image `/tmp/phpw1FEMt' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3959.
http: no images defined `jpg:/tmp/convert95XeAE' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3252.




cute futa

why save this?

demon girls are my fetish

sweet bike













Sorry I wasn't looking

































Yeah nah mate that's not how it works

TouchƩ actually means something along the lines of good hit or good point
Either way it still doesnt make any sense and all ponyfags should be crucified

IIRC it's a fencing term and translates literally to 'To you', which would be when someone gets a point or whatever (that's the only sense the translation makes sense to me at least). Unless it's some kind of running joke taken out of context. Bronies tho

I think the brilliant thing about bronies is that it was probably dreamt up on a skype group of trolls who wanted to see how many autists they could get to make fools of themselves and be willingly publicly humiliated.

And waste wood on making crosses?
I say they should be worked into earth as fertilizer.



Thank you very much, I had forgotten the name of this a long time ago


please die








Thrid pic reminds me of the videogame Roadkill


is the cube hollow on the inside?

First five images in my Holla Forums folder.





yeah, I didn't know it at first either. It's a real letdown. If you zoom in you can see the metal mesh it is wired or welded to.


#1 reason is they are fucked in the head





lol, too bad in this day and age, there are too many dumb people who doesn't recognize this kind of humor and takes it seriously



That second image describes imageboard communities perfectly.


if i did that, there would be a good chance of cp



S A U C E ?

hold on a bit, think i got it somewhere

Found it, not a sauce technically, but you can reverse search from here









Fact #.254: Sperm can make women fat





sauce please

haha I didn't even notice xDDD


This thread is almost as good as 9Gag



I haven't brushed my teeth since November last year.













Wouldn't that likeā€¦ taint the earth?

Genetics are not like paint, you have allele in genetics some genes are dominate to others.
So you wont get nice pretty colors and shit.
You get brown. (btw this happens with paints as well if you blindly mix them. i have finger painted enough in my life to know this )
Preventing this regression to the mean avg is in fact protecting diversity and the unique specialized traits of humans that would simply disappear by gene mixture coming from outside the group that developed these unique advanced traits and ability's, resulting in regression to the mean avg and loss of this trait/ability.
Especially if this new genetic admixture is inbred.
Not having the diverse groups isolated from each other, developing and evolving unique traits and abilities does not allow the population groups to adept to disease etc and survive bottleneck events.
We need to protect this diversity and ensure the survival of the genetic uniqueness of these groups and not have them regress to the avg norm which is void of ability and specialization of genes.

The inbreeding presents another problem as their genetics are dominate. Because Europeans and Asians have more population groups and much shorter / younger family trees, the African and arab genetics are more dominate.

The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees are older and have longer branches but the rest of the world haves more family trees.

Because of this long isolation these genetic groups gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation(inbreeding).

All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy, reducing mutations within the population group.

This is the cause of "regression" to the average mean denominator.

Tl;dr eruopean asian genes are regressive, they will regress when bred with dominate arab or african genetics causing the disappearance of them.

You need less then 5% to cause this genetic shift, most european countries have 10% of their demographics being african/arab. most only have around 60% 70% of their native population left.

This is genocide.



It is fact bitch, gtfo out if you cant handle some redpill



Watch this and educate yourself

The 2e only uses a finger paint analogie, which is strange considering it has a definite sourced air of sciencetificness to it.




im kinda done listening to this idiot, he speaks against segregation yet then goes on describing how sub population maintain the high iq outliers.

Implying if your smart white and breed with a smart nigger the kids are not dumber then the white parent.
Implying that European genetics are not regressive compared to the arab and african.
Implying blacks are not stupid

Implying verbal reasoning is tested on general iq test



i get to make up words, fuck you asshole.
i found it a fitting word to describe the air of the comment.


Reminds me of a girl I used to know


The migration of the halfchan fucks


I don't post there very often. Holla Forums has been my main imageboard home for a couple months now.





I have crippling depression XDDDD


1e img first time eye poke?
3e no cum out the neck hole, waisted moment.
4e yeah it was

Why would you want more, the guy is a pc justice warrior spreading multi cultural cancer.
He starts out by being wrong about aussie wine
Fucking traitor sell out anti nationalist fuck that he is.





I needs the actual picture for No 5 btw.

i thought no 5 was this one



Why even live?


Who ever made that is on a straight path to hell.

Who ever made that is on a straight path to hell.

