Brit/pol/ 947: Women Want Real Men Edition

Women want real men. Not video game playing, trap porn watching, cuck boys =)

Other urls found in this thread:ألمانيا-تعفي-الأسواق-الإسلامية-من-الضرائب-في-رمضان/


not even from brit/pol/ lol

Help us out with out project brit/pol/:

FFS every single video game has been compromised



Nigel Farage says Leave on course for victory

Think it's a good idea tbh

Except its the other way round in SJWS minds

The zipper on her hoody you tit.

Are you prepared to be fucked by the long dick of freedom and become the 51st state brit pol?



We'll make anti eu grannies stay at home if we're overly optimistic. Pro leave polls are trying to fool us


Traps and cucks BTFO

Finally, a thread that doesn't promote them

I play video games I guess no sex for me.

try it faggot

The alt right is a joke

How long, lad?

Before this war is over I will kill every mummy poster in brit pol

Reminder to filter yanks lads

EU or US

We're going to do it, lads

of cause you will

Should I end it lads?

might be for the best

are the other 3 of your friends OUT?

Nice spelling I thought I was suppose to be the dumb abrasive one

well there you go!

"Nice for you to remain but not for low skilled British labourers." Say that to them and see if their EU fetish trumps their Romanticising of the working class


Fresh Corbyn



The communist dream

True communist there.ألمانيا-تعفي-الأسواق-الإسلامية-من-الضرائب-في-رمضان/

Angela Merkel signs bill to exempt owners of Islamic markets and restaurants in Germany from taxes during the month of Ramadan.


Finally, we've achieved true communism.


Passed my exams lads.

Dad's really proud.


These days I practically only play games from Russian studios. War Thunder might not have much in the way of plot but it manages to be an autistic kind of fun.

fuck off succboi


We're proud of you too lad.

t. Angela Merkel

The left really think that no-one but them has the slightest education, don't they? EVERYONE knows through years of Marxist indoctrination that 'muh people of colour' were treated differently and they know why - all this will do is make people laugh.

Great job lad, now fuck off and come back when you're old enough.

Of course they do. Who would ever want these microdick English "men" when they could have a strong, thick American cock like mine?

Anyone else feel like they are participating in our nation's myth?

americans statistically have smaller willies

Lad half of your cock is missing


kike cock



user unless you're a spic, you have the same genetic make up as us so our knobs are the same.

It's always fun to point out the hypocrisy in these sheltered millionaires who claim to be the voice of the working classes whilst ignoring the opinions of the working classes on immigration, race and freedom.


M8 its only like 1/4th missing

This way he'll be politically disillusioned before he's old enough to vote.

Nice try m80.


I'm in first year of uni


Maybe so but… mine's bigger even without the foreskin

Yes but worse you were tricked into thinking Jewish ritual cock mutilation is good as a nation.

Does Brit pol everyone get envy that all they have is that pasty faced retard farage and not the billionaire playboy trump?

How does it feel being mutilated for the sake of a kike lie?

NZ, CAN, UK monster dongs>USA, AUS microdicks

wew lad enjoy your jew debts

I doubt the validity of these maps lad.

Good thing you're not a trap or cuck too then.

tfw 7.8" master race

what was the name of the rabbi that sucked your cock after lopping the end off

I've actually been employed already, just finishing the degree so they keep me within the job program.

Meh, it's ok I guess

There's that.

No wonder all 3 of my ex's started trying to lure me back after a few months. I'm feeling quite chuffed now tbqh.

How did Farage do today lads?

The public sector was a mistake.

John Smith

she sounds defensive and jelly. what's wrong with video games? it's fine for guys to play them, but she tries to shame them for it. don't fall for it lads! choose traps and play vidya with your 'girl'!

this tbh. no trap bj for gross dicks.


Men were a mistake.

Shame we have more public sector jobs than private.

Does Yankland envy that all they have is half a kike penis and not massive protestant sausage?

You must use this power wisely

Well guess the xenoestrogen and propaganda campaign's finished, lads

Man that's olde cuckwell is still in there.

I don't trust Brits to even wash their hands, I can only imagine the accumulated smegma on your willies

Can't tell if it is d/c or banter tbh lads. Can we all just make fun of continentals instead?


Brexit winning by 10 point lead, d&c shit posting at all time high on Brit pol.

willies, distinctly British expression. Hello remain voting Brit here to discourage discussion

I bet you spend alot of time contemplating that bender.

Well no, I haven't.
I shagged a Taiwanese student a few times a few years ago and she wont leave me alone. Even while she's back in Taiwan she keeps whatsapping me about the good times and "The most amazing summer of her life" and I can't/won't initiate back because I'm married. I feel a bit bad about it. Sorry lad.

can't we ban them from voting since they're biased?

what the fuck

So lads, if the postal votes clinch remain, should we start a riot?

Appalachian hillbillies say it too


based oswald cuckley

who are descendants of brits


Good night you fuckin paki traps

Nah it's yank spit.

Gets tiresome, throat fucking all your women because "british guize r so haaaaaaaaawt"

Should we? Yes.
Will we? No.

is that a hobo?

Why is the Archbishop of Canterbury such a cuck lad?

He's putting me off converting to Anglicanism

Do you sling it around your neck in the winter lad?



Not even a riot lad, we start the revolution. just having a laugh GCHQ, trust me

But I thought we were mongrels lad.

could he be any more of a champagne socialist?

Some of the previous threads have been really high energy, good Brexit feels.

I blame the faggot OP for this d/c bullshit with his pic.

Keep on topic lads give NIGEL ALL YOUR ENERGY WAVES.>>6290518

only northerners lad

Who is she though lads, we have to find qtchav

You can start it

I miss the fake Labour posters lads…

Can brit/pol/ do it for the Remain campaign?

Part of Anglicanism is disliking the ABC lad. Its says so right in the BCP.

In all seriousness. The ABC is always pro-establishment is secular matters. What matters is his theological quality, of which I hold Welby in the highest regard (although Williams was better tbh)

God bless tbh fam

Yeah user, we had some super high energy heads and memed a 10 point lead, we can't let up

it's not that big.
I can do a great helicopter when my wife wants a giggle though. but she has to she me her arse first.

You know I know you're American? you think that's a chav.

Its not serious lad

we have a ref to win boyos

welcome newfriend… she's a running joke from a few months back. Also I'm not American.

OP here, but the chick is a yank.

He got a 45% approval rating from the libshits at Buzzfeed and 70-odd one from the real audience at home, then he defended himself well from an Andrew Neil bollocking.
Now brexit's polling at 55% leave.

We probably should, but I'm honestly autistic when it comes to making images. wanted to learn back when these were made but gave up, regretting it now tbh

Can I have a link to this debate?

we're only angry with canada because your country is being sold off, lad

that one's funny

thread theme lads


yeah Canada was supposed to be my go to if shtf, now this lefty is raping it. fucking how was that pm a bouncer at a nightclub?


Now that calls for high ENERGY


We can make great stuff like this based on the actual Remain campaign. See if we can get anything retweeted by Remain MPs.

I'm shit as well, I've never made any oc.

Why can't we just have this lads?

Dropping vintage memes, enjoy lad.

Lel, I like it.

I'm pretty good at actually making OC, atlhough I suck at idea. Also you lads ignore what I post anyway

It must be bants. The idea of a Briton siding with a disgusting euro over based ANGLOS is a fucking cuck. Probably a jerry cuck tbh

Lad that's crazy talk


because america has cancer and it spreads to everyone who has contact with him


The way he talks about Golden Dawn gaining power almost feels like he relishes it…

Perhaps Nigel is hiding a powerlevel greater than anything we could have ever imagined…


Britain is long since corrupted m8. In many ways we are worse than the USA.

Lads this is evil meme magic, negative energy, they are funny though but I think it can backfire

Fuck the Stinking Remainians

How so?

No lad, this is an English castle. Nice heritage you got there… with your… white house?

Fuck that Labour donor cunt banksy, he needs a good slap.

America is the heart of liberalism and has been since its founding tbh

He must of trained for years in the hills of the lake district to achieve that level of power level concealment.


My fucking sides. Well done to the user who came up with that.

It was just a laugh really, like these ones. though laughs can backfire immensely

Caring about what women want is degenerate, who cares
Still true btw

where do you think all this shit starts, faggot pride, nigger rights, pedo rights the whole social justice bullshit, all started in america and spread from there

I really hope you people aren't getting excited over this brexit thing.

Do you really think they will allow you to leave?

Do you know how easy it is to rig a referendum?

Fucking lost it tbh, top kek.

lmfao famaram

Uncut Dicks look gross


Lad, there's no way to reconcile with the bongs at this point.


the remain lady said the tories will do that if we leave. what are we waiting for?

Do they not teach the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf in common core?

d/c/ shill,

I'm a dual citizen and have fond memories of visiting many English castles. I don't get to call them my own, however.

A man's home is his castle.

Put alot of thought into what makes a pretty dick have you?

Oh yeah, and the British universities had nothing to do with innovation of race relations or homosexual pride kek



It's okay lad, I just thought it'd be fun to post

Sides atomised.

We're civic nationalists tbh.

Normies will actually fall for this

You're meming dangerously

who else here /nostalgia/?

I can only see maybe the most autistic person falling for picture 4.

I miss Proud man of Kent.



Those are very old images m8


Because a bunch of lefties prodding something is the same as your entire government taking a leaping dive into it?

Do you want to be filtered lad?


And they lost us the general

BooHoo the US made you import brown people get fuck you brit kike the only europeans who have the right the bitch at the US is Germany and any state to small to resist. The Brits and the French indulged in the decline of the west with more glee then any american.



cuz i give a shit what some woman experiencing the wall thinks about me. she has 4 years max on finding a good man before she gets fucked by time. real men want real women, old hags made most real women illegal.


You've never been to a Canadian nightclub. Before the mudslimes the only thing you had to worry about was some first nations faggot walking in piss drunk and trying to start a fight when he could barely stand.

Oh and trannys if you lived in Ottowa. They like to scratch a lot.


For any of those concerned about the younger generations being cucked, don't worry. I'm 16 and any time Brexit is brought up, the majority side with Leave, and those that side with Remain end up getting shut down pretty quickly.

If what I've seen applies to the majority 16 year olds, you lads are doing god's work, keep it up.


Ignorant Yank remains ignorant.


I do unlike you I frequently put it into various women they like the way it looks


where are u from lad

m8, I am in the my early twenties and nearly all my cuck friends are voting remain

Would you filter based Churchill?

Well that's really lovely and all user, but none you can VOTE you're doing god's work lad

Switching hands every day doesn't count lad.

I'm sure you enjoy dick more than them somehow.

Uni does the major brainwashing for adulthood.

i wouldn't blow a cut dick tbh.

sucks for traps

Birmingham, besides London, we've been hit the worst with the moslim crap.

early twenties means your in collage, which i hear is when the PC bullshit really begins to be shoved down your throat. I'm so sorry.




LAd you're spelling is really off, somethings very wrong here. or is our education that shit now?

your* FUCK

Thank God, its only been a 7 months of cp spam and zero moderation there

America is literally shit at everything they do. Your greatest generation didnt do such a great job raising their rich, greedy, spoiled, small-minded, short-sighted children and now we're all paying the price.

Is she lying, lads?

heres some nice OC for u guys, we are TWELVE DAYS AWAY FROM REFERENDUM PLS


oi oi, another brummie, where you from lad? Representing the Brum Slum Bromford over here.

Because she removed the classified marker from it!

Fuck you lads are cucked filtered btw

James Dyson is based

nice oc, you gonna shill on twitter with it?



Nice OC, wanna go surfing bro?

nout going on right now lad, its the night shift.

In America's defence the programming of people started with the Greatest generation.

Lads why don't we have any Owen Jones cuckstep?

Bournville lad, shit sucks cause the original Cadbury factories don't produce chocolate anymore.


So whats on next then, we had an exciting week this week in regards to debates and such. Anything for next week apart from QT?

What a based lady tbh

more fresh OC

i REALLY really like this image

damn because Birmingham is rough

well in one email she told them to strip classification and send, so… technically not a lie, haha

just search for an actual red eu flag…
but that's still low tier oc tbh.

Yeah but you've still got the factory though
Me and the wife took my niece there over the school holidays to give my big brother a day to clean the house.
Fucking amazing, the seats shook during the 4D chocolate making process and everything, My niece was well buzzed. Bit disappointed in the factory shop though, prices were jacked to fuck even in the factory outlet. I suppose you have to go when the kids are in school.

this is great

Eh? I'm 22 and literally everyone I know is voting Leave - the only person I've heard who's voting Remain is my mothers Scottish co-worker and everyone thinks he's a twat.

Left wing and Green activists have called for the chairman of the Düsseldorf Red Cross to resign his post after he said the migrant men who torched a Red Cross facility to the ground should be deported.

>A kilometre-high column of smoke rose from Hall 18 at the Messe Düsseldorf international exhibition centre on Tuesday, after a group of migrants living in the German Red Cross administered facility torched the building to the ground because they were unhappy about Ramadan provisions particular to their Islamic faith.


I guess I am just unlucky

damn someone thought of it before probably subconsciously thought of that cuz i am low intel

I not even angry anymore.

I'm jealous of you Brits for doing so well with the Brexit campaign. I hope we can leave too soon.

Some propaganda for you lads. Based on Labour's horrible graphic they released earlier:

where you from mate?

It's not over yet m8, remain are still the strong favourites.

This is too much. They're just too stupid

Fucking beautiful lad, start pushing it if you can.

Change it to trust in khorne

Yeah that will really change the twitterati's minds.

Lad they won't think its serious if you do that, that OC is pretty fucking real looking, no point ruining it for the memes.

You'll be unlucky when I get to you mate


Sorry didn't realise this was for propaganda purposes.

Is that a Warhammer reference or something?

Should have included it in my post because its important to the story, but this is the actual quote that made leftists angry enough to demand his resignation


Different version, slightly more blatant.

Tony is THE blood god.


1984 was a good book it introduced so many ideas to me when I was a kid. Doublethink being the best.

crâne pour le crâne trône!

very nice

Thanks! Have some old Chuka OC while we're on the topic.

How likely is it that they could actually make him resign tho?

In a few weeks we might be given permanently unrestricted borders with a country this politically insane.


The lunatics are running the asylum.

kek, I'll take that as a yes. I'm not up to scratch on the lore or owt.

The Netherlands.


no let's do your thing. better to make jokes lol than try to win i don't know the referendum in 11 days

The Netherlands are known for their god-tier traps

Lads its not even funny, the world is genuinely a brass eye episode at this point.

They're running alot more than just the asylum these days.

Fuck off degenerate.

I'm at peace with this now I'm just going to let ot run it's course and then deal with the result as it comes.

Fuck off virgin, spastic, degenerate.

Netherlands will leave once every other country leaves.
Which is only a few years away.

prepare your neg-hole Alida

Wait, so you're gonna give up your hobbies just so some dumb bitch will give you the time of day, and that makes you NOT a cuck?

Do I even need to point out the logical fallacy here?




no if you come to brit/pol/ you do as they do in brit/pol/

t.average sane woman


Any of you lads think Denmark will be a bastion come the great European civil war? Easily defensible peninsula that was never in Schengen. I think from there we can launch attacks on Scandinavia and the mainland.

I'm pretty sure you're tolerate because you don't have trip.

good album

Final version…The original source image I was using was a bit shitty and compressed, so I cleaned it up. If anyone wants to spread this on social media, use this one.

He must have lost the rest of it in one of his birds

i'm a trap and even i think you're cucked

this! don't cuck yourself with a woman. demand your gf or tf be redpilled and accept your decisions.


Fair enough.


So most of you aren't even 20?


Lad its so good my internet conked out trying to open it.

Shit poll.


Evening GCHQ!

Nah lad, that's why they all left him, they took a look at his micro knob, laughed, stayed for the money, cucked him, then left.


We all saw the picture lad. You're not a trap, just a boy obsessed with his submission fetish.

Not at all i intend to fight come what may.

Fucking hell, if i knew the geographical location of these cucks when they were together….

Who the fuck is this cuck and why is he so popular?

lad dont torture yourself

train scene is atm


If you don't know who he is you liable to get you neg hole pozzed.


landmines on the borders fuk

Good effort but it needs some refining.

Did you openly campaign for the BNP lad?


Good old Back to the Future.

They should make a fourth film in which they use Marty's shakes to power the Delorean

THANKS lad it was quite choppy

What did they do to make Corbyn cave? I thought he'd be a stubborn old man about this.

submission and femininity fetish

He relishes it too.

Man I love Farage.



death to poalpoasting niggers


I don't know where you got give up from.

from not wanting to make referendum propaganda

For any act of moderation it would require a Brexit from this board.

Fucking hell, they're so dogmatic

I imagine they blackmailed him. He probably used to dress up in drag, or was a member of a neo-nazi thing in his youth.

That could just as easily be lazyness and the fact it's fucking 1:07 in the morning.

That anti white obese faggot will starve when ethnic conflict really hits America.

I didn't notice any of you OC while we're here


His OC is being Brit/pol/ (annoyingly vocal about it) trap

my oc is being feminine and supportive

Yeah because Haiti is a fucking paradise, I can't give an example of a matriarchal society because they're such failures none exist anymore.



Being mentally ill got it.

He also supported Bernie over Hillary.

dressing as a girl when you're a boy is not mentally ill!

Indeed. I wish he'd just go back to /politics/ tbh.
Or pull a ttpw

Why the fuck are taigs so goddamn annoying lads? Arghghhhh

Wish we'd burned every fucking tater in the world and starved them while we had the chance

No being a "feminine and supportive" faggot is though.

only 300 odd commies are left on r/europe


A man can dream.

Hey guys, just pitching in with some Owen Propaganda to help in the meme war

It makes me sad tbh. I've always felt civic-ally towards irish women. But they're SO fucking annoying and anti-British to the core.

A new poll shows almost two-thirds of Germans think Islam does not "belong" in their country. In a marked increase from a similar survey conducted six years ago in which a minority of Germans (47 per cent) thought Islam had no place in their nation, the latest poll shows the figure is now at 60 per cent.


A man can build if he so chooses.

i'm not pulling anyone i get pulled
i don't get pulled ;_;

for such an unimportant country we seem to occupy his mind a lot :^)

you don't know me! i can support a guy as his gf just as well as a girl can or even better, apart from no pucci


Yes the most fundamental part of being a women the reproductive organ. In essence you are there to please fetishists and destroy birth rate nothing more.

There were no potato chambers.


Lad if I ever see you on the street im gonna fokin give you a bash tbh. You're trap posting is really annoying

no the most fundamental part of being a woman is being a housewife and being submissive and loving to my husband!

and i don't destroy birth rate because my bf can still date another girl!

Yeah man read that chart again.

You don't have the genuine mentality or understanding of life as a female, you lack their pheromones and their softness. You're a sad parody of a female, a failed male, and you don't qualify as either.

I won't say this often but to give them some credit the no column is fairly high all things considered

How do krauts not see that this is a bad idea?

So which is bullshit, the graph or the article?

I'm referring to the figures, user. It should be the other way around.

No it isn't again you just fetishised the role of housewife you degenrate fuck.




wow violent are you a muslim? restrain yourself.

yes i do, i've got a feminine personality. i just need a bf to live as a girl with.

medicine can fix that.

so you admit i'm not a male.


burger here, I like this idea, send pikey slags and we will send colt HBARs and hollow points

The graph was taken from the article.

It is rape by deception but toleranceTM doesn't permit that

Tbh I just don't like it when you come here and ruin threads. People literally leave when you arrive. Come to think you did look like a Jew in your picture

Jesus wept.

Jesus, take them all please.

Dirty fuckers breastfeed their rat children until the age of 5.
Live in literal shit and piss then claim squatters rights for destroying an area.

Even left wingers want to ethnically cleanse them.


😬 😅oops fam I mixed up my calibers

tbh that's all being a woman is.

i laughed at that bit

i hope this gets repealed when we can become girls properly.

You'll regret that in time, dixie. Pikey slags are pretty nasty. But I like the deal if you want to go ahead with it



You only think that because you are mentally ill and desperate to try and fill a womans role and you know you cannot fill the primary role of a woman so you outright deny it.


get those starvation ships read fam, I just got paid today, how many 18 year old pikey girls can I get for a WASR?

Fuck off you stupid yankee doodle twat

You can only become a girl before you exit the womb

Please just ignore the trap poster. You mustn't reply to it. Remember every post that contains the word "trap" is just as bad as if it had been posted by one.

Contribute or fuck off.

You aren't a woman if you can't give birth with your own god given vagina


I am from the north, near the canadian border in the midwest, the south is a meme tbh, they are the guys who LARP hardcore about violence all the time


interesting that you reduce a woman to performance, you sound like a feminist. though I get the impression you're being a bit trollish. either way you're an asshole lad.

Although to be fair, anyone who claims they had no idea of the "gender history" of this is just taking the piss.


Hitler dubs means you're right but tbh there's like 4 people actually on right now and he's one of them

*shouldn't actually joke about starvation ships since my ancestors actually came over on one and fought in shiloh but oh well I am more than half anglo and german (only a little taig)



No, you don't, you're a parody of what you believe women are like.

Once again, no. Medicine can't make you emit pheromones nor can it give you the genetic 50% extra body fat women have which gives them their cherubic softness.

You're deluded enough to think that was a compliment, aren't you? Allow me to re-phrase: You are biologically a male, but you're mentally broken - your unwillingness to compete as a male socially and physically have left you looking for other avenues to go down, which has manifested in offering yourself up to men and acting like a woman. You don't want to face the hardships of growing up and becoming a man so you fantasise about being a housewife. You're not a man, but you're certainly not a woman.

Looks like Phil Collins.

Could just filter him and invite some Yanks.

fuck off summerfag trolling brit/pol/ is more complicated than randomly shitposting about muh pig benis muh gunz

Literally every single one of them.

When they arrive in America gas them and end the plague of gypsy fuckers on these islands for good.

Read the thread.

But LARPing is fun lad. Either way, here's 3 pikey slags. Can I have my colt now


i don't look like a jew and if people leave they're probably cucks or gays who can't stand how girly i am and prefer a sausagefest.

the only trap problem is not being a real girl ;_;

i'm not mentally ill, i just want to be a housewife, like lots of girls do. if giving birth was all that mattered there wouldn't be marriage for one.

It worked for the past two threads now

no I am going to up breed them with my virile euro-mutt semen and live on a compound in the hiawatha forest with my pikey harem teaching ojibwe chugs about algebra

He should be surrounded by all the copper wire he's illegally stripped from phoneboxes and council estates.



All these Summer fags in these threads, time for some toe.

You'll regret it lad.

In a few generations you'll be the most hated man in all of American history.

Also a JCB he nicked from a local site and 50 thieving illiterate kids.

You're only digging yourself deeper here. Marraige is to produce a stable enviroment for child rearing again something you as a mentally ill person should not do.

Don't force that decision on me lad :^( Idk whats worse

bet you wish you were still a colony now.

no that's what cisgirls want you to think.

you're just saying that so your post isn't shit.

no you just look like a typical moron from our overindulged shithole of a country, read some byron and fucking learn to be actually subtle about shit. you have to operate as a crypto-aussie to get the best responses.

A-am I still filtered lad? pls tell more no;_;
its a proud american pastime fam, hatred is better than being a nameless wagecuck

Has the concept of Britain gone too far?

You literally do though. A greasy gormless jew. And until you lop off you biological penis you're still part of the sausage fest yourself

You think just like me. I've been thinking about infiltrating the Native "nations" with European males and starting a new northern master race for years. Imagine how qt half Eskimo/Euro babes would be. And no dindus or Chinks would come up here to bother us.

If you don't give them land they move into peoples properties.

I usually am. I was really bored today so I had a bit more fun with it.


Britcucks, I heard the news that yall are leading by 10 points in the Brexit. Is it true? Is there any way I can help? Can I donate shekels anywhere?

that doesn't look like 1.5k worth of inbred sheepfucker pussy to me fam

blow your brains out you faggot, chugs do not look like that at all, that is some quarter-chug half-spic
enjoy watching her turn into a cow-titter methuselah at 26




Government's decision to change referendum rules half way through by extending voting deadline may be ruled unconstitutional

That OC fam? Top

Yes you can donate to
my personal bank account

pic related is typical chug
enjoy not being able to shave your face unless you ride 1000 miles to the slave lake station and buy overpriced gillette single use razors since the arctic is a shithole full of murderous chug bandits who hunt white people with select fire weapons they smuggle from russian chugs

Is that mace legal lad?


I think we should all set a date and time where everyone logs into twitter and calls owen jones a cuck

just do it on the dot and it should get it trending

that's all i got
Pretty sure anyone can donate.
If you really wanted to help you'd gain EU citizenship and bomb somewhere important but not very nice looking.


feminists aren't entirely wrong tbh.

that makes a better gf than cisgirls do tbh.

they do actually, both pheromones and fat redistribution, just like breast growth.

yes i've always said this. i know i'm biologically male, i know i'm a failure at being a man. that's why i wish i was a girl instead so i could appreciate and admire men without having to be one.

so you admit women's role isn't just bearing children. i can be part of a stable marriage just like a proper woman can. regardless of not being able to have them myself.

Try and take it, i'll stick it up you if you try.

Made it sound like Canadian Mad Max there lad.

That's what the majority of cucks in Brit/pol/ have it seems.

That sounds pretty fun actually

Like a really cold mad max.

I like it. Don't suppose we can do it tomorrow?

1pm tomoz yeh

There's no way it would fit lad. Its too big

Because UKIP voters don't seem to understand how a Brexit would affect Britain, let me paint a picture for you.

The EU places sanctions on Britain, putting a complete stop to trade in the region. Certain companies would be allowed to trade goods out of the country, but only if they accept Euro as payment. Exchanging the Euro for Pounds will be ILLEGAL.

But that's fine, right? Britain has other trading partners. But the other nations trade with the EU as well. And unless they stop trading with Britain, they'll face sanctions as well. The EU is a bigger economy, so guess who they'll side with?

Britain now stands without any trading partners. There won't be enough food to feed the people. No medicine for the sick. No affordable labor to handle the country's infrastructure.

And when Downing Street falls and Britain devolves into civil war, which army do you think will swoop in and seize control? The EU. And this time, you will not be a nation. You will be a colony of Sweden.

I'm a Canadafag and I've never heard of that, sounds pretty cool actually. Proper ghetto up there in the circle yo. Snowniggers getting glocked for their Mukluks.

m8 we can beat germany in a war they can't sanction us

I can't believe you took the time to type this

You sound like a cuck.

Sounds mental, lad.

You just convinced me to vote Leave so I can bring on the race war.

I traded some stupid britbong Royal Marine a broken flashlight for a fullset of Royal Marine camo in Astan.

I am a US Marine

He was a pretty good guy tbh fam.

it wasnt actually broken that bad, i wouldn't do that to a white brother

I traded him by his vehicle and noticed his steering wheel and said "Oh thats right, yalls steering wheel is on the wrong side" and he said "No mate, your steering wheel is on the wrong side"

Tops bantz tbh

I hope nige gets elected for real

Want to be that Tornado pilot that drops a smart bomb on Merkel's HQ tbh

The fallacy here is vastly overestimating the leverage the EU has over the world.

Real men don't want feminist-brainwashed women.

What I get with a feminist-brainwashed western woman:

- can falsely accuse me at any time and have my life ruined, and she will use this as leverage in a relationship or marriage
- continuous drama
- continuous demands
- won't do much for me, will bitch about making a 5 minute dinner while I work OT to support her materialistic lifestyle
- won't be happy ever, wants a $200k car when my yearly salary is half that
- starfish duty sex once a month or less, perhaps no sex at all after marriage

Why would I, as a "real man", who works out, meets the beauty standards of demanding women and has a well paying career, want anything to do with these false-accusation-waiting-to-happen used up sloots?

yes hurt their own industries and economies because we didn't spread our cheeks for junker


"I'm in a state of shock, I cannot believe this is how the justice system works."


How long will sex androids be on the market before they're banned or civilisation collapses?

yes i know all that. thinking leaving the eu is a good idea is even crazier than wanting to be a girl.

but if i don't get to live a happy life as a girl, then nobody else does either. so bring on brexit!

this, fuck women. i'm so much more deserving to be one ;_;

spread the word lad


How BLACKED the french team is triggering

Is anybody here not blocked by Owen on multiple twitter accounts?

I think we should wait until after the ref. Allowing us all to get a few new ones set up tbh.

I remember Pogba tweeting that End Times gex video and saying 'we are in danger' on the day of the bataclan shootings

You don't have to tweet at him. You can just tweet 'owen jones cuck'


What the actual flying fuck?


I'm not blocked yet. I tweeted him that that champagne picture too

This pleases me.

No better time than the present lad


that's a comfy webm lad

Imagine how good those shoes smell.

Hey lads, I was the guy who asked what I should bet on at a casino, didn't want to withdraw money so put a quid on 26 and it came through, ended up coming out £50 richer from a £1 bet.

Also, if you guys are ever stripped for cash, go to a casino. The food is usually cheap as chips and the drinks are as well, soft drinks as the place I go to are free. It's pretty sick.

Gambling is a mugs game, lad.

Not if you bet cheap and don't fuck up. Do safe bets and it's decent. I was betting £5 bets on red or black, odds or evens, 1-18 19-36 the whole night and I most always won. Everytime I went up thirty quid I'd take out a tenner. Mate of mine walked out with close to two-hundred, another plus thirty and another plus ten with more pleb going down ten. Good night, honestly, lad.


Send help, I've ruptured my sides…


How can you not have heard of Michael Moore lad?

I'll let Immorality Man introduce you to him.

There isn't a pepe smug enough to convey my emotions reading this thread:

Fucking hell BBC has paid so much public shekels to jewtube to push this rubbish


It's probably nigger blood tbh.

Sorry m8, we meant to use them as cannon fodder but some worthless fucking kikes decided they would do better in 'supporting' roles i.e. not strapped to the front of our tanks.

More commies

Here's Farage's interview from earlier.

How does anyone, a "brit" bring himself to use a EU flag flair?


We have this in the bag if this keeps up. Outers are more likely to vote

Lets hope the degenerate students Camcuck got to register are too hungover from being a trashy cunt from the last night, to vote

Lads we've got to fucking win.

Imagine the salt.

Imagine the unending tears of lefty students.

I've got three exams before the 23rd and one directly on the 23rd.
I'll wear my Brexit T shirt for all three preceding ones and as many union jacks as possible on me for the 23rd.

I want this so badly. It's like this could be it. This then Trump's election.
I hope some students commit suicide.

Lefties, with their media control have been winning for decades. Losing doesn't seem legitimate to them. They'll try to break democracy. It'll be like the 2015 election times 100000 for lefties butthurt

Based boomers will bring home victory.

If it isn't rigged. Polish people getting ballot papers and pakipostal votes will loose it in realuty




Seriously, somebody needs to throw a bucket of water over these lefty students

omg i have to get a visa my life is over!

If you have a job they will just give you one straight up.


Oh man I'm so smug

I'm just imagining the 24th.
The breakdown on twitter. Tens of thousands of people tweeting about moving to Europe.
The anger and angst all screaming out and writhing in pain that they were given a flat faced "fuck off".

Lads, they'll never let us win. Do you think lefties in the BBC will lie down and let us rebel? They'll push as much dogmatic propaganda onto normies humanely possible

They'll scare them into utter submession

why do lefties want to remain so much? seriously the only reason I can think is because it's bad for white people. that's pretty much it, there must be more to it, right?

The beeb can't give its own opinion, they can only quote the remain camp. And they can't do much with them because its representatives are making total fools of themselves.

That's exactly it. Even though their go to issue is the economy, they always have white guilt.

No that's it. Peter Hitchens says that dwhen he was in le left they hated Britain and saw immigration as a weapon against it. The left aren't a table full of lumberjacks in a pub talking about how to get a handout to keep the logging industry going during lean times anymore. That was an economic leftist. Now it's about internationalism (the new left) vs nationalism (alt right).

Will Trump make America whiter than it now?

Got my battlegear earlier today lads.

What do you think?
Will they let me into the polling booth wearing this?

Anyone awake to keep a depressed user company?

Feel so alone atm

failed normie tbh

He said he wanted to draw immigrants from Europe instead of Central/South America, so probably.

'burger here. We call chips a "side dish", you fucking europoor trash.

Glasses and tie not needed lad.

Wear a Nigel Farage tweed coat

please lads

How old are you? If you're younger than 25, which you are, just keep your head down, stop masturbating, and weather the storm.

yeah i'm 22. Finished uni today. Just feel lost tbh lad, thanks for the advice

m8 but I have to wear the tie somewhere
Otherwise I'll never get to wear it

Gonna see about calling my guy and getting some leaflets later today.
Next time it's hot I'll go out in the park in my getup and hand them out. Might see if I can get a m8 from back in 6th form to help out.

Haha oh fuck GO stopped selling the T-shirts and ties.
Now it all makes sense.

Ok, new plan is I'll go to the event and wear my GO t shirt.
Doubt they'll mind.
I'll bring a Union Jack T shirt if they tell me it's in poor taste.

Nice tool for OC

Just signed up to man a street stall by London Bridge next Saturday tbh lads

What do you actually do on a street stall?

Hostile reminder that the Soviet Union used powerful media mogul Jews to infect the West with the ideas of Feminism, athiesm, divorce, and multiculturalism during the cold war. Therefore the cancer we face today is a result of a Soviet subverted baby boomer generation and Jews were only pawns in this process.

t. Christian.

Keeps your eyes open lad you don't want any commie's or muzzie scum trying anything on.

Nah, it's London Bridge.
Mostly white people and tourists or white tourists.

good night lads

Morning lads

Pretty sure that wasn't the real Pogba.

why did i take Ritalin lads i've been awake for 24 hours

Taking into account 'shy Tory' factor and Jewish tricks, what's the ACTUAL percentage?

That's it.

Polls are weighted for turnout.

I can't get in on this hype. I remember the Scottish referendum and weren't the yesfags polling at 55% too? I think the bookies are who we should be paying attention to.

Morning m80, how are we this morning?

Going out to smoke an export A gold king size cigarette. Expect 5 posts by the time I'm back.

nigel would be proud

Thanks m88, I'll take 1 (you)post at these hours.

I love these





Good song.

Scruton crushed diversity with his Conservatism

It's been a good year so far lads





I'm proud of you user.

fags it's so boring being on Brit/pol/ for the late graveyard shift.


Anyone have those niges where he's smugly laughing at immigrants dying and open borders activists being beaten/raped by immigrants?

We made it lad


He's not black, he's mixed race.

Why do they adopt American norms so readily?

America is better and not better at the same time to lefties.

What I want to know is why the left/the Jews/the elite want whites gone and will flood the country with non-whites to do this?

The bitch in OP is shaming men for nothing while she is no "real woman" herself. What is she good at? In what way is she tough? Strong? What is she experienced in? Nothing! She's some useless 22 year old bint who gets off when she can shame men out of her own insecurity.

Cucks love women who abuse them like in the OP. This is just more SJW shaming now gone in the opposite direction. Fuck off with telling me how to be a man you IQ-deficient baby machine

Just to cool your jets that's a fake labour poster we made for 2015. newfag

This is the actual line between a nanny state and an orwellian dystopia and it has now been crossed

the Indy is a bullshit rag.

It was 47%.

E. Michael Jones talks about this.

Bascially, any group that does not identity with the majority wants to dismantle it.

living dangerously lad

By the way (btw) why aren't we revving up the meme machines to make fake remain posters like this? I remember Onlyaustralianinbritpol was the catalyst behind these for the purpose of twitte trolling last year (and God bless him wherever he is) but this is more important. We need fake remain memes.


How fucking low can you go?


Royal Marines are hoofing blokes

Ashkenazi Jews, specifically, may want whites gone off the world stage because they view a strong white nation or anything resembling it as a major threat due to their tumultuous history in europe and their strong tendency toward r-selection. Or maybe not, just a theory. As to why the left in general likes to flood their country with low-quality immigrants, they just want whichever immigrants will vote for them the most consistently and it just so happens that low-IQ scum from large-government shit holes love to vote left.

mfw none of you neets are awake to watch the trooping the colour

because that is an obvious false flag

Wew, lad

civic nationalists are multiculti cucks

And I'm awake, lad. No matter when I go to bed, the morning light will always wake me up

Yeah that's how chance works. You'll win one night then lose it all the next. Unless you find some new game the casino is trying, the odds are against you and always will be unless you really know your blackjack. They're not stupid.

I've been awake since 6 but I don't know what that is m8.

You better be joking, lad.

Could we see some UKIP defections?

Don't think Tory cucks would make UKIP better

what about shrekless?

probably because of facebook posts

You're being a pleb lad. Don't be a pleb

I'm not jocking you tosser

How so, faggot? Care to explain?


NZ has monster dongs?

Those poor sheep :(

Yeah I cuckcuckgo'd it. Sounds boring. Seems more normie to watch it.

Sir James Dyson says Britain better off out

Lads last week I told you I redpilled a German model in a pub. I went out with her again last night. I'm in love. I'm going to vote Remain so she doesn't feel nervous or afraid of a rise of low-information xenophobia, bigotry and Little Englander hatred. I will PROTECT her.

your a fag SA

Better version of Zygott

kill yourself mohammed

Trooping the colour lad, it's one of our most intrinsic British traditions.


Forgot link:

It's fucking huge dude. Huge.
Give it a watch, on at the moment, outside fuckingham phallis, lovely day for it.

She's wearing a gorgeous Green today isn't she lads? Fuck I love The Queen

Ebin, simbly ebin.

She looks like me whenever I'm forced to go out on my birthday.

Lads who is making these funny videos? Is it Mugabe?


Pretty shameful that the only positive thing about mordern Britain is our ceremonial traditions.


This was amazing

Christ lads can you imagine if there was a terrorist attack at the Trooping of the Colour?

I'd go out and kill every fucking paki in a 5 mile radius I'd be so incensed if the Queen was harmed

Anyone that's pro monarchy on Brit/pol/ needs to kill themselves. QE2 - worst monarch ever.

I always knew they were fucking commies.

Eat a dick lad

She has always stayed out of politics no matter her feelings on the matter, and good on her for sticking to her conviction.

Charles will change things, I reckon. He's not going to be as quiet as Elizabeth.

And if she lived she'd condemn you live on TV because she's a cuck. Monarcucks smh tbh.


Are any of the soldiers rifles loaded there? I'm guessing not.

"Defender of faiths", highly doubtful

Come on lad, she knows the UN would start bombing freedom into us if she tried to gain any real power in the country.

this tbh, love the monarchy but fuck Liz.

I'm hoping for some semtexfugee action at Euro 2016 before the referendum.

do you reckon they search the crowd in case a muslim had some hand grenades to toss in the carriage

is anyone kind of brown here? they could take one for the team

Uncertain, their swords are sharp mind you, and their bayonets. There are also Royal Protection Officers kicking about as well. The ammo is issued separate to the weapons though, so whether they get a single magazine or something stowed away is anybody's guess. I would guess not though. The ones on guard at the palace and horse guards are armed however - so it could be so.

how waycis

Yeah I mean if the bastards have to kill innocent people, then towards the end ideally just before referendum.


You faggots haven't seen this before? Fucking newfags, I was on Brit/pol/ for the 2013 local elections.

it would be a big mistake, the EU is the best thing that ever for getting muslims into Europe.

I've no doubt in the lads abilities to beat the everloving shit out of a raghead with a rusty tablespoon, I just find it ridiculous that our own soldiers are not properly armed, regardless of this being a ceremonial event.

So what does she do? She's supposed to reign in the parliament when it's out of line, which it obviously is. She's fucking useless.

Welcome to post-monarchy Britain where even the constitutional powers of the Queen have been trampled by parliamentary excess. Right now she's just a wealthy land owner who isn't allowed to speak her mind in public under pain of impeachment.

some of those army lads look like right chubsters, don't they have to keep fit, doing 5 miles runs every day etc?

They already shot dead over a hundred Parisians and blew up an airport in Brussels. Both of which have been practically memory-holed at this point.

That's a fair compromise. Real men want women who exercise now and then, aren't lazy, boring bitches and not ugly as fuck. I think that's fair.

A million votes to UKIP

I wish they had waited to do the referendum until right before the next election. Look at what happened to the SNP after it lost the Scottish referendum, imagine that with UKIP

Some reports say we may be due another general election by the end of this year if there is a vote of no confidence after we leave

This is what I'd be afraid of. The moment you get an influx of normies/tories you have to move even further to then right, some of them will play along and become moulded in and if the others try to shift the window back further to the left then they'll only get away with keeping it how it was when they joined.

I plan to slowly present more redpills to Nige to disperse at his own leisure. Does anybody know the best P.O Box or address to send books/information to so that he can receive them? I'm willing to support this man all the way so long as he doesn't back track on his points, which he doesn't appear to be doing for the 2 years I've been following him so far.

well I don't see UKIP being very popular after we leave though.

Good. Cameron is brazenly biased and against an exit, I could imagine him fucking decisions up on purpose if we leave, to make people bitter against the right.

UKIP already scalped over a million votes off the traditional Labour base in the last election, how much further can we push it?

Their scarlet coats and swaggering airs filled Barry with envy.

Let's be honest, they're the only ones with fresh ideas and know what they're doing.
That isn't going to really happen the way people think it is. It's going to be harder for welfare leeches and retards to make a living at the expense of white people (which means mainly pakis and blacks, look up the statistics).

Greediest snouts in the EU trough: Not sure how to vote? Read about the stinking wealth and hypocrisy of those Brussels fat cats the Kinnocks and it may help you decide

Plastering public property with stickers is a disgraceful thing to do, truly leftie tier, I don't care what the stickers are for or against.


I suppose you disagree with banners over fly-overs as well?


tfw if I become somebody the detractors will look my post history and accuse me of foot fetishry on live TV.

Idk, on my way back from the gym i saw some graffitti on the ground saying ww3 now with a swastika next to it. Gave me a hearty kek

I suppose you think stickers with simple slogans such as "No to this!" or "Yes to this!" are going to change peoples minds?

It's vandalism. If you can't respect the place you live in enough to at least stop yourself from contributing to making it look worse, you might as well give up and become a muslim.

Idk, on my way back from the gym i saw some graffitti on the ground that said ww3 now with a swastika, gave me a hearty kek.



You think they don't? Masses are fickle you petty autist.

Shut up, you stupid little boy.

Peak lel. Thankyou user.

Nice arguments.

Another poster following on from last night's effort.

Summer meet-up WHEN? :DD

Would follow into race war tbh.


Princess Anne always looks so regal. Very high energy woman, very royal.

would RaHoWa with.


So I just listened to Radio 4 news at midday. The main story was about the scientists saying don't Brexit. No mention of Dyson backing Brexit at all. On the BBC website, the Dyson story is higher up and more recent. This kind of bullshit coupled with shit like women's hour and relentless lefty comedian shit plus the obvious biased audiences for their radio question time stuff that they've admitted they don't make sure are balanced, shows that Radio 4 needs to be destroyed.

Fireman Sam

I will punish my Mother and Stepmother, I promise the ether that.

R8 the OC I made lads

Based Barth tbh

"Maybe if I keep posting it somebody will laugh!"

because yours were so great and not just opinon. See I can post le nige faec as well. Faggot.

Shill it.

t. man with no arguments


Takes one to know one.

Because that's not autistic and retarded thinking at all. You make it so obvious you're under the age of 25, it's no excuse for acting like a dipshit though.


Even east coasters are barely waking up at 7:30am. This is >America's asleep hour.


Pretty much


New hitchens blog.

Don't get his love for Islam tbh.

you still read that cuck? I stopped when he said he wouldn't vote and was a defeatist race mixing supporter.

so you don't like my OC
your a faggot, I bet your SA.

I don't have a twatter account with which to shill it, unfortunately. Does anyone here still have a fake Labour account? I remember their being several before the 2014 EU election.

who the fuck is Barth lad

You claim to be over 25 yet you show political support in the manner of a teenager.

he is saint barth m8, the person in pic related

You know any combination of images will act as a bypass, so you can just do 1 dot



It says file already exists when I do 1 dot.

Poor effort, chap.

Vaporwave anyone?


My forced meme's better tbh


Are earrings for plebs/homos, lads?

He's just such a lad. God bless are Nige.

I don't actually do it but I'm not going to bitch and moan about younger people showing their dislike of the system and spreaidng that propaganda to other young people. If you want to LARP as an old man pretending to be actually bothered by this though then w/e.


Yes, those are gay as fuck lad.


not bad at all

imagine if one of those planes was being flown by a taquiyya muslim and he flew it directly into the palace on live TV

That sounds amazing tbh.

Dammit, it was meant to be 'shallowed BE thy ale'.

Why are Yanks so cringeworthy lads?


They have a false sense of history.

it's adorable, really

Financial Times referendum demographics, stolen from leddit.

Do A Levels turn people into cucks now?


Meanwhile, for a while here in NZ we had these guys (although they never got into parliament, they existed only for lulz)
What made it funnier is that since we don't have a proper constitution they could legally do these things if they got into power


fucking plebs on this board

here are the other figures from that article, published 2nd June 2016


Anybody know what the A/B/C1/C2/D/E social grade lingo is?


America was a mistake.

socioeconomic stuff

skilled working class, middle class, skilled worker etc

I dont know them but they'll be a list somewhere

basically ABC1 is broadly middle class, C2DE is working class

Noice, I'm seeing a lot of low EU support and high turnout, and a lot of high EU support and low turnout.

this referendum might actually go well before they rig it

what grade would a NEET be?

fucking lol

muh celtic heritage muh braveheart muh guiness


Name your grade, lads

whats up with her lips?

ageing like fruit tbh

Sing when you're winning, lads

Currently D but we used to be C1 or maybe B


C2 Masterrace


why does her face look like it's covered in shit

tbh lads the more I learn about Anglicanism the more it feels like it's just an English version of Catholicism…

probably a snorter

wew, what a suprise they blame the white people

Lad, that's because Henry VIII designed it… to be an English version of the Catholic Church.


Occupation not covered on list.

Henry VIII was an incredibly devout Catholic until his death, it was the fault of reformists like Cranmer and Cromwell that Anglicanism is seen as radical as it's continental counterparts.

fkn bolshies

Pfff I work for a living, I'm just not a wage cuck.


here u go


that woman was shit, she also used the 'straight, white, male' argument like a fucking leftoid.

Why the fuck was he there?




Lads, I genuinely don't know what class I am.

By these metric my 80% of my family are upper class and the rest are lower middle.

I run my own business.

What class am I?

I have a I? I don't agree that any of my family are anything close to upper class.

I have always felt lower middle class.

The whole thing is bullshit IMO.




They always have celebrities and he has been adamant in injecting himself into this debate

Ergh my mobile turned my post into a mess.

class is a bullshit term that politicians like because it can mean literally anything.

Galloway calls himself working class despite making £150k + a year

Class is about culture and birth.
Has nowt to do with how much money you make or what your job is.

Kikes have just turned it into an economic thing because they know they have no birth and never will.

ok making new thread

oh someone has

College and university has largely been filled with people too stupid or lazy to do any meaningful work. These smart arses as I like to call them can barely look after themselves or make coherent arguments against us "uneducated" plebs.

obama and hillary


I got my A levels and I'm voting leave.

>tfw doing my GCSEs
>tfw will be doing my A-Levels which consist of government & politics, English literature, media studies, and economics
>tfw I can't go a day in school without having a big fucking political debate, stopping an entire classroom full of work because people think I don't have a right to say "Muslims go home"

Feels good lads.

That had a lot of truth to it in the past, when people higher still had an expectation and sense of duty to be exemplars and such - but that clearly hasn't been the case for a long time now. In fact, many upper-class people purposely plebify themselves because the leftist media makes them feel guilty for having higher standards.

The link between education standards and economics is much looser too, as standards of entry for universities and qualifications are lower, whilst the opportunity to self-educate is far higher thanks to the internet.

I try and aim higher, but I ultimately know my place is always going to be in the middle.

One woman cannot speak for all women.