Michael Moore is transitioning into a woman

There has been gossip floating around about this for a while, but sources say left-wing bowling enthusiast Michael Moore, who made several documentariea critical of gun control, GWBush and american healthcare, is transition into a woman.

He recently spent time in hospital for pneumonia, but many believe that was a cover for gender therapy.



Recent interview with UK leftwing journalist Owen Jones (talking about how stoooooopid Trump is)

Other urls found in this thread:



I usually have really a lot of sympathy for trannies.

Not so much this time.
Lol I can see.this making him really happy


Do it you freak of nature, do it.

Too bad he didn't have any balls to begin with

Color me absolutely astonished.

He is even uglier as a woman.

This is too good to be true. I don't believe it.

Meme magic strikes again.

There must be some 200 year cycle where civilisations cut men's balls off

Fucking Christ when will this cunt just off himself

Sounds like liberalism is a mental disorder.

He's enough of a mangina.



They are just a civilasation that believes in male sacrifice

Upholding a long tradition!


He must have gotten something right in one of his documentaries to get fucked over like this. I remember the CEO of Nike wanted a private meeting with him. I guess Moore eventually had a private meeting with the wrong guy.

Wasn't he "teaming up" with someone to "stop trump.'

Maybe he wants to attack Trump from the angle of an oppessed snowflake.

Like Manning?
Or the only survivor of Seal Team 6?

I understand his changing gender ruins someone's credibility, but how do they get them to do it?

you made me jump

I want to believe.

If it was my job to do it, I would put something in Moore's food.

Transitioning is pretty much synonymous with suicide when you really think about it.

if only I could feel surprised anymore.


Parmenides solved the transition puzzle millennia ago





I can't take credit for that user, this barely held together by duct tape site fucked up the thumbnail somehow.

Still, I snickered a bit reading your post.

Whatever you say, Schlomo

I thought you were defending trannies.


Makes sense. He hates white men openly. He has separated white people on sex, where women are good, men are bad, several times. When he talks about that dinosaur and asteroid analogy which is completely retarded by the way, he talks about white men. They are the oppressors and everything that is evil, and he celebrates that the mantle is passed on to white women and people of color who apparently has done so very much good. Talks about all this in the most recent Owen Jones video.

You mean:

You'd think with how emotional women are that most of them would be extremely offended by having the concept of womanhood mean absolutely nothing but clothing, makeup & behavior. To be told they are nothing more than that would surely infuriate them if they weren't so well-brainwashed into "muh tolerance".

Fuck no. If I could gas every "Tranny", I would in a second.

Shit like:

is reddit cancer. I fucking hate it, and it doesn't belong on an imageboard



I kind of see your point with ftfy, but tl;dr has been used on chans for over 10 years and famposting is fucking famposting. It is what it is m8

kek fam smh tbh lad fam
tl;dr :^)


We brought back the word “cuck”. It’s time to bring back the word eunuch. Cutting your dick off does not make you a woman. It makes you a eunuch. A very mentally ill eunuch.

Sounds like you need to relax to be honest, family.

Xenoestrogens in the juice boxes.
Just buy my goddamned water filters - I need to feed my alimony.


Why can't we just write shit out? Rememebr how, like 10 years ago, we used to actually write out "the feels when", "my face when", etc? Then, we started getting lazy. Now, we write >yfw. We also took shit from Reddit "ironically", and it has never left.

Who cares if it's bullshit? Shill it and get the rumour spread, if he denies it call him a bigot and act really offended as if he SHOULD transition and not be so closed minded. Make him look like a cunt.

Can't wait for this fat shit to have a heart attack. Can't a bunch of klansmen just break into his house and scream really loud when he's not expecting it?

Meme it.


none of these
things are that bad or annoying tbh fam

Fuck off summerfag

I'm not suprised

Never been, brah. You could try to elaborate on why exactly it's cancer, beyond the vague notion that it originates from retardshit, which it doesn't, since it's from black twitter, and we use it to "appropriate" their culture and otherwise mock them.

I initially had reservations about using what I perceived to be nigger corruptions of the language, but you find a long history in European societies of referring to close friends and allies as your family, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers, and so on, and fam isn't really any more a corruption of that notion than any other abbreviation that we use anyway.

That doesn't make fucking sense

Fucking sad.
Nothing can save this landwhale from looking like a disgusting pile of coagulated vomit, and it's pathetic to see him try to "transition" into anything, considering whatever it is will still be putrid.

What he really needs to "transition" into is a human being that doesn't weigh 450 lbs.

Oh my fucking god.

Is this real?



It's cancer because it's a bastardization of the King's English. How about, instead of using nigger maymays, we use the German/French/Spanish/Danish word for it?


inb4 michelle moore wins some "female filmmaker of the year" award.

You monster

Moore got low testosterone for a while now. It's not crippling if you do something about it, doesn't even have to be medical or injections. Take some innawoods time, go to a shooting range, chop some firewood, exercise.
Unfortunately he accelerated his own testosterone decline, by continuing to chug the socjus koolaid, and gorging himself on bon bons while marathoning The View.
Result, he became aunt Glaadys that no one likes, the one with 10 cats, hates men, wears a Feel da Bern sweater that smells of cat piss and mothballs.

There may be still time to sing up for the women's Olympic hammer-throw team.

kek. this.

And the King's English is a bastardization of that which came before it. Don't mistake that as an argument for absolute relativism, since you can surely degrade and destroy a language.

It'd also do you good to divorce the concept of irony from reddit, since you're only ceding cultural ground to them by doing so. Likewise, if you let niggers "have" parts of the language, it does no good. There's nothing more inherently degenerate about "fam" than there is with "bro", both reduce the affectionate term to a single syllable from which the full word can be instantly understood, even if you haven't encountered the abbreviation before.

Your opposition to it seems nearly exclusively to be general and reactionary, which can only be used against you. Try to have a more nuanced approach.

couldnt resist.

Is Moore an unpecedent prodigy on the field of paleoethology?

The phrase "nigger maymays" is a batardization of the King's English as well, thou artless minnow

There is no better way to discredit every film he has ever made in the eyes of normalfags than for him to out himself as mentally defective

"My face when" and so forth was shortened to "mfw" when the former became well enough known to be abbreviated. In fact, I would argue that it became a meme in it's own right. Normies generally didn't know what it meant and became a chan signalling meme when used on other platforms.

Things on the chans, and internet in general, evolve pretty rapidly. "tbh fam" is just another iteration of that. It still has a uniqueness to it and isn't some lazy "teen text" speak for people too retarded to spell things out.

Should we just speak the King's English?

The only problem is that normalfags don't think trannies are mentally defective.

That's not to demoralize, that's to encourage.

Pretty soon according to the tranny suicide rates.

FUCK this tranny fuck


To the astonished surprise of not a single human being on this planet.


Why does he wear that Camo hat?

Is camouflage not a part of gun culture?

Hiding is propably the only form of self-defense he approves.

Perfect. You nailed it so succinctly.

I'll pay 2,016 Keks for these bantz.

She has a ring-shaped bugger hanging from her nose.

This. Even many people who vote Democrat don't subscribe to the tranny shit. I doubt trans abominations will ever be accepted like gays are. Even compared to gays, they're a tiny tiny segment of the population.


you win the internet today

It shall be done.


I've seen lots of Anons ironically write out "to be honest, family".

What label would cause the most butthurt for dykes with dicks?
Tomboys maybe?

Lel, Charlo wants to be KANG.

Just another reason for this kike to swing.
From a lamp post. :^)


Shut up you bigot, he's transitioning into a sexy, curvy women. You just can't handle it, anyway white bois wont get to hit that.

What is it with all these leftists waiting until they are already fat and disgusting middle-aged-to-elderly farts to go trans? It's too fucking late, genius.


Realdolls? I mean, they're artificial and all.

I guess you could say he's Michael no moore.

Bloated disgusting middle aged man makes for a convincing bloated disgusting middle aged woman.

carlos you goddamn spic

God damn it, that's actually good.

To a cuck, being transgressive means pissing off conservatives.

Michele Moore things he is ultra clever and transgressive by dressing like someone that's out to hunt deers while he cucks as hard as he can.

Or at least that's what he tells himself, i think he is just a fat lazy fuck that dress with the fashion sense of your average neckbeard.

Better start an apprenticeship in tunnel engineering you beaner fuck.

God damnit carlos, I thought you were done making good puns


He'll have something in common with the first ladyboy.

Why are all top leftist important people mentally ill.

Trips confirm Hitler as mentally ill leftist.

Well, duh. He was bullied into suicide.

At least the castrati could hold a tune. What bloody good are any of these contemporary trannies?

Who let Holla Forums in here?

because the commies select the mentally ill to push their total domination agenda

Is that 2nd pic where the fat bastard lives? Gee, I thought he'd be living in a commie block.

not really

Meh, I'd fuck it.

I'll second this.

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. Fag


Great digits.

Wouldn't one have to qualify as a man first to actually be capable of transitioning to a woman?

The fossil record is very clear on cretaceous period class consciousness you literal shitlord.


What's the fucking point? If you're that obsessed with feeling like you're a woman wear a wig when you're at home. God I hate trannies.

He's not transitioning into a women, he's transitioning into Rosie O'donnell.

I thought Caitlyn Jenner was a fucking hero. Sure, the majority of people don't support it, but pop culture supports it and they will infect the rest of the world if we don't stop them

The moment Brucie supported Trump, he got thrown under the bus.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Trannies henceforth shall be referred to as eunuchs.

Kek wills it!


No rather it's literally lazy nigger speak


He has cancer (or possibly AIDS) guys. You don't get pneumonia unless your immune system is seriously FUBAR. It effects almost exclusively children, the very old, AIDS faggots, and chemo therapy patients.

He's withering away and will soon die. He will not haunt us for another 20 years as a she, thankfully.


eunuch is castration though

It also happens if you have an existing respiratory illness (like bronchitis) and your immune system is unable to handle it OR if you have a respiratory condition (like asthma).

ftfy has been a thing on imageboards for years
the only reason you think it's redditspeak is because you just came from there and assumed it originated there

Karen's a slut mate.

I never really thought about it that way tbqphwy familia




This makes so much sense, I'm astonished I haven't heard it before.

Great idea. Gonna meme that shit hard.

We still gotta find a unique insult for those "but it's a feminine dick" degenerates.

Those people are joking user.

I feel sorry for Bruce. He always came across a bit autistic and all the hormones/steroids he took to win the gold clearly fucked with him. Once he started talking about it, he was pushed down the tranny road because it would be box office TV.

I've heard he already regrets it and wants to "transition back". Damage is done though.

This can be used by us though. They gave woman of the year to someone who is not, never was and never will be a woman.


I don't feel sorry in the least for that attention whoring degenerate piece of shit. That motherfucker killed an actual woman with his car and the kikes hoisted him up as a hero and named him "woman" of the year. He has no spine and deserves to be miserable for the rest of his pathetic kike-owned tranny life.


aye aye captain

It's Moore or lesse the same thing.

I'm with you 100%. I'll try to add this to my vocab

Call me michelle

His transition into a smarmy cunt occurred decades ago.

It needs to be to "eunuch", what "cuck" is to "cuckold"? Any ideas? Maybe eunie or something?

I'm OK with this. Plus the next time a Fedora says Christians don't believe in scientific reality because of their faith I can merely ask, "What sex is Michael Moore?"

I'm in. Should we start with Jenner or wait for the next degenerate?

My God….

I couldn't even finish that.

That is 100% Accurate.

In Antiquity it was common to emasculate your foes to keep them from breeding. We should encourage the Dems.

In early Christianity there were two sects (There were more ,but just go with me) The Gnostics didn't believe in fleshly pleasures like sex and sought only spiritual life. The Pagans had both abortions and chemical birth control. The Pre-Orthodox actually had traditions banning abortion (Apocalypse of Peter) and encouraged people to have marraiges and breed. By 190 AD the Gnostics were all dead. They tried to release a Gospel of Philip around that time implying Christ had been married, but it was far to late. Meanwhile the Pagans had become a minority by 350AD.

Can we apply the same thing to the "Earth is overpopulated" Dems? Encourage their infertility? Their only remaining source of new voters is Brainwashed teens who still watch the Electric Jew and third world Immigrants.

In this age of social media, can we outJew the Jew?

I'll say male, and Christians will still be delusional.
*Tips fedora*

Riddle me this fake-atheist (that means atheist who still insists on being a racist bigot) if there is no god, or objective morality, how can you judge these people for just looking for love?

wow just the fate he deserved

fucking commie

Summerfags out in full force confirmed.

I'll be here when you decide to come to your senses


That's my last beer for the evening.

Yeah, but guess what you troglodyte cumskin, there's no "right" or "wrong" there's no concept of morality, there is no meaning in life.

We can do whatever we want.

no you wont, humanity will be long gone and these faggots still wont come to their senses

America dindu nuffin, if it wasn't for those meddling brits, murka would be in school getting dem good grades and a jobs.

Guesses on new name?

Nice Dubs. Also I'm thinking a black name like Latanya or Latisha or Lasagna. He might be transracial because he is also a Democrat.

Just because it is lawful does not make it expedient to your cause.

No God is all the more reason to be MORE cautious and plan further for your progeny. This is why I grew out of my lolbertarian phase. All actions have consequences, even on others.

Except make judgements based on race, apparently. You embody the pseudo-intellectual scum of plebbit and I hope you get infected with Zika this summer and die a painful death.

kek. I'm gonna guess De'Miqua.

Joniqua Glover

They used swords or flintlock pistols back then (or in the case of Aeneas, a golden bough), you limp-wristed cuck.



he actually managed to make himself look worse than he already did, holy shit

By stating an absolute, you are undermining your own case. Your way of having no morals is the 'right' way. You are also suggesting we can do whatever we like, as long as we don't invent morals.

Top laugh. That has nothing to do with evolution or racial differences derived from evolution. Get your kike handler to give you better arguments, shitskin.

At least he won't need breast surgery.

What's stupid about it is you end up going in a circle. Ethics aren't real but abstractions, so go all edgelord and try to toss out ethics, but then you need rules to govern behavior for a harmonious society to function and individuals to remain healthy, and just out of pragmatism you end up re-introducing ethics. Whether good and evil exist on a metaphysical plane or not is irrelevant because morals are a natural result of human development stemming from our instincts and experience in building societies.


Yeah, I find it hard to understand people who wish to throw out pragmatism for any reason other than intellectual curiosity.

I thought Fatty McFatfat was calling himself Catholic? Will he use this to shame Christendom for not accepting his Femlarping?

Calling it now, it's gonna be Michel "Mich-el", not "Mi-kul"

christ, what a dolt. Yes, the "vocal minority" is what won the republican nomination…

That's what I was thinking as well. The question is merely what the morals will be, not if or why. I guarantee you even the strangest Biblical morals ALL have societal reasons

There is a phrase, "Monkey see monkey do" but that also applies to monkey don't do as well. As a species we can reason as to why another person got themselves into a situation we would avoid ourselves, and then make choices that actively avoid that path. To ignore cause and effect is to stumble blindly blindly through a minefield.

We can, as in you and me, but 80% of the time people repeat the mistakes of their parents. I grew up in a trailer park and people made the EXACT same mistakes they saw. 20% are as smart as you and me. MOST are. not.

Codified morals help avoid obvious problems caused by gray areas and selfish short sightedness. My mother's stupidity continues to ruin her life in her fifties. Moral relativism causes…well…. have you seen Western civilization recently? This is why I quit being Libertarian.

Morals ARE about cause and effect.

fire up those meme engines cap'n

you wonder if somebody had to tell her to do that, or if she's actually down and just "blending in" with the fresh prince and all that… but given the nature of "esoteric" stuff like the "ok"/"666" thingy and the prince and how ppl at that level love to flaunt they shit, i wouldn't be surprised if someone told her "hey can you give an "ok" signal in this pic?

either way it's pretty fitting and tonally perfect, esp for ppl who wanna go >MUH ILLUMINATI / >MUH 13 SATANIC BLOODLINES and etc. of course it's all some kind of coincidence cuz it can't even be "the it getters" knowing that conspiratards trip out about that sort of thing so they just throw it in all the time just to make those "tinfoiled snowflakes" flip out and etc

either way, wittingly or unwittingly, it's pitch perfect and spot on. nicely done. and speaking of those sentiments, yeah, you too cuz the brazzers logo made that pic complete =]


Eughhk. Satire and Sarcasm are officially dead.
How am i supposed to make sarcastic remarks while being one-uped by the current year.


You're overthinking it.

They make stuff like that, the masonic "horned hands" thing, and the "diamond/pyramid" thing, into a hip cool trend to signal that your children are fully indoctrinated zombies, and that ((they)) have total control over their minds. ((They)) think stuff like this is funny.


My father had a thing he liked to say.

It's a bit early to write off the current crop of teenagers. Best to wait until they have time to think about what they're doing with a matured brain.

i came to this thread just to post that i hope to GOD this is true. nothing would make me happier. And as some other anons have pointed out, this makes it much easier to discredit anything he has said or done.

this is one of those great moments when shit gets done.
Meme It. Meme it hard.
eunuch is good enough, being a tranny doesn't quite meet the strict definition BUT neither did cuck and that has stuck like gluey shit to the cuckservatives.

"eunuch" shall mean men that are emasculated & act all faggy.

fire up ms paint and lets do this.

Just means theres less work for the poor bastards that have to work to try and make this monstrosity into something close to a "woman"

I hope Tim Wise is next, he could marry some cucked nigger and kill himself after a few years of self delusion.

for the third pic. it wouldn't make sense if we knew our era was over, to not try to do anything about it.
it reminds me of a great quote.
"If the day should ever come when we must go,
if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history,
we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction."


nigger what?
ima need me some sauces for that loda pasta

Children are helpless and dependend on others. They need their parents to take care of them and having the state take care of them would provide security for them, which is why young people tend to be overwhelmingly leftist socialists & liberals. -> "I need help"

Once they become adults they become self-sufficient and independent. Men have jobs or businesses and women have marriage or jobs and their relationship to the government changes, because they don't really need it any longer, certainly not as much as they did when they were children. If they encounter a problem they can fix it themselves and so they move to the right and become conservatives & libertarians. -> "I don't need help"

Then once they get older they are in need of help again and change their political views again, because they need a little bit more help and so they become social conservatives or single issue conservatives -> "I need some help, maybe some medical care"

This is why leftists seek to lower the voting age and prolong childhood and retirement, to keep voters from being independent, since independent voters are out of their reach. -> "What did you offer me? Foodstamps & free birth control? I don't need this crap."

meant for

why? of all the things that i may have expected in retalation from an attack thought, executed and paid for by saudis, war in afghanistan and irak are not even in the top ten.

That old kike is assraping those niggers so hard and they don't even know it.

a lot of reddit users insulting you for this

Would ya?

New thread for this?

Yeah, i think it would be a good idea

(check'ed) Can we meme it will go an hero next?

Your father was paraphrasing a famous Winston Churchill quote:

Polite sage for off topic.

Brilliant. Nuchs and Cucks.

Well, he already transitioned from a no talent hack into a racist no talent hack, so this seems like a reasonable next step.

That's not going to help when the 20 year old retards are voting to permanently turn the US into a shitskin haven and repeal most of the Constitution.

What do you think?


Are you autistic?


He must have left out the part where he travels to Thailand and brings back low cost sex change operations in his new "documentary" Where To Invade Next.


the more celebrities - especially males - do this; the more normies will notice (and they have been already)

Three months from now, when eunuch is mainstream let it be known that this is where it started.


exactly what I was thinking

Agreed. Unless you can magically grow babies in your stomach you'll never actually be a woman

Oh good soon he'll an hero.


Umm of that's the Truth then why didn't Cruz win the Nomination
Trump is the physically strongest guy who ran for President, Moore is just a ball of lard

I will never get that image of her first appearing on that talk show out of my head. I legitimately thought they had a fucking Muppet on tv.

Nihilism is a blank state, ready to adopt any ideology because you have none yourself
And you being a Nihilist here you are on your way

Part of me feels like I should be surprised by this. I am not.

The feminine equivalent of Michael is Michelle. I'm going to go with "Michelle Moore".

You have to be careful about falling off the edge of the left. You get cucked too hard, you turn into a woman. But if you're a true SJW, you turn into a black woman. Full cuck.

If you're full retard true sjw, you dont turn into a black woman, even as a transblack woman you can become a rachel dolzal. Full retard sjw cuck\oldry final destination is a burqa'd muslim woman under total sharia law.

I always thought he was kinda hot

My penis is erect

First the wachowski now he.

man yo fuck yo king he ain't even a dude he's an elderly crypto lady

There was an herb from Libya called siplhium that was used both as a contraceptive and a spice. It was in so high demand among the romans it got driven extinct by the third century


i vote for Lasagna

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

That is very insensitive user. I hope SHE kills HERself too though.

"Srs" = castration. "Post-op" means eunuch.


What a Cultural Marxist, no wonder (((Ari Emmanuel))) is his manager. He needs to live with his People of Color. People of Whiteness are sick of him.



This has nice potential. Especially since the word as started to reach the normies already through GoT.

American politics in a nutshell

stop bumping this

so what about a trap who doesn't cut off her dick?

That will truly be one of the ugliest female posers in history if true.
>smh tbh fam in disgust

You need to find a loaded gun and shoot yourself.

I give him a year before he kills himself.

A lot of women do react like this. My gf and many of her friends secretly think trannies are pathetic. Wasn't it Germaine Greer who was ripping on trannies publicly recently? Or Z Budapest? One of those classic man haters. I was proud of her for sticking to her bitch guns, just can't recall which one it was.

he has a lot of guns.

Perhaps he will an hero via firearm. Would be perfect.


Right here, seriously.

We need to meme this. Brilliant. It could actually work. We can jihad liberals by outbreeding them (and being healthier, and out living them as well.)

I've never thought that the transgenndered would fake having there mental disorder, but with Michael Moore I can honestly see him being so self conscious, pathetic and desperate for acknowledgment that he actually is willing to go through the process of becoming a 'woman' just so he can stay relevant.