Globalism vs Nationalism

The Western world is at a crucial point in the struggle of globalism vs nationalism.

In the US there has been one globalist regime after another. Obama is a prime example, but the several presidents preceding him have also served the globalist agenda. But now the US is choosing between Trump, a largely nationalist candidate, or Hillary, the epitome of globalist thinking. Depending on polls they are either tied, or Trump has a slight lead.

In the UK, Britain is deciding whether to become independent or remain a member of the EU. There is a bitter disagreement over this, but the nationalistic Brits seem to be winning over the globalist EU supporters.

In Austria, their nationalistic candidate Norbert Hofer lost but with 49% of the vote, and there is some evidence suggesting voter fraud.

The French National Front, led by candidate Marine Le Pen lost 56% to 44%.

Happenings like this are becoming more and more common, and it seems the Western world has reached a crucial junction. The mainstream media tells their stories, stifling the voice of the people, but it's clear that nationalism and folks making the obvious choice of doing more for their own people than others is on the upswing.

It seems to me that the pendulum is finally swinging back towards the right. We've begun seeing some outright absurdities pushed by the mainstream left, and as a result their base has begun to splinter and in-group controversies are becoming common. This is most evident in the Hillary vs Bernie race, but there are similar events happening throughout the Western world. The left is beginning to collapse in on itself and with it, nationalism is beginning to take precedence over globalist thinking.

So Holla Forums, what can we do to support this trend? If we fail, the Western world and maybe even the white race is doomed. What are you doing for this fight? What could you be doing?

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There is only one way to win


Trump is successful because of social media. Consider arriving at National success through the same media. I'm creating pro-Nationalism troll accounts, redpilling normies, and etc. I'd also recommend making Nationalism something respectable. Instead of slurring every nigger you encounter on Twitter because they're the real racists, maybe show the nigger crime stats - black VS white.

I'm a globalist.

Why's that? There are merits to globalism, but in my opinion they pale in comparison to the merits of nationalism.

I think that as our technology progresses all the world will be more and more connected and then one day we'll go to space to colonize other planets. For that a global effort would be tremendously helpful. The planet will be the new nation.

So you're a Globalist because of the old "investment in moon colonies" story?

You know it often doesn't end well right?

I think a moon colony would just be a single tiny step. I'm talking about humans colonizing the galaxy in the far future.

Why is that?

While I don't disagree with your ideas, I do think they're premature.

If all the world was of the same quality and relative culture, then globalism would make sense. But right now, opening the borders worldwide would lead to a population ruled by those that reproduced the most.

It's interesting to look at this in a historical context, in that Neanderthals were bred out of existence by other pre-human races. They were more intelligent, produced better tools, etc. But they were outbred and eventually eradicated.

I'm totally on board with cooperation in terms of colonizing the stars. But the majority of the world is not ready for that. I think we should still strive for that ideal, since there are a number of events that could eradicate life as we know it on Earth without warning. But globalism slows us down in this regard.

The greatest technological advancements have been during wartime. Nations struggling against one another for superior technology. Ideally, this could be a "friendly" rivalry between nations or cultures each struggling to colonize the first planet.

Globalism is a nice ideal, but until/if the planet is relatively homogeneous it would only slow us down.

Because Globalists have often a "Greater Good" mindset that makes them feel they are warranted to push their agenda and force Globalism on people who do not want such.

Also the fact that "Space Exploration" is breeding ground for all types of adventure fantasies and sci fi makes the non ironical supporters of globalism for such reasons even more dangerous despite not ill intentioned.

For example, see how much funding NASA lost under Obama (Globalist). Compare that to how much funding NASA got during Reagon (at least tried to be Nationalist or appeal to such)



If nationalists don't win now it's only going to shift and make them more extreme in the near future

Oh, yeah. That takes time. Science and civilization has to be spread and I don't even mean it in a violent manner.

I don't even know how that'd be done. International cooperation or one world government? No idea, I'd just like to see the world united to go to the stars.


It's been going down, unfortunately.

Globalization will never work. The powers that be can't even manage smaller systems, their chances of implementing a complete global system is ZERO with the way things stand. I do believe they are arrogant enough to believe otherwise however, so they will attempt to achieve a goal through incrementalism. However, countries like the US where there are more guns than people available means that we will never subject ourselves to the rule of a globalist regime.

I'd will die before becoming some globalist slave, and I'll bet a lot of others would do the same.

I will*

Everyone would like to explore the Space, it's sort of a huge mystery begging to be explored since first civilizations.
One of my "growing up" biggest disappointments was seeing that space exploration was totally out of fashion because there was no more Cold War. As a kid I always thought "even if life gets boring I can get at least new reports from Space explorers".

But if you think Globalism is friendly or the driving force behind space exploration, it's not true and you even admit it. Budget for such has been going down under the most globalist governments ever.

wops didn't mean to sage.

Also consider the following:
Why would globalism be necessarily the driving force for space exploration? Why not anything else?
Plus a lot of imprints that were scientifically used for space rockets came from V2 Rocket and other technology used by the Axis. Who nowadays in official propaganda are even more Evil than Evil and Satan themselves. Whatever they were they had some good research methodology that is simply going to get lost as things stand.

Pol would you like if for example your liver would start functioning by himself rather than following the brain because he considers himself the best?

The world is like a human body, when you have something going against cooperation that's a cancer growing up.

I have never heard a more retarded analogy in my life the world is not a human body the world is the world a place of many nations ideas and people and every other nation idea and people can fuck off.

Imagine you have an army that keeps on losing. The battles lost is always same General.

If the soldiers start questioning serving under such character is not cancer growing up, but organic evolution.

Leftists really fear their favorite evolution pandora box who later comes to eat them up as the weakest horse.

Your post would make sense if humanity on Earth was a single organism. But we're not.

We are multiple breeds competing for supremacy. Depending on who wins, we may colonize the stars, or we may devolve into global warfare that sets us back to the stone age. If whites or Asians win this war, humanity has a bright future. Otherwise, it's probably pretty dim.

It would be great if we could all work together. But every example shows that the Western world tries to be cooperative and friendly, while every other culture takes advantage of that.

Sweden and Germany, maybe more, will cease to be white countries in but a few generations. If we don't put this trend in check, the world will be dominated by races and cultures that won solely by merit of reproducing the most.

We can't use "having the most babies" as a standard for being the best for the future of humanity. We have to expand, explore. Colonize, like we always have.

that would make sense if human cultures depended on each other to survive.

they dont btw

But they do

Europeans/Americans depend on chinese
Africans depend on europeans
Middle East depend on americans(oil)
Russians depend on europeans(natural resources)
China/India depend on americans and so on

Only within a globalist economy.

There's nothing wrong with a culture trading their strengths for that of another culture, each mitigating their weaknesses depending on geography.

But a global economy is a recipe for disaster, as we've already seen a few times. A culture should be self-sufficient before trading away their excess.

I agree Globalism will work at some point, but not that it should be measured by technological progress. If we advance this way, what says we don't kill one another or the entire planet? We have to evolve as people first. This is why, right now, we need Nationalism.

I don't see the connection.


Nationalism is all about taking pride in one's nation and self. In order to take pride in your nation, it has to be successful. But a nation is only as good as its people, which means the individuals must also be refined and improved, that you take genuine pride in your own personal accomplishments as a human. Perfecting the human is the spirit that drives Nationalism. Whereas Globalism is the expression of that spirit realized.

Our memes never left reality, user.

No matter how hard the hook noses tried, our memes merely evolved.


Cut the rest out and I see no problem here.

That's a nice idea, but it requires that everyone in the world understands and values the purpose of colonizing space. Right now only white people (including slavs), and the Japanese value this idea. Everyone else doesn't give a shit. And no, China doesn't give a shit either, they are just trying to keep up with the USA. Globalism will not change the attitudes required to get into space, so it isn't useful right now for human progress. It is currently detrimental however.

yeah, that might work if the whole world was monoracial, monocultural, and was intelligent enough to understand and value space colonisation.

I.e. if the whole world was white and had one culture, I'd agree with you.

Except this will never happen due to the fact that every race is not an interchangeable blank slate, and we all have very different cultural and historic identities which will always prevent unification. Different races also have natural in-group preferences for those most similar to us, we all have different characteristics depending on which race you belong to. Only the white race really has both the imagination and drive for space colonisation - the drive that made us decide to conquer the entire goddamn world.

A unified multiracial and multicultural "nation" is an oxymoron. A nation is a construct of a single race and culture, and is defined by a shared historic identity and civilisation. This is impossible to create in a globalist world

Communism never works either, except for those few at the top.
Our only hope is that, in the same way jews and commies have infiltrated almost every power structure, we could do the same.
Oh wait, they've structured EVERY SINGLE SYSTEM againnst white males.
We are literally on a kill list, and our women will sell us out to whoever seems most likely to win.

I'm willing to bet that the white race is the only race willing to explore space simply for the adventure of it. The other races have simpler motivations:
India - money
Russia - money
China - money
Africa - monkey

We are at the beginning of a new political era

First there was the Left vs Right

Then came the Liberalism vs Conservatism
The Left vs Right still exists in the background, but Liberalism vs Conservatism has the forefront.

Now we are transitioning to Globalism vs Nationalism
The two previous spectrums are still in the background, but the main fight will be Globalism vs Nationalism.

I support nationalists by undoing everything the jews and leftists's hard works on the earth only however I do support colonial globalists as long as they are mono-racial and mono-cultural. One world government will never work here, no matter how. When I am rich then I will invest in militaristic pro-white planetary colonizations.


Globalism failed because instead of spreading a western and strong culture. I really think it should have been white immigration into the third world. Somewhat like what happened to Hawaii. They still have their Island culture, the native population has stabilized with their education. They still make their Shark Tooth Necklaces but they aren't going around fucking goats and screaming allahu snackbar sharia for America.