I will do anything for Holla Forums.
I will do anything for Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself.
Except that.
I loved you on the Middle.
shit on the floor and then smear it on the walls
You won't do anything and you know it.
Kill someone else.
1. get a sharpie & phone
2. Holla Forums logo on penis
3. slam dick in door
4. upload webm
Travel to Florida and kill Josh to avenge Freddit Breddit.
Cut off your balls on livestream
I cannot do self-harm or kill others, but I can do anything else, literally.
Go to bed then faggot.
I didn't know Putin had a son
Give yourself a blowjob, while riding a horse dildo, while juggling chainsaws.
Do you have any drugs?
it looks like Holla Forums is being overrun with /soc/ faggots
I don't have a dildo or a chainsaws
fuck off
Record yourself eating a ghost pepper.
I don't have ghost peppers.
Go buy some faggot. You said you would do anything that won't injure you or someone else.
Thats my fetish!
Upgrade your shitposting folder fgt
I will do anything, but you guys are asking me to have things that an average person does not have in their house.
Ask me to do something that is possible without very specific items.
I never upgrade my literalshitposting folder
"ironically" right?
I will be using this tripcode from now on so you guys know it's me.
Still waiting for requests..
why would it be ironic? Shits hot. No problems to be found.
Piss on your TV
No, I have a 30 gb folder of high quality scat fetish vids, here is a sample
talk about a shitty fetish
you look like the biggest normalfag I've ever seen. It makes me want to leave this site. I bet your name is Chad and you play in your middle school's football team.
Actually no.
If op shaves of his eyebrows and draws the Holla Forums logo in place with sharpie (and timestamp on neck) the he might be a kewl guy
Still waiting…
Actually eat your shit.
Grab Hillary Clinton by the pussy.
Write us a story using only the words "a, some, forget, then, and, jews" and words that stem from those root-words.
Also, tell us why you are doing this.
What font did you use?
some then forget a jew
Comic Sans
Cosplay as Ben Garrison and rant about the lies of the Jews in public.
shoe on head, sharpie in pooper
grab some bleach and pour it all over your floor or body. As long as you wash it off youll be fine.. You can probably find it in your kitchen sink drawer. Like underneath the sink.
This. Absolutely this.
yeah this, Ive changed my mind, dont hurt yourself.
How old are you
Send me $5,000
record yourself making a goofy dance to webm related as you yell anuuu cheeki breeki iv damke
OK, here goes…
you have done nothing
sage related
Burn a $1 bill.
ur cute OP
big benis pls
Buy a gallon of chocolate milk and pour it down the drain make video
Woah… edgy! Careful there, user… don't cut yourself with those sharp edges.
So it's true that Holla Forums are actually fucking kids.
Maybe he can do both?
Banning posters on the slowest imageboard.. I can see this place isn't gonna last long.
This is the best ban dysnomia has ever filed suck it faggots
Cam whore threads only apply to girls faggot. This kid could have been a lulzcow and you killed it.
Heavy handed moderation is why this place is doomed. What do you think killed cuckchan?. Power hungry mods ruin all the fun ALWAYS.
Why not just ban everything you don't like while your at it?.
;) upvote baby, :) xd
they're not the only ones
he was banned for being underage I assume?
Goddamnit OP I could swear I know you.
Is your mother's name Kim?
Nigga please
Repent for the King who loves you to death.