I got banned from 4chan, should I move to here?

I got banned from 4chan, should I move to here?


Where should I go tho?



But I like the #edge bruh

go back

Reddit, Voat, Tumblr, take your pick.


No, you should go to >>>Holla Forums or >>>Holla Forums.

no you should go to >>>/homosuck/

And you should go back to cuckchan.

nigger iv'e been here longer than you

Lurk moar faggot

just end it already OP

This is Holla Forums's rec room, silly sausage.



Is this a Facebook thread now?

go to >>>/reddit/

Why are you bumping this shit once a day, FREAK?

Fuck off cucks we're full


Something Awful
Maybe NeoGAF
