With Open Gates

10,000,000 views on YouTube (main account only!)

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. Across all mirrors we have broken 17 million views. I am a simple student, so very special thanks go out to the dozens of supporters who made donations with Bitcoin - you're heroes. Together we have opened the eyes of many Europeans to the traitorous Leftist governments and Zionist globalists destroying the future of our children.

It takes away a lot of the dramatic effect, but the images should speak for themselves.

I may release a new big project with the plentiful footage of violence that is certain to arrive together with the first mild temperatures and "refugee" invaders this summer.
The countless innocent European victims of Cultural Marxism will not be forgotten. Never give up your homeland. [email protected]/* */ of Nations

Other urls found in this thread:


Prove it's you before I care. Also I lost the screencaps of the old threads so I can compare the trips. I think someone was posing as you here recently.

OP doesn't claim to be GEX, he just copy-pasted the video description but fucked up the greentext.
Bless GEX anyway.

OP here.

This. I'm NOT GEX.

Sir, this is a very wonderful video that you made and stuff like this is very effective. For the next project (and I'm thinking about doing something similar in print form) is to do a history of multiculturalism in the west, and figure out exactly who all of the people behind this debacle are.

This. Pics very related.

OP just said he wasn't gex, though I did see him in another thread earlier today he hasn't quite mastered the art of dodging stylometric identification.

This video could have been a great help to the Brexit campaign, but GEX's antisemitism has made it a morally wrong liability instead.

get back to cuckshed, normie. There is nothing wrong with antisemitism, spread it or shut the fuck up.

So it's chutzpah when they admit it, but anti-semitism when someone else posts a clip of them admitting it?

No thanks. I want Brexit but I'm not going to sell my soul for it.


Now that's some low energy kvetching.

Only if you're a kike.

Jews admit they think goyim exist only so they wouldn't have to be served by beasts.

Then, one can only conclude that not being anti-semitic is being a self-hating cuck. Or you're actually a jew.

Either way you're shit.

Kill yourself, rabbi. Hell is the real holocaust, and you can't escape it.

Fuck off back to plebbit, cunt.

anyone have the original 3gb render? pls upload to MEGA

What's the next video to show to normies after showing them WOG?

Why are anglos always cucks attempting to be "moderate"? this is why /britpol/ disgusts me

I uploaded it and posted it in the most recent Mega thread, hopefully somebody saved the link.

Don't think I kept the login.

Centuries of jewish control of england

We're not moderate. We're extremely opposed to antisemitism.

there's no mega thread in the catalog

What about this one?

I posted it a week or so ago, the thread 404'd since then.

I have the origional video saved to my smartphone and my google drive. I upload it to file sharing services once in a while so friends can spread it.

I even show it to others as well.


Found the thread archived on "hollaforums.com"


That's exactly why your country is trashed.



thanks fam


I revise my previous statement. You need to fuck off back to Tel Aviv.


Much shorter video but also gets the same message across. Though perhaps you start with this and then move onto WOG.

Perhaps "The Narrative" by Bill Whittle. All his cuckservatism aside, that video is some strong redpill. In a 13 minute or so long video, he does a very solid journey into the PC narrative and then its origins to Cultural Marxism. You don't want to go too hard with the Jew stuff just yet, WOG calls them out at the end, planting the seed. Cultural Marxism will be the how and why before they truly get to the (((who))).

Yeah if only we were antisemites who wanted Jeremy Corbyn as PM :^)

Get real.

Back to your containment thread

Who the fuck is Jeremy Corbyn?
You britfags need Nazism or Fascism, that's the only way to save your falling country. Accept that or get a cheap paki lube.


Don't bother. Most anglos on Holla Forums are civic nationalists

Gex is simply the most successful Holla Forumsack of all time.

Has he shared any plans for the future projects?

You have it all wrong, friendo.

We aren't "antisemitic" here.

We are counter-semitic. Big difference.

He was supposedly banned after coming out in support of Evalion.


The closest thing to a national socialist in Britain.

Which is why it's good our strong opposition to antisemitism will keep him out of power.


The snake eats its own tail.

Please tell me it's a permaban!

Don't a lot of videos get 17 million hits? Why is this a big deal? Is it because some politician accidentally used it, that's all I recall.

I said "supposedly" because I don't know for sure, but that's what people have been claiming.

How many videos spreading our worldview have those kind of numbers?

That's kind of depressing

He shouldn't have advertised Holla Forums – its fucking bullshit. The communists don't say "hey we are communists, and here is where we organize" because they're apparently smarter than this gex asshole.

other than that, good video

He didn't "advertise Holla Forums", he just used "Politically Incorrect Productions".

U wot m8? The communist? You're too dumb even for brit/pol/, m8.


He wasn't banned, though. The Evalion shills sure love to post Gex's post, if that was his trip. That was a dumb as fuck move by him, and I'm sure he's moved on from 8/pol/ because he didn't see the days of shilling that took place here. So w/e.

No, it's inspirational. We now know there are millions out there that agree with us and we can reach. We will get to lead this fight. Brush up on your video editing skills as the leftist violence has created the opportunity for an American 'Open Gates' - perhaps A Blind Eye.


Can you go shitpost elsewhere, homo?

Can't you at least put some effort into it?

Try again!

He doesn't specifically say Holla Forums, and even if he did most would of gone to 4chan considering Holla Forums is blacklisted on Google

I hope the transcritps come down soon for the resubbing

Reported. Kill yourself.

I’ve always liked that clip. It beautifully encapsulates the impotent rage of such posts.

The Renigger is a nice touch, too; shame we can’t relate anymore (though not having captcha at all is worth it).

It was definitely his trip.

Honestly, I wonder if GEX's video was discussed at Bilderberg.

It was seriously a fucking atom bomb to their plans if you ask me.

He likely wasn't banned (somebody was going to ask him on YouTube, but they never got back with me - no acct here), just his post got recycled in a cyclical thread through constant spammers. What's likely, though, is the reaction to that whole ordeal from the mods has dissuaded him from coming here anymore.

It's really interesting how history can be so easily rewritten and not fully understood. I was here for the whole thing and on a lot. All sides were shilled, pro and con, to make the whole thing a massive shitstorm, on top of a major mishandling of it all from the mods, who could have easily handled it all with minimal effort.

You had only three reactions: you wanted to ride the wave created by her banning and new popularity (Gex camp). You didn't care about her, were tired of her, or see any potential ("e-celeb" camp, and those triggered by the constant threads about her). You were a shill and wanted to cut off any effort in spreading her vids to young normies, so you played both sides to ensure this (jewish camp, who won).

Bunch of autistic nerds led by Holla Forumss mod therealmoonman attempting to keep this board controlled opposition to keep your salary from JIDF, "don't redpill normies guys we must circlejerk with 200 people here and never expand".

Thank you, Hitler. I'm glad some people here still know what went down. I try not to remember because I see the potential of Holla Forums and appreciate many anons too much.

Gex handled a tar baby and was surprised his hands got sticky.

Are we still pretending Evalion was going to be the next Geobbels?

The truth is we'll never know what it could have come to because nothing concentrated was allowed to manifest.

Like all things on Holla Forums, those that wanted to try and see what could become of it, could have focused their efforts in a thread or two and been able to do/discuss what they were interested in, and those that didn't care could simply not go into those threads and enjoy Holla Forums however they want in the dozens of other topics on the board.

But the shills spammed both against discussing plans about what they could do to spread her views/redpill normies, and at the same time, they spammed the board endlessly with worthless threads about liking her hair and plastering her face everywhere, with the intention of revulsing all Holla Forumsacks to the sight of her and not wanting to discuss her at all - plus the mods banned earnest Holla Forumsacks who just wanted to talk about what was going on, deleted or anchored sincere threads (and insincere ones), and NEVER banned spammers of the against side. This is what happened, and, imo, jew won and we'll never know what could have been done with the whole thing.

Gas yourself faggot.

The thing is that they made a board. When it became clear that the mods weren't going to allow discussion, a board was made explicitly for the purpose of discussing the topic and those who wanted to do something could do something. It was confirmed to be made by a poster who wanted to make use of the situation.
But the board was dead. Nobody posted, and those that did met silence. That's why I believe it was a whole bunch of nothing, because even when something concentrated was allowed to manifest, it chose not to.

Is there a version of this with music, besides the 3gb one and the one on breitbart? The player plugin on breitbart is fucked in every browser I've tried, and I don't really want to download 3gb.

Hi JIDF. Yes it was him.

I must've missed that, and I was on a lot. All I saw was the /evalion/ board, which was not in favor of doing anything positive with it all, and was pretty clearly a goon board talking about her yellow teeth, if I recall.

So if there was such a proactive board and even someone who was trolling for hours a day at that time missed it (myself), that means lots of more casual users would've missed it as well, thus little or no action makes sense.

May I remind you faggots complaining about the antisemitism that free speech is under serious attack. Don't expect to maintain any sense of it if you are to much of a pussy to use it. We can say all the nasty things we want as long as it encourages the lefty extremists to continue using physical violence against us, while we remain non-violent. This may in fact be the only real way to sway the people in the middle to our direction.

Just because GEX made video masterpieces doesn't mean he's infallible.

If there had been one camwhore thread I could have easily ignored it and all would have been well, but when the entire board is being spammed with duplicate threads and other threads are getting spammed with divide and conquer bullshit it's time to fuck off.

The solution is and was to delete the spam, but instead the mods rolled out their old censorship routine and actively suppressed discussion, deliberately leaving pages of spam up in order to aid their agenda.

They did the same bullshit when Trump first started running, where they were anchoring and deleting threads and kept it up for a week, before reversing course and instead pretending they'd always been on the train from day 1. They always do this shit.

Cool revisionist history bro.

There was a cyclical thread made for the camwhore, but that wasn't enough and the autism had to be forced in every thread.

You are not being honest. The cyclical thread was spammed to death (and the spammers, again, NEVER BANNED), and then it was anchored (so no new readers knew of it), and shortly after it was DELETED. That was the history. Be honest and have integrity.


True that, but that was after 500 or so posts. The first 500 posts were Evalion faggots bitching that they didn't like the name of the thread.

It should be painfully obvious that the entire event was a divide and conquer tactic made by complete outsiders.

Some random camwhore with 10k followers that none of us had ever heard of or gave a shit about, suddenly causes the biggest shitstorm in months because outsider shills played both sides.

When you play both sides, you can call literally everyone a shill. When your spamming faggotry gets deleted and banned, you come back and claim the mods are "comprimized."

The ultimate goal would be to purge the mods and install goons in their place to destroy the board.

Not to mention the /politics/ shilling that was going on. I guarantee you that board is owned by goons.

Calling out the mods for being shit is not shitposting, it is a statement of a fact.

So now the man complaining of rewriting history is doing exactly the same.

Mate, my argument is that the mods are clearly already compromised. Blatantly so, they have made their 'contain Holla Forums at all costs' agenda crystal clear.

Fuck off goon faggot. Next time don't spam the entire board with your horseshit and piss off everyone that might have at least been neutral to you.

That's a lie and you know it. Even if true it would just mean anyone who doesn't want a particular subject discussed can keep making new threads until mods delete them all. It also doesn't explain why the spam in the few threads that were up wasn't deleted.

God I suck at spelling that word.

Yeah sure, opening the catalog and seeing a dozen camwhore threads is something I just imagined.


Does that look like 'mod doing his job' to you?

And now you're being openly disingenuous you retarded kike, YES there were duplicate threads, as made by the shills in order to give the mods justification to shut everything down. This is the way /int*/ has always operated and you damn well know it.

So how do you explain yourself?

Got a screen cap? Of course you don't. Meanwhile bet you have zero problems with threads like this

staying up on the front page. By the end of summer you alt right juden should have this place 100% cucked.

Top kek mate. Once again, shills play both sides. "Pro" camwhore fags make threads, "Anti" camwhore fags make threads. They cause chaos and divide the board.

That's over simplifying it. There was finally a bit of good discussion allowed after a day or two of constant shilling, and from there, it wasn't allowed to progress further at all. It takes a bit of time for things to settle after an upset for when action can come, but that wasn't allowed to happen because then the thread was spammed, anchored, and deleted, and no replacement was made. Again, jew won, mods are compromised or just retarded (I was banned for simply posting some screencaps of sincere anons who got banned, plus my post of it was deleted, all in a thread with a jew-dog spammer who was allowed to endlessly spam), and we'll never know what could've happened.

You can't be this easily manipulated, can you? No one who truly wanted to ride the new popularity from Evalion was creating threads with topics like "I like her hair." "In fact, her teeth are fine to me," which is what all these spam threads were about. It was obviously the intention of these threads to make the whole topic off-putting to anons, and you clearly fell for this. Jew ALWAYS plays both sides to ensure he gets what he wants, and in this case, what he wants is to stifle the spread of redpilling videos to thousands of fucking susceptible teenagers.

I never said there were no dupe threads, there clearly were. And I absolutely agree that shills played both sides. Only shills dispute that. What I take issue with is the mods deliberate mismanagement of the situation designed to cripple Holla Forums's effectiveness.

An inability to read isn't something you should be announcing buddy.

So only the super-duper good posters were REAL Evalion supporters. Everybody who did anything annoying was a secret double-agent?
Yes I'm sure the Jews don't mind threads exposing the link between Hillary's support of the Syrian conflict to establish greater Israel being left up, but are quick to destroy any threads about a teenage girl on youtube by employing any tactic they can.
And I'm sure the E-celeb shitposter is somebody they've paid to stick around.

Nice work putting words in my mouth faggot.

Maybe I'd be sympathetic if the camwhore had already been a known entity that we actually gave a shit about, but she was a literally who and so I don't give a fuck about anyone taking any side.

I doubt it, he probably knows full well what he's doing.

Read extremely well, even if I couldn't it would be pretty obvious what the meme is.
Come home benji shapiro indeed.

All evidence of that was btfo (if it wasn't you'd surely be reposting it) and the fact you keep repeating it like it's true outs you even more as a shill.


Whiteknights fuck off. Women don't have opinions of their own, they follow trends to bring attention to themselves. She is no exception.

I'm the same user, 5fbca1. I changed locations.

Yes, the annoying ones were likely overwhelmingly shills, with a smattering of morons + assholes in there - just like usual.

Here's the difference in what you say, i.e. Evalion and Hillary exposures: normies have commonly accepted that politicians are corrupt, to the point where they are numb to it - it's just more information to them, no personal connection, maybe some outrage here and there - whereas Evalion shilling National Socialism and heroes like Hitler, Goebbels, Rockwell, and Pierce to tens of thousands of teenagers can COMPLETELY change their worldview and perception of life permanently. It's a big difference, and the latter is much more dangerous. Youth is always one of the most important things a hostile or non-hostile elite want to influence.

I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if it was brought up. It's amazing what an impact a single person can have, provided they have enough will and creativity.

I would agree if there was a single male who'd come anywhere near as close to scaring kikes. Eric Hunt is obviously the better messenger (he's accepting donations too btw) but unfortunately most teens don't want to sit through a 90 minute history lesson and prefer short meme-friendly content instead. I highly doubt the shilling here had anything to do with her being a girl.


Hello, It is I, Gex himself

I am le real Gex. My tripcode proves it!

It would prove it if it was the same trip. That's the entire point.

Which is why every single Holla Forumsack should be working on at least one similarly large project in their spare time. Considering the times we're all living in, there's no excuse for any single person taking part in the collective stock of knowledge and creativity we have here, to stay a simple observer, or to be spending maybe 1-2 hours max. making an inside-joke meme or two. Especially you NEETs.
If everyone here at least *aimed* to make/do something as large/effective as what Gex did, we could wield a surprising amount of power over the narrative.
The one problem is that all the savant autists here have to start to participate more in normie culture (even if that just means spending more time on Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr etc.), so they can better learn how to balance redpilled truth and logic, with popular aesthetic and rhetoric.

Never seen this. Hurts to watch. I hate all this d&c, all these memes against eachother. As an American, I just wish you could arm yourselves. That's the paradigm shift. Also why the jew attacks it so much. Please hold on eurofags. There are so few white men left.

Yes goyim we cant have someone like Gex making vide- err I mean committing thought cri- I mean supporting ecelebs :^)

And why would you when kikes fuck you over all the time ?

guaranteed replies

how long ago was renigger? did it actually work?

did nigger show up in the books?

All those pro semites in here.

You're all a bunch of anti-japhethites.

I wonder if they know about or discussed the power of Kek and his resurrection at the meeting.


Almost wants me to root for for a stay vote…to punish the fuck out of the delusional brit-cuck-Holla Forumsacks…

No more playing it fucking safe, Lads…


but you had no proof the original trip was gex himself, so really you have just as much proof as with the other tripcode

That's the entire point.

This is him posting with his trip code

It is the same trip code used here


user, your are selling your soul already you just don' t know it yet.

We have a kike who comes into Brit/pol/ and spreads this very same shit, it's known as D&C and you should filter him, report him and move on.

Sure it does, Chaim.

what next

but was he banned for it?