Every race wants to conquer the world, blacks, asians, arabs, indians, etc. the only problem is they their intelligence is inferior to whites.
That is an exception for Jews though. They are just as intelligent as the white race and that's what makes them so dangerous. They stand out the most because of their high intellect, making them seem like the most evil people in the world.
Ryan Lewis
Rabbi Tipshrinkle is that you?
Austin James
Israeli Jewish IQ is 90, shlomo (Lynn; UNESCO; Israeli Education Ministry)
The myth of Jewish high IQ was created as a PR campaign by Britain's board of Jewish deputies in the 1930s. They were dismayed that decades of IQ testing showed British Jews to have significantly lower IQ than British Gentiles.
They paid researchers to 'prove' Jews were high IQ. For 20 years, countless teams of researchers found the opposite. Then the Board of Deputies finally hit upon the idea of getting Jews to investigate Jewish IQs, and hey presto: we geeenioos nao!
The myth that Jews - speciically, Ashkenazi - have high IQs comes exclusively from Jewish "IQ experts" and has never been supported by widespread IQ tests. The only place Jews are tested en masse just like other nationalities is in Israel, where Jews - including Ashkenazi - score far below the average American white gentile, who rates at 100-103 thanks to so much N. European genetics in the USA.
Jews aren't clever, they're just pathological liars and cheats. Lying works, basically. It earns them power and shekels.
Dylan Edwards
They are going to need a lot of foreskins to cover that up
Justin Rogers
I guess another way they are superior is that they are able to blend in with any other race/ethnicity.
Good luck if groups of blacks or Asians tried to conquer the western world.
Jace Perez
Essentially whites are the best at building civilization, while jews are good at hijacking it. They're parasites
Charles Jones
Also, if Jews don't have superior intellect, how did they take over the world then?
Luke Rivera
By using their low animal cunning to corrupt noble Whites by appealing to the baser instincts of man, the residue of the dindu ages.
Isaiah Walker
Let's be honest Jews are as white as Slavs.
Hudson Reed
Pick one and only one.
Connor Richardson
A bunch of Germans knew the truth in the 1930s.
Ryder Phillips
Truly hitler was a misunderstood genius
Isaiah Rodriguez
I always assumed they scored higher because the gemans got all the slow ones back in the 40s.
Lincoln Sanders
You don't need to be smart to be vicious.
Caleb Jackson
They're not more intelligent, just more self-interested.
Jews believe that they are 'God's chosen people'. They think that everyone else in the world exists simply for their utility and amusement, kind of like how everyone else thinks of farm animals. While everyone else is more or less just trying to survive and be comfortable, jews are trying to subjugate everyone else because they think Yahweh himself told them to.
Ethan Nelson
shilllllllllllllllllll back to 4cuck with this gay shit
Jack Walker
This is just semantics and excuse-making, like pretty much all far-right dogma. "Vicious" is beating a person to death with a broken beer bottle or putting an entire magazine in a person when a single bullet would have done the job. You certainly don't need to be smart to be vicious.
You certainly DO need to be smart to operate a world-spanning conspiracy with the intent of eradicating a specific racial group through an exceptionally slow and imperceptible process with millions of possible points of failure. That's something you most certainly need high intelligence for.
Daniel Lee
Jeremiah Hall
wew lad
Connor Scott
Gavin Diaz
Isaac Carter
Aiden Ward
It goes back much further than that. When Christian and Muslim societies prevented their own people from practicing usury (money lending), and at the same time discriminated against outsiders (including Jews) in all other jobs, it created a unique societal niche. Jews *could* be bankers, but were prevented from being anything else.
That was what selected for intelligence in their families.
I'm getting this info from a book titled, "The 10,000 Year Explosion" which is available somewhere for free.
Levi Butler
Fucking this.
This stuff isn't even funny anymore, it's dumb conspiracy shit that has been driven into the ground.
Post good anti-semetic trolling OC or seriously stop posting. Fuck me, where are the Jewish posters who can make some good edgy shit to troll people IRL. I mean fuck that's the major reason most of us come here, apart from the legit true belivers or 'chosen people' of pol.
I'll admit it, I'm triggered by bad comedy running jokes into the ground.