Real girls aren't like anime

real girls aren't like anime

That's why they are inferior.


2D >3DPD

I thought this was already a universally accepted law that everyone who browses anime image boards would already know???


Apparently not, it boggles my mind.







its true.



new fetish, thanks. (queen of england porn face gif that's on my other pc)

3d can't do this




Sometimes that's a good thing

fuking weebs


you can't honestly say the 2nd girl is more attractive

and even if you do, you're still obsessing over a cartoon character



I met a girl just as sweet ad Yuno the other day, OP. Cute face, simple and nice sense of fashion, gorgeous hair, a super pleasant voice, funny, happy, bubbly personality, joyful. Probably in her early or mid 20s, she was a teacher. She bought a bunch of childish things from my tiny store because she found them cute (I gave her a discount for being nice and chatty). Did I mention she was funny? She was really funny, and clever.
Her boyfriend was also there and he was chill too.

Also, she was massively fat. Like, hideously fat.


dem anime grills





toys are just as good

Both of those guys lost at life, why even compare?

Or this.

Yes I can.

Yes, and?