Is he going to make 4chan great again?
Is he going to make 4chan great again?
4chan will never be great again, but I think he might be the best chance of making it tolerable again. That might even be a stretch though. I think 4chins is beyond redemption at this point.
I'll take Holla Forums any day.
Is that really Jim? I seriously thought it was someone with a very striking resemblance to Jim who happens to have the same first name
what 8 chan has adds???
Any anti-sjw could make 4chan great again. It's not hard to keep mods in check and ban users who post illegal content. The problem will be funding the site with ad revenue due to the fact that too many companies don't want to run ads there thanks to all the deplorables. If milo ran the show, I'd pitch in a few bucks a month so long as a sizable number of others pledged to do the same
I bet you look at 8/v/ and think "That's the way imageboards should be!" I can even see Hiroshima selling it to him just to screw the userbase even more
I never imagined 4chan can be revived but that's one thing that may do it. The real question is: will he allow contend that's REALLY hated, as long as it's legal? Will he allow pedos, nazis, and zoophiles? If it's just "so brave" faggotry then there's no point.
do you mean make 4cock a subscription site or you and a bunch of pals will bankroll it for the keks?
Neither looks like a good plan to me.
no he is a nigger and kike lover
How do you propose one to keep 4chan alive with ad revenue alone? If advertisers don't want to touch the place, you have to make serious changes to make it desirable to them which means killing the cancer (raids, racist shit like nigger every other word, encouraging suicide, stalkery such as what was done to Marky Jane, etc).
However, if you want a true bastion of freedom and wish to allow anything that is not illegal (including lolis), you have to understand that advertisers won't touch your site, so the funding will have to come from the user base
Most of that isn't cancer you goon. GTFO
I have no idea how to finance 4chan and even if i had a plan, i wouldn't risk my own money on it. Moot and hiro have tried and failed. I've no idea what the running costs are for a site of that size, nor how much it spends on lawyers.
it would probably be easier to get a dollar a year from a million kids for the right to post than 20 dollars a year from 50,000 to avoid captcha, but how do you police mobile users with changing ips? the tech would have to be waterproof or the hack would go public and nobody would pay.
Milos might wrench some income from it as a vitrine for his own self-obsessed face, but it would come from building his own brand, not advertising from mainstream companies.
Charitable donations just aren't an option. you need visibility on receipts when your server bills won't wait. look what happened to 2channel. predators like our own dear leader would eat you for breakfast.
let's start a patreon to raise cash to buy 4chan and shut it down. it'd be much easier than raising money to keep it up. we could then use all those sjw sheckles and buy coke and hookers.
Why are you not on reddit right now?
4chan, by objectivity, will never be great again.
glorious faggot! hope he does buy it. hirogooki is so fucking clueless he doesn't know how to make money from the site.
moot went full retard when his passed it on to this cunt. out of all the people in the world, he picked a useless moron than nobody likes.
Guys, what if Jim bought 4chan?
He would have 2ch, Holla Forums, and 4chan.
Surely he would make imageboards great again.
this is the worst possible outcome.
Jim Watkins is to chans what islam is to europe. pure fucking cancer with bad breath thrown in.
He can't be worse than moot or hiro.
Retard, I'd take Holla Forums over what's going on now in halfchan any day. We don't want e notoriety and drama
ummmm he will make 4chan gay again that's for sure.
Pretty much agree with these. I would monitor it if Milo bought it though. Actually I would monitor it if the aids med guy bought it as well because he seems like a cool guy.
With Milo though best case scenario is that a lot of sjws leave halfchan and a bunch of the alt-right fags from here go back to halfchan.
does that mean the sjws will come here?
i'm cool with the altright retards leaving but I don't want that vaccum to be filled with sjws.
check em
I wouldn't dare go near it unless I heard all of the previous mods (I'M TALKING TO YOU, ALTERNATIVE) were removed permanently from the website AND IRC, and all bans were lifted.
I was imagining them going to reddit or something. I can't imagine an alt-right owner would get sjws to move to a site that's already heavily alt-right. Maybe endchan or some small chan would get a flood of sjw users. Which might actually be fun as it would be an obvious raid target.
Bans lifted would be nice. He'd create a lot of work for himself by clearing out mods on day 1. Just make a new set of rules clear and fire people who don't comply. I don't IRC so I don't see why it's a problem, unless you're referring to mod irc.
new moderators and janitors brought (that aren't cancer) would be nice
When did chans even harbor so many SJWs?
Milo hasn't the money to buy quality hair dye and reinforced condoms, let alone a website with a million monthly users. He can't crowdfund money, borrow from banks or use his mom's pocket book, but let's just assume he finds enough to buy out 4chan and pay its debts without dropping his shorts to vested interests. let's suspend our disbelief temporarily.
What then? 4chan becomes an alt-right hugbox dedicated to unelectable politics and Milo's sense of self worth. It's a vitrine for the dangerous queer, promoting his quest for i-notoriety and a lucrative lecture tour.
Is this what you want from 4chan?
Who chopped off her nose?
is that scooter?
Oooh, classy. I had to look up a word for the first time in a decade.
they're trips not dubs dumb image macro poster
He ISN'T worse than moot or hiro. I don't imagine he's a saint, but most often when faggots attack Jim, they're mouth-breathing morons repeating Cripplecuck's last act of programming: a message he drilled into their tiny brains.
Cripplecuck ran Holla Forums into the ground, he frequently stole ownership of boards he liked the look of, he threatened BOs, he sold global vol posts for money, and he almost killed Holla Forums because he was ripped to his miniature tits on drugs all the time. (He admitted it many times. He was drugged 24/7 on any recreational shit he could find. "I'm rarely sober" was a typical Cripplecuck statement, when he was capable of speaking or typing at all.)
BUT, Cripplecuck being Cripplecuck, he was a fraudster from a family of fraudsters - and I am serious about that. So, he lied through his teeth about his responsibility for the site's problems. ESPECIALLY in the closing months of his imp-like reign, when everything was crashing and burning.
Cripplecuck deflected the bame by flinging shit like a wheelchair-dwelling monkey. He threw shit at anyone whose names he could actually remember in his drugged-up state, and mostly that meant he threw shit at Jim, who was the authority figure he talked to the most, and who kept asking him why his wild lies about the board weren't matching up with reality.
In the weeks before and after Cripplekike departed/got the boot, he spent all his time running around Holla Forums like a demonic goblin, bad-mouthing Jim, Josh, Moon-Monkeys, and anyone else he could think of. We know with certainty now that little of what he said was true. It was self-serving lies. For one thing, we know because Cripplecuck actually admitted it a couple of months later, when the dust had settled. Still: that was one dose of honesty, compared to weeks of work he had put into tarring EVERYONE ELSE with the blame for his actions.
And that's why so many (non-pedo) Holla Forumstards hate JW.
He ISN'T worse than moot or hiro. I don't imagine he's a saint, but most often when faggots attack Jim Watkins, they're mouth-breathing morons repeating Cripplecuck's last act of programming: a message he drilled into their tiny brains.
Cripplecuck ran Holla Forums into the ground, but deflected the bame by flinging shit like a wheelchair-dwelling monkey. He threw shit at anyone whose names he could actually remember in his drugged-up state, and mostly that meant he threw shit at Jim, who was the authority figure he talked to the most, and who kept asking him why his wild lies about the board weren't matching up with reality.
If Cripplecuck is anything less than shit, how come:
He ISN'T worse than moot or hiro. I don't imagine he's a saint, but most often when faggots attack Jim Watkins, they're mouth-breathing morons repeating Cripplecuck's last act of programming: a message he drilled into their tiny brains.
Cripplecuck ran Holla Forums into the ground, but deflected the bame by flinging shit like a wheelchair-dwelling monkey. He threw shit here on Holla Forums an other boards, at anyone whose names he could actually remember in his drugged-up state. Mostly that meant he threw shit at Jim.
Thanks for the long reply. I think I began to resent HW after the hola incident. That incident is the one where I realized not everything was going to go as smoothly as expected. HW had already become a liar to me at that point.
One of the biggest reasons I came here was because it reminded me of how 4chan used to be, and I really enjoyed the speed of communication and not having to go through captcha.
I definitely feel that Jim is doing more than HW did.
I'm sure all of you feel different, but I would really like to see Holla Forums as active as it was in early September, 2014.
I don't think I can bring Holla Forums back to the state it was before HW tore it apart.
are you having internet trobules,?
How does Holla Forums stay afloat with image sizes 6 times larger and no gold account bullshit?
Honestly, I'm fresh outta 4chan, this controversy is the whole reason that I left.
The ONLY way you're going to accomplish that goal of getting Holla Forums that active is to remove yourself from the equation.
We're doing fine in spite of you, not because of you. I'm not saying this to be an edgy asshole, it's just a fact. You're a shit-ass BO and mod and we need better administration here than fucking *you*.
You're not (((((((((MARK))))))))) but you're trying your hardest to be. Might need to consult with a rabbi and get your foreskin chopped off to manage that one
So, let me get this straight.
I'm not as bad as Mark, but somehow the owner of Holla Forums is better than me AND Mark?
You're a real cute one.
I think your bullshit is pretty funny. Will you ban me for a little while? I've never been banned before and need to work on a paper.
Then exercise some self control you pathetic fuck. Don't ask people to do your work for you.
Like I wasn't planning on ban evading anyways, you fun hating faggot
The rest of the site is just as fucked, and there's not going to be any way to fix it at this point.
At least dysnomia will occasionally have meta threads. Fucking Mark has refused to have a meta thread for months, seemingly refuses to read the email for meta, hasn't checked /metav/ in a year, and the only way you can get any meta discussion is through his twitter where he tells you to send him a message that he could ignore.
I don't know that 4chan was ever great. I was first on it in 2005 and it was full of cancer back then too I was there after all. It ramped up a lot in the last 2 years, but before that it was quite a steady mix of cancer and quality… and quality cancer.
Did someone get passed over for being a mod?
and then Milo will take over.
Yeah, that has a lot to do with Holla Forums's owner not being an obnoxious attentionwhore.
If you care about Holla Forums at all, remove yourself from it. This chan doesn't have enough active boards for one of them to be run by an annoying asshole hellbent on crashing and burning it.
More like anti-social media site.
No shortage of salt here fellas
Slow down there.
I agree that Mark is the single worst BO that has ever lived and will probably ever live, the ultimate shitposting gigakike, but Holla Forums BO is NOWHERE as bad as Holla Forums BO.
Isn't Holla Forums BO an absolutely huge faggot that promotes circlejerking and bans all dissenting opinions?
Well FUCK YEAH, since that would mean that Holla Forums would get better in turn.
Holla Forumstards go back to 4chan, SJWs go back to reddit, Holla Forums goes back being niche, post quality here increases, everyone is happy.
He looks like Jim, his first name is Jim, he quotes Holla Forums and puts ads on Holla Forums.
It has to be him.
Its literally impossible to recreate that essence of old internet that made 4chan so unique and funny back in the early 2000s. The world and internet changed drastically. Back around 2005, Holla Forums and the while internet felt like a lawless wild west full of whacky and witty content. You cannot create the mentality that old internet shitposters had. 4chan is too well know now anyways. Its not the internet secret club us old school Holla Forumstards knew it to be. I honestly really miss the vibe of what that place used to be like. Found it back in 2005 when I was 15, I was your typical abnormal kid at the time, I fit in perfectly. I really understood whatever the fuck was going on there. I'm 26 now and 4chan literally had a significant impact on who I am today.
With that faggot taking over, its just going to be endless anti-SJW bullshit and shit talking Jews and all the narratives that are so dominate today.
Fuck all that.
I'm going to second this. It's a real shame, but I think it's a solid point. You can't just try to recreate something in an entirely different environment and expect it to develop in the same way. It's gone forever, and nothing will make things the same as they once were. The only thing anyone can do now is help towards creating something that hopefully will recapture some of the same spirit as the original premise.
It makes me so sad that I missed it. Only go into image boards the last year or so. I've always been alone. Wish I'd met you guys sooner.
Make 4chan Gay Again
what this nigga says
Nothing wrong with anti-SJW """"""bullshit""""""
4chan came out of a generation raised on ever growing technology. Born in the 80s these kids started on NES/early PCs and grew into the Internet. As technology became more accessible these boys grew with it. Their values and abilities grew as new technology did.
Then we hit the current stage of apps and everything handed to you. Which completely stunted the next generation who now just click a button and everything happens for them. Even trouble shooting is now just asking on Reddit and following instructions rather than reading stuff yourself.
The reason everything around chan is now "about the narratives" is because at heart chans are THAT generation. As that generation out grew the "lol I'm 20, who gives a fuck?" into the "I would like to have a family" stages of life so did chans change. Notice the rise of Holla Forums links up with the rise of internet censorship (technoogy) and the user's ability (can now afford to have a family).
A literal faggot is believed by sone to possibly make 4chan great again.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Welcome to 2006
GTFO my Holla Forums you fucking pussy faggot. Fucking kill yourself.
Well, now I disagree with that part. I have no doubt that it won't be easy, but I think willing suspension of current attitudes is possible. It'd be like historical re-enactments, maybe not authentic, but as long as they have an idea of what they're aiming for, they can at least produce a facsimile of it. Maybe even take cues from people who experienced it themselves.
I'm not suggesting it'd be perfect, I even stated that it couldn't be. I just don't think it's a completely lost cause.
Okay man, go post endless gore, bestiality and random CP and see how long it is until you get party vanned. I'm sure you'll be fine.
I didn't attempt or suggest anything of the sort. You seem intent on being upset over some perceived idea of how things should be, and I won't stop you. To be honest, this whole train of thought has lost coherence and I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, just adding my two cents.
I'm telling you what it was like from someone who experienced it first hand.
Also good luck using old memes and having them be new and exciting.
I experienced it firsthand, don't assume you're the only special guy over 30 here. Like I said, it wouldn't be exactly the same, but there's no reason it couldn't be similar. Difficult, maybe. Impossible, no.
Even though using old memes is not the point, they would be new and exciting to people who hadn't experienced them before.
Milo is a nigger and kike lover. So no.
I browse Holla Forums and Holla Forums. I only ever hear about Mark being a bad BO, but I witness dysnomia being an awful BO on a daily basis.
No. The "dissenting opinions" that get banned there generally look like pic related. No matter what kind of memes goons and Holla Forums spread in contrary to this, having a place where serious discussions are possible is not a bad thing.
How do you get this retarded? You're proposing Reddit.
Might want to go talk to Brit/pol/ and why the most popular thread on the board is now it's own board after they all got banned after 1250 thread.
No, you're putting words into my mouth then suggesting that I'm proposing Reddit, based on the words you put into my mouth. Which by extension makes you the retard, really.
i.e. I'm not suggesting that is what should happen
Amazing. You actually need that spelled out for you.
Why are you saying that like its a bad thing? General threads are fucking cancer. I watched them destroy /int/ back on 4chan and while I don't go to Holla Forums often enough to care about their presence their, I'm happy they fucked off to their own board.
The meme magic!
Its too real!
Can you English fucktard?
It'll be new to them, given the assumption that they haven't experienced it before.
Can you logic fucktard?
No, no you can't. You're a pissant little waste of time that will continually whine about inexact wording and obtusely refuse to accept the overall point, even if it isn't worded perfectly. Two cents laid, peace faggot.
You just keep going on. And I keep replying to it, even though I should have left hours ago.
What have you shown? Nothing. 'Deeply flawed' is optimistic, given that you haven't even attempted to properly refute any point I've made. You've just misinterpreted statements (or just plain made shit up), then gone after your own incorrect assumptions in an attempt to look like you know what you're talking about. You're just moving the goalposts to places they have no business being, then bitching about them being in the wrong place. Nothing you're whining about is relevant to anything I've said.
Whether you're a genuine retard or a cunning little troll just here to wind me up is irrelevant. You're a huge faggot either way, and yes I am mad as hell.
Moot seriously was a faggot, though. He's still somewhat closeted, but he all but outright admitted it during his goodbye stream.
Please sweet Jesus let it happen
4chan is beyond the point it can be saved.
A point which 8ch will reach in the not so far future as well, due to the influx of human waste.
And? So was moot, and people barely complained back then.
I don't think so. 4chins main problem (dating from a looong time ago) was hotpocketry; janitors running rampant under the blessings of jewmootles. Someone willing to fire most (if not all) the hotpocket gang and replace them with a straight policy that respects free speech and puts them under control could revitalize the place.
4chan had its best time under the management of a kike faggot, so maybe going back to its roots could be a good thing (besides, Milo may have the investors/political backing to turn it into a front for the cucked alt-right, and they would leave us alone here).
Off by 1, user. All these 8s and 9s could still hold enough power so Kek wills it, though, since Trump's election seems to have gone south.
It's a desperate attempt to remain relevant after the election is over. Milo's career has basically been GG and Trump.
The moderation didn't become a problem on halfchan until 2010 at the earliest. And while it eventually became the biggest problem, the community was a gigantic problem long before that. The community has only gotten worse. Hell, even the community that came here was already largely infected. Never again will we see something like what halfchan used to be, and if we were to see something like that, it would never be back on that old site.
halfchan's main problem was that it stopped being a sekrit club
Yeah, I know. But there is truth to it. Newfags flooded in and normalized it. They didn't assimilate. People quit lurking. They just wanted to make ulafulose and fap roll threads. It became normy friendly. And once something turns normie friendly, it's very hard to purge the normies. Best way is to spam gore and loli and beast. But hotpockets over there won't allow it.
4chan died years ago. With the pay to post boards it's just gas escaping the body.
they love Loli and gore though, and beast just gets you banned, trust me I know
Then it seems we need the pedos to keep the horde at bay
all the Nazi's roaming around might do it, doubt many normies could take it.
The pedos bring the three-letter agencies right on their heels.
IMO Holla Forums is part of the problem with them advertising this place on r/thedonald. Also they're starting to put us in mainstream light again with nazi frogs.
No, he's a literal kike.
You obviously weren't there then.
the pedos that fled Holla Forums literally destroyed most of the new chans that took them in.
he's an ex-neo-Cohen turned alt-kike.
This place got most of it's community from Reddit and 4chan, what did you expect?
That's a lot of buzzwords in one sentence.
If he took over, the existing SJW staff would attempt to burn the place to the ground on their way out. Their tantrums are always the stuff of legend, they can't handle being told no or having power taken away from them.
I can tell you this much, I know it's a moot point now, but I did come to Holla Forums specifically because they banned discussion of GamerGate. I'm sure if Milo took over the people who make the general on 8/v/ would try making it on half/v/ again, and my issue is one of principle. Once all discussion is allowed there again, I would start posting there again.
I'd probably keep posting here as well, though.
Why? Even if the moderation is dealt with you still have newfags, redditors, normalfags, etc and they all outnumber the non cancerous userbase by a wide margin.
Because that was the beauty of halfchan once upon a time. majority didn't matter, as long as everyone is anonymous and the staff doesn't pick what speech is and isn't allowed, the strongest argument would always win.
For that reason it didn't matter to me if I was surrounded by shitposters, if every single person on the board disagreed with me. I'm very good at making arguments, and I can easily silence a thread full of people just by telling them how and why they're wrong. The only impediment to that is if a mod steps in and says "Nope, I agree with this opinion. Banned."
buzzword is a buzzword
Word is a word… go figure
And Captcha per post
That's lolichan she's a pro camwhore now.
I highly doubt he has enough if any experience in IB's and the chaos that they bring.
He does not know the local culture or lifestyle that is there.
Are there records of him being somehow linked to a chan/IB than being a offensive faggot that pisses of feminist / leftists ?
What about technology, does he understand anything at how a website is run ?
He is gay and jewisch, the food for conspiracy theories.
Donation run dry when the cameras go away, and 4chan must have quite a server bill.
He is not a good candidate for that position, be it about experience, understanding of this kind of websites, his own persona and lifestyle, or the source of money.
What we would need would a sort of sugar daddy that would back an actual chantard …
Perfection would be one of the more responsible chantards, given enough money just for the lulz by any source without interest in the site, and with enough tech knowledge to keep the site running.
Currently i see Holla Forums being the closest to that.
I like this place now, because I feel so much more safe.
This was meant for
He cannot be stopped.
post moar loli
anti-pedo's did their best, but only Librechan actually shut down
is where they went after the pedocaypse on 8beard. now they're on next and it won't survive.
Librechans coming back but 10 to 1 says its now a honeypot. Like no joke thats what makes the most sense here.
Milo is a gay kike
I dunno man, when it was FIRST created 4chan was like the wild west. It was cancer, but fun cancer.
Doesn't your IP get placed on some sort of list just for going to l librechan?
4chan used to have a lot of talented people, and also a good sense of humor. Jokes (i.e., memes) would come and go, and people would put their own spin on it in funny, creative ways. That was years ago, though.
That's why YLYL threads are so hated. You might as well go to Imgur if you just want people dumping shit that others made over and over.
nothing can save cuckchan now
pity you were banned, huh? with posts of that quality you could have saved it. thankfully, you're here were you can help make 8beard grate (sic) again.