So, on the topic of board spam:

So, on the topic of board spam:

Other urls found in this thread:

I wouldn't mind ID's, though I don't know how much that will stop the spammer.

Post histories on request would be hilarious considering the rampant samefagging that goes on here

Why not go to /film/

I don't see how any of the options is a rule.

Yeah just looked at the poll now, looks fine tbh though IDs would ruin the spirit of the board

what is the point of IDs when Holla Forums is wide open to VPNs?

anyone can easily LARP as multiple users defeating the purpose of them.

We should just have usernames to be perfectly honest. On reddit you can look through somebodies history in a click, see what they post, who they are etc etc.

Most people are lazy and won't take the trouble to constantly switch IDs in a thread to fag it up. You are right that it is pointless if one is dedicated enough.

IDs are probably not happening but I have always been willing to show post history and have done it myself a few times. Also if you're the one reporting the "go back to "insert board here" " posts then no it is not one guy and those guys are not only posting that.

This is why I like BVs
Genuine question, is the BO just gone?

yasssss reddit's my fave site yaasssssss

it could be the same guy doing it all with multiple VPN ips, which is another fault of posting history, it could be multiple people sharing an ip.

What's so bad about reddit? It's basically what's suggested with history to be posted whenever, that's kinda what we want right?

Holla Forums should disable reporting for newcomers to be molded by the fire and shitposting.

those backseat vols are the most fun to fuck with tbh

Nah, I haven't reported anything on this board as far as I can remember, I just saw some posts in a few threads that stunk so bad of samefagging it actually felt intentional, and just thought seeing post histories or if suddenly every post in that thread had IDs it'd be funny.

Yeah sorry guys about the Jenny stuff, I've just been drinking a lot this week but I said in another thread I'll can it. Sorry for causing any grief, best of luck to you all!

he deletes shit occasionally but obviously thinks he is too good to mingle with us

He's an AI isn't he? or is he beard fat? or is beardfat an AI?

i think he logs in and does just the bare minimum so he wont lose the board. he recruited the vol who actually talks to us occasionally so he wouldn't have to fool with actually doing anything with the board.

I'm more annoyed with the poster"s" going around turning every thread into a "drumpf" thread or posting about how much they love BBC. It's getting obnoxious.

I like the Vol who talks to us,

Oh I thought you were pissed at me for Jennyposting, as I said I'll stop now, just was drunk and frankly am a bit embarassed so again sorry about that.

Drumpf thing is just kinda sad, the character has gone flat, just like retiring TruthSeeker it's time to move on

He's around, doing shit right now actually if you look at the logs. He just never posts with his name on. But he does stay pretty active here, and I think he's also a global but I wouldn't know for sure don't talk to him too much.

Oh then yeah sorry about the confusion there man, I came on one day and there were like 30 reports all from the same guy against those posts. If you want post histories I guess just report them with the request just don't overdo it.

If I started deleting anything like that it would just feed into it more cause it would make them seem anti-authoritarian. Just ignore it if you really want it to die. Although some things never truly die.

Again, this is why I like you. There's not much to do about drumpfsperg besides not taking his bait.

I assume it's just irony

youre a good egg. i shitpost a lot and stir up shit constantly but you legit do a good job here. i almost never say that.

I think we all do, we've all sudoposted or said something to get a rise. Hell in this thread I defended reddit for no fucking reason, I just felt compelled to. Holla Forums is born in shitposting, falseflagging, characters. For christ sake our board has CHARACTERS with backstories, nemesis, character arcs and god damn catchphrases. This board is like 2012 Holla Forums with a Holla Forums theme and it's why it's the best. What other board has this?

i wonder how many here are repressed /a/utists who come here to blow off steam from being in the clutches of big meido and having to tiptoe around every post for fear of setting off some arcane autism and getting banned.

Too many


This is the dumbest shit you said with your volunteer tag on.
Kill yourself you authoritarian nigger.

Deal with it, fag. It's going to be funny.

This, what do you wanna be, anonymous? lol

Nah fuck off with that gay Holla Forums lmao epic randomness ftw cuckery.
It's fine for the mods not to intervene with the board's affairs letting the Holla Forums tards, the Holla Forums tards, the /waifuist/ tards fling shit at each others. That randomness or the hands off approach I don't care about. It's a different matter when some faggot mod gets it in his head to abuse his power for the lulz like a Holla Forums mod. It's not funny and it's just shit a authoritarian cuck would do for no reason than to gratify himself and attention.

It's going to happen. Leave if your tender asses can't handle the shit.

No option to consolidate the waifu threads and leave the anarchy as is?

Posting history is a bad idea but can't you hand out some bans for samefagging? That would let anons know who was doing it and improve board quality. Gets old fast constantly seeing shitty OPs go up and getting bumped with one or two words.


babbies first autistic spammer

This, If you want to be anonymous go to cuckchan, we need to avoid offtopic discussion

Don't tell me what to do. Holla Forums is autism incarnate, knowing half of the posts in one thread are one person is the fun part.

I can't help noticing that "Give the board to someone who actually wants it to succeed" isn't on there.

Showcasing someone samefagging isn't violating privacy dude, most of the boards here have IDs anyways. I meant that I would just show the post IDs I can see in each thread not the whole history. But okay fine I won't do it if it'll cause drama.

Doesn't seem fair to ban them for that, it's just shitposting after all.

Also shitposting aside in this thread, The mods here aren't dicks, they're not going to doxx anyone, chill

If you honestly can't immediately spot the megaspergs that regularly throw their little shitfits then you might actually be retarded.

And what is "succeeding" to you exactly?

Should be pretty obvious

He doesn't give a fuck about the board if he has a volunteer like this making these statements in the threads every week.
Either that or he's too pussy to speak up.

It works I guess for what it is minus the faggot volunteer.

IDs permanent
they don't really solve anything tho

You can point out samefagging. That's about it.

Oh yeah, remember /atv/?
The board created exclusively to provide a space for "people who actually want to discuss Holla Forums shit"?
It's had zero activity for months on end now.
/film/ isn't quite dead, but only like 10 people regularly post there.
If a little funposting really upsets you that much then give a little love to the fucking boards designed specifically for you instead of wasting your time trying to control a bunch of anons that are clearly more interested in unregulated Holla Forums banter.


but muh legacy board name means our board never had a chance. not that we are humorless fags who no one likes.

I rarely see torposters on any board with IDs though for some reason.

There's nothing suspicious about that tbh. Most anons don't have to post in the same thread several times. That's the crux of the problem too with this ID system. People abuse proxies and VPNs and in turn there's people like you who will always be paranoid and keep screaming about shills or samefags.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums with IDs is a joke

I don't think most people dig that deep. A randomly generated ID is more than enough to make them feel comfortably anonymous.

I didn't mean to imply /atv/ was completely humorless, it's just that its stricter posting guidelines are clearly better suited to someone who actually is a no fun allowed faggot than Holla Forums's will ever be.
I do think muh legacy boards were a bit of a mistake though. It makes it too easy for newfags to just congregate on familiar ground and turn a board to shit instead of forcing them to figure out which board is for what and what they should do to fit in.

Obviously not all (1)s are going to be the same person, I wasn't saying that.
I was talking about how an obnoxious samefag will be easy to spot even with IDs because they don't know how to tone down their autism.

What statements?

The ones you made ITT. All of them you mutt along with every other thread you pop up in.
Keep your head down you cocksucker.

fuck off gayboi. this vol is pretty cool.

I can't hear ya with the vol's cock blocking your throat.

No really, what exactly is he saying that's truggrrrring you?
Are you mad he's not going to show off ids or some shit?

I got banned for reports I never made for two days
Thanks bitch

i appreciate the few vols that aren't power hungry faggots. got no problem copping to it. id bet 20 burgerbucks that you are a killjoy who provides nothing but your endless bitching.

Nigger I gotta problem with this faggot saying shit about showing posting histories on the fly and whoever asks him in reports.

He literally just said he wouldn't if it would cause drama though.

The board quality is good as it is faggot.

Aight cool then if he's going back on some faggy shit like post histories.
The fact he made these statements at all is still worrying brother.

Sorry about that, someone else is spamming the report system with the exact same posts you linked to in your thread.

People were complaining about samefagging so that was the middleground since IDs are probably not happening. Like I said though full post histories won't be posted. It's only to call out samefags.

Never was saying I would do that miscommunication on my part so sorry. Like I already said it was just to stop samefagging (which there honestly isn't too much of)

I understand, hopefully he doesn't switch back because of some cucks that can't handle a bunch of low level shitposting.
How does someone like that browse this site at all anyway?
Even boards with strict rules and IDs still have their own brand of faggotry.

Well it depends. If your goal is mindless contrarianism and shitposting, and derailing threads into star wars, maisie, or politics, this board top notch.

If you are some poor bastard who actually wants to discuss a movie or tv show with the expectation that every post here isn't designed to try to troll you, then you are more or less the tasty pulp this board feeds upon.

If you got a problem with reports and reporters then dismiss them dunderhead instead of laying out the banhammer on poor innocent shitposters like me

We call those people faggots around here.

Why don't you post some that's actually worth discussing?

fair enough dude sorry again about that.

Nothing interesting or worth talking about has come out besides split recently so that's the main reason why everything is shitposts.

Eh, it's been like this at least since TFA came out.

Modern movies and tv are shit and people who like them are pathetic normalfags, I get that, but you gotta admit WHAT'S MY NAME and >Louis walks up to the stage were just mindless shitposts.

I guess what I'm saying is I want Orsonposting to come back.

This board is not a democracy. Image boards are not a democracy.

I wonder if the next season of Better Call Saul will make things more interesting around here.
Chuck vs. Jimmy posting was pretty funny during the last season.

That was cancer too. Worse actually because it gave the fag who started it a big head and he inflicts his terrible forced memes on us to this day.

Are you implying every forced meme here is the result of one guy, or are you saying he still Orsonposts?

It was funny and had a tv or film related theme.

I like the board as it is.
If drumpfsperg really gets to you go make a new board or go to /film/
Like christ people get a life lmfao

You must have missed the threads here and on Holla Forums where he bragged about starting it as bet with his friend and then decided he was a unparalleled memesmith. Shit like dunk and others that are spammed here multiple times a day are him. He tries to sneak them in on Holla Forums occasionally too.

Are you sure you didn't just fall for a random user making shit up?

Sup drumpfsperg. Did you ever get cumskin to catch on anywhere?

I'm sure. I'm on here everyday since '14. I know who he and the other big time spergs here are. The board pop is low enough that repeated autism and posting styles stands out over time

Not buying that shit for a second. Orsonposter has/had OC skills and his threads weren't filled with obvious samefaggotry. No way that's the same user doing dunk and jenny.

Cumskin was some dumb shit that a handful of Holla Forums faggots spammed /n/ with last January/February.
There's like two people that post it anymore and it never gets any replies.

It is. He got lucky once and got a big head. Isn't the first time or the last that memesters are one hit wonders.

I know huge autists stand out
out, but I still find that hard to believe.
Did he try and take credit for TruthSeeker posting as well?
Because if he did then he's completely full of shit and you should feel bad for falling for such a fib.

He wasn't truthseeker. That was a whole different breed of autist.

So what else did he take credit for?
I can see one guy being the Dunk and McDonalds spammer.

I don't believe it was just one guy, since for example the board alert status had quite a few Orson references and people were making them on youtube under the videos.

Speaking of shit memesmiths notice how Bogposting stopped here as soon as that guy showed up on the HWNDU feed. Guess he's too good to hang out here anymore thank fuck.

He was doing the Bogdanoff stuff. He has a pattern. If some meme randomly catches on then he will try to one up it with something almost immediately afterwards. TruthSeeker got him riled up and he threw a bunch of shit at the wall to see if anything would stick.

Orsonposting legit caught on. That was what got him thinking he was a meme god.

Fuck off autist. Don't compare Lovin It® to your bullshit posting one or two screencaps over and over.

I forgot about that tbh, even though it was pretty recent.

Nice try, but I never participated in either because both of those "memes" were retarded.

Well then you should know lovin it only started after 10 dunkacino threads started going up every day with nothing done about it. If you can't tell the difference between autism and counter autism you should fuck off to Holla Forums.

Bogandoff posting is retarded. It's just the same post over and over.

Yeah they're goofy looking but you need to have some variation. It's literally just "hya hyuk! These fellers are plastic surgery freaks."

Take the bogpill

Bogdanoff posting is mostly a Holla Forums thing.

Point is it vanished here as soon as that puerto rican showed up on the stream.
And before that it was only him posting it on Holla Forums.

OP here,

FUCK that. Every single time this has been suggested it's by the same clique trying to control "narratives" and kill every board by turning it into an SJW shithole. I've suspected some portion of the spam is just that, I've always assumed a lot of the off-topic posting is an active attempt to get the board owner to enforce rules to try to set some kind of precedent for getting other content they don't like removed, but a combination of very easygoing moderation, and a userbase that generally doesn't care and makes fun threads out of that spam has completely ruined that attempt over and over.

I feel like half the spam is posted out of utter frustration, and the other half is bad attempts at ironic humor. You could add the words "It would be funniest if" to the question posed by the poll, as that's my intent.

There's shitposting and there's shitting up the board, imho. Take a look at this thread

and tell me it's not one user astroturfing.

I love you BV

It isn't actually, just a bunch of funposting. Some of the guys are itt right now.

Have you memed with us

Can we give you a nickname since you're the King Kai of our board?

Fucking statist barbarians, I swear.

Louis BV

Anarchy is best policy and always has been I mean why does this thread exist, where's the spam, BV and BO are good at regulating but I also trust the mods not to be fags

Shall we change that?
What flavor of spam shall we utilize, my liberty-minded compatriot?

of course

I'm not spamming dude, I spammed Jenny a bit admittedly because I was drunk but I promised I wouldn't make anymore Jen topics till her new vid came out and I intend to keep my promise

I miss fucking with anime autist

You tasteless swine.

I dunno, I was drunk and the "BB-88" stuff made me laugh like sudo's drunken waifu

You might be able to save face.
What were you drinking?

So just to summarize the following stuff is okay
and this applies to everyone equally, right?

Bumping is fine yeah and isn't even mentioned in the rules at all. Nothing in that thread is off topic despite it mostly being memes the fact is it is a quote from a movie. And no excessive duplicate threads are spam.

Can you elaborate on this?
There's this feeling in my tummy this applies to me

Straight Irish Whiskey with Pickle juice

Bound to happen, Topics =/= Posts

Making Duplicates = Yeah dumb I'll agree

Funposting = ….so?

and then the next night it was Sky Vodka straight

You're hereby exonerated.

How many is excessive? 4? 8? Just curious how long to wait till reporting.

Only trying to establish what the rules are. Can't play a game if you don't know the rules.

That is actually a very good question, I usually don't mess with it until the duplicate count goes over like 4 or 5 but then I'll delete them down to one or two. In general I also won't delete threads where a lot of people are active.

Since this thread is still up