How legitimate are websites like The GF Network...

How legitimate are websites like The GF Network? I know they have thumbnails on supposed videos that are just from image sets and so it's obviously misleading bullshit to some degree, but it's not all bullshit, right?

Image not related

Other urls found in this thread: eyes&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=974&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFzMqM287PAhWHjpAKHVfFDMIQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=natural golden eyes&imgrc=v1vT120huIO4LM:

Exactly how retarded are you?

Extremely retarded. That's why I'm asking.

About as legitimate as Ashley Madison

Well, it seems to me that worked until shit got leaked, so you're saying they are legit?

If you consider having 80% of the female accounts faked as "legit" then yes, it's legit.

I don't know anything about Ashley Madison other than what was in the media when stuff was leaked, I just assumed that people actually got use out of it otherwise it wouldn't have been such a big deal (maybe, or maybe I'm just stupid).

But on to the GF Network type porn sites. How much of the content that they have their fits the hype that they create with their fake video thumbnails?

I have the same eyes and i dont know what is that color named.

Green poop.

It's called hazel but is technically brown