Stop attacking Elizabeth Warren for the Native American situation
She did it because she was rubbing in the nose of the university that their mudskin worship shit could be exploited.
It's similar to the white South Africans that come to the US and put down African American to get benefits.
If you're going to attack her, attack her for her anti-white policies, not the Native American thing.
Andrew Reyes
Fuck off, we'll attack her with whatever we can get, otherwise we won't win!
Luke Hill
Angel Gutierrez
Joseph Phillips
Do you know where you are?
Nicholas Edwards
fuck off
Caleb Morgan
You are right in a way. Attacking her for the the Indian thing grants moral legitimacy to the position that only real Indians deserve affirmative action. On the other hand, she is one of the most intelligent and articulate Democrats, Trump's use of the Indian thing has effectively neutralized her.
Samuel Cox
Request denied, you faggot. Attack, attack, attack.
Ryder Morris
I'd attack her with a lead pipe if I could.
Jayden Brooks
Leave Pocahontas alone!
Adrian Sanders
Are you not listening to what I'm trying to say?
You're legitimizing the SJW standard of "le minorities should only get positions"
Ian Reyes
Who? pocahontas
Brayden Carter
Nah fuck off. She lied about her heritage and not only used it to gain advantage in school and work but made money off of it by writing a cook book. She would then later cry victim and muh soggy knees when called out on it and then used that victimhood along with the liberal media to get her senate seat. She deserves all she gets thrown at her. All of it.
Matthew Johnson
Liars need to be called out
Adam Morris
I heard you and your cowardice sickens me. Good for Trump for saying what everybody is thinking, but like you, too afraid to do something.
Adam Wilson
Never hold back, when the enemy leaves its flank open attack attack attack.
as for 'this legitimizes the lefts ideas'. You using your enemies own weapons against them doesnt somehow grant legitimacy to their cause.