Why is it ok for Europeans to be comnplete cunts to Americans but when it's the other way around they get all butthurt?
Why is it ok for Europeans to be comnplete cunts to Americans but when it's the other way around they get all butthurt?
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back in your cage, picaninny. the master will flog you when he returns.
Baby duck Syndrome. yuropoors can't handle the fact their poor-ass countries compete with America on a fucking state level when it comes to wealth and power
US is 60% white and that is counting lots of spics as white
Your president is a nigger kike puppet
If it wasn't for the US, Hitler would have won and we wouldn't be jewish slaves now
US pretty much runs the EU which is cancer that will kill Europe
Funny you say this. America may become the last bastion for the white race. As white Americans tend to be very opposed to racemixing
Yes blame the USA goy. Don't blame people like Angela Merkel, who actually run the EU. Don't blame all the numales in Britain, Sweden, and Germany, goy - it is better off that you shitpost on the internet and blame America for all your problems, then get upset at your fellow countrymen for being pussies.
this is a good example of the kind of lies americans tell each other from primary school on. it's the purest bullshit. the us runs nothing but itself and it does that badly. look at the state of the place you supposedly run, shitforbrains.
did you forget france?
Friendly reminder that Yuropoors would rather play the newest Battlefield 14 hours a day than do anything useful. Hence all the Britbong youtubers such as JackFrags, FRANKIEonPC, etc uploading Battlefield 1 videos disproportionately compared to other English-speaking folk. I only know this because this one British coworker of mine won't shut the fuck up about this.
Its a direct measure of power. Don't believe me? The only reason America hasn't defaulted on its piles of debt yet is because of its GDP.
That's because yanks think that mathematicians can do no wrong when in reality they are a group of autistic faggots who have no idea what the fuck is going on. Most of us educated Scandinavians shared these mathematicians visions of a strong and aggressive GDP but every time we told they was being to reckless, mathing too fast or just being plain retarded these autist mathematicans threw a little shit fit.
Mathematicans, not even once.
it's a measure of productivity, not power. Gross Domestic Product. america hasn't defaulted because it borrows more to pay the interest on loans it can't possibly pay down in advance through buyback.
You talk bullshit very fluently, gringo. It's americas main export these days.
Also, your charts treat nominal gdp which ignores living costs and inflation (among other factors). it is meaningless to compare libya with newyork.
Let me guess, you are British?
Yurops go back to halfchan, until your government illegalizes the internet, or muzies destroy your infrastructure by squating in all of your power stations.
American's don't think about europeans as much as they thiink about us, its quite flattering
You heard of anti-Americanism?
It's socially acceptable in much of the world to make vague insulting statements about the American public (used to be fat stupid whites, now probably just stupid whites)
The same doesn't apply to other groups of people, they are individuals and that would be discrimination.
Had to grow up in France and shut down these retarded ideas all the time. Not even American but it was too stupid to let live
Seems like you are a well adjusted person m8
Why is it Europeans are so cuntish to countries so much bigger and more relevant than them?
Pls america, you aint shit.
well the spic and nigs will out breed the whites soon enough
Not even close.
They're European when they think it benefits them.
G. Britain was european merely for economic reasons, politics are completely different from most of europe.
Proof is they never changed their money to Euro.
nigga EU =/= european and european =/= EU
Fuck off and die you subhuman ape.
Dont forget the excessive masturbation turning them in to docile contempt wankers with out and testosterone or drive to copulate with actual females who walk outside ready to be picked up by amhed.
Wit the total lack of standards amhed just fucks anything and with the islamic ban on masturbation amhed and friends are horny enough to seek out lonely ugly women who are dum af (lets face it they are women) and get knocked up by this primitive inferior inbred with dominate genetics completely eradicating her own genetic identity
This only happens to people who invite it on themselves.
Meanwhile in cucked yuropoor countries, random women on the street will have this happen to them by 100+ Muslims. (Obviously when we say yuropoor we aren't referring to based places like Poland/Russia/Switzerland/etc)
Poland is lost
They hate us for finishing two of their fights and they know we'll have to free them from Islam too soon.
Lmao I don't even know what to say. You've figured it all out, good job! Remember that your you paranoid schizophrenia with anti-psychotic medication, but only if you start before it enters its later stages.
Kill yourself.
hey, fatsoc
instead of depriving yourself of masturbation, a perfectly harmless activity, why not just run 5 miles a day and eat fewer plates of shit. that will ''double' your testosterone levels and help with the haliotosis. it won't make you smarter though and that's what you realy need.
So I'm not the guy you were talking too but I saw your reply and had to say that I've jacked it A LOT in my lifetime and never got ED.
But never ED
You do know there are more whites here than your faggot ass cuckland?
Luckily there is no electricity in half of Ramallah.
Yeah, sure, Germany right now doesnt have a single american soldier and is talking with Putin and Iran.
Well, i cant blame you, after all if you say the truth you will be jailed for "hate crime".
you should change the gun and put the white house there, because america elected a rapists as a president
who am I kidding tho, burgers don't actually have democracy
63,000 in all of the europe
that's fewer than poland, you jerk
because americans can't find european countries on a map
Can you identify US states?
Probably not.
Your "countries" have less independence than our states. In addition they matter less, and your whole Union is completely irrelevant in a modern world.
Europe will keep trying to flex its influence on the rest of the world without ever noticing that literally no one cares.
gyrocucks btfo
Nobody gets butt hurt because we know you're all down the latter. USA is a 3rd world country now. Good luck with that.
You know the man in that scene is a britbong, right?
probably not and why would that be useful? only federal decision making affects non americans and even that, with the wars, the refugees the banking crisis, fracking, guns and trump, oh let's not forget he failure of ttip, well frankly america is hasbeen. no1givsafuk.
You'll have your turn, burger. Just keep voting democrap and you'll be Nu Sweden before you know it.
I know this is hard for you to understand
Not even a decision by the EU (your version of the federal government) affects anyone outside of Europe, which no longer holds any power culturally, militarily, economically, or even geographically.
You have no rights. No freedom to speech, no guns, and have been force-fed propaganda 10 times worse than anything America cooks up, since you were born. You only exsist now as overflow for the Northern region of the Middle East. At least you will do nothing to avoid your fate.
You can't even understand that you don't matter, let alone why.
Now why don't you explain to me why socialism is so great?
Heil Merkle, right?
europe is full of degenerate cucks and should just be nuked off the map.
Because they are being replaced by anti-antikebabs tanks and anti putin missile systems.
I once tried to educate the lads in /britpol/ a few days ago on why guns are good and all they came up with is "MUH MASS SHOOTINS". Bunch of fucking retards, no wonder they are getting Islamified so hard.
Probably about as useful as being able to find Georgia or Macedonia on a map, retard. No wonder Brits beat the odds and have even lower literacy rates than Burger land.
All European countries except maybe Russia or Serbia are America's bitch. All take orders from Obama and do exactly what he tells them. All are weak cuck countries that depend on NATO (ie. America) for protection.
I'm telling you this as a European, our countries are cucked and only another Hitler can come and set shit straight, but getting and army of our own and being a powerful country that can influence international affairs isn't something that America wants or we will be treat as a) Nazis b) Ruskies c) Chinks.
Oh no! Apple has to pay taxes in an area they do business? That without a doubt proves how important the EU is to the world.
Gee, you sure proved me wrong!
Oh, but wait you're not done with your brilliant post! You have more evidence? An article from a failing c-list news site solely about unsubstantiated gossip from the German vice-chancellor!
I mean I can't even argue against that. It's undeniable. The EU is the only world power! They ordered a company to pay taxes! I mean wow. Just wow. You win.
Mostly by niggers like muh mass rapes.
Apple stores profits in the eu because america would force them to pay 39% corporation tax on it if they brought it home. It's cheaper to borrow to pay dividends. This doesn't support your picture of a strong US and a completely uninfluential EU, all the less so as the decision is being rolled out to other us copanies, like microsoft, google and amazon in the face of us govt protests.
All to say that your view of america as country that has an overwhelming influence in the world is 35 years out of date. It's over, ya blew it.
Nice job, now go back to sucking Muslim cock.
This is how i feel as a German viewing this thread. ._.
Remember, they can be jailed for saying meaning things.
You are right, even Puerto Rico is more respected and less controlled.
there is no outsourcing to the eu from us companies. labour costs are much higher here, commensurate with so much free stuff for workers. Apple manufactures in asia. you are quite unbelievably ignorant. when you add that to monumental arrogance, a loud mouth and digusting physique, you epitomise the very worst of america in european eyes.
Try watching the original hellsing ultimate in both naziland and that shithole.
Yes, but the jew moved it to companies, not countries, you wouldnt be receiving orders from kissinger, but from guys like soros like you are doing right now ahmed.
You actually really need to leave now. You don't belong here. This website clearly isn't for you.
Additionally you're just providing evidence for the OP.
You can't handle the bantz and your shit continent is irrelevant, and should be nuked off the map so we don't have to deal with the Muslims who will form civilization where you have driven it into the ground with your short-sighted idiotic socialist policies.
I'd hazard to guess you qualify as legally obese, can't lift your own body weight, couldn't run a mile, and haven't left the house in at least a week.
You are certainly a weak-willed individual who will drink up anything the liberal media pours down your throat, and you should probably kill yourself.
The guy you replied to is going to need a burn heal after he sees your post
Dump christianity professor shekelsteingoldberg said… it is a good idea he said…
Remember that he can be jailed.
One instance of the word "nigger" and the GSG 9 will repel through his windows.
We won, but i am not feeling good.
This old story again, it was the Russians who won ww2.
Everyone is a cunt to everybody and everyone gets butthurt about it
Yeah, they "won" all right.
I'm now assuming the rest are Airshit
They thought i was just trolling with my no fap threads.
I was actually helping young men across the world.
Yeah but hitler killed all the untermenshen for stallin.
The eastblock would have looked like Istanbul if it wasnt for the war.
Russia needs another war with germany cause their sandniggers are breeding exponentially
400 grees of the island levbos killed themselfs because of this shit, they have a population of 80,000
They could have died as warriors yet they chose the cowards way out.
im a coward, i do nothing.
From young children on the ppl get told, dont ask or you get passed.
Eat all your food because pooor african children are starving, unicef children linked to our schools that we brin money from home for.
Clothing clotections for the poor africans, every war you get blasted with sad images.
Then when you rezlie it is propogande you face the 2e completely brainwashed ppl with out the same realization 3e hurdle when you get sick of staying at the 2e, laws you cant kill ppl. there the 4 and final one death.
i want to be free this is why im jumping these fucking hurdles death is not freedom.
Explain why niggers and their culture are so popular, IN DETAIL.
Why pit Occidental countries against each other while flooding insurgents into each of them?
Don't blame the US for your own incompetency tbh
This seems to be Europes most useful invention for their people it seems.
David Bowie said it best. When the UK isn't the best at something, instead they try to do something to make themselves feel smug about it.
i wasn't being ironic. ur unsufferably dumb. your posts degrade so many threads on Holla Forums with the same dull and vacuous insults. go fuck yourself with something big. a loaded truck, maybe.
this is a bait thread in which trolls troll trolls. don't tell me i don't belong here: without me there'd be no thread, just you sperging to your own echo.
Tell that to the germans that have to build you nasa space shit.
You need to be stopped.
still there, buttlicker?
you do know that if you highlight part of a post and then click on the post number, it avoids you making spelling mistakes? huh?
remarkable how the human body can adapt to such extremes.
Also, nice digits.
Quads have spoken, fatmerica is the devils work
Hosting blogs through HTTPS is now "terrorism" in Britain. Absolutely CUCKED!
Europe's a mess right now, you cucks are being overrun by filthy sandniggers
In follow up to the above statement, you fags need to revolt, some way or another. Get off your asses and vote for any kind of Nationalist candidate. OR start your own party. Get on the DAMN STREETS and MAKE A SCENE! Stop being total scum lazy shits and start defending yourselves from these bastards!
Sharia law is the only situation to all Yuropes problems :) Praise Mohammed!
you'd swallow a turd whole if it had Hershey printed on it, wouldn't you?
the nigger is charged with terrorism offences. the encryption fail is just an element in a basket of evidence against im. if the case succeeds, it in no way means using encryption becomes illegal unless you use it to enable criminal activity.
Yes, this means encrypting your cp stash can be used to build a case against you, no it doesn't mean encrypting your recipe book is a crime.
the truth is something you're uncomfortable with? suck it up.
You seem mad. Then again you are British, I'd be mad if I was British too.
listen, dogbreath.
all i care about is truth. the chans were once a place where if you told a lie, someone would call you out. these days, the bigger the lie, the more (you)s you harvest. what's the point of free speech if it's a stream of bullshit?
Dont forget they are inbred as well, because they are inbred they have dominate genetics.
My father had brown eyes and my mother had blue eyes.
My eyes are green.
How do you keep getting more and more triggered? How do you even have more trigger to be triggered at this point? It's amazing.
Is that your attempt at damage control? Anyone can see that I directly quoted you as it was written. Just so low energy. I guess I'd be tired too if I hadn't eaten in a week because all of my grocery stores had been sacked by Muslims.
Just admit my country is superior in every way to your entire continent, already. You know it's true. You're dead in the water.
OCA2 gene polymorphism
Checkem, Hillary is going to win, america will have muslims soon enough.
Burgers live in denial. Your country is in a horrible shape and yet you laugh about european countries.
hitlers car was armored and with armed security
there were also several assassination attempts, while nothing remotely close attempted on obama, who also didn't start a world war and driving his nation into total defeat
this is how much hitler sucks
he's even worse than fucking obama
why would anyone care about american states?
obama also has not, even after 8 years, "taken the guns" from political enemies
fucking Holla Forumsack retards
Fidel has more from USA and i hate commies, my point? what you call "the people" are just hitmans. .
So, come to America. We have no problem with immigrants that act right.
How do you think we all got here?
yeah, not for very long
You can clearly see Hitler siting in a roofless car there, retard.
Also it wasn't Germany that started world war, Japan was already at war with China when Germany took back land from Poland that was stolen from Germany after WW1 and after that France and United Kingdom declarated war on Germany and escalated it into a world war.
why did you even apply?
The Soviets would have won the war regardless of US intervention. Americans just helped it end faster.
80% of the Wehrmacht died at the Eastern front, the US, AUS, Great Britain and most other allies indeed fought against 'just' 20% of what the Germans had to offer.
Know your place in history you arrogant fuck.
me too tbh
Oh boy how you are wrong!
Lend Lease, faggot. Look into it.
Without US supplied
The USSR would have lost
Don't post shit you are totally ignorant about shitface.
No argument? Good. I know you're an ignorant shitstain :^)))))
You lose no matter what.
Oh no you used the "lmao autism card!" it wasn't very effective
Even Khrushchev later admitted spam was critical to their war effort
An army marches on its stomach
Just admit you are historically ignorant and stop posting :^)
Still no argument?
Keep digging that hole deeper. Cries of "autism" is not an argument
Please tell me how the red army could keep fighting without boots, or high protein rations. Or how they could move any supplies without the use of ford trucks
Remember! Logistics wins wars (or I guess you just learned that you ignorant faggot) :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
Commie logic. I bet you posted this from a macbook, didn't you fag?
you and i know that's not true m8
Not an argument.