Female Teachers Who Molest

Why are so many female teachers having sex with their teenage male (and female) students these days? There seems to be a new case every week.

When I grew up in the 80's and 90's this was unheard of. Male teachers were known to oogle young girls, but it only rarely went beyond that, and if it did, it was a huge controversy. Female teachers never did this sort of thing.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of these female teachers having sex, sexting and sucking dick with 12-18 year old boys. These teachers are often young and attractive and could easily get an older man.

What do you think Holla Forums, why is this epidemic happening?

No, that is not true. Boys fantasized about it "hot for teacher" but female teachers almost never crossed the line. They saw themselves as mother figures.

Also, these women are getting off with very light punishment. If a male teacher molested a 13 year old student, he would be crucified. Why the double standard?

Here is a list of over 200 events: archive.is/rzM61

Here is the most recent incident to make the news: archive.is/EWI34

Other urls found in this thread:


I personally suspect is has something to do with third wave feminism.

Women are taught from childhood they are victims of evil male oppression and that sexual promiscuity is "empowerment" and "confidence". It leads to the perverse desire to regain or create their sense of confidence through dominating men sexually. Teen boys are easy to dominate sexually, mentally and emotionally.

This one was organizing orgies at her house.

Brittni Colleps, a first-year English teacher at Kennedale High School, who allegedly had sex with five students at her home in an organized sex romp.

This one was having sex with 13 year old students in her van parked in the parking lot.

She got a 39 year sentence which was reduced to registry on a sex offenders list and lifetime probation. No jail time.

This one was having sex with a 14 year old boy.

Most of the these teachers are white women. I believe this is a clue pointing towards feminism.

These women are attractive. I would have loved to have been sexually approached by them in highschool.

they are posessed by demons and need to be purged

It's because women have all the power. Everyone wants to fugg and there's nothing men can do about it. At least you could give them a good slapping and make sure they stayed married, now it's a fucking sexual liberalism nightmare.

Women have always had power, feminism has systematically taken away male sources of power, leaving the scales tipped far in women's favour.

Female teachers are just whores. In college, all the girls who planned to be teachers were the biggest whores in the world. Why this is, I don't know. I just know that it is a fact.

Because teenagers are horny

Feminism, disintegration of traditional education forms and lax morality coming from general social malaise.

Besides, these women chose the easiest possible targets - teenage boys are horndogs and I doubt any one of us would be hard-pressed to decline sex from a (usually good-looking) teacher but the idea is that she is the adult and their mentor and thus should not be taking advantage of her students.

I think a big part of the problem is the fact that parents are not looking after their children enough and let such things sip under their noses until it all spills out.

Either way, they should face harsh sentences.

Teachers are generally the lowest IQ cohort in university/college.

Took a couple of education classes and it's basically going over grade school topics/marxist brainwashing.

Also no men want to go into the field any more because you can't discipline chimpouts/sexual harassment allegations/parents lack responsibility. All that leaves is muh made a difference females.

If it was about the teenagers, this would always have happened. Show me a guy who hasn't wanted to fuck a hot teacher.

The question is why the teachers are actually onboard.

But why are the teachers going after young dick?
Females are biologically programed to go after men with potential and resources.
The most these kids could have would be social status.

part of the agenda to normalise pedophilia


According to the Daily Mail, this one has three children and a soldier as husband:

Every word written in this Rational Male article seems to be confirmed here: therationalmale.com/2013/01/21/soldiers/

What a cuck

Feminism which encourages short-term pleasure. Believe it or not, women enjoy sex as well and if they are told that they can have it without worrying about consequences, they will do it.
And what better target than a teenage boy that can go at it for hours, is bound to be obedient and will keep his mouth shut?

female contraception and equal employment changed attitudes from "must find good husband and father material" to "must have cock"

Maybe we're seeing a shift towards an evolved sexuality.

I mean certainly I've noticed a rise in one-night stand behaviour that inherently has no real purpose in terms of deriving resources.

I suppose these women have grown up without any indication of the natural consequences of promiscuity, seeing as there has always been birth control, abortions, and the government to fall back on.

I also recall some feminist theory about idolising young men as older men idolise teen girls.

There is only one, painful cure for it - abolish child benefits and child support, dismantle existing divorce laws and dismantle feminism and institutionalize those who espouse it. It's a literal corruption of both adults and children.

all these teachers are nigger lovers. all the stories are always from like georgia or flordia.

It's porn you fucking retards

I would also blame porn for this. Women watch porn, thats nothing new. As we all know, theres been a push to legalize incest, and many (((pornsites))) shill for incest-fantasy videos. These videos are watched by both women and men, and then people devolpe a incest-fetish.

Wouldnt suprise me that some of these women linked ITT, actually have that fetish and thanks to feminism makes everything weird, normal, they feel its okay to start fiddling with the kids.

Being desired by young dick will always be a turn on for females, porn has kicked it into overdrive and a culture of young dick has been normalised for woman.

Ops, just saw that I didnt wrote "mother-son fetish", thats what I meant.

That would be nice, but seems very unlikely as the shift towards degeneracy continues. Our only hope is a systemic collapse or dictatorship at this point.

The human mind is easily influenced. Personally I would agree that pornography is a very powerful propaganda tool. Just look at the same cuck/nigger/trap threads repeatedly posted on halfchan.

In some ways at least the boomer's could shield themselves from this sort of propaganda because books and television have always been censored.

The decentralised nature of the internet has as many disadvantages as advantages.

The other thing is, how many of us if we were teachers would want to fuck the 15 year olds? All of us, I guarantee most of us also are so shit scared of any consequences and how society would view us we would run away from any situations.
That is before you consider the actual morality issue of the age difference.

Woman don't have that and society considers a 14 year old fucking a 31 year old woman as not a serious offence. So they can develop their fetishes without much stopping them.

Think of the amount of boys that DO keep their mouths shut, and now think of how big the problem really is.

The infantilization of women combined with the cucking of men and the sexualization of children.

So you have adult females who are mentally the age of the children they teach, pathetic limp-dicked beta cucklord men who can't satisfy them on any level, and horny boys who are sexually bolder and far less cucked than the men.

Shit's predictable.

So you are telling me, as a super horny 14 year old boy, you wouldn't fuck them?

Men are absolutely terrified to act like men. The modern male doesn't act on his feelings, rather suppresses them.

Women, being the new men, do not have the same shame and fear of punishment. It hasn't been ingrained into them from decades of seeing others go to prison for very long periods of time over sex.

To shorten it, current society favors women, and they're becoming very bold about it.

The important thing here is equality. Both should be judged the same. We are talking about consensual sex here, not rape.

Are you telling me a 14 year old girl doesn't want to fuck the hunk teacher?

They shouldn't be judged equally. A grown woman fucking boys of 13 and older should be legal. A man fucking a girl younger than 17 without her parent's consent should be ten years hard labor. Sex between boys and girls both below 17 should also be legal, but they should then be forced to marry and remain married for at least seven years.

Aldultery should also be illegal for both sexes. Women in any career other than teaching, nursing, library sciences, or seamstressing should also be illegal. Women living on their own should be illegal.

they still do sometimes
or they fuck loser college age males

Education majors in college have lots of free time because it's such an easy major. So they have plenty of free time for partying and sleeping with boys.

College is the last time an adult will be around large numbers of single members of the opposite sex. When these teachers leave college to go to work, they are surrounded by other female teachers and no men, only schoolboys. They go crazy.


The most insidious aspect of this phenomenon is the lack of reproach, and the reason for that is an oversexualized society.

When teacher-student orgies hit the news, we men, we products of a society based on ubiquitous sexual manipulation, are unable to evaluate the damage being done, because we're too buy sexually empathizing with the "victim" and thus fail to understand that the most fundamental unit of organization in ANY society is being rapidly unwound.

There is no problem here inherently, especially if they are teaching the boys well. Their attraction is actually a natural one, stemming from being in a non-familial maternal role, wanting to see the student be successful and happy, and proximity.

The problem here is when they organize orgies, fuck multiple students, etc. Any cases where these female teachers just take a student under their wing, in private, is a damn good thing. Especially if they have or will form a close, monogamous relationship. It teaches and trains young men to be attracted to 1. women more likely to be traditional, 2. women far, far away from college and university, and 3. women who can generally have the skills to take care of themselves as adults, as well as potentially creating a lifelong relationship. Hypothetically, this all keeps them away from feminists, psuedointellectual girls, and sociopathic parasites, potentially over the course of their whole life.

There aren't enough men in authority positions over these women, so their retarded sexual instincts imprint on random kids or jocks. It's the same instinct that makes them suck their bosses dick, just inverted. Restore traditional male authority and this will resolve itself.

I'm sorry, but this is not how human sexual attraction works, user. All you'll do is suppress shit and propagate cheating and lieing between partners. A brute force approach like this is shit, when you can understand and address the root of the problem.

Women are not attracted to men in authority positions, they're attracted to men who can protect and provide for them best, specifically. In modern culture, most men in authority positions are ones who've given up any chance at a close marriage in exchange for their career, and become sleazy and a tad sociopathic. They will not provide for a woman.

The appeal of young men is that they're more easily molded into what the woman wants - someone who is dedicated to protecting and providing for her, and only her. This is just a niche application of an entirely healthy instinct - only when tied with forms of cultural-mental illness does it become poison.

What you want to do is restore the huge, lynch-mob-inducing stigma against adultery, and create a culture that encourages as much closeness as possible between partners, shunning people who don't seem to desire intimacy (of all sorts) between them and their partner, and you will achieve what you're hoping to.

I agree that porn has a lot to do with lowering the moral bar.

There is truth in this. Women fuck like crazy in college then immediately go to work around horny young men. But a lot of the women are much older in their 30's and even 40's before they start diddling the boys.

I think it is an issue of dominance. These women want to experience masculine power, control and authority over another person. It is a kind of reverse rape fantasy, where she is the male rapist emotionally manipulating and controlling a helpless male.

They often leave texts telling them things like:

They ply them with alcohol and drugs.

They buy them things like Xbox counsels and games, cell phones, expensive gadgets etc.

All of these things are meant to manipulate the boy into a relationship of emotional abuse and control. That is why the boys tell the cops. They eventually get weirded out and feel "raped".

If it was just fucking, the boys wouldn't care, but it is not. These women try to control them.

I would say this has its roots in feminism, wherein women are acting out their male dominance fantasies.

Because women love feeling sexy and wanted, what better than having a young male willing to break the rules to be with you?

I knew a girl who said she was going to fuck her male students way before she was even qualified to be a teacher, these are fantasies that women have. It's disgusting.

That's all it is

Fucking everything right here.

There are not near enough sociopaths in the world for what you say to be true, user. That is simply not how even abusive relationships work.

Part of it is but
go back to your orgie nursing home, grandpa

Women see the former as a sign of the latter, BECAUSE IT IS. Authority IS social status.

I suppose few decades ago most of them would be married and already getting the proper D.

I can think of at least four teachers that I wish would've molested me.

They often overlap. They have been overlapping much less commonly in modern history, and women can discern this instinctually.

Absolutely besides the point, although sexual attraction is inevitable and human nature, for such extravagent abuses of power and sex to become so prevalent is a huge symptom of a sick society.

You can go "yea fug da teacher who wouldnt bro ya bro heehee" all you like, but the breakdown of something fundamental as a teacher-student relationship between a young child and teacher is a breakdown of higher society/civilization.

This is more akin to days when people would sell and buy the younger generation for power/favors. The majority of these female abusers are either single mothers or debauched family wives whom feel jilted by their husbands. Ask the family unit if "woah bro gj bangin the teach pass the joint bruh lmao" ruined their life.

Any of those teachers have husbands and children? How many of them would have wanted to wring your neck? Or hate their mothers for sleeping with you? Or promote a total breakdown of a family unit?

You people need to understand the larger picture here, all I hear is mewling about how you wish it was you as that age.

Which is why they're misfiring and banging teens and gangsters and "migrants." Until patriarchy is restored, neither will their sexual instincts.

You are thinking only of the degenerate examples, and you're right about them. There are a surprising number of successful and actually very healthy and traditional examples of this situation working out well between a single teacher and one of her students. See ,

Of course and I agree with you, there will always be exceptions. Nonetheless, a healthy society CANNOT promote this. Examples and exceptions damned. For every success story lies a broken family.

And the effects are even more far-reaching than just the unit. What does the boy do when his mother fucks his classmate? The girl? The husband?

What do we do when hear about marriagable age women being complete whores? Complete demoralization, the break up of a very successful higher social construct.

Violation of conduct is violation of conduct. Sex with a minor, regardless of gender is against the law and there are reasons for it.
The fact that it's female teacher and a male student does not excuse it when the teacher clearly abuses the student emotionally and ,regardless of what the common wisdom might hold, it leaves a mental imprint on the adolescent psyche.

This also goes deeper, to the very foundations of our society and the respect that one expects to have for your elders, superiors and mentors and in return you get the same when you come of age and take your place in the society.

Such clear abuse of the minor disrupts this, damages child's view of adults and authority and might cause problems further down the line.
Children are a mentally fragile despite everything and all that happens influences them in one way or another, thus the extra protection that must be afforded so that they develop without any undue influence.

I agree with you generally but you still misunderstand why it doesn't apply entirely to this situation. Healthy relationships are not a product of the same shitty circumstances that the degeneracy you're against comes from - they come from entirely different situations with entirely different sorts of people involved. Treating them one and the same is both a real damn shame, and a fundamental misunderstanding of the variables involved in forming relationships.

Desensitization, for example, doesn't happen when a boy and a woman are involved with eachother, only eachother, and treasure it.

The modern west's complete and total fuckery when it comes to how relationships are formed and how they are treated is the problem you need to fix first. I guarantee it will remove the bad examples while leaving the good, and kill the harmful offshoots and branches sprouting from these situations.

I suspect they always did it to the extent they weren't married. They got away with it because people just didn't talk about shit like that back then. Go back further and men fucking young girls wasn't a very big deal either, so long as it was kept out of the view of the public.

I think you are romanticizing the picture here and cling to the fact of existence of such relationships when in all honesty, it's a relation borne out of lust and not really conducive to either the teacher's career and family life and student's emotional health, especially when sex is involved.

In the grand majority of cases, it's creating a social pathology.

Of course it's a relationship born of attraction and lust. All are. The only other ways a "relationship" can form, if these can even be called relationships, are political ones and "look how tolerant I am! Fuck you, dad!" ones.

It is conductive to a teacher's life in that it both gives her something to work on and grow, companionship, and secures her in a long-lasting, monogamous relationship.

It is conductive to a student's mental health for the reasons user posted here

You're right - it's absolute degeneracy in most cases. But for obvious reasons, they are born of different circumstances, which can be eliminated specifically.


it is not about MOLEST, for CS, it is about FUCKING woman!
it is man gender duty to fuck as much wimins, as he can
whats wrong with you, anyway? dont want to fuck pic related? didnt want to fuck her at the age 11?

Umm, you missed the part where they were fucking multiple boys and were emotionally manipulating and blackmailing them. If it were so great, the boys would not be ratting them out.

please don't associate yourself with my position

Allow me to escort you >>>/out/, Tyrone

Exactly this. Generally speaking, a boy will rat out a teacher who abuses them, because they're not quite so easily pursuaded into complete inaction and passivity as young girls. There are examples where nobody said anything about it fucking EVERYWHERE. They're quiet - because they're usually pretty happy.

I don't really disagree with student/teacher relationships, but you do have to admit that it would create a conflict of interest. The teacher would obviously not be willing to fail her lover on a test if he did piss poor on it with alot riding on the test score

Even if they are happy, it's still a pathology and abuse of a minor, which should be punished in accordance with statutes of law on the matter.

Once again with the confusing healthy and selfish relationships. An /actually caring/ lover would want her partner to grow and earn their success - in such an example, a teacher would likely put more focus and effort into teaching the object of their affections, in the hopes of them being more successful, but would not lie to them or cheat for them, generally. No decent, smart person would do that for their partner unless it was VITALLY important somehow - in which case I'd argue it's justified to protect the family.


Probably something to do with women these days being fucking good for nothing whores.

Oh fuck off, you are pushing for a fantasy at this point. This is abusive shit and yes

the fucking law of all modern countries prohibits this shit.

Fucking pedo shills, enabling cunts to be abusive to children only makes the society more crap.

Modern women are infantilized. They are petulant children who've been taught (like every millennial) that they can do no wrong and deserve everything.

OP wanted to know why it's happening now and not 20-30 years ago, that's why.

Trying to push some angle about any sort of "sacred teacher-student relationship" in all this is just bullshit. A woman have no place being any sort of mentor for a teenage boy in the first place. Actually, having women be teachers to teenage boys is more sick and degenerate than an older woman having sex with a teen boy. It worked haltingly in the old days, when the female teacher spinster character could be expected to be a total hard-ass who understood her role and obligations to society. Even then it was walking a fine line, done mostly out of necessity and as an auxiliary measure to male headmasters.

In a time where people are more isolated than ever, this behavior could be easily predicted. People automatically find objects of sexual desire among the people that surround them. Standards change with circumstance. If you were isolated of with a group of hambeast retarded women for the rest of your life, that queen of the pack… the one with a bit less jowl than the others and the decent eyes… would start looking more appealing as the years went by. Perhaps you would have the self respect to cling on to the nostalgia about better females, men can live in a mental world after all. But women can't. They are materialists by nature and have little control over such matters.

Many of these women leave college with weak ties to their families and no real friends. They are pretty much lonely cat ladies at 30. At best they've bagged some super beta husband that can't handle her at all. And the teen boys that surround them will have some appealing qualities. Many of them are not held in check with the feminized programming that the male faculty will have, that will make sure her colleagues are caught in a repressive loop of pretending she's not a sex object to them. Of course you will see more and more female teachers fucking their students.

This is all just human nature, and totally expected. It's been going on for decades now. The only new thing is feminazi states starting to go after these women. The "female rapist" joke is in it's infancy, that's why these ladies are not punished harshly, but it's coming. To the people who decry that this should be about "equality" and that they should be punished as harshly as men… you are playing right into the marxists hands. Of course it should be handled differently, because we're not fucking equal. Sex with an older woman is not traumatic for a boy. Sex with an older man CAN easily be traumatic for a girl. And even beyond that, our civilization is based on virginal sexual imprinting of women on their mate. Which is why when an old male bonks a young girl something socially destructive might have taken place (at least in a saner world,) but when an old woman fucks some teen boy nothing of value was lost… something might even have been gained.

So to all those who think the solution here is "equal" punishments or more rights for men to hedonistically fuck young girls, just kill yourselves. Any solution to these problems are far beyond any such weak tinkering within an already collapsed system. The left always does this… pushes the narrative far beyond reason so you get stuck in discussing the insane aspects of the symptoms instead of root cases.

tldr; you shouldn't be shocked what women teachers do or don't do… you should be shocked that there are women teachers AT ALL.

See, this guy gets it.

All I think it's important to keep in mind is that, in the rare instance where this happens with the already rare creature, a "not good for nothing whore", you don't hear any complaints nor libcuck screaming and yelling coming from them.

You've failed to read the thread. Also,

Holy FUCK go back to Israel


I did not fail anything. If you really want to call shill and Israel, look at your fantasies of "good teacher". Also, I recommend this

It basically nails the problem and takes it apart to it's base - you cannot have female teachers nowadays, they are good for nothing and invite problems.

Holy fuck you are deluded and obsessed with this. You must have been molsted yourself or have giant fixation with the subject.


Men aren't controlled by their emotions, sweetheart.

Most of these types of relationships are found out because the teacher is an uggo and the boy has decided he doesn't want to fuck her anymore, or because he bragged about it and word got out.

This, actually. Men should be in charge of teaching children. It should be clear that the man is in charge in this type of interaction, and they should be expected to control themselves while a student is in their care, because self control is a masculine trait that must be taught by example to all the younger boys.

Nice sources you got there.

You literally used modern law as evidence of what's moral. This is almost entirely contrary to every different strain of philosophy Holla Forums usually talks about.

I wish I had been "molested" by a decent woman - I'd be leaps and bounds ahead of where I am in emotional development and social skills.

Are you a robot?

Umm, these pictures at the top aren't that bad.

Seriously dude, are you an autist?

I can't really say I recognize what I said after you mangled it through your insane filter.

Women have many potential roles in society, and are quite capable as teachers to young girls. They have no place being teachers to boys. That's a root problem with all this, that any discussion of resulting down problems down the line rely on.

Women have been teen boys mentors since the dawn of civilization? Are you on drugs? I'm not talking about somalian civilization or whatever strange world you come from. I'm talking about aryan civilization.

Please eat poison.

Common sense is a source too. I'm sure it can be traumatic for some limp wristed feminized faggot with some sexual deviances going on, but that wasn't the point.

The point is that there is an inherent difference in a generalized sense.

So you just admitted to being a retard with a domination fetish by a mentor figure - explains your passion and obsession with the subject. Also majority of legislation we have right now is sound, if only because it's impossible to change 200 years of legal heritage in 20 years.

Right, because men definitely dedicated themselves to the tutoring of others' sons throughout history, rather than doing jobs that needed them.

I think you're talking about parents teaching children, which should be happening either way.

If I let you think that, will you go onto actually discussing any logical arguments? Also,

This is another one on the Daily Mail. Sub Teacher, did private tuition for a friends 16 year old kid and boned him in every house, hers, her parents. The fucking duck husband walks in with her to the courtroom, they let her off with everything except 'showing her breasts' to him.

As someone who's been defending a small subset of these situations throughout this thread, this is degenerate as fuck and the adults involved are absolute hedonistic scumfucks. Please do not fail to make the distinction between this-and-similar scenarios, and the ones discussed in this thread.

You don't even know

He cried like a like a little girl and begged for the court to go easy on his wife, see video (sry no embed)


The students she was getting gangbanged by were negro affleets, and iirc the husband knew and even watched

The case made a stir because the students were all 18, but she was prosecuted anyway because student-teacher relationships are illegal in TX, and she got a pretty harsh sentence

Umm, what were universities, academies, colleges, guilds, family businesses, church schools, monasteries, etc? From the time the boy was of age 7 or so, he passed from mother's care to father and from there he either went to school or became an apprentice - all under male tutelage with people that were dedicated to teaching children to some extent, based on their trade or position. Same with noble children that became guests and hostages at foreign courts - male teachers of all categories were employed, because only men taught of things that we would consider to be normal curriculum right now - history, mathematics, science.

Where is the distinction? They want to fuck young boys, and they do it aggressively and to the point they are caught.

What? Are you trying to be sarcastic? Yes, that's pretty much what's been going on. Male tutors for the aristocracy, and what evolved into the guild system for the plebs.

"Men dedicating themselves to the tutoriing of others' sons" is pretty much the foundation of my civilization… yours I have no idea about.


Are you actually retarded? Males of power and Knowledge took in other mens son's and made them their understudies, and put them into society, thought them. Whole families had attachments to more powerful families in this way, and they would keep it up for generations.

yea, well, imagine emotional trauma, when fucking a hoe

femminine spoted…

Great reading comprehension. also, the point still stand,s they were all ratted out by the boys themselves, so something must have troubled them. Don't take it from me though, look at each case yourself.

Just spotted the thread.

I am sorry if I sound stupid or like one particular kike here.
But, is it really that bad, for the boy at that age?

I remember when I was thirteen I fantasized about fucking almost everything, and I am sure that this is the case with most boys during puberty.

They are already fapping. So I don't see how a teenage boy filled with hormones getting head by his attractive teacher is as damaging as a male teacher raping a girl.

actualy, Boris from Novogord (pic related)


If you normalise the role of older woman fucking 12 year old boys, society is fucking destroyed. I did fuck my friends mother and it changed my sexual preference for my whole teens through early 20's. I wanted older woman.

But the main point allowing woman to become predatory and make older wires fucking teens a social norm, is fucking degenerate as fuck.

Alot of females of our generation are mentally stunted at the adolescent level, which is why when they become teachers they want to fuck adolescents.

Thats my speculation, based on how we have SJW women demanding "safe spaces" with crayons and puppie pictures and demanding everything they dont like be banned or they literally get hysterical and throw a tantrum.

Now that you mention it. Maybe that's it.
Because we know that the older a woman gets, the higher the chance of having a child with birth defects.

So if Jews try to push this and make older women fuck teens seem as normal. Maybe they do it to change sexual preference as you said to overlook younger, healthier girls at their age. Thus making it less likely for them to have children.

for sure they finaly understood they have doing very bad bad thing fucking horny schoolteacher, so they all regret that and went to the church

such feelings on board. femminine emphaty for poor poor boys… tears on keyboard…

o my…

Or they are like teenage boys. They brag about it.

I agree with the point that women shouldn't teach men. Teaching is a mans job because men are more intelligent and capable of inculcating gender roles and conservative morals.

Women should not even work, they should be housewives.

user is correct in saying it worked in the past with the old spinster widows and cat ladies, but that time is gone.

Women have a lower threshold of self control. They require the entirely of society to repress their degenerate nature with strict social norms.

Basically, religion and traditional values have collapsed do women are just being women.

pic related is 16 y old minor

early sexual experience turns people into leftists. Regardless of whether you think it is moral it must be prevented.

Jack Donnovan was right. We've entered Bonobo Masturbation Society.
Where males are apathetic and females define sex as a social act.

THIS is excelent!

Read this, "much trauma for boys" femminists of all genre, and learn something.

kinda suspected this

A mixture of over exposure to porn, stupid shit on social media, and feminism. They get off on how taboo it is. Yes im jelly of the teenagers though in a way, also NONE of my teachers we young. They were all old hags. All of them. Im not sure why there are so many younger teachers now. I graduated in 2004.

I just walked away all red in the face. Damn, i would have loved for that to happen when I was in high school by a hot mom.

Fucking degenerate whore, Did she have kids?

Would you trust him with running a company, having children, handle long-term financial and personal stress, deal with lot of people on daily basis and understand all aspects of social life on a level of a 30 year old?
No? That's because he's 16 and has achieved and experienced fuck all in his life. that's why he is a minor and that's why we give him no legal responsibilities and rights until he becomes of age. To top it off, he is still developing, both mentally and physically so yes, he is a minor, i.e not an adult either legally, mentally or physiologically.

I dont remember. Probably but they werent with her.

Disgusting. She did that to her friends child. WTF?

Kids these days, can't keep a secret


Must have been too busy LARPing

Are you jealous of this?

get fucked

fucking disgusting
but he's a beaner so chances are he's done some fucked up things and is in due of some karma

trailer trash tbh fam

Actualy, 16 was legal to marry for boys, and 14 for girls, before judenlaws change that for the sake of fewer white children and "womens emancipation". I bet, juden wish to change that to 24/22 if possible.
Yes, I would trust 16 years old boy to marry 14 years old virgin girl and have 10 children in next 10 years or so. It is more natural this way, than 30 years old beta marry some 30 years old hoe with 1000 cock stare…

Even if the boy was unaffected by normal sex, there's no guarantee that's what he's getting. What if the woman uses a dildo on the poor sap?

This makes a lot of sense. all these brainwashed cunts out of school claim everything is rape, video games are sexist, and use adult coloring books and shit. At the same time, they are shameless whores so naturally they want to fuck someone that they see as cute and can dominate somtimes. That doesnt mean they cant still have their normal bfs or husbands….just think some guys have been cucked by a teenagers.

And I wouldn't. You know why? because today, these kids were not raised by the same values that made these things work generations ago. We are dealing with a new generation of man-children that are disasters waiting to happen and these teachers are a symptom.

I know you hurt because you want to diddle jailbait, but you have to understand that the rot is already in people's minds and that legislation alone won't fix it.

It's not new. Women are far more sexually deviant than men. If you applied the same ruleset to women as you do men for this type of behavior most women would be in prison for raping multiple drunk men. A good chunk of women would be in prison for propositioning a minor. ETC.

Because the 13 yo girl wants it too. And not really wants it, but neither does the male. They just feel and think they want it during that period of time in their lives.

If you don't think 13 yo girls are rampant hrondogs just like the males are you're lying to yourself.

So we have made a full circle and discovered that badly-raised and uncontrolled women are emotionally-driven fuckholes, just as described by the ancients who were apparently overbearing patriarchs.

Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

10/10 would fuck

What is wrong with Britain and cuckoldry fetish
I don't get it


It probably has to do with the fact that most of these teacher graduated from Unis that make it so hard for males to enrrol and finish that there is only a very limited number of them available for dating and since they all have a practical harem at their beck & call the do not care for engagin in monogamous relationships, wich leaves many females frustrated and frigid.

Then they graeduate and after scuh a long time of being gender segregated and frustrated while hearing all the femitard liveration bullshit throughout their whole education (as explained by )

They end up surrounded by "yet to be cucked" horny as fuck teenage boys who are constantly being sexualized and are easy to manipulate, and since they are though to be a special snowflake the give in to temptation for not being able to measure the concecuences of their actions

don't know

think it has to do with liberalism. we are literally turning into rabbits. rabbits start fornicating with the young very early

Well which is it?
Make up your mind.

Depends on which country we are talking.
In Russia 18/16 is still quite common and mostly very succesiful. But I understand your point, its about West.

Still, nobody on the fucking whole earth can convince me, fucking older woman is some kind of trauma for the boi. Well, maybe, if she is some stinky old hillarylike hag.

It's probably always happened but now males are so cucked and emasculated that they feel like they have to report it to the authorities

I wish this would've happened to me growing up tbh. I had some hot teachers.

Obviously they do, several girls in my middle school back then talked about it all the time.

Because males and females are a sexually dimorphic species.

Stop being chained to leftist rulesets when thinking about something.

Reported for not even trying.

They are after the sexual pleasure as they were told it is okay to be slut and single. Many of the feminists are hedonist.

Can't believe I'm seeing such a weak response from you guys.

A woman molesting a young boy is degenerate as fuck. And don't give me that crap about "oh he probably enjoyed it, I mean teenage boys are horny, right?". Yeah and I've heard about countless young girls who get molested who achieve orgasms because the old pervert knows what he's doing. That doesn't mean it isn't degenerate as fuck.

I don't care what teenage boys think they want. Teenage boys are stupid, which is why we don't let them drink, vote, or drive. A teacher taking advantage of her power as a teacher in order to get sexual relief is degenerate and it should not be encouraged.

Really, it's the feminists and cultural marxists that want to encourage this kind of behavior. The whole idea that female sexuality needs to be liberated and it's oppressive to expect women to close their legs. These women should be put up against a wall and shot, just like their male counterparts.

Everyone I know is tired of me calling whether it was a man or woman accused as soon as it hits the news, purely based on whether they say 'rape/sexual assault' or 'sex/sexual contact.'

That is exactly how sexual attraction works.

In my group of friends, I am the one who never has a girlfriend, never 'work hard to get ahead,' I don't blow my money on women, houses, or new vehicles, so I have lots of freedom. I DO have money, but other than being generous with friends, I never talk to the girls about it and make it absolutely clear they will see none of it. I am absolute in my stance about not giving the women anything. I don't do favors for them. No helping them move, no bringing them shit, no buying them shit.

And every wife, gf, sister, mother in my social circle has shown that they were attracted to me, and I have been blatantly offered sex by women in every category. A commanding presence is attractive to women. This is often reflected by a position of authority. The sleazy types of authority figures are still attractive, because in most women's minds, if he has one then he probably has the other.

I'm no chad. It's just the way women are. They want resources and security, but that has nothing to do with who they fuck, since most guys historically would offer those. I assume they want the authority figure because of their mentality and for sexy sons reasons. Besides, they don't need money and security directly from men anymore.

Will be using that

The only thing that troubled them was the irresistible urge to brag about it to their peers, you really can't count on discretion from a 14 year old who just banged his hot teacher in any circumstance.

Diden't south park do an episode of this a few years ago?

They're energy vampires fam

You are a complete faggot if you didn't want to fuck any of your teachers.

what about 14 year old girls? does that rule also apply?


A lot of these cases involve coal burning.

Blacks develop faster than whites and their low average IQ means they have a lack of inhibitions when compared to their white classmates, making it more likely for them to flirt with their teachers.

Case in point:


but the teacher should not want to fuck you


Theyre probably bi polar

These, plus the simple fact that it's completely normal for sexual tension to develop when you have one adult in a room all day every day with dozens of horny teenagers. The only unusual part of the situation is that women can (figuratively) get away with murder, so they fear repercussions less and thus there are a disproportion number of female teachers fucking male students.

It will be interesting to see how society will change as the goes on. Will it result in women being regarded with the same suspicion as men, will sexual relations between adults and teenagers be normalized, or will the double standard continue on in silence?

I always wished my 7th grade English teacher would have had her way with me.

and I wished my male teacher had his way with me female

doesn't mean it should be allowed.

they've been fucking 14 year old boys since they were 11 year old girls

I wish my 11th grade english teacher had her way with me. She was damn fine.

the modern jewniggered woman is trained to throw herself at the biggest dick in her personal radius regardless of age, intelligence, or non-sociopathy, and to hate every other male around her, regardless of age and focused especially on intellience and caring about other people

I don't think this is a big deal. The teacher should simply be fired and then report to me since she has been a bad girl and I will have to punish her for her misconduct.

Why the fuck didn't this happen to me. GOD DAMN IT I HATE MY LUCK.


And the male students who are charged with raping the teacher who molested them…



Seriously this shit right here. Education 'classes' are a fucking joke and nothing more than indoctrination.

getting fugged by the teacher is only slightly more impressive than having sex with the bicycle rack itself

Because (((someone))) Is trying to push something

Because they know they won't be punished. The system is completely on their side.

Social Studies Teacher.

7/10 women in Education major are enormous whores, the other 3/10 are saints bordering on nun like indifference to men.

Also, Edu majors are dumb as fuck.

Not that widespread but it does happen. Likely as much as it does with male teachers if not more

Either way. Imagine you're some young nobody pretty-girl in highschool. You're good at schoolwork and not much else, chad probably pretended he liked you so he could finger you once during the school band trip. You like him a lot but unfortunately he's playing 2 other stupid girls at the same time. It's the closet you've gotten to the hottest guy in school though and it made you feel special. You really wished you could have that movie perfect highschool experience.

Fastforward and you've already had a whoreish few years of school and it's over! You've graduated and you're already working to become a teacher because you don't know anything else.

Next thing you know, you're a young twenty something that's never grown up mentally in a place that left you wanting more. You see another young chad and you can't help it.

tldr female teachers are mentally stunted children trying to relive the longing for something they missed experiencing in highschool so they molest children. It's a mental thing for women.

Isn't it like every teenager's fantasy to have their way with an older woman?

>7/10 women in Education major are enormous whores, the other 3/10 are saints bordering on nun like indifference to men.

women aren't good at anything besides sucking cock, my suspension of disbelief for the sake of a parable only goes so far user

Maybe birth control hormones fucking up sex drive?

Are the boys Chads, NEETs, or Negroes?

What are you talking about you pervert?


It says the degenerate whore was a bisexual and involved with underage girls too.

Because adult Western men are too immasculated to be attractive, many young men's physiological condition overriding any propaganda that has taken hold, and all women are whores to masculinity at heart.


I know a few teachers and there is a reason you never get into arguments over unions with women teachers. They will never fucking shut up. And these see catholic school teachers. Holy shit.

We always knew something was off about that repairman.

I dated one in high school. Everyone suddenly came up to me and started asking if she let me cum in her mouth. People I didn't know too. It was funny, suddenly realizing you might get laid that weekend.

Fuck off Chaim.

Because women have historically had issues keeping their pants firmly on their asses when in the presence of anything remotely-male, and currently the problem is far worse than ever thanks to both pampered princess feminist bullshit and pedophilia normalization, both being pushed by kikes as hard as possible. When presented with an opportunity to get a dicking, regardless of whether it's from a kid or not, or even from a nigger, their brains turn to mush and the panties come off, because that's what a "strong, independent woman" is meant to do in the modern age. Self-control is overrated, if you're a modern woman.

Because between their own utter lack of ability to avoid taking a dick for 5 minutes these days, and the natural horniness that comes from the sudden development and hormonal surges brought on by puberty in boys, you get a perfect storm of dumbasses with poor self-control meeting and fucking like rabbits. The boys and their teachers both only think so far as "want to fuck, gonna get fucked", and everything plays out from there like a slow-motion train wreck. Plus, young boys tend to have at least a tiny vestige of masculinity left that hasn't been drilled out of them by commie teachers, and women instinctively crave masculinity no matter how much they deny it, something sorely-lacking in the average cuck and dangerous-to-obtain from dindus. Minimal risk (according to the sex-and-marxism-addled modern female brain) for maximum reward, and the path of least resistance to obtaining said reward.

Because white culture post-suffrage has serious issues with the concept of punishing women equally for fuckups as it would men, since the loss of the given of a stable marriage means every action is part of a competition to get laid on the whims of random women, and the brain goes haywire enough for men to subconsciously base their decisions on the effects upon the chances of sex they have. If you punish that dumbass woman for doing something stupid, even if she has no idea who you are and would never care, the brain says it might hurt your hypothetical chance of getting to fuck her, so you instinctively hold back. And that's just for the ones who aren't mindless slaves to anything with a vagina, because they think that's what "manhood" really is according to their commie professors' "teachings".

And before someone says "lol fuck off MGTOW", I'm not saying we shouldn't give women the time of day and leave them die to nig hordes, like those defeatist fucks.

The easiest, fastest, most sensible and most rewarding solution to the problem is a simple revert to the old ways, where the vast majority of women are looked after by and restrained to a husband who can keep them from hurting themselves like retarded children, and men are the ones who run the world while women fill a supplementary role, as was the functional and perfectly-good standard for millennia. The only women who'd get "muh freedom and equality" are extreme anomalous individuals, who have higher intelligence/masculinity/etc. than most women which makes them as distant to their peers as white men are to niggers, and who can prove extensively their ability to function alone without fucking shit up.