Dear Insomnia,
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your CSS sucks
Fuck you
Dear Insomnia,
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your CSS sucks
Fuck you
I hate dysnomia and I want to fucking find out what food he likes so I can give him the OPPOSITE of that.
Dear Board Owner
I don't care what people say, I like you. Your goofy retardation is endearing and you are the head pocket in charge we need and DEFINITELY fucking deserve. Fucking with the CSS is a very welcome break from the word filters as any idiot can set the CSS in the fucking options.
Please never ever let Cat's Cradle come back, that shit was the most embarrassing "ruse" ever. I cringe for you and everyone else that was in there. That said I would love to see more /Fringe/ or /X/ stuff here, especially in October. Somebody make some threads about occult stuff and other spoopy shit.
Holla Forums frequent poster.
Oh my god shut the fuck up you fucking FAGGOT!!!!!!!
Look my fellow faggot we are not JJJS any more!
Dear Dysnomia
I'm going to fuck you in your ass till you die.
You do your job, and I know most people hate you, but Holla Forums wouldn't be around if you didn't do it. You even have a sense of humor sometimes, and are the only mod as far as I know that talks to the userbase.
You even get rid of the stupid as shitposter's cuck threads that show up from time to time, and that is always a plus
Having no board owner at all would be better than having you. Your samefagging is obvious and your jokes are unfunny. I can only imagine what kind of loser you are IRL.
No he doesn't, he bans "pedoshit" that is not against the law but doesn't (perma)ban underages of which it is illegal to participate in some of Holla Forums's content. there are almost definitely a bunch of other inconsistencies that i haven't been around for
This is the most retarded statement in your post, dysnomia only moderates Holla Forums. This place was around long before he irc and tripfag cyclical circlejerked his way up to mod position, and will be around after he gets demoted
No, le funny oldfage reaction images and catchphrases and changing the css to be shitty along with occasionally stickying random threads isn't humor, it's generic, shallow memeing. Basically the imageboard equivalent of signaling "I AM PART OF THIS USERBASE I AM ACQUAINTED WITH OUR CULTURE". Anybody can do it if besides the most new 2010-era rage comic reposting "shill"-spouting faggot. He is actually pretty humorless in that I've never actually cracked up at any of his posts in that way that I do with, say, actually funny greentext stories.
Jesus christ FUCK you. You clearly weren't here for exodus era-Holla Forums when hw would crack jokes, and you clearly have plebeian board taste if he is the ONLY mod you know that does that.
So he deletes a thread for a reason other than it being against the global rule or spam intensive enough that it may make browsing and navigation harder? Seems very against the spirit of Holla Forums for me, and it's pretty gay that you encourage a mod deleting something that he subjectively doesn't like. You should probably just kill yourself.
Obvious pedo spamming, goon shilling nonsense mixed in with dashes of truth. Get out.
I don't like Dysnomia.
But I like you much less.
I believe you dysnomia.
Yeah, this one post that contains no repeated messages nor advocacy or postings of child pornography is "pedo spamming". And this post which is not advocating or advertising for any particular product, especially not a 10-dollar-membership at the Something Awful Forums™, is "goon shilling nonsense". Nice shitty outdated buzzwords.
Ok pal. Good argument.
I don't really care about 3DPD pedos being banned. They have a victim complex, and if you give them an inch they'll feel entitled to a mile, and start to push what they can get away with.
I meant moderation in general. If no one did the job, the feds would come shut us down, and I don't have anywhere to go.
comedy is subjective, so I am not arguing with you on this. He has done a few things I though were funny, that is all I meant by it.
I am talking about post-HW, haven't seen any other mods post anything, unless it had something to do with the rules
Well he didn't delete the thread out right. The shitposter that comes around every few weeks and posts the interracial cuck threads, also post pedo threads, so the poster got banned and the OP of the cuck thread it said "(user was banned for this post)" as kind of joke I guess, that being said I wouldn't care if the cuck threads were banned, I prefer them be banned actually
No really. Shut your fucking mouth. There are plenty of reasons to shit all over dysnomia but everything said there designed to justify putting on a clinic of sliding, spamming, "not pedo" but still fucking pedo bait threads of which there were at least half a dozen at all times this past week until they get banned and then bitch about it.
It's the same shit over and over, forever.
Until he completely disappeared for months and sulked away to never be heard from again except in a fucking blog post.
The dashes of truth to try to make your defense of utter cancerous content palatable. It's not.
I never post here - I mostly stay in Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /a/ and /monster/. Who the fuck is Dysnomia? I assume its the BO. Okay, but is he a new BO? Actually, I know hotwheels was the board owner when he still owned this hellhole, but I have no idea who got to control this place after he sold it.
he is a mod on here, that talks to Anons.
I see. And are you guys mad at him or something?
Dysnomia is the "Board Owner" in name as no one officially handed over the board to him when Hot Wheels was demoted. The way he tells it, Mark (BO of Holla Forums) had the keys and gave it to him.
A lot of vols quit in protest or mistrust when HW got demoted and there was no clear line of succession.
Some hate him, some not.
he is kind of unfunny and ties to makes jokes that don't work most of time.
And he is in charge of the "no child images" on Holla Forums and pedos are pretty mad over it
I was here
Interesting. This is aimed at the /hebe/ community, right? Or does it extend to anime grills as well?
no, just 3DPD children, loli and shota are fine. He has said that many times
So you consider a group of people being banned purely by that fact that they adhere to a certain school of thought, irregardless by the legality/spam status of their school of thought, to not be anything of note. A group, the fringe postings of which violate the sitewide group but the majority of which don't, to be all told to fuck off by association to a certian type of problematic posting doesn't ring any bells for you.
The DOST, and "being cautious", is what Holla Forums legally goes by for determining whether something is child porn or not. The pedos can argue over what constitutes as child porn under the DOST, but argument-especially that against a moderating position of power- is completely healthy and they can't actually change it.
Or we could get someone else to moderate Holla Forums, I mean. He isn't the sole mod keeping us afloat, and if you wanted the most accurate moderation possible IMO-that under lowcard's regime- you could send him an apology letter or something begging him to come back. It doesn't have to be this one guy.
Fair enough.
As a certified patrician taste board browser I can tell you there's a lot of obscure tripfag/avatarfag circlejerks where the mod is a member of the community. He definitely isn't the only one, period. With a site as surprisingly expansive as Holla Forums there are plenty out there.
SJWs prefer your postings be banned. Thank god for free speech.
In which part exactly? I said that he should delete illegal content and spam (intensive enough that it may make browsing and navigation harder being a logical addendum, because two posts in the same thread or people arguing for a thread's length could qualify as spam if you twist the definition enough). If you think I'm pro-spam you're drawing that opinion from your own perception of the tone of my post.
See, a "pedo" thread isn't a very good category. I consider only threads with child pornography to be pedo threads, as would anyone that advocates for full freedom of expression under the extent of the law. I don't know about you, though. It seems you want certain opinions (note that shitpostings like "i love cunny xD" are completely legal content) to be banned, irregardless if they are illegal or even in a still-capable-of-getting-the-site-taken-down grey area of legality, which is pretty anti-full freedom of expression under the extent of the law if you ask me.
The exodus to Holla Forums was just one giant bitching fest. It was- a massive, spergy bout of whining and complaining because an actually rather small group of people couldn't have their special little generals on Holla Forums. And yet, it exposed the 4chan mods and janitors for the censoring self-rightious assholes that they were. It gave the world something great- the darkest reaches of the internet, where anybody can say whatever want under the law, even if it makes you uncomfortable or you rightfully despise the group of people saying it. Maybe bitching is better than staying complacent all the time? Is having ideals about upholding the site to the standards it's decided to be upholded by bad?
Okay, and? A "cuck" thread is legal, and if it's not the same thread over and over it isn't spam, either. Although you are kind of twisting my point around- I am defending free speech. I am defending your very post's right to exist, and every other post that should be allowed to exist. Yes, that includes the worst of shitposts and dumps from an user's interracial porn collection. But that's the only way to do it.
He would, I don't see what's the problem? Although props to codemonkey for posting on here and /sudo/ and being really active and responsive, that has been a nice experience.
I know, unfortunate. How is that a point against my post though? I'm not really denying that that happened.
This is how anti free speech arguments work- A certain line is drawn between "bad" speech and "good" speech. In your case, cancerous posts. It could also be hateful posts, or racist posts, or harassing posts. It's all the same- "this content is bad, so it should be exempt from free speech." I hope you see how inherently fallacious that is.
Good. Then I dont give a shit.
3D only. It was Jim and the new admin, c0demonkey, who initiated the purge of pedo/hebe content. But it is still defined by the incredibly subjective DOST test. Dysnomia did make the decision to interpret it more strictly as well, similar to how they tend to see it. He (dysnomia) has said he believes that pedo content and communities leak all over (from their now gone containment thread here for example.) They dare each other to post more and more borderline stuff.
In just the past few days, librechan (started by Potion, former BO of /hebe/) was shut down, causing a bit of a flare up here in that old drama. Check out his post on >>>/operate/ for his account of how Jim clumsily or shadily was banning and deleting content on his board before the official demotion of HW from admin.
There was a lot of other drama over the summer that went on here involving bad blood between Josh, pedos, incessant spamming, dysnomia fucking up at times, and all sorts of other cancer. It was shitty for most of us.
Remove yourself from the gene pool, kiddo.
I said I don't care about them being banned. Sorry if I can't find a fuck to give about defending 3DPD pedos. I just don't really give shit, and if you want to get technical, they aren't banned, they are just not allowed to post pics of children. Oh poor them, fuck yourself.
Sorry, still can't find a fuck to give about them be able to post pics of children.
I would thank anyone who does the job of being a mob for Holla Forums
I don't really go to the cilclejerk threads , so my view of this might be a little narrow, but he is the only mod I see post around Holla Forums
Call an sjw all you like. Sorry if I would prefer the cuck shitposters to go elsewhere
Absolutely not, to any of that, I'm afraid.
No. We have had enough for a lifetime
Other than hilarious "obscure films" fuck ups, no. Again, we have had enough for two years straight. It's not random, interesting, entertaining, fun or necessary at all.
He ain't coming back, but feel free to try. Rumored to be seen around krautchan.
No. Melt, you cunt.
Okay? As a statement, it's a non-argument. There's no way to reply to it other than poiting out that it doesn't actually refute any of points without devolving into the same level of shit-flinging as him, so I chose the former.
So all of the above can be summarized as saying "I don't care" over and over, which really can't be responded to. You're apathetic about free speech and you don't actually care about it, as long as the people that are being censored are people you don't like. If it effects you you suddenly start to care. The argument is that just because you think it shouldn't be posted doesn't mean you shouldn't defend it's right to be posted, but you don't give a shit. So stay complacent, until you eventually get censored and then cry out. Because that always works.
Only if they do a good job, though. And dysnomia doesn't.
I'm talking about Holla Forums in general. If you're talking about on;y Holla Forums, then I gues omlet sometimes posts, but not really. Of course, when a mod can't help but get into petty fights with his users, it's better they don't interact at all.
I'm not calling you an sjw. I'm comparing your school of thought to an SJW's- that certain speech is "bad" enough, from their own subjective opinion, that it deserves to go away.
Who are you to speak for the entire board? You don't like certain content, despite the fact that under the rules it should be allowed. "It is bad enough in my opinion to be censored" is not an argument, because it's from what you personally consider bad posts. From another person's perspective you would be censored. So drawing an arbitrary line between the shitposts and the non-shitposts is inherently counter intuitive, because "shitposts" don't exist in an objective sense. They're just all posts, and they're just all forms of speech,
So you want to censor people's opinions that you don't consider entertaining/interesting/fun enough to you? If a post isn't "necessary" it should be removed"
Nice argument.
meant to also link to
Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth.
Nice argument.
There is nothing else to say, but I don't care about pedos, or their 'right' to post pics of 3DPD children.
I just can't find a reason to.
You can use free speech as a justification for defending them, but the mods thus far haven't been trying to ban other things, and if they do try to start to ban other things, then I'll start to care, and again they aren't really banned, they just not allowed to posted the pics they want.
Again subjective. At least there isn't as much spam
well okay I can agree with that, but as long as he isn't using the ban hammer to 'win' those fights, then I don't really care
Oh no, it is sjw by nature. It is authoritarian, but sorry I hate cuckholds, ntr, and cheating to a point where I don't tolerate it
Well, I mean, how is it a 'right' and not an actual non-sarcastic Right under the 1st amendment? As long as it's not CP, of course.
I think they will. This happened with 4chan and even leddit- pedophiliac but legal content was the first to go. Then dox, then raids, etc. etc. I'll see you again someday, I think.
He's threatened me with a permaban but that's really all I've seen. The thing is he bans by critica of something being "pedoshit" or not-which is completely different than being CP. The post could not even have a file attached and it could be pedoshit under his definition.
Well at least you're willing to admit that your standards are different than the standards Holla Forums was founded by, or libertarianism.
I only really apply free speech shit to ideas, and the free market of ideas, them being able to get off to pics of kids doesn't really have anything to do with new ideas, and it has the potential hurt some people, free speech can take a hit for this imo.
maybe, but 4chan and reddit had monopolies, and I don't think Holla Forums with ever have that.
well, if he banning people that aren't posting files of 3DPD, then yeah, someone needs to talk to him about that.
call me whatever you like, just don't get in the way of me butchering them, thanks
In a legal sense that's not really how free speech works though.
Not in a moderative sense, but in an adminstrative sense we do. Only a decentralized network wouldn't.
Lol what? I'll attempt to protect the free speech this site claims to offer to it's full legal limits, I don't know if that's "getting in the way" or not.
Oh I'm sorry, I thought I made a thread about making letters to Dysnomiassfaggot. But instead I made a thread about faggot ass bullshit because that's what's going on in this thread.
Oh my god, you stalkers STILL hate Dysnomia?
It is just my opinion.
not even that. Holla Forums isn't in a position like 4chan and reddit
You're getting in the way of banning cucks., and I don't really appreciate it.
It could be though. Things change, would you have predicted Holla Forums being under codemonkey's ownershipa year ago?
Okay, don't appreciate it. I mean, there's still only one global rule.
I talking about now, not will be.
if it does become a monopoly I don't really think it will then we'll worry about it.
I don't care about the rules, I want to purge.
I'll like dysomnia when he posts a pic of his ass.
Dear Silvagunner:
Come back and become the Holla Forums BO.
Try making your own board with rules against "cucks", I'm sure there'll be an audience for it.
Laugh at him, Enzo. Laugh.
Killllllllll Yourrrselllffffff
I swear if I had a higher opinion of dysnomia's scheming power hoarding abilities I'd think these guys were him making the most idiotic cases to get rid of him by pointing out the one good thing he's done.
Sorry we failed OP. Silvagunner thread?
You just need to bee more understanding
This is the part where you tell me to buzz off
And All I did was leave a fly-by comment
But it offends you sensitive, stingy personality
or we could purge here
Are you underage?
Friendly reminder that trying to reason with a troll only makes him laugh harder.
And dysnomia loves to troll us
i hate him aswell but there is absolutely nothing we could do about it.
If it was up to me Omlet would be BO or someone like nugger, who would never post as BO to shitpost but only post as BO when there is something important to discuss, and would only delete content when it broke the global rules, or if someone was flooding us. Generally, he would accept Holla Forums for the shit hole that it is.
you are literally a furry avatarfag.
If it was up to me Omlet would be BO or someone like nugger, who would never post as BO to shitpost but only post as BO when there is something important to discuss, and would only delete content when it broke the global rules, or if someone was flooding us. Generally, he would accept Holla Forums for the shit hole that it is.
of course faggots will have their oh-so-delicate sensibilities triggered by the spooky pedo or "cuck" threads and sperg out
what the fuck is disomia?
lurk more