
Help shill for Trump by increasing the distrust/lack of affection Berniefags have towards Hillary. Go into question mode (or just chat) and try to create questions that make you seem like a Berniefag who is totally not into the cheating fraud, Hillary.

Come on Holla Forums. You may only get one or two people every few minutes, but that's adds up with the sheer number of those using Jew tactics against the Jews.

Other urls found in this thread:


"Welp, Bernie got cheated out of the election. Are you stupid enough to vote for Hillary?"

Is probably better. More people will hate Hillary if they remember how she cheated Bernie through corrupt means out of his spot as the Democrat representative.


Good man. I've gotten a few Hillaryfags that got TRIGGERED and resorted to using the "the opposition is autistic" insult. I shoulda capped the stuff in hindsight. It was good for some laughs.


I tried to switch it up to seem even more neutral. It seems to be working.

A vote for not Hillary from a Bernie supporter is as good as a vote for Trump from one.

Omegle is 90% 15 year olds. You're wasting your time. If you actually want to make a difference, push this on Faceburg or some other social engineering site.

I would, but I got banned for 30 days for "posting pornography" (shirtless traps). As soon as I can, though, I'm putting as much propaganda on Facecuck and other social media sites as possible.

actually its half as good.

I hate to inform you, but maybe 5 or 7 years ago the average age was 15.
It's 2016 and now it's filled with crops of first-time voters.
Also if they just click by, I can probably reach more people faster (24 a minute if they all d/c).

this one is still going

I like the way you reworded yours. Also, good on that Trumpfag for trying to coerce the opposition that Trump is the lesser of two evils (because that's the best you can get with most liberals).

pt.2 Electic Trumpaloo

I'm not a fan, tbh fam.

You're signaling way too hard against Trump.

Remember: These people just not showing up to the polls is much more feasible than them showing up to vote for Trump, and equally as beneficial - so long as they aren't voting for Hillary, the result is the same.

Damn. That Trump supporter did a pretty good job.

Remember, even just making them mull over things like this helps out Trump. Phrases used by others turn into thoughts, which turn into doubts, which turn into beliefs.

"Trump will win, it's already guaranteed."

Even simple phrases like that help win the election from those who like to go with popular vote/inevitable outcomes (though it could be hurtful if said around individuals who tend to be freeriders).

Guys pls.

Case and point.

What do you think I should alter in the question?

I was thinking this would be good: If Bernie loses, will you bow the knee to Hillary Clinton? Is the establishment really on our side?

If you can't get people to vote Trump, a good alternative is to convince them to cause chaos at the Democrat Convention.

"We can't nominate someone currently under FBI investigation! That's insane!"


Satan's right. Listen to him.

I don't even know what's going on in this chat.

Chaotic Evil non-American Holla Forums user meets stereotypical liberal faggot? Either way, he's working against the cause right now. I wish he'd stormfront somewhere else.

Forgot pic

Part 2

I was actually rooting for the liberal in this one. That other user was annoyingly obnoxious (though not wrong in his ideology).


I'm trying a new thing. Give two out of three answers for someone to choose that would be favorable for Trump. Try to use those as boundary lines for people to think inside of the box.


I have some that from a few days ago. pretty funny to see people rage on about extremely loaded questions

You did good. I don't think you signalled to hard, I mean you didn't cold cock a Trump suppoter. But that user is right, alot of these Bernouts will never get back to a voting booth.

…you guys know that only thing I do is provide the question on top and just watch the other two argue, right?

Hmph. Imagine that.

Made a nigger into a trump supporter,

I am not delton just rping as a nigger

wow dude call the burn unit

How do I screencap better?

A bit of the log

I really want to make fun of you.
I really do.
If this was pre-2014 I'd mock your ass off the internet.
But people don't know this shit for some reason these days.

Print your screen and crop in Paint.

also have 1 in pure text. I thought it was a legit muslim, so i took the opportunity to ask some stuff that i was interested about. He talked in all caps for some reason.

Lastly i'd like to add that i got some cool responses with the following question:

"Left side of politics wants us all to become rabbits. Right side of politics wants us all to become wolves."

I find that if you make your question too long, some people will instantly skip, make it too simple, and people will skip too. There are some other things that i tried before i came up with that question, all related to r/K theory.

I meant if you could resize the chat since its not wide but very tall, not how to fucking snipping tool retard.


Has Holla Forums taken over Omegle?

Cap the original screen, not the log?


This one was pretty interesting.

I've done it Holla Forums. I think I've found the edgiest man on the world wide web


Damn nice job man. You started off a little sketchy but you started talking just like one of them about half way. Good job.

probably a mexican

working on a redpill right now:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like anime.

You: shalom

You: hello

Stranger: hi

Stranger: sorry i had to google shalom

You: no problem goy

You: how are things ?

Stranger: things are well

You: that is splendid

Stranger: you?

You: could be better

Stranger: oh whats wrong?

You: too many palestinians

You: how can we have a Jewish homeland when the palestinians are taking up all the space

Stranger: or everyone could live happily together

Stranger: that would be cool

You: no, israel is a jewish state

You: non-jews have no place in israel

You: because of the holocaust

You: never forget the six million

Stranger: yo us armenians had a genocide committed against up. i dont automatically hate turkish people because of that

Stranger: us*

You: are you anti-semitic?

Stranger: no

You: you sure are sounding a bit anti-semitic here

You: hitler killed six million jews, israel is a jewish homeland, if we let others in they might holocaust us again

Stranger: im against your particular opinion that two groups of people can't live in harmony. that has nothing to do with my opinion of an entire culture

You: also, are you in america?

Stranger: yes

You: israel is your greatest ally

You: can't you see how all your politicians support israel first

You: it's quite bigoted that you don't feel that jews deserve their own homeland

Stranger: a giant part of armenia is now under turkish control, and you're telling me im against people retaining their homeland? I'm in full support of you keeping your homeland, I just think peace is a better option than anything else

You: do you like to watch movies?

Stranger: yes

You: well, don't you know all the major hollywood studios are run by jews? so without us you guys wouldn't have movies

You: and almost all the actors are jewish too

Stranger: im well aware of that

You: disney is run by jews too, so if you like marvel

You: also google

You: facebook

You: and practically all the news corporations

You: so you guys owe us a lot

You: and the banks. you wouldnt have money to buy houses without us lending it

You: and the financial reserve

You: you know we're only 2% of the population in america, but the contributions we make!

You: half of the nobel prize winners are jewish

You: you wouldnt have gay marriage without us jews

You: nor trans rights

You: or feminism

You: all these wonderful movements are primarily funded, run, and promoted by jews

You: how about black lives matter? George Soros (jew) funds that too. where would you guys be without all this progress for equality and human rights?

You: and soon we're going to be able to remove the second amendment and stop guns from killing more innocent people

You: you better vote for hillary if you can, and if you can't tell all your family members to

Stranger: well im definitely not voting trump

You: excellent

You: we're going to push for more diversity in the west

You: especially europe

You: you can see how germany, britain, france, are all turning multicultural now

You: soon whites will be a minority

You: for america that will be by 2050

You: then we can stop racism once we eliminate white people

You: are armenians white?

Stranger: they're technically part of europe. kinda white but pretty tanned on average

You: well, they will have to be more diverse now too, need more migrants from africa

You: otherwise we can't stop racism

You: you need to get a black girlfriend

You: and have mixed kids

You: only way to stop racism

Stranger: okay now you're speaking of inclusion, but you were just speaking about trying to remove a particular people from a place

You: what?

You: what's wrong with more diversity

Stranger: you said how can we have a Jewish homeland when the palestinians are taking up all the space

You: diversity for everyone, and Israel for the jewish peoples

You: Yes. that's right

Stranger: maybe i am misunderstanding you

Stranger: please explain the situation to me

You: Jews got holocausted and deserve their own homeland.
White people are innately racist and need diversity.

You: is armenia part of EU?

You: because if they let turkey in

You: there will be millions of turks rushing into other european countries

You: a lot more diversity

Stranger: hold up for a second

Stranger: innately racist?

You: yes white people are racist

You: because slavery

Stranger is typing…

My brow furrowed as I read

Stranger: hold up for a second

Stranger: innately racist?

You: yes white people are racist

You: because slavery

Stranger: I'll admit there are some places in the US where racism is rampant and its pretty terrible, but at least in the areas I've lived in people were not racist

You: no, white people just existing is racist.

You: because power + privilege

You: have you checked your white privilege?

You: didn't you listen to Bernie Sanders (also jewish), "White people don't know what it feels like to be poor."

You: but you can see how unfair america is to jewish people since hillary stole the election from him

Stranger: I'm all for bernie sanders, but im confused by your statement of "white people just existing is racist"

Stranger: can you elaborate, because I don't think I agree

You: Because of white privilege, you can't see it because you're white

You: so you can't see the innate racism

You: white people have an advantage, and just by existing, they take space away from minorities and people of colour

Stranger: but society is slowly shifting away from a model where white/straight/males hold the majority of power

You: they have to be completely removed

You: that's why you need to have a black wife and have mixed kids

Stranger: i agree it hasnt

You: because white men caused all the wars

Stranger: first off I can't guarantee that I'll even have a wife at all

You: well, thats good too, that way you will stop your white bloodline from continuing

You: and we can have less racism

Stranger: your goal for ending racism would be to eliminate white people?

Stranger: isn't that kind of racist?

You: ofcourse, thats what most jews promote in media, and academia

You: ofcourse not

You: it's how we're going to have that world peace you wanted

You: no more white people = world peace

Stranger: you are valuing other races over one race

Stranger: wanting to eliminate an entire race is super racist

Stranger: that is literally what happened with the holocaust

You: everyone will be mixed up and there will be no more countries, just one race of people, and the jews in israel.

You: that way there wont be any racism

You: don't you know jews are G-d's chosen

You: we are the "Chosen People's"

Stranger: solving racism doesn't happen by making everyone the same race

You: why not? then people wont be judged by the colour of their skin

You: wouldnt it make sense? there wouldn't have been an armenian genocide if the turks and armenians were all mixed together. then all groups wouldl be the same.

You: if all the nations in the world (except israel) mixed together, then there would be universal world peace

You: Equality for all

Stranger: and im also atheist so I wouldn't really have any opinion on religious matters

Stranger: solving raise happens by people of different races not giving a shit that they are of different races

You: oy vey, don't worry, 50% of american jews don't believe in God

Stranger: why except israel?

You: the atheist movement is promoted by jews too

You: so you have us to thank as well

You: for enlightening you to stop believing in those magical sky gods

You: and those outdated traditional values

You: no one needs those anyways

Stranger: i am super confused by your jumping back and forth

You: What do you mean?

Stranger 1 is a bro.

Stranger: i am super confused by your jumping back and forth

You: What do you mean?

Stranger: why would israel be exempt from this global racial mixing you talk about

Stranger: if that wereindeed the way to world peace

You: because we're jewish, and we don't allow jews to marry non-jews to preserve our culture and heritage

You: also no gay marriage in israel too

Stranger: why no gay marriage?

Stranger: you just said you supported gay marriage. why not gay marriage in israel?

You: because marriage as an institution is for creating the most ideal unit for a family, one with a mother and father. marriage, as a state sponsored institution, isn't about "love". two people can love without getting married. Marriage needs to exist only to promote strong jewish families with a father and mother

You: but for america, ofcourse we need gay rights, because love is love right?

Stranger: Are you implying that two same-sex individuals cannot hold together a strong, healthy and happy family?

Stranger: what is with all these strange double standards?

Stranger: it seems so hypocritical

You: ofcourse not, but statistical data shows that the most ideal setting is with a father and mother. whereas children raised by two same sex individuals have higher rates of dropping out and substance abuse as well as other mental disorders

You: obviously the wisdom of thousands of years, and just common sense, that a father and mother (the only combination that can naturally conceive children to begin with) can't be wrong.

You: but at the same time, the west needs LGBT rights, its just not for Israel

You: that way we can stop racism

Stranger: you're speaking of LGBT rights as if its a political move, and not something that should just be morally required

You: because imagine if more white boys came out as gay or transgendered, that way they wont reproducce

Stranger: Let me just bring this out there, because I won't pretend this isn't at least a bit of a personal issue with me

Stranger: I am bisexual

You: thats why we create more television and movie programming with more LGBT representation, and it's working. almost 48% of youths in america now consider themselves not totally straight.

You: then you should thank the jews

You: because we're creating more people like you

Stranger: thats not how that works

Stranger: thats not how any of that works

You: ofcourse it is, we encourage more kids to experiment

You: look at britain

Stranger: you don't "make " LGBT people

You: 89% of school aged boys engage in same sex kissing

You: the more people that try it, the more people will embrace being LGBT

You: then we can have lower white birth rates

You: and stop racism

Stranger: the society becomes more LGBT inclusive and people who would previously have been scared to express their feelings no longer feel that fear

Stranger: the rate of LGBT people isn't rising. The rate of LGBT people who feel comfortable publicly identifying as LGBT is rising

You: i tend to disagree, we can definitely condition a population to embrace in more same-sex behaviour

You: as you can see from ancient greek culture

You: we just say its "normal" to give brojobs

You: and if you read into Kinsey (heavily jewish), where sexuality is fluid, we can definitely create more LGBT identifying youths with the proper cultural influence

You: it'll be fantastic when all white men stop reproducing and just adopt black and minority children.

You: racism will be finally ended

You: Look at the marriage statistics now, 72% of men ages 18-36 aren't getting married

You: we're doing a wonderful job

You: we can also stop overpopulation at the same time

Stranger: your problem is that you are performing mental gymnastics to make it seem like the jewish people are somehow separate and uniquely special when compared to any other race on this planet

You: oy vey, thats anti-semitism

You: you know thats punishable in over 20 countries

You: its hatespeech

Stranger: its not anti-Semitism at all

You: we're the only group that can't be criticized in many countries

You: because its hateful

You: and you're being hateful saying that the jews are just "like any other"

You: remember the 6 million

Stranger is typing…


Is it so hard to screen cap that shit you enormous faggot?

I never ended up pasting the conclusion. Guy turned out to be more Poz'd than I thought.. All he cared was about was being bisexual and having hot guys. I repeatedly told him he was gay fag who was going to get AIDS, but he just took pride in that.
Fucking faggots yo, errytiem.

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
卐卐卐 14/ It's coming /88 卐卐卐

Stranger 1: …

Stranger 1: GROSS

Stranger 2: right


Stranger 2: yeah

Stranger 2: gross

Stranger 2: fuck nazis

Stranger 1: how do these guys even exist

Stranger 1: hitler was a FAILURE

Stranger 2: agree!!

Stranger 1: i mean what the fuck

Stranger 1: who the hell INVADES RUSSIA


Stranger 1: LMAO

Stranger 1: he could have learned from his idiot buddy napoleon

Stranger 2: how can there still be nazis?!

Stranger 1: ^

Stranger 2: right!

Stranger 1: smelly white boys who are grumpy that there are immigrants in their country

Stranger 2: He was probably on drugs anyway

Stranger 1: and stupid white girls who want to date those boys

Stranger 2: yeah XD

Stranger 1: xD

I'm spreading the redpil in Spanish. I'm saying that my name is Anna and I'm from Israel and we need to kill whites ebcause of nazis.

Stranger: hola

You: Hello

You: hola

Stranger: como te llamas

You: Anna

You: Soy de Israel

You: Estudio mucho Espaniol

Stranger: si? que bien

You: Eres tú español?

Stranger: Soy de Chile

You: Bueno bien

You: Yo puedo practicar espaniol contigo

You: Soy judia tu eres judio o goy?

You: Hace dias yo vi que habia nazis en una universidad en chile

You: no eres nazi, no?

Stranger: no jaja , no soy muy cercano a las religiones tampoco pero no soy nazi tranquila

You: menos mal

You: nazis hijos putas

You: hay que matar a todos los blancos y asi no hay mas nazis

You: nosotros mandar refugiados a europa para evitar nazis

You: refugiados mejores que nazis menos peligro :D

You: tambien blancos son malos porque ellos queren colonizar sudamerica

You: como Trump

Stranger: mmm difiero un poco de tu punto de vista , en el tema de los nazis no porque es cierto es una mirada muy erronea de las cosas . pero al referirte asi a los de piel blanca pienso que esta mal el color de piel no hace a la persona

You: si hace

You: raza existir

You: y judios somos la mas inteligente, vos mirar tests de inteligencias

You: por eso nazis queren matarnos por envidea

You: judios somos el pueblo de Dios

You: pero yo respetar sudamericanos

You: only no respetar blancos, blancos malos

Top kek. And now I leave.

Stranger: tu punto de vista es muy subjetivo ser judia no te hace ser mas inteligente o no , las personas inteligentes son inteligentes porque asi son , no por la religion a la que pertenecen , las personas buenas o malas son asi porque lo son , no por su color de piel , puedes encontrar gente de piel blanca muy buena como mala . lo mismo pasa con otras personas es una cosa de personas , nada podria definir mejor quien eres

You: Oy vey, hijo puta antisemita

You: tú no recordar 6 milones de judios?

You: nazis matar 6 000 000 of judios in 2 Guerra Mundial

You: eres un racista antisemita

You: oy gevalt! fucking goys

(cont) this goy is taking the bait
Stranger: tu punto de vista es muy subjetivo ser judia no te hace ser mas inteligente o no , las personas inteligentes son inteligentes porque asi son , no por la religion a la que pertenecen , las personas buenas o malas son asi porque lo son , no por su color de piel , puedes encontrar gente de piel blanca muy buena como mala . lo mismo pasa con otras personas es una cosa de personas , nada podria definir mejor quien eres

You: Oy vey, hijo puta antisemita

You: tú no recordar 6 milones de judios?

You: nazis matar 6 000 000 of judios in 2 Guerra Mundial

You: eres un racista antisemita

You: oy gevalt! fucking goys

You: pinche boludo

You: Chelenos son nazis

Stranger: no soy racista , simplemente es lo que opino , los nazis no tienen defensa por lo que hicieron es entendible y tu odio es entendible , pero no puedes llegar a juzgar a todos por igual , eso no te hace diferente a un nazi

You: yo no odio

You: oy gevalt! you llamar me nazi?

You: tu pedir perdon

You: oy gevalt! this fucking goy

You: tu puto machista yo ser mujer judia tanbien

Stranger: yo no soy nada de eso , para mi no eres distinta a los que tenian el pensamiento de hablar asi de las personas , tratandolas a todas por igual solo por un criterio , creyendo que ser de esa religion los volvia malos es lo mismo que tu piensas solo que te excusas defendiendote con ese acto de la guerra

You: oy gevalt

You: tu peor que hitler

You: yo decir a mossad

You: tu jodido

You: oy vey

You: you fucking goy

Was it the real Seventh Son or just some LARPer pretending to be him? The world may never know

I was just goofing around on omegle and I got into a conversation with this guy

Oh yeah, here's the band we both liked

Oh yeah, here's the band we both liked


Stranger 1 the madman

This is comfy, user. Thanks.
Have some oc and a classic.

you have the one with that middle eastern girl? i think she got redpilled hard.

Nice bro. I'm just passing through but these are some tasty jams. You got good taste.

Those were the only I had, sorry

Holy fucking kek


this is really easy

so this just happened. i thought he was kidding when he said funnyjunk. really a no-fun-allowed snarky faggot.

fuck, i was the one who answered "no" and the dude replied "Lol" and disconnected. i wanted to keep it going.

Every single time.

mein sides

It's just no fun when you get two Holla Forumsacks.

trying a new way to redpill people. not very good, but it's my first time doing this

just talked to some basic bitch about orlando. says the dude wasn't a muslim. ridiculous the denial. eventually started hurling insults then quit. i threw in some jabs but you can't reason with these people.

that was me, nigger.

use the RACE method, bro.

I'm also posting this

Hillary: "Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism."

Question to discuss:
Trump scares me, but can we really vote for someone under FBI investigation?

Stranger 1: How about this?

Stranger 2: Trump sucks ass

Stranger 1: We kill BOTH OF THEN

Stranger 1: Them*

Stranger 1: And watch the chaos unfold

Stranger 2: Sniper bullet

Stranger 2: Trump dead boom

Stranger 1: It's either be Bernie or Cruz at that point, even though they are both out

Stranger 2 has disconnected

This is really fun. also shout out to my cheeki brekki brother.

fucking antisemites

do you like anal? age? gender?
You: yes
You: I'm Omar "Totally not ISIS" Mateen
Stranger: No f 18
You: *explodes violently*
Stranger: Ok
You: hi
Stranger: Hey
You: where are you from?
Stranger: LV
Stranger: Wby
You: wh
You: at
Stranger: Wym ?
You: what the fuck are you trying to say
Stranger: Lad Vegas
You: oh
Stranger: What about you
You: Israel
Stranger has disconnected.

"Trump looks like he could restore the US economy, but is it really worth it if it hurts countries like Mexico and China? Shouldn't we be willing to sacrifice for them? I mean it's 2016"
I'm getting seriously positive feedback, instead of calling Trump bad they're saying "He wouldn't help us THAT much" This internally reinforces the idea that Trump is good for America.

Fucked up my post, what I'm saying is, if we make a positive statement about Trump, and then ask another question, people will typically blindly accept the statement and argue about the question,

Here's one I was in.

top lel

I think it's time for another #BurnKoran day. What do you think, goys?
Stranger 1: #PrayForOmar
Stranger 1: #ShootAllGays
Stranger 2: Why am I here
Stranger 2: Fkc both of u
Stranger 2 has disconnected

I think it's time for another #BurnQuran day. What do you think, goys?
Stranger 2: how bout the Talmud instead?
Stranger 1: hi
Stranger 2 has disconnected

bit rude

Omegle is a piece of shit. I had a long ass conversation with a jidf shill, protrending to be a Holla Forums faggot, and christ. I am surprised at the lengths these guys go to, to avoid being named.

One segment of the conversation, really was something like "The news have nothing to do with communism, or the SJWs."

Me:"wernt they at the center of almost every communist revolution, the people funding communists spread, printing it's material, spreading marx, doing everything to help communism spread?"

Them "yes. But it wasn't jews, if it was they were justified because the Romanovs are evil. Listen, jews are great I love Jews. Jews arnt evil or to be blamed at all. Who are you to blame Jews? Jews make so much great stuff like art, they prop up our economy. Jewish women can be the most beautiful of all."

Talking about orlando
" When I say take away all the guns what I really mean is making it next to impossible to own a handgun or assault rifle ….
I'm not even advocating banning guns! You're just saying no one should be able to get them
I am not saying that at all

Me: "Defacto gun ban, isn't gun ban
You did let me copy paste it for you"

I think hunting rifles and shotguns should be much easier to obtain than handguns and assault rifles

Anyway, it was either some /int/ queer, but, with how they kept doubling back on what they said, and then general attitude, they were really acting jewy as fuck. "I didn't say this. Anyway goy, let's not talk about that, this is what really matters!" In every part of the general conversation I was blowing him the fuck out, and when things stopped going his way in a conversation he would talk about pussy, and being so good at sex, or some shit. I don't know if he thought he was le ebin trolling, but if the "hurr durr I'm retarded!" Stuff is man he really got me. I wish I could post a picture or a link, or copy paste this shit, but omegle on the phone blows, aND the conversation was top long to save as a unique link

Sounds like normie talk rather than a shill
Nevermind. He's definitely either JIDF or some faggot trying to get on your nerves.

i don't want to believe this.

Just something i was thinking about:

So we have a culture, it seems, of tolerance and love and all that bullshit (except when its white people of course), but peace and love does not solve problems.

Ask these people how they plan to prevent futher muslims from shooting up our country. Our (my) plan is to not let these people in our country in the first place and deport those who already are. Nobody has to die, but maybe a few fee fees will be hurt.

Because when we're up against terrorism, anything short of terrorism can be justified. Of course I believe terrorism is the only thing that can defeat terrorism but they don't have to know that.

Just got this spicy one
shorter one is a bit stale but good

Pretty fun to watch normies outrage liberals with common sense.

Wasted some time talking to a 12 year old, I feel like I was blowing the fuck out of everything he said, but he's gotta be less than 15 years old, so a wholely pointless conversation .

I open up with moon man though, I think.

I'd post the picture, but it's too long, tell me what you faggots think.

omegle is just kids, though, right?