Personally I feel political debates as merely fun, informative, entertaining, an opportunity for loosh farming, a chance to think over ideas floating around in your thought matrix, etc.
If we want serious change in society our focus must become social engineering. We must infiltrate the schools, let our values dominate the workplace, make our area known for certain ways of dressing and behaving, create thoughtforms and egregores to regulate it all, etc.
When we can influence others values and beliefs and so on we'll win.
Political discussion is largely a ritual and somewhat of a distraction. It gives on the sense of doing something or participating in something while in reality everyone goes on living by their personal values still.
Our memes are so powerful and they're going to change the world. Not these arguments. There's nothing really to argue about. You just have to impress upon others that x is wrong or right through discharging your emotions and thoughts into them where they will be receptive to it. You can do it through shaming, through love, all kinds of ways. If you are a master of yourself and got your elemental correspondences down, you know all the various qualities that animate the character or personality of men, you can dominate them. You'll be able to approach them all in the right way. You'll be like Napoleon or Hitler or other great men.
The main vector of influence online is memes we just got to keep pushing our memes and controlling the narrative. Charging them up also through occult ritual. Obsession, intense thinking, imagination… it'll all rain down from the higher planes to crystallize in this one. All physicality is condensed thought. Matter = energy = thought. It's not too hard to prove for yourself and once you have, you have the first key, the principle of mentalism.
Focus on people posting on Holla Forums, particularly try to sense out their 4th dimension which is there exact centre (aka where xyz-axises meet), and as you type out things and write re-imagine them. What you imagine concerning them will stick. Your thoughts are always going where your awareness goes.
Become aware of the difference too between thoughts received and thoughts willed. Ask yourself; what will be my next thought? Wait then. You should get nothing. If you get anything at all, the momentum of your thought-attraction is so strong, and you're pulling in thoughts from all over the place that resonate with you; thoughts that are no more you than this body and mind of yours that you're just using.
We're going to make Earth great again. Hail the superman archetype!