I love you guys

Why do normies dominate society?
Why cant you guys be the people I run into day to day?
Life would be so much better

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I love you too user

Because the sad reality of the world is people are simply being born too fast to raise a proper society. So the majority of the worlds population end up being the faceless masses that dominate the bleak background. Whereas only a small minority of people are the music makers, and the dreamers of dreams.

for that to occur you need to say hi sometime

What causes someone to not be a normie?
Is it something that someone can turn into over time, or are you born that way?
All my life I've been different, I always felt like I could see things differently than everyone else, that I knew things they didn't know, that they were foolish and caught up in petty shit that didn't matter

I remember as far back as elementary school with people going "boys are better than girls" "nuh uh girls are better than boys" and I'd go "boys and girls are equal" and I got ostracized by both groups

Similar shit happened throughout the rest of my growing up

Its only just in like the past year (and I'm 19 and a college sophmore now) that I've figured out that the only chance of me getting anything in life other than being an eternal NEET virgin shut in, is blending into normie society

I do my best, but its not easy at all, a lifetime of isolation and seclusion has not trained me very well for this, yeah I have some friends, yeah I go to clubs and do outdoor shit, yeah I get r8d 7/10 on /soc/ and I've gotten grinds and make outs at stupid frat parties, but I'm still not a normie at all and I'm still a virgin

Sometimes I wonder if it would be better if I was just a normie all along, I could have been the captain of highschool football team (I'm 6'4 tall), could have been mr. popular, could have gotten blowjobs from cheerleaders under bleachers and fucked girls in cars at 15

Instead I'm having to try to play catch up at 19

I dont know whether to blame myself or blame society

I do but your never there, its just normies normies and more normies

Naw, it sounds like you were just a complete fucking faggot

You'd blend in fine with the modern pseudo-intellectual pieces of shit with their smug attitude who think they're better than everyone else

Its not being a faggot to instinctively know not to buy into normie tier bullshit like that even as young as like 5

I just wish I'd known to keep my mouth shut about it because there's no changing a normies a mind unless its 1 on 1 and theres a bunch of factors in place

You sound normie as fuck too be honest


you know you cant be identical to normies and not be one at the same time user

we are different

But we are, user.

We're everywhere.

You've seen some of the blog threads.

We're your neighborhood police officer, we're that 40 year old crackwhore, we're the real estate agent who's selling the house next door.

We're students, convicted felons, fast food workers.

We're everywhere.

We're always with you user.

You just have to find us.

You can be a normie and still not have any friends

it sounds like that's you

how could I be a normie and have never lived the normie lifestyle for as long as ive been alive

yeah in the past few months it looks like im a normie on the surface but thats all part of the act

im still the same inside

Shit, I think the 4cucks breached our barrier!



Nice pic, OP. Have some more cozy meme friends.

im sorry user
i was here shitposting while you went and braved the sun and stars


I've done so much since august 20th
I've been at parties that were so massive the heat from all the bodies made it feel like an oven
Ive had random girls shake their asses on my crotch and let me grab their hips and grope their asses, made out with them
Ive shaken hands with frat guys and had them remmeber my name and seem to like me
Ive failed to get a bid from any of the 4 frats I rushed and been cut off from all contact with them
Ive joined up with a dodgeball club that I didnt think would be worth much and found out that the guys in it are pretty cool (for normies) and do shit semi regularly outside of the club
I went from just trying to not be kicked out (due to being scared about being dropped because of being so bad at the game) to getting better and seeing them smile and shit as I do better plays

Ive sat in peoples rooms as they smoked pot and couldnt remember their names
Spent the afternoon chilling with some random fat alumni black guy I met at some frat house, talking about random shit, driving him to another house party and then back again only to lose all contact and have never heard from him again

Ive had girls make jokes "your too hot for the water" (when I say the pool is too cold) only for them to turn around and ghost me
I've had other girls come out of nowhere and act super nice and giggly towards me
Ive had another one I sat with in class who I thought was cute but gave up on, suddenly start to be more receptive, got some smiles and giggles out of her, encouraged her to come out to dodgeball
Dunno if she will

Ive been in jail for a night and had a cop turn his lights on to try to get me to stop and I just kept going and he didnt even try to come at me

I starved myself for 5 months, eating 500 calories a day, 5 days a week to lose 60 pounds

I travelled farther than I ever have without family out of nowhere, because the dodgeball club had a tournament there, and next weekend we are going to the midwest, and im on the east coast

I have a bunch of shit coming up where Ill be mountain biking, kayaking, rock climbing, maybe the cutie from the rental center who was impressed by how much I was signing up for all at once and said "your gonna have such a great time" will be there

I have guys I met at random frat parties from August, who know are doing their damndest to try to find a place to host our own party

I feel like Im in some kind of book or movie, where I just keep going through so much shit like its unreal, like its surreal

I just want to get laid
I want to stop being a virgin I want to fuck

Once that happens Ill be at peace

pic rel is what should be attached to this post

also the jail for a night was from last october
sorry, I get shit mixed up sometimes
I view everything from August 20th 2015 to the present as one story, me trying to break into normiedom and get laid

Shit ended very badly in 2015, I spent the first 2 months of 2016 still reeling from it, then from then until late august going cocoon mode and prepping for whats been going on in the past month and a half or whatever

did massive shit in the time period between the two though, cant understate how hard starvation was, how many books i read how much prep i did

I want it to end already
Im just so tired

sex is all we care about user
all those other experiences are fun but meaningless in the big picture


Your average Holla Forums Holla Forumstard is most likely a failed normalfag IRL. Nothing would change for you.

We need a high-functioning autist who will lead us, duh! Nothing great ever happens without that sort of a leader.

I know

They don't

I love all of you guys too

I wonder the same every day.
Maybe we go past each other without noticing since we try our best to fit somewhat into society and acting "normal"

You do. We just never interact because we are not normies.

Right back at yaa Op you glorious faggot.

You faggots' paths probably crossed many times before but being the beta autistics you are the chances of any of you actually getting along irl are nihil

don't be so naive as to think that if all of Holla Forums were to meet we'd all get along. You're socially awkward and that won't change when you're around other socially awkward people


If Holla Forums ran a society, it'd be Sodom and Gomorrah.

Fuck that.

You seem to take a pretty elevated view of what counts as "getting along." I once worked in a place dominated by weird autists like myself and most of the posters here. We talked almost never aside from whatever vidya we were playing on our breaks or the occasional awkwardly-delivered jokes. And we all got along great.

It did lead to some funny moments when we got assigned a normie HR rep from higher up, though. It freaked her out when she organized a social event and we all sat in total silence and stared at each other.

Not the guy you replied to, but you are fucking retarded.


but Holla Forums is the single most normie board on Holla Forums

our society is completely manipulated by (((certain interest)))

I suggest reading this book. This gave me a brand new outlook on my alienation and isolation I always feel

If you've ever met real anons irl then you would know that they are the worst kind of people.

Trust me, normies are better.

if that house had more then one bed, then it would be super comfy

I was born with a mental disorder. I think different and that's bad. Means I can't fit in. I don't pick up on social cues that other people got naturally. Means I have no friends. After that you guys know the rest.

and what was this brand new outlook?