What to do for homecoming


Are you a female?

is her bf your friend? Is she your friend? Kick her out, white knight pointdexter cuck

Go back to pol please.

go back to begging girls to stop dating assholes


look whos talkin, hypocrite

cuck him or fuck off

"Cuck" is a meme, begging girls to stop dating assholes not.

cuck him or suck him*

Fuck her little sis and made her scream.

Underage get BTFO

Just got banned for no reason like what?

I have had bad experiences involving cheating. i would never do that to another guy unless they were abusive or a cunt



At least I still have potential! How's ur mom's basement and ur minimum wage job you beta faggot?

He didnt insulted you,he just told you why they banned you stupid moron, at least hes not the one being a triggered edgy underage faggot

It says right there you stupid fucking underaged faggot

What should I do?

Rachel… why?

But commiefornia laws made this legal, what is going on?

Get off our website you dumb spic.

I fucked ur mom!

underage b& isn't a thing here

It isn't?

Op you stupid cunt
Hope u like pizza

Start dancing with his bitch while he watches. If he says anything tell your crush he is too clingy. Drinking before hand helps too



Yes it is retard. It is illegal for minors to view multiple things that adults can view: hence why you must verify your age for pornography, wine recipe and other assorted websites. Under Holla Forums the content of these websites that is illegal for minors to view can be and is arguably frequently posted. Therefor, minors aren't allowed here. This falls under the global rule of no illegal content being allowed. OP should actually be permabanned (which expires in like 9 months anyways so it doesn't matter).
