Sadly the plug has been pulled on the great Librechan site. The owner took it down due to complaints about censorship from the sites host and the LEA. This is just one of the many sites that has fallen. This is a memorial post. Please contribute to it any way possible. Thank you
R.I.P Librechan
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Shit & I thought all the other threads about it were just my imagination
It wasn't that bad. It was great. But it isn't the first indeed.
No, it was another pedo circlejerk hellhole except for what looked like a healthy /jp/
If you don't contribute the gtfo
I masturbated to /hebe/ once on Librechan
I instantly regretted it and found my self drinking Absolut shit I've saved from like three years ago.
Why would I help some autists fap to 3dpd kiddie porn? I just took a peek when I saw the place was getting the axe. Good riddance.
gtfo normie
3d = pd
2d is loli you fucking normalfag