ITT we find a tumblr-tier, stronk independent womyn who is well known by the media and flood them with dicks using any communication platform that normalfaggots use and frequent for teh lulz, using sockpuppet accounts. If we pull this off well, then the stronk independent womyn will bitch and cry, and lulz will ensure. Especially since it's a new thing womyn are bitching about here:
We should plan this invasion out more. If we just jump right into it, it's guaranteed to fail. How about we make follow-up threads while we find a great platform that we can exploit?
Also, lets find a celebrity or feminist who's worth invading dicks with. This could use some prep work.
Eli Ross
I might be down to assist if you do something tomorrow night or saturday. Penis spam seems like a good premise for a raid.
Landon Bailey
That's when the invasion will take place. We just need a little prep work on what celeb/feminist/sjw we will attack, and what platform we will use. Then we will bring them to tears with sheer amounts of autism and benises.
I hope this thing takes off though.
Robert Kelly
Go for some unfunny female comedian or actor, like the 2016 Ghostbusters stars.