Hey, Codemonkey, why is dysnomia a ## Board Volunteer account and not ## Board Owner?

Hey, Codemonkey, why is dysnomia a ## Board Volunteer account and not ## Board Owner?

I've always been confuse about this

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You cant own Holla Forums. We own Holla Forums :^)

the jews

Dont forget we are anonemous WE ARE LEGOS WE DO NOT BORGIVE we du not firget xpecks us a

Because he's owning you

That actually makes sense to me, but I'm interested in why it's like this from a technological side.

I think I read once that it was possible to have multiple board owners and to set any account to have different privileges, such as editing board settings. But I never received a proper answer.

Because Holla Forums needs no owner, it goes wherever the mems go

you aren't a board owner retard
thats why it doesnt say "board owner"
i need a drink

the username has access to anything a ## Board Owner would.

who cares nigger