If you could remove one type of cancer that is shitting up the internet, which one would it be and why?
I would remove all softies, they're all the same cancerous little 14 year olds who have drawn cutesy avatars, flock towards shit such as Game Grumps, Steven Universe, storytelling animation channels and Stephen Colbert's Trump videos. Love hating whitey and fighting against cultural apropriateeeun
Connor Phillips
Are you like 14? I haven't even heard about any of this, let alone get ass mad enough to amke a thread about it.
High school/middle school stupidity does not count in real life because they can't make their wills manifest in society and everyone is autistic one way or the other in high school/middle school.
Jackson Watson
the internet would be better without everyone whose not a weeb so probably them.
Levi Gutierrez
Bentley Cooper
fuck off child. this place isn't for the weak of heart and mind. Holla Forums fucks cancerous weenies right in the ass, hourly. look behind you.
Lucas Lopez
I have no idea what 'softies' are, which means it must be normafag shit. Get off the internet OP, you're fagging it up.
Brody Perez
pic related
Adam Phillips
The internet is gay since facebook or whatever the fuck started this trend. You got less rights, every website tries to become more politically correct and games are filled with assdicks.
Easton Morgan
Samuel Carter
Joshua Cruz
You should be the first to go
Joseph Sanders
Carson Harris
I would remove normalfags who post on imageboards.
Juan Stewart
post the better version then
Jose White
One line of thinking is that the internet is "big enough for everyone".
Clearly that isn't true, and facebook users needs to be purged.
Sebastian Lee
Why is this place so cancer? Why do you come in here and spread lies? Do you not have something better to do than going online and behaving like a retard?
Like what kind of a nigger are you anyway? Are you autistic? Do you not have a job? Do you not have any friends or hobbies? Is this really the best way to spend your time? Being retarded online?
Zachary Barnes
Juan Perry
Dylan Lee
Owen Reed
Adam Powell
Got any where they don't quite make it?
Nathaniel Perez
You mean them pissing themselves? Nah I don't have any of that.
Adrian Wilson
Ethan Flores
pee is so softcore, welcome to the current year, friend
Christian Gutierrez
ohh my god, you must be a really bad dog. You don't masturbate to people peeing, you masturbate to people eating shit. I think I should stop talking to you, I don't want to get hurt by such a gangster bad boy.
Grayson Watson
Juan White
girls making out is so softcore, welcome to the current year, friend
Ethan Murphy
Faggots that felt the burn at the DNC.
Xavier Cruz
I would probably get rid of all the garbageposting clickbait cancer on youtube , like "leafyishere" and "philphranco" or other garbage like that.
I don't like youtube poop. I really dislike it. I hate how i'm being recommended all these shitty videos on my frontpage simply because millions of people are watching it. I never get recommended anything redpilling anymore..
Jaxson Murphy
Asher Morris
Ban smartphones.
Charles Collins
It would decrease the normalfaggotry by up to 90%
Oliver Peterson
guaranteed or your money back
Wyatt Howard
he's talking about the word normies in place of normalfag, friend
Wyatt Lee
Going to have to ask for a sauce on that good sir
FUCKING THIS! social media would die in a matter of weeks and normies would fuck off
Bentley Lewis
anything emily rudd related tbqh
Levi Powell
every le time
Julian Cruz
It's part of a series called "pretty sloppy" on Evil Angel. I can't remember which number it was though.
Logan Ross
Your a gentleman mate
Hudson Richardson
1. Social justice anything 2. Anyone that uses anime characters as profile pictures unironically 3. Most women
Joseph Gonzalez
ayo hol up, are u a misogynist?
Ian Moore
Thanx babe
Gavin Hughes
Fucking softcore. Get ahead of the times and start riding a large clitoris.
Isaac Lee
William Green
Evan Howard
Brandon Campbell
Juan Ward
Zachary Carter
Isaiah Hall
Why aren't we always posting with a nazi flag?
Charles Hall
because only faggots associate with groups
Charles Sanders
William Myers
Hudson Sanders
Julian Mitchell
Josiah Nelson
shitty porn m8
Jacob Jones
Evan Rogers
Justin Myers
Isaac Myers
Levi Cook
Cooper Brooks
Jose Johnson
David Hernandez
Adam Sanders
Jackson Myers
Aaron Martin
Jonathan James
Angel Nguyen
Jaxson Ross
Henry Adams
Jayden Nelson
you know what I love in my porn? really bad music
Samuel Phillips
Andrew Hill
All porn.
It may seem bad at first but it will prove a blessing in the future.
Eli Young
This should answer your question
Alexander Miller
Why is it, that every time you fags are accused of being fags or underage, you feel the need to defend your micro-masculinity, by posting pictures of naked women… something you have never ever seen for yourself in the flesh.
Yhea porn is pretty fucking degenerate. Sex life would be so much better for so many people without porn.
Zachary Jackson
Natsocs/WNs. The most cancerous people who's entire lives revolve around race and not the true factor of success, money
Julian Lewis
Third world countries and mot populous second-world. Withot cheap overseas labor and with 90% of resource-rich locations uninhabited, common first-worlder would enjoy being actually relevant to buisiness as primary working forse. Since first-worlders are relatively capable of reacting to outstanding and blunt exploitation, we'll be much less fucked even as blue collars as opposed to, say, china. And as most natural resources would not be scarce(at least for some time), market would actually plummet down prices and spur any possible dewelopement as in wildest libertarian wet dreams. A new era of private enterprise would ensue and most more or less capable of actually thinking on their own and caring for themselves would actully have an opportunity to at least be an undependent contractor selling their skills to market with highly unsatisfied potential demand. New jobs would be profitable create almost anywhere, providing there is someone to fill position, thus high labor mobility and increase of wages. In short - everyone wolud be able to get more for the same skills, buy more for the same wage(inflation-adjusted, transitional period would unpredictably fuck up numbers depending on how much remaining countries would try to cooperate and not fight up to to loss-loss situation). Americand dream for eweryone at least for a century, then, technology would make such a leap forward, lebensraum on this planet would not be that relevant. Sans big capital heavy relying on financial derivative market, they would enjoy lots of papers with no value making 30-70% of their own holdings.
Ayden Sanchez
Fuck, wrong pic.
Henry Garcia
Anybody who does no know how it works.
Mason Cox
I would make the world wide web disappear. Let's go back to usenet and mailing lists. Normie participation would go to 0 instantly.
Nathaniel Clark
i would get rid of all the ops everything was fine until they showed up
Cameron Robinson
Blake Wright
definetly normalfags
Ethan Hernandez
lul I would remove you op XD . . . . . jk ^^
Mason Stewart
I'd remove normalfags in general.
Lucas Watson
Zachary Thomas
The autistic-right
Samuel Diaz
Ryder Edwards
Remove all females, they ruined the internet. I miss 2003.
Jeremiah Kelly
Tumblr Needs genociding.
These people were never part of the OG internet club. They need to return to TV sets and never RJ45 again