do you agree, Holla Forums?
Do you agree, Holla Forums?
Bourgeois trash and nothing but.
Cocoa Pebbles should be in God tier.
Frosted Flakes should be at least mid tier.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch is shit tier.
So is Lucky Charms, it relies almost entirely upon the marshmallows to carry it.
Apple Jacks in shit tier? Are you kidding me you fucking nigger?
Pretty much the only thing your list got right was Reeses Puffs in God Tier.
I give your list a D-
See me after class.
Nope. Not even close.
mfw yanks eat this shit for breakfast (and possibly other meals)
Don't worry my European friend. Soon enough we;ll invent halal cereal just for you, so you don't feel so left out "govnah".
And people here still doubt God is real and He loves me personally.
its all shit