Target CEO Clings To Transgender Mixed-Sex Changing Room Plan, Despite $10 billion Loss

Confronted by alarmed shareholders, Target's CEO refused to change course with his transgender policy. Cornell told the annual meeting of investors that the company intend to stick with the transgender policy and he even insisted there has been no financial repercussions, despite a $10 billion Wall Street loss in the months since the policy was announced.

Cornell was pressed about the financial impact of the policy by investors, including Justin Danhof, the director of the National Center Free Enterprise Project.

Danhof asked why Cornell claimed via the media that his pro-transgender policy is just like ordinary civil rights for black, and asked if Cornell thought everyone who stood against the store’s policy were like racists and were bigots.

The CEO declined to answer questions over the pro-transgender policy posed by other investors.

Cornell was also asked if the company had conducted a cost-benefit analysis of the pro-transgender policy before issuing it. The CEO didn’t answer this question either.

Cornell insisted Target has suffered no negative financial impact due to the much hated bathroom policy. He claimed Target has seen “zero, ZERO, negative financial implications from their policy,” Danhoff said.

For his part, Danhof said he’s never seen such a dismissive attitude from a company. “If you disagree with their position on diversity and inclusion that means nothing [to them]. It seems, at least from my perspective, if you disagree with them, they don’t want you around,” Danhof concluded.

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I've been wanting to go take a fat smelly dump in a Target bathroom since they announced this

Has anyone gone into their bathrooms?

Being on the right side of history is worth the losses. even though stores like target and K-mart have been losing before this happened, this tranny deal was an excuse to fully bail on them

Are unisex bathrooms really that bad? I'm neutral on the whole thing.

The third of the three rules of SJW's applies here.

1. SJW's always lie.

2. SJW's always project.

3. SJW's always double down.

Can't the shareholders sue him over this?

You should be neutral on continuing to breathe

Sup Vox Day, how you doing? How's the Hugo crashing?

It's because of climate change,goy

top kek

What are stalls with locks on them bro?

Isn't it technically a federal crime for a CEO to act against the interests of investors?

You realize locks and walls are bigoted and keep people separated, right?
So there are none.


So your kid can't escape?

Pedos are more likely to rape a kid in their own home or at church.

You're more likely to die in a car crash than a plane crash, so lets just end security at airports.

Well we wouldn't really need security at the airport if we didn't import sand niggers.

That must be fore guys with tiny dicks. lol

Well, security at airports doesn't protect us from much. It just gives the illusion. The statistical likelihood that a person will die in a plane crash in the U.S. before 9/11, and the introduction of new security protocols, is the same as it is today.

So why won't this tranny acceptance thing just go over like the nigger acceptance thing did.

Is it insane to anyone else that we went from people expressing disgust at the niggerization of everything to know where people are afraid of even entertaining a possible racist thought?

And some people said that free market wouldn't help take care of this shit. They'll cave if they keep losing money, and they will.

Kill all faggots.
Kill all trannies.
Kill all childfuckers.
Kill all horsefuckers.
Kill all of their supporters.

You don't have a fucking clue what you're even talking about you fucking retard. Stop posting.

If he continues to double down on his insanity, a lawsuit will be the least of that CEO's problems.

Go fuck yourself, you're as bad as the soccer moms who scream stranger danger and censor everything because "think of the chilluns". Pedos almost always abuse a known child.

I doubt the board of directors is gonna give this guy his golden parachute.

Yeah, fuck the children!
Who needs them anyways?

You'd be surprised. This has become a straight up cult at this point and a lot of the people are willing to take the ship down with them than let the horrible "racist bigots" have their way. We live in special times.

Triggered tranny detected.

could also be a triggered libertardian tbh. there is one in another thread defending pedophilia and baby fetishists

Holy fuck. I refuse to believe they lost all that money just because of the tranny shit. This is ridiculous even with all the zany bullshit I've seen on Holla Forums


Indeed. SJWs would rather see your sons murdered and your daughters raped than give up their deluded cult-Marx worldview. See: Paris, Rotherham.

Actually, I'd work to fix these people and get them the help they actually need. A big part of their issue is that they aren't born this way. More often than not society has done these things to them. Look at what Zootopia is inspiring in children, hell, look at what something as innocent looking as Loud House is inspiring(pic related is the common theme as well as Mexicans brutally raping the girls). There are themes that are present in these shows, sometimes better hidden than others, that work their way into children and other people and all you have to do to see that theme is look at what a majority of the fanart consists of. These people deserve help, not death. Now that push for "help" is being replaced with "acceptance" inspiring more and more evil and degeneracy.

dat strawman

You sound pretty eager to get into those women's bathrooms.

And yet the numbers continue to stare back at you. Maybe you should take your emotions back to reddit.


No. They cannot be fixed and they cannot be trusted. Slaughter them all and be fucking done with it. Send a message to all future generations about what happens when you defy reality.

The only people that can be fixed are the supporters thereof.

what do you guys think of this shirt?

that you're a faggot and most likely a bot

Sorta cool. Would be better with just the embossing in the shirt.

Naa I'm just a guy looking for answers.

and shitposting faggot

Faggot shit.

How about just a black form-fitting dress shirt? That looks like something a nigger faggot would wear.

You cannot fix what is already broken.
A diseased limb is removed permanently or risk contaminating the body of the whole

It's difficult to prove he's willfully hurting them and not just taking an ignorant gamble, so no.

I disagree. I think it is unfair to kill those who have had degeneracy forced on them by the current people in power, especially the kids. It's on billboards, on the radios, on the back of cars, in the movies, on tv, and it's the prevelant thing. It has become the norm. Things get panned when they don't support it.

To pass judgment on people and take their lives when they can't escape it and don't know how to spot it so it becomes a part of them is cruel and inhumane.

Hang your fucking self, you faggot enabler.

As an user that works for Target, it'll depend on where your store is located and maybe the age of the store. They can range from decent to worse than a gas station.

And I'm not surprised by any of this, from what I remember Target has always made bad choices through out it's life. And the managers I work under are just as stupid as the CEO.

Do you blame a 6 year old for having shit parents that expose him to brainwashing from the cradle? I don't. He has nothing to compare with. His parents are likely lefty faggots too.

Not everyone falls victim, but most do because relying on your parents for wisdom is an instinct.

We are all indoctrinated and brainwashed straight from the cradle. Some of us are able to see right from wrong anyway. The ones who can't?
They are weak and we're going to fall into degeneracy of some sort anyway. Yes, kill them.

Well, Cornell did come out a bit after the bathroom debacle and blamed the rain on why sales and stock are down.

Okay then, tell me how it is their faults? You have a generation of children raised by children and the adults are, in a very sneaky way, poisoning their minds via the education system, advertisement, the media, entertainment, literature, etc, etc. Really, unless you homeschooled your kid, chances are they are getting brainwashed.

And that's another thing, actually raising your children is discouraged now as well. The traditional family is looked down upon. I feel bad for anyone born today.

You're a fucking tranny sympathizer. Kill yourself immediately.

Sheep and sheepdogs, user. You're advocating for the sheepdogs to turn on the sheep. At his heart, even most liberals don't have bad intentions, just bad methods. I was a liberal until I realized that racial statistic stats were all bogus, which led me to other redpills. Not everyone is born with as much faculty as you are born with, so for others the road is nigh impossible. Be glad you were born with enough agency to question your cage, but do not resent those without the same tools. They are still your people. Lead them to a better place.

Faggots have seen sane people.
They know how they behave.
There is literally nothing stopping them. No one is forcing anyone to be a faggot.

Slaughter every single last one of them.

user… Fam… You can lead a horse to water.

fine, show me one good shirt that this place sells.

I'd wager you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. Intelligence usually begets a sense of empathy, and if you don't have any empathy for your own people then you're probably a nigger by genetics or mentally.


What is it with you lolbergs throwing that word around when people don't agree with your nonsense?

I don't see any shirts worth $300 on that site. Looks like nigger shit to me.

How about no fucking loser lol

Thanks, fam. You're right.

It's faggot shit

They fell for subversion, yes. Blood is not a club. European genetics makes you part of my people whether I like it or not. I'd prefer this stuff were illegal and socially toxic again so the problem would right itself.

reread my post history

You're just being edgy now.
No, I'm being a human sympathizer. I see people who need help mentally and instead are told to physically change their bodies into monstrosities to try and resemble something they will never be by the vast majority of society. Of course, that's just one people I sympothize with. I've met all sorts in my line of work and I feel that each one is a good person who has been ruined by others misleading them. It's such an easy mistake to put your faith in others. Each time somebody falls to some of this shit it's usually a subtle thing laced with good intentions. To want to kill others for being "weak minded" or because they got dealt a shit hand is, as I said earlier, inhumane. Of course, you also don't make excuses for them or try to play it off. What they are doing is sick and wrong but we live in a world now where good is evil and evil is good.

To show no sympothy doesn't make you strong.

Great. Lock them up in an old-school but house.

*nut house

Trannies should all be locked up tbh

You need to take a moral stand on things. Live and let live faggots like you need to be burned at the stake.

If it were a better time and the people there might actually be able to put out the help needed. Of course, money would also have to go into finding what works.. though it seems that money is more often spent on anchor babies, welfare, abortions, and other shit it shouldn't be. And not to say a large amount of money should go to this either. I don't consider these issues major compared to other problems at the moment.

Also, I should clarify on saying that I also don't believe the only way this shit comes about it through others or via brainwashing. You also have the people who know it's wrong but choose to do it anyways. Those people should be dealt with in a different manner.


When did I even imply that? I think your looking for shit to disagree with me about and get angry with.

I think he's a 'le ebin' troll.

Time to short.

at least lurk before posting, or go back to leddit.

Yeah, I'm trolling.

You fucks have enabled this degeneracy to get to the point it is now by continuously making excuses for this shit. People like you have greased the slippery slope and here we sit today, talking about how fags are decent people and trannies aren't a problem.

You need to fellate a .45.

I didn't even know they used it a lot, maybe you're on reddit too much.

I never said that they are decent people or that trannies aren't a problem, simply that white fags/trannies are still part of our race. They have been hit with a ball peen hammer of jewish subversion since birth and weren't able to wrestle themselves free. I pity them, I don't hate them. They know they are degenerates living an unnatural lifestyle which is why they bugchase. Social ostracism and sodomy laws kept this shit in check for a long time, that's how we fix it.

Not everyone is savable and you need some heads to put on spikes. If you show love and tolerance they will only use it against you. Nail these fuckers to the wall and say "Any one else want to be a tranny? I have more nails" and suddenly the problem will disappear over night.

Welcome to reality, isn't it great? Sacrifices must be made, some of them will have to be human sacrifices.

← explains what's going on

Unfortunately, we've opened a Pandora's box that we can't get the lid back onto. You think these emboldened degenerates are going to give up their lifestyle because of some sodomy law that can't be enforced?
For the record, many states have/had sodomy laws for years. Boy, they were effective, weren't they?

To add, your solution is the textbook liberal way to stop things.

No law is effective if there's no political will for enforcement. Great logic. We need to create the political will to enforce traditionalist values. You sound like those PUA fags who excuse their disgusting ways because 'dude you're not going to put a lid on it again' when that's exactly what Hitler did to Weimar. Kill yourself for being stupid and/or ignorant.

Because other laws like gun control are so fucking effective!

Hope to see this trend continue and itll be interesting to see how its doing in 6 months.

Try getting a gun that shoots anything bigger than a .22 in bongland. We are only lucky because we have a (mostly) ironclad second amendment, but Killary has expressed that the 'Supreme Court is wrong on their interpretation of 2A'.

As if the usage of "edgy" alone didn't clue us on you were a retarded redditor, but also a libtard who fancies himself "redpilled" based soley on a graph indicating what was very visible since the day the pyramids were erected; niggers are subhuman monkeys. If it weren't so balantly fucking obvious you'd be shilling for ghetto niggers who were dealt a " shit hand " in life too, and without a doubt I'm sure you have before. Faggot.

France, need I remind you, has the toughest gun control in the world. Didn't/doesn't stop Mudslimes from getting AKs and shooting up concerts.
Doesn't stop nigger felons from getting guns here.

Probably so.

If you aren't a troll reread my posts carefully. I may be making "excuses" for them to have gotten to the point they are, but at no point do I ever agree with enabling this sort of degeneracy. I'm actually to an extreme where I believe, if let fester, this degeneracy will work its way out in other forms and spread such as I suggested with my first post. Problem is, none of us are perfect. We are all prone to this sort of thing and might passively allow it to happen. As an artist I constantly have to watch that my art isn't passively filled with things that will inspire degenerate thoughts. I know how to deal with my issues, but I know many people don't, especially in today's society where those thoughts and actions are often encouraged.

I believe there is a much better way than death and find the thought of killing those that are doing these things similar to ISIS's "solution".

Of course, this would be the other issue. All forms of depravity have become so celebrated and defended(almost in a religious manner). It would take something major to get people's moral compasses back on track.

You are mistaken like all the other people I speak with about this. Gun control isn't for criminals, it's for law abiding citizens. It's the law abiding citizens that notice that the country is devolving into a banana republic and wish to take up arms to change it. As long as these people don't have weapons, something that will become tougher (but not impossible) with strict gun control, then gun control has completed its intended objective. Wake up retard.

I'm surprised they've lost so much money. If I need to get something from Target and they have 'unisex bathroom', I'll just get it and piss at home.

A minor inconvenience lost them 10 billion. That's pretty defiant.

So let's feel sorry for these poor degenerates who just can't control themselves because it's not their fault.

You, sir, are a fucking enabler.

We agree on that. It's gonna take them being put in a nut house or a labor camp.

Arbeit Mach Frei, nigger.

No, I believe their unforgiveness of crimes not done to them and self imposed shackles of opression cause their griefs.

As for the reddit bit, I've been on chans probably longer than you have.

I don't think I've been to a Target that didn't have a Family bathroom. That should be plenty for the handful of freaks out there.

And we're right back to the problem. They do this because they're not held accountable. You're enabling them because you think it's wrong to punish someone for decisions they have actively made.

As I said, the ones who didn't really have a chance. There are a great amount of people who do this stuff full well knowing that it's wrong or out of rebellion which should be handled differently.

As for the even that gets people back on track, I guess it's up to you to play around with the idea and hopefully something happens before it's to late.

Maybe calm down and reassess your definition of 'punishment'. Concentration 'work camps' and 'nut houses' as punishment makes you look like an edgy fourteen year old.

So how the fuck do we know which ones are victims and which ones are degenerate faggots?

We don't. There's no way to tell. So why not just give them all a big hug and a fucking trophy and tell them they're great people?

Because we live in a civilized white society with sex segregated restrooms, not your official unisex shitting street pajeet land.

Really, tripfag?

What do you propose, then?

I'm not saying they should not be held accountable though, I'm saying that they should be made aware, be held accountable, then helped. For instance, many of the niggers are raised to believe whitey is holding them down. We know it's not true, but they fully believe that's the way shit works. The liberals answer, play into this false reality, my answer would be to double down on them with law enforcement or some other means until they got the picture. It's hard to say, I'm not in charge, but by no means am I saying they should be absolved of their guilt.

I propose you have some compassion for people you allegedly see as 'mentally ill' it's not really about that to you, I would wager, it seems to be more about hatred - just an observation. Quality of care for mentally ill people isn't shoving them into 'nuthouses' or making them work themselves to death.

Allowing subhumans to live is inhumane. Kill them and put them out of their misery.

I'm a bible believing Christian and even I think you're a fucking retard for suggesting that love and acceptance can fix these faggots.

Trannies do need your compassion. They already kill and maim and harm themselves; they don't need to be psychologically tortured and doped out of their minds.

just try to tell me there is something wrong with this beautiful, inspiring video you disgusting bigot

Go back to Tumblr, tripfag.

I hope each and every one of them kills themselves.

That's great. Do you hope all schizophrenics or depressed people kill themselves?

Nay, I PRAY they fucking kill themselves. The majority of their families do too.

Depends on the schizophrenia severity. Do they enjoy life and contribute to society in any way?

You can't undo brain washing to this degree, it's not possible. You also need to punish these people for helping to destroy civilization. As I said, you have to make sacrifices and the only sacrifices that will work in the world we live in is violence in a public display.

Just look at how politics are shaking up around Trump. This is the group in charge saying "if you support Trump we will smash your property and physically attack you". And this is the group you want to offer forgiveness to. They will simply shake your hand, apologise and then go sharpen more spears ready for the first sign of weakness they have a chance to exploit.

Why do you want to be kind to people who want to see you starving to death in a communist shit hole while Muslims rape your children? How fucking stupid are you?

Well, you can make them, can't you? Or at least try.

If you wanna call people mentally ill, the ball's in your court. I'm just making you see the ramifications of that.

Also, you kinda don't sound very Christian to me. A Christian would want to help even a severe schizophrenic.

How does he still have the boards support?

If they can be helped, I want to help them.

If you are so schizophrenic that you can't be happy sometimes or do basic tasks, it might be more humane to euthanize. Do you force your terminally ill dog to keep living in pain or do you do the right thing and euthanize them?

Just take depression out of the equation. Most people experience depression in their lives. Most people don't experience wanting to cut their genitals off and take hormone treatments to be a freak.

As far as my Christianity, let he without sin cast the first stone, my man.

I know how Holla Forums feels about Pastor Anderson, but he's right about this.

I'd honestly like Anderson if he wasn't such a racecuck.

That's also the only thing I don't like about him.

I believe in Jesus, hate kikes and degenerate freaks and faggots… But I'm in the unenviable position of also hating niggers. It's not even so much that I hate niggers themselves… I just hate having them around me and in positions of influence.

Put it a better way:
I'd like niggers a lot more if they still were confined to Apefrica.

Alan Turing was killed for being gay. That was a travesty.

Lots of stalls can easily be kicked in. It'd just a metal lock drilled onto a wooden door. You'd be able to kick to screws out of the wood and enter.

This whole controversy is fucking ridiculous. You see this sign here. This sign has existed since I was a damn kid and was probably a thing before I was even born. How the fuck is this sign some kind of political statement now?

There might be more involved. They are platinum partners of HRC - the largest lgbt lobby in the US - along with Intel, Microsoft, Northrop Grumman. And sometimes they push for some arguably heinous shit.

Why is he willing to lose $10bn over 0.005% of the population? You could go into your local target 100 times and probably never encounter a tranny.
Just stinks of bad leadership and the shareholders have every right to freak

I'm fine with a freak bathroom for the freaks, a women's only for real, normal women and men's only for real, normal men.


Liberalism is a mental disorder so he has much in common with that 0.005% of the population.


Not soon enough, I'm afraid. Should've died before he broke the Enigma Code. Fucking worthless Brits can't do anything right.

its not a unisex bathroom if its a room with 4 toilets

Kill yourselves.

He sounds literally like the average brain damaged sjw/diversity zombie wtf is even going on..

Liberalism is a mental disease bro.
Holla Forums has been saying that for years.

Here in Charlotte there was an attempt by the Democrat-controlled city council to enact a non-discrimination ordinance that would not just allow a 250-pound middle-aged dude to change in front of little girls at your typical YMCA, but if anybody felt this was not okay they would be arrested for trying eject the guy from the changing room or suggesting that owner do so. Read about it in the very liberal-biased Charlotte Observer, I love how they just mentioned it in passing as if that's not disturbing as fuck. You could actually be arrested for not being okay with some middle-aged guy being naked and observing your naked daughters in a changing room. It was this non-discrimination ordinance that kicked off the HB2 (house bill 2) legislation that the nation has allegedly flipped shit over for being bigoted for demanding that you should just go in the bathroom that accords to your actual fucking sex based on your birth certificate. McCrory isn't backing down so now a bunch of corporations have decided to screw us over and sacrificed profits and jobs because they just randomly decided to have a moral compass. Bruce Springsteen cancelled a tour too, so fuck that guy, never liked his music anyway. It's just extremely disturbing how corporations are so bent on pushing this shit that they're willing to lose money on it, it's like when the Dylan Roof shooting happened they suddenly decided the confederate flag is racist and shouldn't be sold at Amazon or Wal-Mart. Corporations fucking hate North Carolina man. Oh yeah and Obama apparently enacted some federal legislation that forces public schools to recognize tranny bathrooms and if you don't comply you get fined, so certain southern states, NC included are enacted legislation to counter it. This is why states rights matter, because fuck the feds and fuck the corporations shoving an agenda down our throat.


(((Brian Cornell)))

in due time


have some self respect and stop working for marxists

The fucker is blinded by SJWism, I remember about a year ago or so they removed the signs that said "Girl toys" and "Boy Toys", SJWs cheered it and a few people got a little butthurt about it but most people didn't give a fuck, because they didn't actually move the toys or add "diversity" by putting barbie next to the transformers or anything. So he was counting on the SJWs to support this bullshit but most SJWs are millennials and don't buy shit at stores so he's losing millions.



Combine this with possibly Krokodil being a thing pushed on liberal hipster SJWs as the new shit and you have Darwin Awards back in action.


A Christian should pray for these perverts to be brought before a godly court to be put on trial for the good of the society. This is indeed a capitol offense, probably for sodomy, the effeminacy (crossdressing) would likely be punished with the lash.

look at this LOSER lmao



Why am I going to learn some exotic spelling, user.? Better to fit in with the drug-dealing criminal underbelly, is that it?

Flip the statement around and ask the question again.

Why is it people are freaking out over something they will not see, and has not been a problem before?
Remember a law was passed to change the status quo, then shit started up.

In fact, better question.
10 bil is a quarter of Target's worth.
If this is real money, how the fuck is losing a quarter of their stores not noticed?
And if its not real money, then panicking is good, as it means the asset protection team is now tapped out.

Hope you got your brass and lead to trade with the gold stackers.

*tips yarmulke*
Indeed, this is one bad goy