What drugs will make me develop psychosis?

What drugs will make me develop psychosis?

Im fairly sure tons of methamphetamine

How to obtain?

Mushrooms. Obtain them from your degenerate friend. The one who's not allowed into the mall anymore and there are picture of his face on the wall.

Withdrawal Symptoms

"Amphetamines have the potential to produce tolerance, which means that increased amounts of the drug are needed to achieve the desired effects. Withdrawal symptoms can occur when use of amphetamines is stopped abruptly. Users may experience fatigue; long, disturbed periods of sleep; irritability; intense hunger, and moderate to severe depression. The length and severity of the depression is related to how much and how often amphetamines were used.

mental confusion
restlessness and insomnia
deep or disturbed sleep lasting up to 48 hours
extreme hunger
psychotic reaction
anxiety reactions"

Experience these a lot despite Im only doing propylhexedrine. If you're chemically literate you can synth it with ephederine and lots of other chems. Otherwise look for the hardcore tweakers (its fairly obvious) and ask them for a connection

You don't know what you're getting in to though. It becomes a chore. Also

"Pharmaceutical methamphetamine, prescribed rarely for obesity and ADD/ADHD, is sold in the US in 5 mg tablets (10 mg tablets have been discontinued in the United States) that are intended to be taken orally (some are sustained release outside the US). Dosages of 10-25 mg per day are common for prescription pharmaceutical methamphetamine taken orally, usually spread out into two doses."

It can be scripted but very, very rarely and only for extreme, chronic ADHD

Could I perhaps fake severe ADHD?

You won't get straight desoxyn. Depending how well you act, you may get vyvanse at first. Dont fret and act reluctant about it, but willing. Don't appear antsy for drugs.

Either sell, take, or otherwise throw out the vyvanse and claim it doesn't help. You will likely get addi which is what you want. I'm switching to addi soon myself. Pills are better than shard health wise because you know the exact MG every time and its not cut with shit.

But again, I advise against it. Speed addiction is shitty

Propylhexedrine is known as an emulator of low dose meth. Also I felt myself going insane this morning. Not angry. Just overwhelming confusion. The cravings are so much I succumb the first 1-3 days in now

Britfag here so I can't too easily obtain Propylhexedrine over the counter

oh well. Why do you want to go mad. Addi is great for studying/cleaning and meth is straight euphoria/sex marathon. Orgasms on speed are so intense I have to stuff my shirt in my mouth to gag myself; to prevent moaning super fuckin loud

Starting to feel tactile hallucinations Im 2 days deep

I've always been interested in the insane and just want to know what it feels like might screw me over but it'll be fun to not care about blockhead problems

Anyway I'm off I hope the threads still up when I get back, peace

In case you're looking for a social substance to share with friends, try coke. Once you're a meth-head you'll hold on to every dose like its your last

You get non-sensical and feel as if everything is a lie. Mass confusion. Kinda fun tbh, keeps you entertained

Dont listen to this guy. Shrooms in controlled doses can treat mental health and depression.


Marijuana, not trolling.

Thank god I wasn't part of the cannabis-generation during the 2000's.

Ahhh, feels good to not be part of that cannabis psychosis generation .

Feels good to have a sharp mind =3

(Albeit depressed as fuck)

people alter their minds all the time, most drugs will probably just make you a drug addict

just start mucking around up there. it'll only work if you use absolutes - if you have the opportunity to back out, you'll stay sane