How was Clone Wars and is Rebels any good?
Stair Wares
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TCW was okay, but i'm not a particular fan of that era of SW.
I haven't seen rebels. I heard it was good. At least I think I did.
Find a viewing guide for Clone Wars, there are episodes that you should avoid. When it's good it can be great, but when it's bad it's just awful.
I like Rebels quite a bit. It's not able to be as gritty as Clone Wars got at times, so you might feel annoyed that it does have a younger lean to it, but it's still very good. It's worst episodes are normally just "okay" instead of bad, and it hasn't had as many purely amazing moments yet, but there are some.
Fans of the EU will like little threats where and there as certain callbacks or confirmations of continuity are made, though of course there are also things that existed in the books for years that Clone Wars or Rebels may overwrite (mostly Cone Wars though, I think). I think the clone trooper episode stuff stands out best in Clone Wars, with a lot of Jedi focused episodes being not as good, but for Rebels the stuff directly involving the Force really shines. It brings back a lot of the mystical feel to things, so if you long for the feelings you had before mitoclorians, Rebels will make you believe in space wizards again.
Dubs confirm
They dropped a new preview of Rebels today.
Ezra has a new design. He grew a bit taller, cut his hair, and his nose changed subtly so now he isn't space Aladdin. Instead of using a gimmick lightsaber or a slingshot he uses a regular single bladed one and a separate blaster.
I actually do like the direction they're taking Ezra's development across the seasons. He's still very clearly a suspicious type who came from the gutter but he's gotten more skilled and capable over the years.
Was this it?
I loved both but Clone wars has the molesting hand of lucas all over the place.
You will hava amazing episodes right next to jarjar bullshit.
Season1 of rebels feels skippable but season 2 more than makes up for it.
I stopped watching Rebels after they killed the first Inquisitor. Is it really worth picking up again?
Clone Wars suffered from bad 1st season with gems here and there and the latter seasons kicked it into 1st gear with fucking top tier stuff.
Rebels suffers from COMPLETELY boring filler episodes with some plot riddled in then out of fucking no where the season finales just hit you in the fucking face with actual good story and action. I still feel the pain of all the hype around the clones coming back but those episodes were shit.
Clone Wars had a rocky start but got really good towards the end. Any episode centered around the clone troopers is outstanding, through the whole series, and it's delightfully dark and gritty, would recommend watching it for that alone.
Rebels is dumbed down kiddie shit and has a shit art style and direction. It's really telling that all of the good shit in Rebels is whatever is tangentially related to The Clone Wars. Disney ruined it, like it has all things Star Wars.
Season one isn't very good, but season 2 actually makes up for it. Mostly. The clone episodes was pretty disappointing, and the space spiders was pure filler.
Yes. Especially since Grandma Sith, and Papa Smurf are coming in next season.
I enjoyed both a lot. Clone Wars get grittier as it goes along. Rebels is very whimsical which isn't a bad thing. Don't listen to anyone else though. Make up your own mind.
Nigger, just watch them and see if you enjoy them. Then come back and share your thoughts with Holla Forums. Clone Wars has some serious gems but it does have some serious shit. Rebels is mediocre across the board. A lot of filler, really gimmick weapons, FUCKING lightsaber helicopters. While Clone Wars was gritty, Rebels is OBVIOUS disney manipulation. That's just my take on both shows.
tl;dr just go watch the fuggin shows
I don't believe you.
Both shows have a handful of episodes worth watching, but right now Clone Wars has more of them and they're of higher quality. Rebels has really good season finales, but that's mostly because they almost always have Darth Vader with James Earl Jones' voice.
No, he needs an episode guide for Clone Wars. Like you said, Rebels might not get as good as some of the best of Clone Wars, but the quality dips are more middle of the road, so just watching is probably fine. But Clone Wars goes from amazing to "Why the fuck is this arc several episodes" or "isn't this about the dumbest shit ever" at the drop of a hat.
Shit, just thinking of the Clone Wars episodes where the Jedi find the stupid family that represents the Force or whatever, and Anakin has the meaningless visions… fuck that. I wish someone had been able to warn me, but I actually saw those when they aired.
This bitch deserved to die in order 66
Properly animated Bad Batch never
did a quick search and apparently its true
I didn't see anything except rumors, but it would be interesting. I know Weisman and the rest of the writers seem to have quite a fondness for the EU, and Thrawn is by far one of the best parts of that. Locking his place into canon would please a lot of fans.
I thought the Mouse was trying to avoid paying royalties to people.
The official preview is this Saturday afternoon.
Though the official word thus far is the holocron isn't Darth Traya's. The voice actors weren't even the same. It's just somehow a totally different female Darth that was also on Malachor connected to the mass shadow generator. That may have been a bait and switch but time will tell.
While I don't remember if this was official I also recall them saying they were planning on phasing out the inquisitors as the seasons rolled on since they weren't in the OT and it'd be super awkward and raise a bunch of questions. This normally wouldn't be a problem since one of the very first things classic Marvel Star Wars did was establish that there were subordinate dark siders to Vader so Luke could get more saber fights, but modern marvel totally shit the bed in regards to Luke's development since they'd rather push the actual film characters in the background and then try to shill their stronk bisexual women of color like Doctor Aphra(who got more screen time than Vader in Vaders own series), Rae Sloan(who took Paelleons job, then promptly surrendered the moment the Rebels started winning), or basically any one of a dozen other characters nobody gives a single fuck about like Black Krrstan.
Rebels isn't great but in all honesty they're pretty clearly just doing the best they can with the material they have. Disney's present philosophy is that the OT cast are the best ever, anything that's not them but even slightly interesting is it's own movie, and games and books only exist to hype up the next film. Rebels is thus basically the only thing trying to follow the "old EU" model of having an original hero alongside Luke with similar abilities without needing a whole film. Which puts them in the awkward position of being subordinate to the films but having no support from the rest of Disney that exists to hype up anything else.
Thrawn is one of the things everyone's wanted from day one, but the problem is that Thrawn basically can not exist as he was. Abrams INSISTS that literally nothing happened in the 20 years between the first couple of years after ROTJ and the decade or so before TFA happened. Thrawn can never appear to threaten the galaxy, Leia and Han never got married or had adventures on Dathomir, Luke never trained anyone of note because they all died offscreen.
It's the reason that even years on there isn't much to bridge the gap besides those shitty Aftermath novels everyone mocks from a hack who works cheap. There's no gap to bridge.
This thread isn't about Episode 7, you tard.
Starkiller killed her, but that's gone now.
Wait, was TFU ever actually canon?
Man I suddenly feel the need to play KotOR
Or even KotORII, which I hear finally has been 'fixed' completely.
It'd please the hell out of me, at least.
That sucks ass.
The called it canon to sell the game, but nothing else ever referred to it, to my knowledge.
Watch a late show twist being Ezra becomes Vader's apprentice, and renamed Starkiller.
can't find my CDs though
Not like the old EU was exactly gold either. To say the least. Even Thrawn became a parody of himself.
It was brought up in one of the DS Battlefront games, but basically nobody played those. Which was a shame because the main character developing as a jedi was way better done than TFU.
ib4 thrawn now a stronk conflicted womyn PoC who didnu nuthin
Well, they already made a strong black female who don't need no man into a Pellaeon character, so I could see it happening.
It's a mod that fixes it
dubs cnfirm
So now I'm here, eating my fucking words.
It never felt so good.
So does this mean Grand Admiral Thrawn will be getting his own action figure?
Why are they so bad at giving her a good visual design?
So I take it Thrawn will be the Imperial villain and Maul will be the "dark side" villain instead of inquisitor #627.
I'm in love.
It's shit.
These guys had total of 20 seconds of screentime in the entire series. Delta Squad is one of the very best parts of Star Wars, on part with original trilogy, and yet they didn't show them.
Well, fuck my ass and call me Sheev.
Can I watch this somewhere?
Watch cartoons, and Toonova.
Be warn season one is pretty meh, and doesn't really pick up until season 2.
That was like six years before TFA. It's also one of the most ridiculously contrived bullshit stories in existence.
Leia told NOBODY about Vaders identity in 20 years. The moment it somehow comes out, everybody and their mother decides that her fighting from what was essentially the very first real battle in the rebellion was suddenly irrelevant.
Then somehow every single jedi Luke had was with him instead of out in the galaxy doing jedi things, and none of them could actually defend themselves against Ben, a whiny teenager, despite the fact that Luke had been trying to train jedi for two decades by his first day.
Thanks, user.
I wish people would stop saying this. The seasons are roughly equal in quality (that is, average at best and painful at worst), with maybe one or two good episodes in between and really fucking good finales.
Why can't 4chan stay on 4chan? Get out.
I was going to ask does he take casual misogyny seriously
You know I'm both and , right?
If only the guys behind Rebels were in charge of everything…
huh. nice.
All these EU references reminds me that they intended to introduce Thrawn, Revan, Mara Jade and the Vong in Clone Wars before it was unnecessarily cancelled. I wonder if they'll go through with more of those promises. At the very lease even a cameo of that Vong scout from the concept art just fucking shit up a little or watching from afar would be enough.
They can only unfuck things so far, but I know they're trying.
Is that image using Christian Bale as reference? Do I just see Bale in everything b/c of chan conditioning?
Thrawn looking at art is the hypest shit ever
She the one Waxer and Boil took care of?
I swear to god if this is the same copout shit they did with season 2
No, it is Bale.
It better not fucking be and they better not kill Thrawn at the end, or else fuck their asses with this deceitful tease bullshit.
If I recall rebels used old CIS tech
But all the Battle Droids were shut down in Episode III. All of them.
They probably just turned them back on.
You do realize you can turn shit back on right? It used to happen all the time before the mouse wiped the EU.
So why is Thrawn so cool?
You tell me, user.
Yeah, but what did he DO?
Only her? Come on, the whole art style should go in the trash. It looks cheap and dated. Disney/Pixar eyes, they all have the same mouth.
The only CG models that look nice are the stormtroopers, great models, textures and reflection. The rest of the characters look cheap, it's like they're wearing body suits with armors painted on them.
SW The Clone Wars was way better technically. Rebels looks like Disney asked them to make it for free.
(screencaps taken from a season 2 episode of Rebels)
Par for course, and now true of the old EU as a whole
This really feels like a fanfic that tries to mash as much as humanly possible even when it wouldn't make any sense
I believe he helped shoot the shit out of Outbound Flight. But that's old Thrawn, no idea what nuThrawn's doing and he wasn't originally a Grand Admiral until after Yavin.
Fucking hell
It's the heads. Their huge heads don't match everyone's lanky bodies and it looks worse when they put helmets on. It's like playing Goldeneye 007 or Perfect Dark with DK Heads mode and expecting it to be taken seriously
I sometimes wonder how much money the poor bastards behind Detours blew on it. I'm not saying that shit looked good, but the way they hyped it right before completely burying it is fucking insane.
I wonder how Seth Green managed to hype that shitty idea. His company should have made a second season of Titan Maximum.
I forgot that show even happened. All I saw was one trailer for it, and then nothing.
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