When did you first start browsing Holla Forums? I started browsing in August of 2014
This morning I'm an oldfag now
January 2015 when I got permabanned from halfcuck
Funny how I was on there for about 8 years but fullchan feels more like home than 4chon ever did
Whys that user
Hmm… February of 2015, maybe?
October of 2014 and than started to shitpost a year later.
Dec of 2014.
Funny enough, I think I discovered Holla Forums in a Kotaku or Gizmido article.
January 2020
Holla Forums has taken over the world.
late august, 2014
September 2015.
Since early summer this year! I quite enjoy the community so far and I love to engage in bantz! :)
how the hell should i know. you think i keep track of shit like that?
same here. Im a first exodus fag
What's good, the family?
I don't even remember anymore. Maybe that's a sign my memory is failing me and I have something wrong with me, because usually I remember when I start/stop doing things.
That's what I thought, just stepped in the thread to see loads of peeps from the first exodus.
First exodus.
Whenever the first major exodus was, I think it was August 2014.
Sadly I think we have more anons that ended up here due to bans than through choice.
I miss hotwheels :^(
around the time of the Trayvon case. grew to enjoy 8/pol more and wasnt given a choice after the exodus…
I enjoyed 7chan a few years before that, checking up on the Holla Forumsinyard, but ive been a candy-ass since 05
during the migration. so fucking disgusted with moot's sjw policy and treatment on Holla Forums (banning, deleting topics) I migrated here along with the first wave.
this place looked so full of hope back then, sure you'll miss the high traffic of cuck chan but its much more peaceful in here. also the on topic boards like /g/, /fit/ and /k/ will actually help you
itt: elderly poltards congratulate themselves for their own existence.
Have some Jim to confirm your obsolescence.
Not entirely too sure, was on halfcuck since I was 11, fullchan since 19
Maybe the user count? Dunno
Started lurking last year but feel myself at home since the beginning of this year
I love this place
started during the first exodus
stayed permanently after the second
So Holla Forums gained a total of 2 new users this year
woo hoo
He's a big guy
Im here since December 2015
Fucking newfags,I've been here since 2001.
June or July 2015
Damn you got my virtual respect dude. Do you feel better now?
I just sad 8/pol/ has become as shit as 4/pol/.
Exodusfag here.
The thing is, I'm still a newfag, seeing as how I started lurking 4chins every day around mid-2013. Before that, I'd only go there once every few weeks and immediately leave due to the amount of normies making shitty get and kik threads.
Holla Forums was the only place I ever felt truly at home.
If any other exodusfags are here, I love you for making me feel like there was hope for the internet.
no homo of course
Datamining threads
Best Threads.
Post your feet.
Well I've been here since 2014. I've been on imageboards since 2006. And I don't think that time on the board thing matters that that much.
You and me, we're in this together now
Yes,yes I do =^)
October 2013. Came here as soon as I heard Holla Forums's /tg/ was alive, then I found Holla Forums and that was that.
January 2014. I was fed up with cuckchan and this site had much better everything and wasn't directed by a cuck. Besides there's something about the layout that doesn't make my eyes hurt
Started browsing Holla Forums a few weeks before the exodus.
I had been fed up with all the cancer on halfchan for quite some time, and the nail in the coffin was when i got a 1 week ban for creating a raid thread like the good old days (not personal army).
I realized that the old anonymous was dead, and the community had been replaced by 14 year old high school kids, so i desperately tried to search for a new and better chan.
Holla Forums was the saving grace for me. It was everything i ever wanted from an imageboard. A based admin, better site features and the overall community and culture made the site feel like home.