Self-improvement general

What are you doing to better yourself today, Holla Forums? This is your friendly reminder that you should be constantly strengthening yourself physically and mentaly. A combination of regular exercise, daily reading, and cultural/artistic development are all key to becoming a bridge to the Superman.

ITT share your exercise routines, dietary tips, approved books, and other advice so that we may all strive to be better men tomorrow than we are today.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a friendly reminder that self-improvement is only good when combined with others.

No good being le Aryan Übermensch and then alone when problems arise.

I do nothing personally but shitpost, occassionally sprint and fuck my 6kg kettlebell around the park near me.

Until I find a group to do it with while making shekels, i'm not that inspired.

I just ate 800 grams of icecream

This is a neutral reminder that a good man inspires those around him even without communication and looks out for strangers in his community. There's always good in being sound of mind and body, even if you feel alone.

Let me guess, you watch cartoons and play games all day? They're "art", right?

Yup, but there is also no family and one friend, shit amount of work around etc.

I'm just waiting until I get my group which is drawing closer.

I'm spent energy wise. I need at least a good two months rest before being back to my real ways.

Shills are already trying to derail this thread. Do not let them. Keep true to your ideals, Holla Forums, and keep striving to improve every day


Self-improvement for it's own sake is vanity and masturbation of your ego.
You should improve your body and mind in order to be able to add to the lives of others and your community and to ensure that the work you do is the best you can do.

Do not fall into the trap of hedonism and self-absorbed worship of your own person.

Found the kike shill!
its own you retard not it's own
But keep being a loser fat jew with a diseased weak mind


Friendly reminder that self-improvement is the way to achieve the Ubermensch ideal.

You improve yourself to get closer to godhood and others will follow by example.

Certainly a person that looks good, is muscled, smells good etc etc will have an easier time redpilling others than a fat, smelly neckbeard who always plays vidya and jerks off to animu.

That said, here are some of my tips:

Mental Improvements:

-Find a topic your interrested in, like Biology or Technology or Physics and study it. Preferably multiple topics. We're humans, not ants so we can learn more than one thing.

-Read books, romans are okay but stay away from things like comics and, ofcourse, manga. Best is philosophical books, they teach things about the world.

-Learning philosophy is imo very important. If you want to redpill someone on the dangers of multiculturalism or why Natsoc is the way to go then you should atleast know what youér talking about.

-Become interrested in your culture. I say "your culture" because Nationalism is important, not just for white people. Learn your peoples history and fly your nations flag proudly. In case of Europeans or those with European ancestry I'd say that you should listen to classical music. It's the music of Europe and the music of the Ubermensch. Look at art and architecture from your nation/made by your people.


-Work out. It is important that your body reflects your mind and thus a strong body repressents a strong mind. You have to work towards the Ubermensch so you should do your best to be like the male ideal, the ones that the ancient Romans showed in their statues.

-Eat healthy. This one goes with the one above but this is not about being strong and muscled but rather about being able run long distances and just being healthy.

-Develop a skill, whether it be combat related, general utility (carpentry, weaving, marksmanship), or artistic
(sculpture, drawing, painting, etc.)

-Learn self defense, if you ever find yourself attacked by a nigger you should be able to defend yourself. Kung fu, Kickboxing doesn't matter. As long as you're skilled enough.

-If able, grow your own vegetables. There is enough info about it online though I understand that not everyone is able to do this.

-Learn to survive, if a civil war would happen then you should be able to build a shelter, scange for food or protect yourself overall.

-Improve your looks. Sure the ubermensch looks more like a model than a fat neckbeard? Buy fitting clothes, groom your hair (and facial).
Use stuff for better hygiene. Use parfume. This helps with being liked, which gives you a chance to redpill people.

Part 2


-Be kind but cautious. Don't be retarded and assume the leftist idea of "not all black people are aggresive" but don't go around hating on everyone. Just try to redpill people. Not many people will be redpilled if you fit the idea of a "dumb nazi". Redpilling people should be very important to you and depending on who you are as a person, people might or might not listen to your ideas.

-Laugh and enjoy live. No, don't do Hedonism but if you don't want to end up being deppressed you should atleast be happy and enjoy the things you do. If you see yourself becoming more and more in shape then be proud of that. Laughing and being happy improves your personality and leads you to more people being able to be redpilled. And it helps against deppression.

-Socialise. Having friends and a girlfriend makes you a happier person and it helps against deppression. Plus it gives the chance to redpill people.

-Redpill people. This is the most important. If you're with that friend from the gym or the girl from the library (since you followed my other advice, right?) and politics come up, then you have a perfect chance to spread the redpill. But be wary, if you go overboard then you might make them more bluepilled by coming off as a "dumb nazi"

What NOT to do:

-Masterbation is not necesseraly bad. It helps against cancer and relieves stress but watch out, it can become a addiction. Jerking off ones or twice a week isn't that bad but when you're jerking off multiple times a day then you have a problem.

-Porn. Different than with masturbation, you can and should go without this. It only rewires your brain to enjoy watching people. It's everything but healthy.

-Junkfood. Unhealthy garbage that tastes good but is very bad. A hamburger from time to time won't kill you but it's better to stop with it altogether. After all, good cooked food is a million times better.

-Processed food. Buy ingredients and make something yourself, don't buy anything that you only have to put in the microwave for one minute. Like with the other one, it's plain unhealthy.

-Less to no tv and no modern music and movies. It's Jewish cancer made for the masses to bluepill them.

-Don't do drugs kids. No seriously, drugs are ofcourse a no go.

-This extends to cigaretes

-Preferably no alcohol. This one is hard because humans have been drinking beer for quite a long time and a good french wine is as European as Mozart. But if you prefer a healthy liver then you should really cut it out.

I'd love to hear other peoples tips and feedback.

What am I trying to "shill" you fat effeminate neck-bearded stormkike?

I'm tired, what more do you want? If you can't handle people being honest, maybe you should fuck off..?

I'd recommend plenty and I mean PLENTY of good natural sleep. You should have the energy to complete a small work-out routine immediately after getting up, say fifty push-ups and fifty sit-ups. Do this before breakfast. Surefire way to check if you're well rested and fit.

I've read a lot here about kicking alcohol, avoiding porn, TV and whatnot. These things are usually habitual, you slide into them if you're weary and dreary. If you are truly trying to quit a bad habit, whatever it is, I'd recommend getting fit first. I'm sure everyone here knows what that means, thirty push/sit-ups, ten kilometer run, etc. If you're well, you'll find that you have the energy to develop actual interests which should take up most of your leisure time, supplanting whatever bad shit you used to waste your precious time on this planet with.

All of the sins walk hand in hand and reinforce one another, but so do all of the virtues.

Also, go and make puzzles. Crossword, cryptogram, logical puzzles, riddles. Great fun once you're really into it and in the long run you'll notice how quick you are on your wits. Excellent brain training.

I started lifting to ready myself for the European race war

I've been weight training, sprinting, and reading for 2 years in anticipation of the race war. It has already begun with the violence at Trump rallies. Sprinting is crucial for both pursuing and fleeing. I think every good white man should be able to sprint for at least 500m. Work out your hamstrings. It will make you a white Usain Bolt. I recommend everyone learn one self-defense sucker punch-style kick. The heel kick to the gut is fucking lethal and it's easy, quick to execute.

t. Stirner

Great advice, user

I'm gonna do jump rope intervals with my heavy rope.

i have a million in the bank yet im rotting terribly

i dont give a fuck about money and my problems are purely psychological

i dont seen an out…

I buying proteines degenerate?

dont shill!!
masturbates reduces testosterone

Some recommended reading for those like me who are picking up the habit again:

Concept of the Political - Carl Schmitt

The Revolt of the Masses - José Ortega y Gasset

The Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch

Diary of a Man in Despair - Friedrich Percival Reck-Malleczewen

all these retards blindly following some autistic philosophers credo

Don't worry, you can give me your money if you want. I'm here to help.

How old are you?

-Preferably no alcohol. This one is hard because humans have been drinking beer for quite a long time and a good french wine is as European as Mozart. But if you prefer a healthy liver then you should really cut it out.

Historically, drinking in celebration only occurred when there was enough surplus crop to ferment into booze, so imbibing a drink that lifts the spirit and calms the mind after everyone in the community has attained the prosperity and accomplishment for drinkable surplus is volkish as fuck, no excuse not to celebrate in that circumstance. Being a drunkard, or drinking habitually out of boredom or whatever, is not justified. When you reach a serious accomplishment or a plateau of your goals, it is necessary and even mandatory to celebrate with alcohol, but the habit of most people to get trashed merely because it is friday or whatever is stupid. Work hard/play hard is the way to go, but hard work is only reflected in tangible accomplishment and improvement, your time off work/school and your paycheck is not an accomplishment it is pretty much routine and only represents maintaining your current plateau instead of climbing to higher ones, combined with a healthy ambition and development alcohol is fine on occasions.

Add a role model, fictionalized or real to based your ideal off. I know this might sound stupid but having someone you can aspire to or look to for guidance is great.

Even if its something you create like a Nazi Ozymandias from watchmen. It helps when you have a specific level you aim for instead of general self improvement at least for me.

its almost like you didnt read the poem to say hes a role model

6 years of shit posting and my first quads. I am happy

Staying up late writing exams in the morning, I just skimmed and added what I thought was missing. I apologize if I missed it.

any fellow ubermensches reach 1/2/3/4 for reps yet, being big and shredded makes redpilling a lot easier, people want to hear your opinion imo

Wtf there is no Ë in German
0/10 shit meme bro

You could hire a personal trainer to get you fit and a private tutor in any subject of interest. Having someone on hand to motivate you makes it all much easier. You can buy all the healthiest food and go anywhere that takes your fancy.

If you have psychological demons, find a good CBT councilor (unless you've got something like schizophrenia… then I don't know). Try not to live in a pig sty either. Your environment affects your mood and living in a messy hole is depressing.

Reading weights and lifting evola


The Chinese were importing barley for the sole purpose of brewing beer 4000 years ago.

He's right though. I read and exercise every day in the last few months but without others, it's a lonely existence.

Often I wish I had someone to share what I have read. Soon maybe.
Perhaps the greater the challenge - the better.

broke both your legs of something?

Finally able to do 135 5x5 at the gym today, getting noob gains

Instead of eating processed stuff in the break room at work, I've been bringing home cooked meals, 100x better, and less expensive on average, if you have the time, teach yourself how to cook.

Read books instead of watching TV, most TV is blue-pill shit, and even though I enjoy my Gundam animu, I find reading books much more enjoyable

Blank slate, I am ready to begin my transition. Where should I start?

Starting to read more now that I've been feeling more healthy.

Emerson's essays have really started to give me some hope. Self Reliance was my favorite so far.

Remember to take a break day inbetween workout days!

I sure hope you have some way to use weights

Bench Press, Bench Flies

Seated Curls, Hammer Curls, Lying Tri. Curls

Lateral Raises, Bend Over Flies

5,000 crunches (sit-ups if you're a faggot)

I do three reps of all of the above.

Always add 3 reps of pushups at the end of your workout.

if you dont know what a few of these terms are i made this shitty diagram

How about you stop being a faggot, and go read the /fit/ sticky and some training books before you ever give anyone weightlifting advice ever again.

Your body is a machine. It works best when the different muscle groups are working together. Unity is strength. Diversity is weakness. Compound lifts make you strong. Isolation lifts make you weak.


To invoke the "tummo" state

Perform a standard sitting meditation with deep breathing, and at the junction where you can go either to "real shit land" or "I'm a huge faggot land", choose "real shit".
Then, when you feel your internal perception begin to shift into a thing where you are entirely hollow, like a balloon full of howling darkness, then that's where you make yer move.
Blow up that balloon, until yer "assemblage point" is an atom-sized point-particle in a universe-sized 'balloon-of-body'.
In this vast darkness of your newfound inflated self, simply move your assemblage point up and down the various layers of this hollow-ness, and you'll find you can do some fabulous shit.

As an obvious example, go out and sit in the freezing cold, naked. Then when you get to the balloon-thing, stick yer assemblage point into yer "heart-chakra" and see yourself as a great and vast network of steam-pipes, your heart being the furnace. ;)

Reminder that this containment board exists

Everyone go there and make a post you weeaboo degenerates.

I'm doing some studying this summer break and will hopefully get /fit/

I didn't know this existed, thank you.

What have Isaac Newton, Nicolai Tesla, George Handel and Adolf Hitler all got in common? They all suppressed their sexual urges and directed their life-creating energy towards achieving their goals.

Common sense tells you that if a force is so powerful that it can create a new life, keeping it within you is going to have positive creative effects and losing it is going to drain them from you.

Thus it is that we should each consider now the power of continence, as we stand in the midst of our people’s greatest struggle.

Continence in Aryan Religion and History

Our ancestors knew of the power of continence millennia ago, and it must have formed an essential part of the prototypical Aryan belief system that later organized religions like Hinduism and Christianity evolved from, as well as our less well documented Pagan faiths, as it is common amongst all of them.

In Hinduism, the male celibate is called ‘Brahmacharya,’ and their teachings explain how the fluid of creation is sublimated into the ‘Ojas Shakti’ creative power, giving the ascetic spiritual insights and enhanced understanding, as well as general improvements to his life experience. The Brahmacharya stage lasted from before puberty until a man was about 25, teaching him to resist temptation while he was at the most lustful stage of his life, as well as giving him the inspirational stamina to resist once again, after he had become a father. Some took the vow for life, much like certain orders of priests and nuns still do today In Christianity. This does not merely have its origins in Church traditions, but actually has it’s roots in the Christian scriptures themselves.

Throughout the Bible, there are references to ‘eunuchs’ and this term was not just used for gelded men, but for those who had taken the vow of chastity as well. Isaiah ch 56 v 2 – 5 confirms that these eunuchs are not ‘dry trees’ and that they have a better standing than the other sons and daughters of God. Saint John the Beloved appears to be a later confirmation of this statement, as he was said to have been continent all his life and thus Jesus loved him more than all the others. Matthew ch 19 v 12 talks of those who have made themselves eunuchs for God, as opposed to being made eunuchs by man, or in the womb. This is obviously not talking about testicular mutilation but about those who have taken vows of continence, like the Hindu Bramacharya.

In days of old, it was only celibate priests who got to read the scriptures, as this was required in order to be able to understand the deep wisdom contained within. Most of the references to continence were later expunged from the Bible by the Protestants, who claimed it was impossible for a man to be celibate, yet the early church fathers saw celibacy as proof of the power of Christ, as without divine intervention it would have been impossible for them to keep to their vows of continence. Saint Paul gives his blessing to life-long celibates when he says it is better not to marry (have sex) at all, but if you are not strong enough for that then it is better to marry, than to slowly roast in the flames of your own lust. If you cannot control your concupiscence then it is better to have a lawful release for it, than not. Although some of the Apostles were married, the traditional Church teaching is that they were continually continent after receiving the Holy Ghost, although in Hindu teaching this happens the other way around, and it is continence itself that is the catalyst for divine inspiration.

Celibacy was not just limited to certain of the priestly caste, there are plenty of instances showing that it was a foundational part of the warriors discipline in many of the Aryan tribes. The Spartans are probably the most well-known of these celibate heroes, their name is still associated with asceticism and self denial to this day. They practiced continence along with eugenics as a way of improving the virility of their racial stock and gained a fearsome reputation through doing so, just like the later nations who were to do the same.

Bishop Salvian from the fifth century AD writes that the barbarians who were besieging Rome were shocked at the licentiousness they found there. They rejected incontinence and fornication, holding them to be great crimes and were horrified at the moral decadence in Latin society. Salvian also speaks of the Goths as being treacherous yet continent, and the Saxons as being savagely cruel, but remarkable for their chastity. They punished adultery with death, and even those familiarities between the sexes that are generally deemed innocent, were strictly prohibited to unmarried persons. The Vandals are recorded as managing to retain their moral superiority not only in Spain, but even when among the Negroes of Africa. They saw the vices which had infected Greece and Rome as an abomination and forced prostitutes to marry, as well as enacting other severe laws against immorality, compelling the Romans to be honorable against their will.

Worthless advice for someone who's miserable even after doing all of the above. "Just be happy" is a meaningless platitude. If it was a choice, of course one would choose to be happy. Same with "Go socialize" to a sperg. It doesn't work that way unless you aren't broken in the first place. The rest is good, but those two points need to either be dropped or reworked.

I don't think we should discourage people from reading American comics. It really depends on what you're reading and what ideals it holds. Some comics have managed to present interesting philosophical ideas and inspiration. Moreover, comics are a VERY American thing. They're a part of our history and our culture. Pulp-y heroes, cartoonish villains, the whole lot.

If you want a dose of patriotism you could go read old Captain America stuff, for instance.

Comics are also becoming very mainstream, and knowing about them can serve as a social tool. I don't like comics that much, but I force myself to read the important releases of some of the most popular series, and I do some wiki-surfing to fill in the blanks. When talking to people aged 18-30 it REALLY helps sometimes. If you can speak comic then a lot of them will trust you. And many of them are only superficially interested in the first place, so as long as you don't run into anyone who is diehard into comics they won't realize that you barely touch them.

Perhaps there should be a limit. Does it seem rational that for every graphic novel you read you should be reading three regular books? I feel like that's a healthy ratio.

I hope you're a grill

Sure, I'm in decent shape. I've been lifting for years. I run a bit, and I've been learning to box for over a year now. I've always been a reader and interested in history. I try to keep up practicing other languages. I'm two years out of grad school with an engineering degree, but still try to keep up on the literature in my field and review subjects I always liked. And I've taught myself a fair amount of programming, both for work and my own fun.

But what's the point? I'm not building or accomplishing anything. I'm not developing my own ideas, nor am I communicating them with likeminded individuals. I do these things because it feels more productive than shit posting all the time, but is it really?

Life is empty and pointless.

I think as a general rule:

You should be fine, the occasional fiction book or movie doesn't hurt but it needs to be done mindfully and in moderation. If you aren't growing in some way, don't do it.

WTF is going on with the captcha? All of a sudden I get a ton of wrong entries

Then maybe you need to start doing so. Everything is essentially pointless when you live in a bubble.

Plus, you do it so that you can be a better, healthier, more well-rounded individual. Someone who when they have children will be able to raise them well and pass on useful knowledge and skills so that they too can be good people.

Don't give in to nihilism, bro.

I wish there were a big infographic or Wiki we could follow to start on this stuff.

Whenever I see these threads, I get a few good pointers and good ideas on what to do but I also have to wade through walls and walls and walls of text of blowhard 20 something amateur philosophers.

I haven't figured out how.

Nothing else makes sense.

I've trained martial arts since as young as 7. Have a black belt in taekwondo and have been training MMA for 4 years.

1v1 me irl fgt.

Seriously though, is training with melee weapons (like swords, spears, all of that larp shit) worth it? I'm too poor for guns and have a thick wooden sword, a bat and a pickaxe in my closet.

Complete waste of time, get a job, sell drugs, prostitute your boipussy, anything and get a real weapon.

I started tracking my diet/nutrition this week. I've always felt clueless about nutrition, so I'm glad that I'm taking this on and have learned a lot already. My goal is to gain weight. I've been eating more and my appetite seems higher. If I can gain weight, then I can start working out.

I would have followed your advise had you not suggested the first thing, but now I dunno. And I understand you can easily one-shot people with a melee weapon, why are they wasteful?

Don't get too heavy. It'll slow you down unless you train a martial art. In any sort of happening, from nuclear war to RWDS, you want to be nimble like a cat, with lots of stamina.

Eating less and eating healthier.
I eat vegetables, fruit, rice, oatmeal and wild game such as beaver, crappie, salmon and more. Dried apricots are great too!
I switched from masonry to commercial fishing to widen my skill set but am missing the hard physical labor. I've had to cut over 1,500 calories from my diet to prevent myself from becoming a fatass.
Listening to more productive and enlightening music.
I deleted all apps that prevent me from being focused on more important matters.
I read very often now about self reliance skills such as gardening, trapping, fishing, hunting, construction and more. I also write and draw while I read.
I do practices to stretch my tongue so I can practice Khecari Mudra to help achieve enlightenment.
Shamanic journeying.
I also try to help people whenever I can, whether it be through a rough time or a move. We're all in this together.

I've reduced my masturbation from daily to about once a week. I need to start getting /fit/ though.

finally quitting smoking after 15 years.

Congratulations, user.

Not a worry, I'm in holocaust mode right now.

Enjoy your beetus, you fat fuck!

Pff, faggot. I do 6.000.000 crunches. And I am running 10km every day and I only eat one banana for breakfast.

I'm learning to be.more humble, for a long time I've been an.egotistical jackass and it's only made the people around me uncomfortable.

I've been on the path to improving myself for a few weeks now, getting fit, reading more, cutting out alcohol and I've been trying to learn a new language. However, one thing that I've been rather unsure of, is, should I stop masturbation?

I've significantly cut back on porn, from watching it hourly, to once a day, and masturbating on that basis instead (I know porn is degenerate- but I've been addicted since I was a child, so I suppose this is some sort of start).

If someone can provide a reasonable basis or proof that masturbation lowers testosterone levels, I can feel confident enough to ease myself off and eventually stop outright.

Start with diet, without changing it, you will always be sloppy and unmotivated about your bigger life goals because diet effects your mind and no transition is possible without changing it first. Pics related.

AFAIK not ejaculating will raise your testosterone levels for about 3-4 days. After that it starts to go back down again. Masturbation doesn't really lower your test levels but not doing it can raise them. I suppose there is some kind of evolutionary advantage. You will be more horny and will smell manlier to women and are thus more likely to get a female where as if you already have a female and ejaculate into her on a regular basis there's no need to start attracting other women. r/K selection and so on. For rabid breeders who don't look after their offspring it would be better to fuck anything that moves.

Does anyone have any idea where one can find some nice daily crosswords/riddles/brain games online instead of the local weekly magazine?

Domestication of animals goes back about 15,000 years. Milk would have been one of them. Considering modern man is about 28,000 years, there is no reason (at least white people) you should exclude dairy.

I'm learning to be more manly in my personality, doing things like not always being the "nice guy" to women, not putting the pussy on the pedestal and learning more about sports and cars so I can always strike up a decent conversation with another guy.

Sounds warped I know but I've seen people talk about cars for hours.

Yes there is, unless it's raw milk without any pasteurization. All new milk products slows you down. I've noticed that eating cheese does the same (at least for me, but good luck if you get energy from it user)

There is a reason why lactose free milk is sold so much these days, becuse it's another shitty product to counter the shitty processed milk.
Only raw milk does it.. thus it is worked against by governments like gun control.

I should add that i eat raw butter and raw butter ghee to get my animal fats and that works great.

Yeah, because boiling your milk is bad. E.coli is a natural part of a human's diet.

Well, the push against raw milk, claiming E.coli and fearmongeling started about fifty years ago.
Before that farmers sold raw milk to healthy communities.

Boiling it also takes away a number of good natural substances in the milk and destroys the good fat that build up your braincells. Thus the ADHD society we have tody.

Jog in the morning (one hour), exercise bike at night or lifting (alternate days). I didn't really plan fitness, it just sort of works for me. I read, but not as much as I should, mainly just Calculus. T1 diabetic since a young age, used to be a little uncontrolled - amazing the difference absolute controlled levels, diet, exercise does for motivation and drive though. Still play football at the park, amazing in all honesty since I thought we would grow out of it. But we still have 11 people continuously attend with their children too. I love where we live, a good English village with a true sense of community.

Youtube channels are also great if you want to learn how to cook. I went from not knowing how to make an omelette to cooking all kinds of shit, just from youtube.

I really do need to start getting fit. I diet and lose weight that way, but I need to actually do exercise. Too low in energy and motivation though.

Having a job would help too, but something prevents me from truly getting off my ass. Laziness, depression, anxiety, not being happy with working in a society that is actively against us. Pick one and all I guess.

Need to stop fapping as well. Or at least go without porn.

I'm getting into reading again and am currently on Death of the West by Buchanan. Pretty good so far, but I don't think I will learn anything new.

What about muh yoghurts and probiotic dairy products?

This is a reminder that the feeling of being fit can't be explained and has to be felt for ones self. Mentally, fit == alpha. To be fit, alpha, educated and redpilled is a powerful combination.

Running (hard) often will give you a natural swagger, core strength and a sharp mind as the concentration of running is very theraputic and linked to our hunter gatherer nature. Run only on your toes. Start as slowly as you need to, your calves will strengthen quite quickly. This running position brings your hips forward and your head and shoulders back, and your feet, calves, quads, glutes, abs, hip flexors, chest, arms and back will begin to feel like one connected spring. Most importantly it brings your eyes up. It is possible to run very, very fast like this for extended periods of time over uneven terrain whilst keeping ones eyes on the horizon (after fitness levels are sufficiently high). It is truly amazing to find out for yourself what the human body is capable of.

Varied chin ups* will give you huge biceps, forearms, wrists, fingers and shoulders, and core strength.
Varied press ups* will give you huge pectorals, triceps, forearms, wrists, back muscles and core strength.
You'll have a deep chest, powerful lungs and a loud voice.

This works because if you eat right (just more protein and carbohydrates than you do already in whatever form and vegetables), you'll get heavier. As you get heavier, the workload on your muscles increases so you grow more. It's possible to get into an upward cycle and grow massively strong, while remaining lithe and flexible with rock hard abs and hip flexors, strong and agile legs, just with a few exercises repeated daily- second daily.

If you are really weak, just keep at it until you can do one. Then until you can do two. Then push yourself to do four. Before you know it you'll be on ten then twenty.

"It is a sadness that a man should reach old age and have never experienced the strength and beauty of which his body is capable."

Degenerate here. Decided to stop my faggotry after seeing Trump's family on tv. So far, Ive:

Next goal is to get a job.


Having long hair isn't degenerate if you take care of it and put it in a tidy knot imo.

You still need to get the whole "a man is the sum of his functions, not necessarily his appearances" thing.

They are fake modern stuff just like the lactose free stuff. Wont get you the right fat, just destroyed fat + added bacteria. people got it naturally from raw milk and butter before government started to ban farmers to sell milk directly.

Check this documentary, it's available as torrent

Raw milk is fine if you can trust the cow has been cared for properly and isn't carrying a disease, but who in modern America is qualified to judge the health of a cow, besides people who work a dairy farm?

If you know and trust the farmer go for it, but with so many idiot hippies getting involved in raw milk production I wouldn't go anywhere near a farm I didn't have an existing relationship with. If you get sick from bad milk, the cunt who sold it to you will probably just tell you your chakras are unaligned and you need more healing crystals.

Any office cucks try working standing up?

Feels a lot better. Less back pain, more energy. It's better since prolonged sitting is worse than smoking.

I'm not exceptionally fit. I run about 3.5-4km to the beach most days and have a fairly simple exercise routine I do most days.

Wall sit (as long as I can manage), "spidermans" (no idea what the real name is, about 15-20", push ups (25-30), leg raises (20 or so), and squats (about 20). I do this routine 3 times, takes about half an hour or so out of my day.

Afterwards, I do tricep lifts, wrist curls and bicep curls. I used to lift regularly, but I found that if I was doing regular cardio I couldn't also do regular lifting without feeling completely out of energy all the time and overworking myself.

Over the past year or so, I have lost around 28 kilograms. That's around 62 pounds for you Americans. I was 105 kilos, now I am around 77, which is around 230 pounds to 170 pounds or so.

Sure, i guess a lot of shit libs try farming and can cause damage. The fact is though, that government destroyed the natural farm communities with quality raw milk. And raw milk, butter and fats in general are superior. This needs to be taken back.


I know a bit of medical science and what this finnish cunt is saying seems to make sense.

Why haven't you bought Sugar Grove yet?

nice start bro, don't listen to the trolls who try to tear your progress down


I'm gonna make it, lads

I live for these threads

Nofap works for me at least.
How do I get past three?

Throw away that degenerate weebshit mousepad.

I do something tiring because I feel like whenever I need to fap I have excess energy and didn't spend it somewhere. So I go lift and the desire is quelled.

I can second this. When I have free time, I go to to exercise, instead of fapping

Just get up and do some push-ups. Do several sets until failure. Then sit back at your desk. The urge will in all likelihood be gone.


I spent two whole months out of state taking care of and spending time my grandparents. I'm thinking about volunteering to help the elderly

My sleep is fucked this week, though I did some lardio at the gym on Monday. The lateral elliptical machine is fun when you go all out. Feels like you're throwing hooks. Combine that with worldstar vids and unleash the dragon.

Reading Suicide of a Superpower by Patrick J. Buchanan. I even made a thread since there's a dank quote just about every page. I made 4 cheeseburgers instead of buying burritos from the illegals. Gonna be fruit, veggie, and caccage cheese for the rest of the day.

Got any podcast recommendations?

Fapping once every 3 days isn't bad, in fact IIRC it's the optimal amount.

That books sounds fucking terrible unless you're 700lbs and need to not die within the next 6 months. Diet is great, being trashman isn't.

Getting into research, then finding a doctoral program. Teaching myself programming in my spare time, learning another language, and rehabing my feet from an ankle injury so I can get back to doing martial arts.

Specifically today, I'll be mostly working on a game I've been trying to get working and exercising.

So milk pasteurization is the cause for the rampant ADHD? Not the internet, or the way that ads punctuate things on TV, or cell phones, or any the menagerie of other devices that encourage shorts bursts of attention and interactivity?


Doctorate in what?


Physical: Today is lift day, so dead-lifts, bi and triceps, and push-ups. Yesterday was burpies day. Intermittent fasting.

Mental: I read daily. Meditate daily. Journal almost daily.

Spiritual: Yoga almost daily. I have been slipping on art, I gotta get back on that one. I've also been between churches but I think this summer will be the time to get back into weekly church and bible study attendance.

I'm really dealing with pathological altruism at the moment. I'd really prefer a Utopian ideal society but I don't think human nature allows for it. I've been slowly coming to the realization that the Bernie socialist dream is just that, only a dream. So I'm allowing myself a small break from the stoic life I've been leading and allowing myself more feeling, more passion, more anger and disgust (embed related).

Can anyone recommend a volkisch book?

Also, shout-out to /improve/.

gib #s

How much can you pull laddy?
Can you hold crow pose?

I'm now getting a level of steady diet where it is fairly easy to remain slim and have learned several "tricks" to avoid gaining and to cutting body fat without harming your health (requires willpower) out of experimentation.

I've developed an addiction for reading. However I'm a huge sloth for physical exercise.
Exam season in University, I'm at final of my degree. However all of this feels kinda aimless, I feel like I should be reading instead of studying intensively for University, people tell me to not read in Exam season but rather study, but nowadays a degree doesn't cover your ass anymore, just gives you minimal protection.

And given supply/demand (some) blue collar jobs might become better paid than white collar, an economy where everyone is white collar will obviously have a wage compression.

I just don't know Holla Forums. Any tips?

Embarrassing low, I do 3x7 dead-lifts at 75lbs three times a week. I can't do more than 13 push-ups in a row. No to crow pose, but I can not only touch my toes, but reach over them. My goal is to reach the Army basic requirements for my age range (22 pushups, 2 miles under 20 minutes, etc).

I was pretty damn programmed, beta nu male, fairly hipster, etc. Not making excuses, I should have known better, but it was what it was. The past is past now, I'm forging a new future in the here and now. I'm awake to the fact that life is struggle now, that we have to fight for ourselves and our own, that warfare never ends, peace is a lie. Traditional warfare, economic warfare, social warfare, and meme warfare. Once of these at all times. This is life.

Feels good to wash the degeneracy off in sweat and effort.


I just finished exercising, I could not be more pleased with my physique, I shall now have a cookie and some green tea and improve my chances of gaining a better job by bettering my technical skills.

If you're not drinking green tea you should be because it is good for you.

Second green tea, gonna go make a cuppa now.

Decided I might do some walking today. Maybe.

Oh I should specify also why, it's great for remineralizing your teeth.

Also consider switching toothpaste for plain old baking soda powder, it's cheap, it does the job better, and it will naturally whiten your teeth without poisoning you with the gunk you usually find in toothpaste. Find a really fine grain one and use with an electric toothbrush.

Follow up by drinking a cup of green tea before you go to bed to keep bacteria at bay by keeping the PH levels in your mouth in check.

If you have a white tongue or bad breath try eating pickled ginger to nuke the bacteria.

If you are lifting weights do some rope skipping or running between the sets instead of a break where you just stand around. You will realize that you can lift more in the next set.

After years of on and off being in the gym and fucking around with only a remote idea of what I'm doing, this year I started to take it very serious.
I read up on my nutrition knowledge. Wrote down a proper program to follow, with realistic but ambitious goals. And started off by cutting down to a healthy BMI.

If I stay true to my program I will be in the advanced lifter category in one year time.
I'm also currently looking for a martial arts studio which is serious but not swarmed with Turks and other Low-Life, but not the "empowering" white women dojo bullshit that seems to be the alternative. Maybe I will have to go to a traditional boxing club.

I hope you know that posts like these might trigger the same change you are going through in others, so thank you.

If you didn't know, well yeah - now you have one more reason to feel good today.


Plato said it better 2bh

Do it user, dont make Holla Forums disappointed

Do it user, dont make Holla Forums disappointed

You're a skeleton right? Take creatine and eat a surplus. You've got a long way to go. Stay strong, we're all gonna make it.

Put on a nice podcast and take that stroll, lad.

Watch chimp out vids

Great start, weebshit needs to go into the oven though. What would a woman you bring home think of that shit?

What are your lifts?

I am not lifting weights. At the moment I do a run of 30min goal is 45min in the morning, and every two days a workout in the evening additionally consisting of 5x20 pushups, 5x20 horizontal pullups and 100 situps.
Depending on my form on the day I do as many as "real" pushups as I can and finish the set with "women" pushups pushups on your knees. The same goes for the pullups: As many as vertical pullups as possible followed by horizontal pullups.

This is just my personal "boot camp" as I want to get fit for my martial arts training next month Wing Chun.

The Science of Advancement is based on Foundational Archetypes. The very structure of reality is governed by it.

Naturally, everybody and everything has their own take on it, however very few are willing to produce a discipline based on it.

This discipline, The Science of Advancement, identifies and seeks to understand the very mechanism of universal evolution.

I found a bf!

Sounds good. I'll give it a try.

I agree with the no thought part, but if there was something after

Then it was lost on me. Reads like word salad.

I say this in every fit/improvement post, but go lift and talk to people at the gym. Gyms are bastions of right-wing belief these days.

The human aura is the material consumed to construct a thought. Every thought, every spoken or written word, is made of Aura Material.

My own research suggests the the aura expands and contracts based on Total Energy, and the intensity of emotions. The quality of the aura material is similarly governed by these principals.

Thus, to have more powerful thoughts, an understanding of how they are formed, what they are formed of, and how to improve the production process can all be said to be fruitful avenues of Advancement.

The aura serves many other functions aside from providing processed material from which thoughts can be built. It provides you protection against energetic entities and it is consumed for physical operations. Additionally, it serves as an astral realm in and of itself, which involuntarily cultivates energetic organisms based on the type of thoughts and emotions which dominate the mind and body.

But how do you improve aura material aside from attempting to be aware of all thoughts at all times and not allowing thoughts not of your own from polluting your aura?

I've been doing that for one and a half years. Would recommend.

This can be accomplished through a variety of operations. Cultivating emotion, and consciously generating emotion of great clarity and strength is a sure way to both increase aura material production, and improve its quality.

Additionally, by being aware that thoughts do have an intrinsic cost to your very being, you will begin to jealously guard this precious resource.

There is also work which can be done with the Chakra system, and the rest of the energetic body, to improve production of auric material.

What should be the priority, however, is the development of clairvoyance. The ability to perceive the aura directly, to monitor how quickly each emotion is processed into aura material, which emotions produce the most material relative to intensity of the emotion, and how powerful the resulting thought is based upon the aura material it is produced from.

This is where my research comes to a grinding halt. I've been working on developing these senses for years, and have made humiliatingly little progress.

Still, there is no harm in continuing my inquiries. Even with the basic knowledge I've accumulated, I am able to more efficiently spend and manage my energy.

The most important thing is that you stick with it user, good luck

Use Habitica. I'm not into the RPG aspect, but it is an excellent way to keep track of shit you need to do, daily habits, bad habits, etc.

Any one got some kind of basic workout to get in shape, focusing on the whole body?
And what kind of stuff do you need to do to look like OP's pic?

I put 5 miles a day on the stationary bike, and I just repaired (nigger rigged) my jeep's back "bumper" (goddam piece of plastic that would break if you looked at it with malice in your heart) because a goddam deer committed suicide running into the side of it…third fucking Bambi to hit the jeep so far. I'll get my revenge in deer season.

Agree: throw the TV away, read the classics, learn a musical instrument & at least have a rudimentary idea of how to read music, eat food grown locally if at all possible, limit carbs to complex carbs, treat yourself with unhealthy food only rarely, no more than once a month, drink even more rarely, DON'T FUCKING SMOKE, and cultivate discipline until it is second nature.
Stay away from fluoridated water if at all possible. No drugs, they are not necessary. Be careful of who you associate with, and associate with those that have similar morals to your own. Take some time to be creative, learn to paint, model in clay, or write…keep a journal.

Learn a skill or a second language, there are many sites online that will teach you for free.
You are a man, time to take control & start acting like one.

is this what it takes?

we can make it together, user

How does it go?…the longest journey begins with a single step?
The important thing is to not quit. And there are times you will want to, times when it all seems to be futile.
But it is NOT futile. You will reach your goals.
Discipline, anons. Never think you cannot do it, because you most certainly can.

Just for you, user.

To assume direct control of one's 'sphere of influence'

In your meditations, you should at some point find yourself viewing yourself from the outside, or maybe from an abstract kind of way, with a dense glowing sphere around yourself.
This is, for a lack of better words, a 'focal lense' for your magic.
This is the circle of light around the heads of saints in old paintings,
this is the "circle" newage fags are "drawing" with their wands and swords.
Depending on what you want to do, you may find it useful to alter the size or composition of this sphere of power.
You can also 'reposition' it in spacetime, so to speak.

Got anything better m8?

it's been a few weeks now and I do feel better tho, just overall better

like you said m80 just gotta keep at it, it's worth it

What's your total time for the 5 mile bike?
My best is 9.15 miles in 32 minutes.

Nothing wrong with long hair, I have semi-long hair, our ancestors had long hair as well.

For me

Any recommended books? It's been quite a time since I've read anything but Holla Forums shitposts.

the time ferriss show

the tim ferriss show (fuck my dislexia)

Was going to bump this thread, anyway.
I started out at 1/2 hour, but down to 24 minutes, now, in two sessions, morning & night.

When I started, I was doing only 2 miles in 15 minutes a day, then I added another nighttime session for 4 miles a day at 15 minutes each.

I second

If you have the money to waste and are more concerned with no longer rotting terribly, try buying that and being the person we pay rent/mortgages to and whatnot. As the community builds and people improve themselves, you'll be surrounded by happy, accomplished, productive, and intelligent people (provided we ALL try to improve) which should help your outlook on everything tremendously.

Today I worked in construction as I do every day. If you had a man's job you wouldn't even need to ask questions like this.

In all honesty, watch The Myth for self-improvement..

I sincerely recommend P90X program for anybody wanting to get fit quick. It's a 3 month program and it will change your life. It's the best thing I've ever done for my body.

Please say you're a female.

How do you manage to stay away from fluoridated water these days?

Pretty good narrative history podcast with focus on military history as told by a great storyteller and self proclaimed fan of history. He also does a political current events show with a centrist/slight libertarian perspective.

You can check my post here, but most of them aren't very uplifting.

Start with:

I'm worth about a half million.. Assets, investments, bank account.

I'm 22.

I was born into a good family.

I only want to die for my people.

Fuck, I'm depressed.

I hope you're liquid right now friend.

My assets aren't in stock markets but rather family business/and current partnerships.

I do have a good chunk of money in the bank, but whatever. I fantasize about running guns into Europe from 'Murrica some how. But I don't have that much dosh

I meant money, my bad.

You can withdraw 9.9k a day without having your bank alerting the feds for "suspicious activity". Physical cash is more valuable than any electronic number in a bank. Consider it m8.

leave it to the professionals tbh



I'll just buy another solid asset rather than get hard cash.

I don't see any professionals anywhere unfortunately

l don't currently "work out", but l do take walks almost every day. l usually walk at least 1 mile. I am naturally slender so no extra weight.

l've also cut down on eating fast-food and if l absolutely have to eat out, l find a place like Subway or something that has healthier choices. Soda / energy drinks are not allowed.

l don't have the patience to read books but l do read articles and small texts or excerpts.

Does the harmonica count as a musical instrument?
I started learning saxophone in middle school, but never went any further with it. I retained the most basic elements of reading music, but not much. I taught myself to sing over the last few years.

You sound like me, actually.

I think you and I both should work to unfuck our inability to sit down and read books. I think what does sounds promising, eh?

I am currently growing my hair out just to know what it's like to have long hair and to see personal preference. Is there a solid reason to get a hair cut?

Quit smoking two days ago
The new keto diet is going well but I am worried about muh gains
Two mile run this morning was pretty gud
Still need to cut back on shitposting. That is time I could be spending bettering myself. Holla Forums is my primary source of entertainment though, so it could be worse.

I wish /fit/ wasn't so fucking gay. I just want to be able to discuss fitness and health and the occasional greentext story to keep me motivated and upbeat. But every time I go there I have to swallow back my disgust.

Rainwater, or bring in 55 gallon barrels that are filled from a well.

Long hair is something that can be grabbed onto in a fight. Someone grabs your shirt you aren't just going to go with it, but if they have a handful of hair most people's necks aren't strong enough to take a good jerk and being lead around because some nigger grabbed your shit hair from behind while his two fuckbuddies have a go at you is a bad place to be.

Also long hair and facial hair make it hard to get a seal on your promask. If the ZOG ever decides to gas the citizens you want to make sure you have a good seal or it is all for nothing.

Plus a clean cut clean shaven appearance shows you take pride in yourself.

A clean-cut appearance isn't purely for pride, either. Be all clean-cut is start wearing some nicer, more formal clothing when you leave the house. Makes you look not only prideful, but *successful*, which makes you infinitely more attractive to women.

The SAS are some of the best soldiers in the world user.
Very few of them are "swole"
Most of them are lean, muscular, agile, and hard as nails.

why didnt they kill cameron the moslem-inviter yet?

Keep it up anons
Just keep your focus on yourself being a part of the glorious image of the white man waking from this bad dream, woven by jewish hypnotists, and rising back to his former glory and beyond.
We are the vanguard of a new generation of Aryans, we will be the ones who, through bettering ourselves, will better the world for all.
(not kikes, shitskins or niggers though)

How do I get rid of my pornography addiction?
I've been watching it almost everyday since I was 11 and it has damaged me immensely mentally probably beyond repair, I fear I'll always be desensitized to sex, I want to have a meaningful relationship with a woman in future, but I don't even feel attraction unless they're a 10/10 goddess but I'm obviously never going to court one of those, has anyone else dealt with an addiction of this sort and has experience with beating it?

When would I be getting into a fight? Sure if shtf, shave it all. I don't talk to people, let alone get in fights with them. When I "go to town" I buy in bulk at Costco so I don't have to go back to town for months except for when I visit a local convenience store for a muffin and gas so I'm not going to get ravaged by any dindus. My past excursions into the life of having a partner has led me to nothing but self-loathing misery. I now don't have any desire for women, they are a distraction on the path to knowledge. I couldn't care how valuable my aryan genes are for humanity, when I think of getting a qt I just remember they'll end up fucking me over and lose all notion of doing so.

Right now do what you would usually do to access the porn like type in the url. But as you're typing in the url think of doing some pushups and then go do them. Come back and as you're typing in the url, go do some pushups. Repeat, repeat until it's engrained. Whenever you go to sit and watch porn you'll remember to do pushups. It doesn't have to be pushups, but try to do something that will better yourself.


For me, the best way to tell yourself not to watch porn is to imagine the Jew watching you as you venture onto a porn site while he continues to tell you, "Good goy, good goy." Makes me dick rubberband itself back to small and floppy.

As for cutting down on fapping overall, and not just with porn, keep telling yourself that having control over your body's sexual impulses means you're in control of yourself as a man should. Then, when you fap due to not being able to control yourself, you feel disappointed in yourself and dirty. Condition yourself not to fap and the energy you save there can be redirected to other, more productive things.

t. a former porn addict

Nice thought process.

I'm reading/listening to the audio book of "The Brothers Karamazov" right now. Really recommend it. Also, really enjoying "The Myth" docu on audiobook that's been making the rounds here (about 4 hours long).

You can reprogram yourself, user. Your brain isn't stuck in place forever, though something like porn addiction from adolescence is one of the more challenging ones to overcome, being very primal. But I know from experience it can be done. What helped me was finally getting a decent woman, and once she's sucking your dick or you're inside her, and you've got the real sensations and the energy of the other person, all this in itself will slowly heal and deprogram your mind.

Good fuck, you're nuts. Everything you just described is not "Aryan" but Old Europe/Non-Aryan culture that existed in Europe before they invaded.

Local non-aryan people/culture were never fully replaced in Europe but assimilated. Aryan genetic contribution (5% to 18%) is pretty small.

Maybe it is my lack of ability to read character, even better reason to stay away.

the info is still handy trough

Or… learn to read people better. Let's be honest, you're just trying to give yourself an excuse not to improve yourself in that regard.

Freudian slip I suppose

Thank you all for your suggestions, I'll try and use the information you've given me to the best of my ability. If you know of any websites that would help me stop being a filthy addict that'd be great.

I hope eventually I'll be able to look at women as people rather just sexual objects to make my dick wet.
what made me realize the error of my ways was the embed video, Nobody™ has really been a guide for me, he made realize the source of my suffering, hopefully now I can fix my soul.

I ended my neetdom and got a job working for $12/hr at a warehouse with a bunch of skinheads.

Kill yourself.

So instead of buying some land and setting up Holla Forumstopia while making real friends with us you choose to do what with your million dollars?

Historically drinking occurred every fucking day. What you thought they distilled all their water? Did you think e. coli didn't exist back then?

They boil water and ferment sugar in it to keep it clean enough to drink. This drinking directly from a stream shit rarely if ever happened.

I'm almost 19 and work 9-5, 5 days a week as a carpenter. When I come home, I study calculus and algorithms on my own time. I want to be a computer wizard.

Currently halfway through Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe), a great Bildungsroman by a relatively redpilled white man. Work out twice a day on a stationary bike with weights, and ride my Schwinn to work (who needs the gasoline Jew?)

Still can't move out of the house but plan on doing so in the next couple years, once I'm through studying. By then I should be making enough money to be self-sustaining.

A lot of you LARPing faggots need to stop posting altogether.

And of course a god damn positive energy thread gets anchored. It's one thing if the catalog was cluttered with self-improvement threads, and another if there is one single one where Holla Forumsacks just want to talk with like-minded kin about person issues amongst a sea of normal politics threads. Fuck yourselves, kamphy and moonman. Go to hell.

personal issues*

What's wrong with eating beans? They're a good source of protein.

Are they malicious or incompetent?
I really would like to know.

I'm convinced they're malicious at this point, to be honest. They corner what Holla Forumsacks can talk about. Endless talk of political happenings and the ruin of our world can be depressive as fuck, so these little self-improvement threads that pop up from time to time are like breathing fresh air and posters always really get into them - and then they are done away with. I've seen it time and time again the last half year or so.

That's about the conclusion I've come to.

wasn't even that nice . Fuck

Nonono, don't be too pissed at yourself now. Instead, you now have an extra tool in your belt to help you stay sober. Now, whenever you think about having a beer, remember what you just said: It wasn't even that nice. Tell yourself that several times every day and every time you think about having a drink. Eventually, your brain will rewire to think of beer as unsatisfying and will reduce its desire to consume any more of it.

Thanks a lot brother, I really needed someone to say something like that

Ah, no problem, man. Glad to have been of service.

Pat Buchanan Suicide of a Superpower has been good to me thus far