After Gamergate, Anita Sarkeesian has a new focus: History's overlooked women

Looks like our little girl is moving on to bigger things Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, speaking of big things.


One last thing, I waited until this was fully funded to post it here because we all know if gamergate caught wind of it early they would have given her all their shekels.

Historical Revisionism Ho!



I bet she used that fringe crowdfunding site because they probably wont allow her to make another one on kickstarter since she hasnt delivered her other project



If her backers were actually smart people instead of retarded cucks they would have sued her ass and gotten their money back.


That personalized phone message seems pretty dope

Thank God it's her doing this and not someone competent tbh.

She's lazy and fatuous and will be easy to tear holes in her claims.

Anita will record your choice of one of three outgoing voicemail messages personalized with your name and pronouns. Example: “This is Anita Sarkeesian letting you know that Kevin can’t answer his phone right now, because he’s too busy smashing the patriarchy."


Bitch still needs to finish her first scam project thing.


For how much she's been shilled and sainted by the media that's really pathetic. Didn't her first one exceed 1 Million?

That's a pretty damn big shift.

Another soon-to-be unfinished project from FF.

D&C shills never give up do they?
GG has been dead for months and here you are still pushing this shit.


Morons really don't understand basic business I guess

but they're sticking it to the man, user.


Somewhat unrelated.
As we know GamerGate were subverted from the Inside by shills.
But didn't Holla Forums and GGRevolt dig up tonnes of info on Jewish involvement in the institutions, think-tanks and foundations that pushed for the subversion of games?
Video related.

Like, this is something that should be written about in a book and have a book about. Like, this is history worthy. Another thing to add to the long list of Jewish scheming.

Problem is, I am thin on all those pdf papers papers, archived articles and so on-

it's like when commie governments claim they're still fighting the revolution


Stop being a patriarchal shitlord user

Yes, ma'am

Say what you want but she knows how to run a scam.

Gamergate won again!
So glad they became a leftists movement

They could sue, but nobody will care. Its a donate at your own risk thing, they picked a scam so they got scammed.

Good for her. I don't have anything against this, if you want to bring some part of history into light, then whatever.


You want to look at the DIGRA connection, user. Shut went to microsoft and then common core.
Grade a+ conspiricy nughtmare fuel.

In short, gamers had to die to allow mass programming of your minds with edu-vidya.


Right, so a scam artist who constantly spouts far-left marxist nonsense wants to make a history series that's undoubtedly going to be full of nonsense and propaganda and that's good to you. You're either a pussy or you want to fuck her.

who gives a shit about anita sarkeesian anymore

everyone already knows she's a scam artist and low hanging fruit. the only people who pay attention to her anymore are people like sargon of cuckad and (((milo yiannopoulos))) with years-old anti feminist talking points.

we're beyond this. anyone still taking her shit seriously is beyond the point of un-brainwashing.

IS this what goes for bait nowadays? Fat feminists begging for cash to fund their BDSM fetish gear?

But I suppose those conferences that are vital for society aren't going to organize themselves.

Grade a+ conspiricy nughtmare fuel.You want to look at the DIGRA connection, user. Shut went to microsoft and then common core.
Grade a+ conspiricy nughtmare fuel.

I am downloading Press4Truth's infodump. It is painfully slow.
Do any of you still happen to have the old dumps of archives, articles, pastebin and so on?

Holla Forums's 4plebs Archive is still up and running. But the Holla Forums archive that contained the threads when that shitstorm unfolded itself is dead.

She will not complete whatever is funded, and she will just spend the money feeding her face and buying shoes. She is a money sink for feminists.

She'll be back in games or keep trying to fucking mention it.

If this new project fails, she's just going to say "Gamergate sabotaged me" and "Gamergate spread lies about me" when she left a trail of her bullshit behind and the truth revealed she is a lying Armenian jew cunt and her friends and the lugenpresse swept it all under the rug.

She loves the spotlight and the victim bucks, so she's going to keep doing what she's been doing while trying to get into other fields too.

Fuck Armenia. Bunch of fucking old fat smelly gangster wannabes in adidas track suits with a shit load of gold chains and too much cologne.

An Armenian is just a jew who followed a gold coin into church.

Dayum son, that bitch is fat.

don't you get it? it doesn't matter if she gets rich and famous off her scam as long as we have the moral high ground! we just have to work even harder at our PR efforts and one day they'll take our side!


Is it worth $10 to have the name 'Adolf Hiedler' in the credits?

Reminder that Ada Lovelace just translated Charles Babbage software commentaries and didn't write shit, she wasn't the world's first programmer, Babbage was.

That's so fucking pathetic, holy fuck.
No doubt some people out there would consider that shit an honor.

No, she actually made more this time around.

I know that she'd already made each of the videos in this project before she started the fundraiser, so I don't know what she'll be using the money for.
New shoes probably.

Apparently the Sarkeesian Stamp of Approval is still worth something, and it REALLY undermines everything she's ever said about everything ever.

I know she doesn't believe a word she says, she's too smart for that.
She's a business woman, and as much as I disagree with her morals, a damn good one.

Didn't DIGRA have ties going all the way to DARPA IIRC? I do not think for a second that #GG for the most part could appreciate the depth of shit they had stumbled upon. Combine it with a decreasing group IQ and cohesion due to reddit and Acidman's evil using Holla Forums to fish for IPs for the feds and you got a fucking clusterfuck there. What happened to GG was fucking diabolical, however it did open the door for us.

Does someone have comparison pictures of how she's bloating up? Finally, she can claim she's been expanding her role in women's rights activism.

This is months old you fucking faggot. Stop sliding

Both Sarkeesian and Wu are Microshit shills. Bought and paid for.

History's overlooked women:

Hitler's mother.

Vlad the impaler's mother.

George Lincoln Rockwell's mother.



Wasn't there a thread a few weeks back about how SocJus is basically a pyramid scam/money laundering operation?

Feminist A writes bullshit soft subject paper.
Feminist B cites A's paper in her soft subject bullshit paper.
Feminist C cites A and B when making application for disabled lesbian theatre troupe.
Feminist A writes new paper boosting profile of C's activist work.
Grants, Kickstarter and Patreon $$$ all round.
And the cycle repeats.

Probably not money laundering since that implies value creation of some sort, but it's definitely incestuous in how "academic" sources are abused by writers to get a leg up on their competition.
If you think of feminism as a business model targeting a specific niche then a lot of this shit starts to make sense.

Underrated post

/in b4 she's threatened by anonymous Internet trolls and can no longer produce the videos that backers paid for.

$210,000 to produce some shitty jewtube videos?

How many tropes in games did she complete? Out of how many that were promised?

You know guys the best thing you can do is ignore this. Anita's tropes vs woman videos lost three quarters of their viewership. She's fucking irrelevant now.

If you guys make a big deal out of this scam it will just blow up bigger. A fool and their money rarely stay together, her base will give her the victim bucks no matter what.

What I find amazing is how relatively cheap lower end professional recording gear costs. For say a $4,000 investment in equipment she could be churning out technically high quality videos at almost no cost indefinitely.

It must be the alleged intellectual content these dopes are donating all that loot for.

She's got a great scam going, have to hand her that.

You know, Anita and her followers are going to start provoking Holla Forums by coming on here (or alternatively some MGTOW site) and false-flagging, in order to take screen-shots and create another victim narrative.

Before the Tropes v Women / feminism stuff, Anita was associated with something called "Handwriting University" which is a literal Internet MLM scam. She's in the Internet scam industry.

Kill yourself learningcode

wow sounds riveting

It's not months old retard. Her commiefunding shit literally ended a couple of hours ago.

Same with some of their staunchest supporters in the gaming press world; Ben Kuchera was given $750,000 by Microsoft to make a documentary about his website Polygon as it was starting out. He was a nobody who was laughed out of PA report for defending the xbox one's outrageous copy protection scheme that blocked used games and required the console to be online all the time. It was so bad that they deleted his editorial off the site and closed the forums to make people shut up about it, soon afterwards PA report was shut down.

It's legal bribery. These documentaries and youtube episodes are fronts for money laundering. Even if everyone knows it nothing happens as it's all done within the law.

Microsoft had massive plans for gaming a few years ago but the failure of their latest xbox forced them to put it on hold. Kinect after a massive marketing push, their independent game developer community initiative(which was related to Ouya) and Project Spark all going nowhere and now their DirextX 12 API losing out to Vulkan means they're in serious trouble.

Look at all the biggest names in GG and there's often few degrees of separation with Microsoft. S4T only scratches the surface of their involvement, his cringe worthy presentation asides he's the only person giving it attention.

There was a similar announcement months ago when this kickstarter begun. I thought this was a repeat as well at first glance.

this is what she thought would happen when she started her first kickstarter then the game journos industry mysteriously all but disappeared for some reason.

Nobody is sliding those threads in the catalog from April, shill.

She's an idiot, the only people giving her threats will be other Feminists jealous of her money, status, and all the other shit they use to trash each other, whereas with gamers she had a common enemy they wanted to trash, the 'white male dominated' tech world.

Would not even give her a dollar to hear her nasel cow moans voice say something insulting about herself.

is that a JUST haircut?

You are responding to a goon I think

I think she's bitten off more than she can chew here.

Before she was competing with nobody
Just making baseless assumptions with no official body to refute them.

Now, she's going toe-to-toe with historians. People who's job it is to scrutinise.

Perhaps her goal is to just take the facts and put a 'Sarkeesian' stamp on them now that she's built up her brand, so to speak.

Why is this called ordinary women? They aren't ordinary, if they were, they'd be at home cooking, cleaning and pumping out babies. How can anyone be this stupid?

Are you daring to scoff at the woman who invented DNA?! Watson and Crick STOLE her designs and used their patriarchal privilege to patent it themselves! Educate yourself, SHITLORD.

Is… is that an edit?

She literally sang the praises of a conartist showing how teleseminars were the new hot way to utilise Ponzi Schemes.

Like when Obama says he's fighting against the man?

history really has overlooked so many women. it is really sad tbh. i'm glad anita is here to tell the story

Maybe she could tell the truth about Ilse Koch

yeah, pretty much

And yet feminism is even more dominant now

I suppose talking about jews is also a (2000) year talking point and we should move on.

Oh don't worry, everyone will know about her associations with handwriting analysis and IKEA.

Bingo. And it's more than the legbeard industry.

Valkenburger is a fucking coke dealer and patreon is how they get paid.

Great scam, innit?

Yeah, goons can only go so far. I know academics who are lining up to shiv her.

Anita Sarkeesian's (((History))) of Women: donate now!

stop giving this bitch a platform

Are any of them publishing something on it?

Same. I know some who are sharpening their knives over this shit. They are ruthless when it comes to history, she has no idea what she is getting into.

Good. Let someone else start pointing out how fucking retarded she is for a change.


There's a damn good reason it's called his story.

Well she definitely has that 90s I'm a feminist haircut.

It helps that History isn't TOO pozzed as far as the social sciences/humanities. Sure, you have your Marxists and feminists but you also have men like Niall Ferguson whose body of work is shitlord brand.

What a time to be alive


Emma Goldman was a leftist loon that plotted to murder a business owner with her boyfriend.

She thought that murdering the business owner would inspire workers to "revolt against capitalism", she was a completely lunatic.

Her boyfriend failed at the murder and she wasn't arrested because pussy pass.

The guy who murdered the 25th president of the united states claimed that he was inspired by Emma Goldman. Emma defended him after being detained, didn't go to jail because pussy pass.


We were sexist back then, if only we had some equality for (((Goldman))).

Same principle as holocaust and AGW research.

How based is this guy? He seems very anti-Trump and anti-brexit. Hopefully his books are different.

would still fugg u, anita ;-*

This seems to happen a lot with crowdfunded projects.

I suspect a lot of them really have the funding up front from big companies/investors, but they create the Kickstarter to see how much money they can get from useful idiots

It's even worse than you realize.

Two of them were aristocrat's wives. One of them was a pirate.



The only good woman


The format of her shitty show didn't change after the budget increase.

She just bought more flashy clothes, started going out more and started getting fat.

Well, at least we can be certain that she's a woman.

She was a fucking badass, one of a kind